MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 54 introspection

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Zhou Quan and Professor Zhao were seriously injured and were directly sent to the intensive care unit. Wei Shuxun and Wu Hongjie were not seriously injured, but their hands were broken. Although Wei Shuxun took it up by himself, he was not as professional as a doctor. After the examination, he was still bandaged and hung on his chest.

At this time, the sky was already slightly bright, and the two of them hadn't slept all night. But the military would not let them go like this. The doctor had just bandaged them and was immediately questioned separately. However, because they are innocent victims, the attitude of the military is quite mild.

The person who asked Wei Shuxun was Xu Yuanjun, with a gentle smile on his face, but he was not polite at all when he asked. Including when I met Professor Zhao, why I was on the same road with Professor Zhao, what I heard, what I saw, all the details were clearly asked, and even repeated questions from time to time.

"Are you doubting me?" Wei Shuxun replied with a dry mouth and an unhappy voice.

"Routine." Xu Yuanjun poured water for Wei Shuxun with a smile: "Take a rest for ten minutes, we will continue later."

"Isn't it finished? What else is there?" Wei Shuxun was surprised.

"Repeat again." Xu Yuanjun smiled and raised the tablet computer in his hand: "I hope you remember your answer, if the difference is too far, I can't help it!"

Oh you, big men don't imitate girls' tone!

Wei Shuxun rolled his eyes and took a gulp of water. "By the way, can I ask who those guys are? How can you let foreigners come in so arrogantly, isn't it too bad?"

"This time is an accident, and it will never happen again in the future." Xu Yuanjun naturally wouldn't tell him the cause and effect, he lowered his head to operate on the tablet computer, his eyes were cold: "Actually, it was because of our counterattack. Their actions only caused their revenge tonight, at most our counterattack should be bigger and longer."

Attacks and kidnappings of scientists from other countries are very rare, and this is enough to cause a small war. In fact, only a small part of the research and development list caused by new domestic lasers has been exposed. Unfortunately, there are more than 200 scientists in the periphery, unable to track down who was exposed, and it is impossible to send troops to protect everyone, otherwise, they will provide lists for foreign spies.

Fortunately, those guys were still found, and the Ministry of State Security also sent people to fight back to a certain extent. I just didn't expect those guys to be so arrogant in anti-revenge and openly rob people on campus. If Zhou Quan hadn't happened to be there and notified in time, when they found it, they would have only seen Professor Zhao's body.

Wei Shuxun said what list and information they wanted, but Xu Yuanjun knew that their main purpose this time was just revenge. If it weren't for Wei Shuxun's cleverness, and Professor Zhao's ability, he would block the door first and scare them away. I'm afraid of brutal killing and dismemberment.

Although he knew Wei Shuxun well, Xu Yuanjun's question was still rude. After repeating the question many times, Wei Shuxun was so tired that he fell asleep on the table unconsciously, and Xu Yuanjun let him go if he couldn't ask any more questions.

Let the guards move Wei Shuxun back to the ward, and Xu Yuanjun went to visit Zhou Quan. Although he was injured again through the glass, Zhou Quan still opened his eyes alertly when he was watched. Xu Yuanjun said "he's fine" with his mouth, Zhou Quan closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

When Wei Shuxun woke up, it was already the evening of the same day, and Wu Hongjie was sitting on the adjacent hospital bed, complaining while eating: "It's unpalatable, the food is salty, and there is even garlic. , the food in the hospital is really bad. The nurse helps me order some dishes from the hotel, and I'll give you the money."

The nurse gave him a cold look and walked to Wei Shuxun: "Mr. Wei, you woke up, how are you feeling, what do you want for dinner?"

"Whatever." Wei Shuxun sat up, but it was just a broken bone. He had no self-consciousness that he was a patient.

"Hey, I was calling you, didn't hear..."

