MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 161 time flies

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The peaceful life continued, Wei Shuxun took the break of the learning machine to go home to play.

Because of the development of manned aviation, the aviation center brought together the best scientists in the country, so when they saw Wei Shuxun's little robot, everyone "sewed and mended" it in their spare time. As a result, the division of the learning machine is becoming more and more perfect and more flexible. When it shows unusual intelligence, no one doubts it. The best scientists in the country are working together to study a robot. Isn't it a matter of course that its intelligence is high?

After Wei Shuxun took the learning machine home, Wei's father and Wei's mother were so curious that they found that the learning machine was like a real person and could answer any of their questions, and would say "Are you stupid? ", making Wei's father and Wei's mother laugh.

Dad Wei took the little robot for a walk. When someone asked what it was, he said, "This is my grandson!"

The learning machine has become accustomed to being hated by others. He is a defective product and was almost destroyed. Wei Shuxun also hated him at first, and he has long been used to it. But in the aviation center, the group of professors would happily join him when they saw him. His simple body was trimmed and perfected little by little. When he accidentally showed high intelligence, they would even Showing a surprised look. In Wei Shuxun's house, he was treated as an ordinary child, and his appearance was obviously that of a robot.

These are cherished feelings that the learning machine has never felt.

"Learning machine, what's wrong?" Wei Shuxun asked suspiciously when he found that the learning machine was unusually silent.

"I can't understand human feelings, their behavior, do they like me?" the learning machine asked.

"Of course I like it. I haven't seen how much my parents like you, so I call you grandson."

"Why do you like me?" The learning machine is still puzzled: "My record does not show what I have done."

Wei Shuxun smiled and touched the steel-shell head of the learning machine: "When you slowly learn human feelings, maybe you will be able to understand."

The learning machine was eager to know why and asked: "How to learn?"

"Um...communicate with people more?" Although he said that, Wei Shuxun didn't know how to give the learning machine emotion. Although he thinks that there will be these questions, it means that Xueji already has his own feelings, and sometimes he can also feel the subtle emotions of Xueji, such as when he is unhappy. But the learning machine itself does not understand, and there is no way to explain it in words.

However, Wei Shuxun will not worry about it soon. Wei Shuxun was too busy at the aviation center, so he threw a laptop for the learning machine to play by himself, so the learning machine began to play online games. In a short period of time, he has become a god-level figure in a district.

Qi Xiaoyu came to Wei Shuxun that day and was shocked when he saw the robot playing an online game. After seeing the character controlled by the robot, he immediately knelt down.

Qi Xiaoyu's game account is a gang leader. Unfortunately, he is in the same area as the learning machine, and unfortunately he surrounded the learning machine and was destroyed by the learning machine group.

"I actually lost to a robot..." Qi Xiaoyu covered his face in pain, and immediately returned to the blood after two minutes of silence, shamelessly begging the learning machine to join his gang.

The learning machine was indifferent, Wei Shuxun said: "Don't you want to understand human feelings? Maybe you will understand if you meet a few more friends."

So the learning machine agreed. For the next few days, Qi Xiaoyu ran here every day, holding a laptop to play with the learning machine. In the game, he opened and closed his mouth and said, "My great **** hahaha, do you know who my great **** is hahaha, say it and scare you to death! "

Learning Machine soon experienced irritability and said to Wei Shuxun: "Your cousin is annoying!"

But he did not quit Qi Xiaoyu's gang after all.

Although Wei Shuxun has graduated, he still often goes to A University to find Professor Guan Cheng. He did not forget that his purpose was to create the core technology of the empty city, but unfortunately, even with the addition of the learning machine, their current ability would not be able to create the empty city, so Wei Shuxun could only wait patiently and never give up again and again. Do your research.

Maybe they really have to wait until Professor Guan Cheng is old to study it, maybe they can study it in advance through hard work, in short, do your best.

Wei Shuxun's requirements for himself are nothing more than that.

Be busy and time flies.

The body of the learning machine has been changed several times, gradually perfecting the figure of a teenager, adding the best artificial skin, at first glance it looks exactly the same as the real person. He himself felt that he still didn't understand human feelings, but under the influence of the lively Qi Xiaoyu, he gradually had emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

At the age of 32, Wei Shuxun told his parents about his relationship with Zhou Quan. Wei's father and Wei's mother were completely unacceptable at first, and they opposed it fiercely. Wei Shuxun wanted to fight for them. But he was recalled by the aviation center within a few days of staying at home, leaving Zhou Quan alone to insist... Even Wei's father and Wei's mother couldn't stand it.

