MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 50 accident

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Soon three judges came to the booth of Wei Shuxun and others, picked up the signal booster to connect to the mobile phone, dialed a few numbers, and nodded. Wei Shuxun stood on tiptoe and watched, but unfortunately he couldn't see it.

The judges probably thought his reaction was funny and asked with a smile, "Classmate, what's the problem?"

"Excuse me, can you try it?" Wei Shuxun asked curiously, "This is the urban area."

The judges smiled, pulled out the signal booster, and handed the phone to Wei Shuxun: "Look."

"Huh?" Wei Shuxun was surprised to see that the signal on his mobile phone was empty. He took out his mobile phone and found that it was full.

"Hehehe." The judge laughed: "There is a way to enhance the signal, and naturally there is a system to cancel the signal, classmate."

"So it is." Wei Shuxun was taken aback, it seemed that the competition organizing committee was very dedicated, and even such a small electronic device specially made a signal interference system to test it.

The electronic competition was not as interesting as I imagined, except for a few small games made by the participating teams that caused a little noise, most of them were lifeless electronic products, except for the judges, laymen can't tell whether it is good or bad. At the end of the rematch, the judges broadcast the teams that passed the competition on the big screen.

There are more than 300 participating groups, and only 15 groups have passed the rematch. On the fourth day, the judges conducted another technical comparison and selected the top three. 10,000 for the first place, 8,000 for the second, and 5,000 for the third. The next few have only the Certificate of Excellence Award.

The signal booster is very good in terms of technology, but the design is not particularly eye-catching, so it only won the second place, the first place is the small photovoltaic solar inverter of the Institute of Technology transformer. The prize of 8,000 yuan is only a small head. After the game, someone proposed to buy the technical patent of the signal booster, and the purchase price was 20,000.

Wei Shuxun doesn't understand this aspect, 20,000 yuan is already high in his eyes, you must know that the research cost this time did not exceed 2,000, of course, because the technical guidance is Sun Yi Dad, they don't need to pay for any guidance.

Sun Yi refused on the spot, and Rao was also heavily reported by the official. Although there are more than 300 entries, there are only a dozen or so that can actually become commercial products, and most of them are only about 10,000 yuan.

Don't talk about money, in short, the purpose of the competition is achieved. Sun Yi and Liu Yongdong finally showed their faces among the students in the same school. Feng Wei was lively and playful, but he didn't really need it. Twenty thousand is still a lot for ordinary students, and the signal booster was praised by the judges for its high technical content, and several technology companies wanted to sign them on the spot.

However, Liu Yongdong and others all refused. When they went back with the students from the same school, they exchanged phone numbers. Wei Shuxun got the most phone numbers. The participating groups are basically private hobby groups. Usually, there are not enough people, but they don't dare to add people in casually, lest they will not vote for their personality and interests.

Wei Shuxun has a bright personality and a good personality. During the four days of the competition, everyone has fully recognized him. In addition, he is not self-willed and arrogant, and he does not complain about the odd jobs. He is the most suitable new recruit. When exchanging calls, many people invited Wei Shuxun to join their group on the spot, and Wei Shuxun smiled and refused one by one.

Soon after returning to school, Professor Sun Cheng helped a few people contact a friend of a technology company he knew. In the end, the signal booster was bought out by technology for 100,000 yuan. Although the signal booster has high technical content, it is not very difficult to make if there is a research direction. It is estimated that as soon as the product opens the market, the overwhelming number of copycat products will be seen immediately. One hundred thousand buyout technology is already the highest price.

"It's a bit lower than expected, but forget it, the main use of this thing is in mountainous areas, and the penetration rate in cities is not high." Feng Wei tossed his bank card and asked Sun Yi: "Sun Yi , how much should we give your father?"

"He doesn't want it, just leave this to him at home." Sun Yiyang raised the crystal trophy in his hand: "He prefers my honor to money."

"Okay, let's invite him to dinner when we have time to thank you." Feng Wei didn't insist, and continued: "That's the old rule, deduct 20,000 yuan for research funding, and the remaining 80,000 yuan , just 20,000 per person."

"You don't have to give it to me." Wei Shuxun shook his head: "I didn't help at all, but learned a lot. How can I ask for your money."