Wei Shuxun turned his head and gave him a cold look. Wu Hongjie shuddered, his face pale. Although the two of them had suffered together, they were not like others imagined, so they became deeply attached. On the contrary, Wei Shuxun looked down on Wu Hongjie's cowardice and cowardice. After Wu Hongjie was rescued, he often remembered that Wei Shuxun saw his ugly state at that time, and he was beaten several times by Wei Shuxun, and even gnashed his teeth at Wei Shuxun.

Probably thinking that he was safe, Wu Hongjie became bold, remembering Wei Shuxun's contempt and **** towards him, forcing Wei Shuxun to apologize. Wei Shuxun was not a good-natured person, so he kicked him directly. Wu Hongjie's left hand was originally hanging on his chest, but he happened to be kicked, and the fracture was aggravated. Originally, it was only bandaged a few times. After being pushed out by the nurse, he came back and changed the cast directly.

Xu Yuanjun came in behind Wu Hongjie, looked at Wu Hongjie who was angry but dared not speak, and asked, "Why attack him?"

"He wants me to apologize." Wei Shuxun said coldly.

Xu Yuanjun nodded, although Wu Hongjie tried his best to tout himself when he recorded his confession, but he was repeatedly questioned many times. At a glance. And if it wasn't for running out and destroying it, Professor Zhao and Wei Shuxun might not have been caught at all. The two of them didn't blame him, but instead he asked others to apologize, and he deserved to be beaten. When he heard that he was pinching Professor Zhao's neck and asking Professor Zhao to tell the secret, Xu Yuanjun wanted to beat him.

"I want to apply for a room change, I won't share a room with him!"

Xu Yuanjun didn't hear it, and said, "I asked the doctor just now, and he said that the two are not serious and can be discharged at any time." Having said that, he looked at Wu Hongjie: "Mr. It will take a while, and Wei Shuxun can be discharged from the hospital today, but he needs to come for a re-examination every week. Of course, all treatment is free, if you have any discomfort, please inform the doctor in time. "

"In addition, what happened during this time, please forget about it as soon as possible, and don't mention it to anyone." Xu Yuanjun handed two printed A4 sheets to the two of them and said: " Regarding the injuries of the two, the reason we gave to the school was a car accident, and the driver is willing to pay all the medical expenses in advance, here is the police record, please write it down, don't let it slip."

Clearly, no doubts can be found.

The two of them are just insignificant people, even if they say they were kidnapped, no one will believe it, but the military has to make a good confession even on this point, which is really serious. Wei Shuxun is glad that he didn't enter the military academy at the beginning, because he is not disrespectful, he is a rambunctious person, and such a serious life is not acceptable to him.

"That's it?!" Wu Hongjie looked at the piece of paper and suddenly shouted.


"It's over, let's be discharged from the hospital." Wu Hongjie's face was full of anger: "What about compensation?"

"Ah?" Xu Yuanjun was stunned.

"Is there no compensation?" Wu Hongjie pointed to his left arm and shouted to Xu Yuanjun: "I am also considered a loss for the country, right? You see that you have suffered such a serious injury, does the country have nothing to do with it? Compensation? Even if it is a car accident, there should be compensation!"

"...!" Wei Shuxun and Xu Yuanjun stretched their necks like turtles and stared at Wu Hongjie.

The two were innocently involved, and the military will of course make some compensation. However, it was based on the compensation for the car accident, and because the two people were not seriously injured, the compensation was not much. These things are secret operations, and it is impossible for Xu Yuanjun to say in person how much we will give you. Unexpectedly, Wu Hongjie hurriedly demanded compensation, as if he was afraid that they would run away.

Wei Shuxun was equally incredible, and could not understand what Wu Hongjie was thinking.

“How much compensation do you want?” Xu Yuanjun asked.

"I don't want money." Unexpectedly, Wu Hongjie said: "I want to apply for admission to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I wonder if the country will give me a chance for my sake. ?"

Wu Hongjie is not an idiot. He knows that he has performed badly in front of Professor Zhao this time, and it may be difficult to get guidance in the future. I just want to take this opportunity to enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and also seek a good future for the future.