To be honest, Wei Shuxun's savings are not much, he really wants to get money, but he has to rely on himself. Sun Yi and the others were willing to treat him as a companion, but he could not take advantage of them in vain.

"Don't you look down on 20,000?" Feng Wei was surprised: "Are you a rich second generation?"

"Fuck off!" Wei Shuxun kicked him: "Next time if I actually participate in the production, if you dare not share my money, I will keep you from going out, but not this time."

"Then take a little less." Liu Yongdong thought about it and said, "We are a group, and you have helped a lot, no difference can be justified."

"I said no." Wei Shuxun lifted the backpack impatiently: "I'm sorry, you'll be all set for the sorority in a few days."

Seeing Wei Shuxun opening the door to leave, Liu Yongdong asked seriously, "Shuxun, are you sure?"


"Isn't it really worth it? We are friends, and I don't want to be separated because of money."

There is no widow but unevenness. Although Wei Shuxun only did some chores and didn't help much, the three of them were afraid that he would have an opinion and would rather share the money with him equally.

Wei Shuxun understood what they meant as soon as he heard it, and waved his hand: "You treat me like someone, you confiscate my tuition, can I still pay you to study? Just a few bottles of wine!"


After Wei Shuxun left, the laboratory was silent for a moment, Feng Wei let out a puff of laughter: "Look, I said Shuxun is not that kind of person."

"Well." Sun Yi pushed up her glasses: "We didn't see the wrong person."

The task of the college student electronic design competition released by the learning machine was completed, and the task of learning attack skills with Zhou Quan, Wei Shuxun thought about it, and simply used these two tasks to exchange the drawings of the future video device. Before Wei Shuxun wanted to repair the future video camera, but because the task was not enough to exchange, he kept pressing. Although there is a permanent magnet isolator, but that thing is broken when touched, it is not safe. And Wei Shuxun wanted to ask Wei Cheng about his future son. He only knew that he would adopt a son when he was 45 years old, but he didn't know exactly when, where, because of what, and what characteristics the child had.

His future has changed, I don't know if there is still a chance to meet that child. Naturally, we need to ask clearly. The most convenient thing is to fix the future video camera so that you can contact at any time.

In addition to the two tasks this time, the design of the future video camera was exchanged with the learning machine, and the reward was cleared again. Wei Shuxun spent three days interpreting it in detail. Although it is a technology in the future, everything in electronics is perfect. If he doesn't understand, Wei Shuxun asks Professor Sun Cheng for advice. Hehe pointed at him.

It took a week in total, Wei Shuxun felt that he understood it, so he found a travel agency during the weekend and opened the permanent magnet isolator in the room. Take out the future video camera, carefully disassemble it with tools, and compare the wiring diagram on the Void screen while checking.

With detailed circuit diagrams, it is not difficult to find faults, but because the tools are not as refined in the future, the repairs are very slow, and they are all repaired from morning to night.

Wei Shuxun put down the soldering pen with satisfaction, closed the back cover, and pressed the start button. The future video camera lights up blue light, followed by a stereoscopic 3D screen. The above functions include scanning, infrared, field alarm, communication and other options, with music, video and other functions, but unfortunately the memory is empty, otherwise you can watch future movies or something.

Sorry to quit the film and television, Wei Shuxun clicked on the communication option, and found several strangers' names on it, probably Wei Cheng's friends. It also has Wei Cheng's own name in it. Facing Wei Cheng's name, click on the communication, and after a beep, the video camera displays the words "Cannot connect to the signal". Wei Shuxun was not disappointed either. After all, it was normal for them to be unable to connect across time and space. It's not normal for the avant-garde to appear motionless!

Buckle the video camera on the right wrist, adjust it according to the design drawing, the three-dimensional three-dimensional screen of the video camera disappears, and the surface also looks like an ordinary electronic watch.

Wei Shuxun raised his right wrist with satisfaction: "Learning machine, I think the function of the video camera is better than yours."

"I'm not responsible for entertainment." The learning machine said coldly.

"That's why you were almost destroyed." Wei Shuxun teased as he packed up his tools: "You should be a little more entertaining so that students will like you."

"I'm not in charge of entertainment." The learning machine is still cold.