Xu Yuanjun shook his head coldly: "One, you did not harm the country, and two, the military is not qualified to point fingers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After the car accident compensation, someone will give it to you, we will not Come back again, please calm down and heal your wounds." The word "Quiet" was heavily spoken.

Wei Shuxun was quite surprised, he always thought Wu Hongjie was an idiot, timid and cowardly, and even asked the military for compensation in person. Unexpectedly, he didn't waste a little time to benefit himself. To be honest, if he was seriously injured, and if he acted heroically at the time, plus some real skills, maybe the country would really give him some accommodation.

Sure enough, everyone has their own way of survival, and never underestimate others. At this moment, Wei Shuxun began to reflect on his behavior of relying too much on fists and feet. Wu Hongjie is timid and cowardly, but he is good at seizing opportunities. Maybe he is now despised and unhappy, but if he has a chance, I am afraid that he will not be low in the future. And I blindly rely on fists to solve problems, looking like a simple reckless man.

Well, try it later and see what you can do without punching someone. Of course, you can't be like Wu Hongjie, a guy who bullies the soft and fears the hard. He should be like Professor Zhao. Even if both hands are broken, he can scare the enemy into shit!

I felt that there was nothing wrong with the hand injury, so Wei Shuxun was discharged from the hospital that afternoon. Before leaving, visit Zhou Quan and Professor Zhao in the intensive care unit. Professor Zhao is still in a daze, and Zhou Quan has woken up, leaning on the bed and watching the computer.

Wei Shuxun walked in wearing a protective suit, first went to Professor Zhao's bed to have a look, put his hand on his forehead, confirmed that the high fever had subsided, and then sat down beside Zhou Quan's bed.

Zhou Quan touched his head and asked, "Are you scared?"

"No." Wei Shuxun smiled: "It's very exciting."

Zhou Quan raised his mouth: "Although this matter requires you to keep it secret, your performance will be recorded in the file, which will be good for your future."

"With this file, can I pass the civil service exam?"

Wei Shuxun's temporary plan for his future is to take the civil service exam after graduation. Although he has a little relationship with the Zhou family, he has no confidence in his grades. If it is too bad, he is worried that the Zhou family will come forward. May not let him pass. After all, everyone has something to do with each other these days. But maybe adding a file would work?

Zhou Quan laughed: "Do you want to be a civil servant in the future?"

"That's right." Wei Shuxun nodded and looked at Zhou Quan with a baffled look: "It's best to have a leisurely department with oil and water." Can you make arrangements for me in the future?

"Okay, I will pay attention." Zhou Quan nodded, looking at Wei Shuxun, hesitant to say anything.

Last night was chaotic, but he still remembered the Void screen that suddenly appeared in front of him when he was shot. Is that an ability, or an alien civilization?

As a member of the military, Zhou Quan knows very well that there is no so-called "supernatural organization" in the novel, at least not recorded in any archives. He didn't understand what it was, and looking at Wei Shuxun, who was sitting beside his bed, he didn't dare to ask easily.

The inquiry was just his own curiosity, and Zhou Quan did not intend to report it. But it may make Wei Shuxun panic or even stay away from him, which is not worth the loss.

Forget it, let’s just ignore it for the time being and wait and see what happens!

Because Zhou Quan has always been expressionless, Wei Shuxun didn't notice that he was distracted by others, and he was still nagging that Zhou Quan wanted to find a good department for him in the future. Xueji and Wei Cheng wanted him to be a "great person", but he himself had no such ideals. It was enough to be a civil servant and wait to die, and he would not commit murder and go to jail in the future. If he is lucky, he may be able to move up a few levels before he retires, so as to provide some protection for future tickets for future generations. His ideal is nothing more than that.

"What a civil servant!"

A voice suddenly came from behind, Wei Shuxun turned his head and looked at Professor Zhao happily: "Professor Zhao, are you awake?"

"I was awakened by you." Professor Zhao couldn't get up, but looked at Wei Shuxun with a displeased face: "You have such a talent, how can you think of becoming a civil servant?"