"Okay okay, do you have any future movies?" Wei Shuxun only remembered at this time that he could learn secret things. It's too boring to just use it for learning, watch future movies It is also a good consumption motivation. He is willing to complete more tasks just to watch movies.

"Yes, but I am not responsible for entertainment." The learning machine emphasized again.

"I know." Wei Shuxun picked up his backpack and hummed a song to check out: "If you take it out at the beginning, I will definitely finish the homework happily without you forcing it. La."

"Entertainment does not meet the mission objectives." The learning machine reminded Wei Shuxun: "People who are addicted to entertainment cannot become "great people"."

"Okay, I know, just occasionally." Wei Shuxun rubbed his hungry stomach. He had been busy all day, and he didn't even bother to eat lunch, his stomach was growling with hunger.

I bought a few skewers of barbecue outside the school, Wei Shuxun walked into the school while eating. There is a small restaurant downstairs in the dormitory, where it is convenient to order fast food directly. I heard that their new beef brisket rice tastes good. I made an appointment with Zhang Ling for a friendship tomorrow. The location is a high-end hotel in the city center. I don't know if the taste is good at Zhou Quan's house. Zhou Quan doesn't know how to cook himself, so he orders takeout from the hotel, and the taste is very good... I don't know if Zhou Quan's task has been completed and when he will be back.

Wei Shuxun carried a crossbody backpack, walked slowly through the graduate laboratory building, and saw Professor Zhao who was walking out with a briefcase. After nibbling on the skewers in three or two times, he threw the bamboo sticks into the trash can, and Wei Shuxun trotted forward: "Professor Zhao, did you rest today?"

"There are several experimental data to be determined." Professor Zhao asked Wei Shuxun with a smile: "Why, are you going on a date?"

"I just came back." Wei Shuxun didn't explain much, and asked: "Professor, do you want me to help you?"

"No, the laptop is not heavy." Professor Zhao shook his head and walked forward with a smile, Wei Shuxun by his side. Professor Zhao studies optical engineering and gave Wei Shuxun a lot of guidance when repairing the future video camera. Therefore, although he has not known him for a long time, Wei Shuxun still respects him very much.

"Have you had any results on the dimension of transmission electron microscopy you studied last time?" Professor Zhao kept his mind on the research and asked Wei Shuxun, "Is this beyond your major, do you feel any difficulty? "

"No, I'm just curious to study it." Wei Shuxun looked at the watch on his right wrist. The excuse for asking for advice before was that I was interested in optical communication and asked about the faults of future video cameras. Neither Professor Sun Cheng nor Professor Zhao thought he was a non-professional freshman, but gave detailed instructions, which is why Wei Shuxun respected them.

"I think your question is very valuable for research." Professor Zhao said: "For example, the nanocrystalline optical system, and the Y-shaped remodeling of double-walled carbon nanotubes, I will go back and think about it carefully, The discovery is entirely plausible. If the research is successful, it may be a major leap in the history of modern communications."

"..." Wei Shuxun couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead. As expected of a professional professor, he found his research direction with just a few questions.


Waiting to walk to the parking lot, Wei Shuxun suddenly heard a noise. The voice was still some distance away, but he had good ears and could hear it clearly. And he knew what kind of sound it was—the sound of the silencer gun he had heard when he was helping Lu Xin.

"Professor Zhao!" Wei Shuxun stopped Professor Zhao, raised his hand solemnly and made a quiet gesture. Professor Zhao opened his mouth to ask, and after seeing his face, he calmed down.

"Pfft!" Gunfire.

"Woo!" The man cried out in pain.

Zhou Quan's voice!

Wei Shuxun pulled Professor Zhao, mouthed to step back, and the two slowly backed away from the parking lot. Xu Yuanjun had left two days ago. It is said that their ambush at the Polytechnic University was successful, so the task was completed and the evacuation was completed. Of course, Xu Yuanjun wouldn't tell Wei Shuxun that he had a good ear and overheard it.

I didn't expect those people to return to University A again. They estimated that they were preparing to ambush Professor Zhao in the parking lot, but they were accidentally discovered by Zhou Quan who came to look for him!

The two retreated more than ten meters, and turned around to run at the same time, when they heard a shout: "Professor Zhao!"