Afterwards, they thought, according to the busy method of the son, if he married a wife, he would not be able to keep it, and the son's work became more and more mysterious. Picked up, they didn't forget that their son was almost kidnapped. At this time, there is a soldier standing by, it seems to be very safe, right? Moreover, Zhou Quan has a high status, knows the root and the bottom line, and is wholeheartedly devoted to Shuxun. There is really nothing to be picky about.

So a month later, when Wei Shuxun finished his work and planned to come back to fight, he found that his parents had agreed.

The same is true of Zhou Quan's parents. Seeing that their son is middle-aged and refuses to look back, they can only accept it helplessly.

In 2044, Wei Shuxun was 45 years old.

Although he has been busy in the aviation center, his relationship with Zhou Quan has always been stable. Zhou Quan moved to Wei Shuxun's home in the aviation city to strive for a better life with Wei Shuxun more time together.

Two years ago, Wei Shuxun's mentor, Professor Zhao, died, which hit Wei Shuxun a lot and made him cherish his elderly parents even more. For a while, I kept my parents close, and even considered giving up my job in the aviation center to be by their side.

It took a long time for Wei's father and Wei's mother to coax his son, and suddenly found that the environment of the aviation center was too simple, which seemed to make his son more and more naive. If I change to a woman, I really don't know if I can bear him, but Zhou Quan, who is steady, is better.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death is a matter of course, seeing you so promising, I am happy even if you die now." Wei Ma took Wei Shuxun's book and said earnestly: "The only thing I worry about is It's because you are old and have no one to rely on. Do you want a child? I heard that there are surrogacy abroad, and we are not short of money now. When you have a child, we can really feel at ease. "

Wei Shuxun nodded: "There will be."

He remembered that Wei Cheng once said that when he was 45 years old, he would adopt a child.

There is only so much Wei Cheng knows, Wei Shuxun has no idea where the child is, what he looks like, and what his name is. Since his 45th birthday, he and Zhou Quan have often visited orphaned sons to see the children, looking for the child he wants to adopt, but unfortunately there is no clue, and he does not like any child to the point where he wants to adopt.

Later, I paid attention to beggars and abducted children, but they rescued many children, but they had nothing to do with him.

Just when Wei Shuxun thought he could not find the child, he suddenly received a call from the police station: "Is it Mr. Wei Shuxun? Do you know Yan Dongnan?"

Yan Dongnan had already distributed all the entertainment cities to his subordinates a few years ago, and he built a shopping mall and started to do business, which is considered to be completely whitewashed. When Wei Shuxun came back, he came to Wei Shuxun to drink and chat, and the two would occasionally play snooker and win a few games as pocket money.

Wei Shuxun always thought that such a stable life would continue, but received news that Yan Dongnan was arrested for drug trafficking.

Yan Dongnan was designed by a woman to become addicted to drugs. After being attracted by drug dealers, she used the trucks in the shopping center to sell drugs for several years. After being arrested, he confessed to the group of drug dealers. When the police rounded up the drug dealer's nest, they rescued a 4-year-old child who was covered in injuries.

"Chen Zixia said she gave me a son." He said indifferently when visiting Yan Dongnan in prison.

Wei Shuxun was stunned: "Chen Zixia?"

"Yeah, it's an accident, I was actually designed by a woman who has always looked down on me." Yan Dongnan said coldly: "I heard that the child was rescued, you help me do a father-son identification, If it's my son, send it back to my house, if not, don't worry about it."

Wei Shuxun clenched his fists: "Dongnan, so many things happened, why didn't you tell me? If you had told me earlier..."

Yan Dongnan shook his head: "There is nothing to say, I don't have the willpower to quit drugs, and I feel very comfortable, so I continue."

"Severe Winter South!"

When the visit time came, Yan Dongnan got up and said with a blank face: "In short, that child, you can do it, don't care if you don't like it. My parents... If you can, please Help take care of it."

Wei Shuxun took a deep breath: "I see."

He thought, he knew where his adopted son came from.

Wei Shuxun's heart throbbed when he saw the child in the hospital.

The child did not look like a four-year-old at all, he was very small, his arms were skinny, and his whole body was burnt from cigarette butts. According to police, he was being held hostage by a female drug dealer when he was rescued. Only after interrogating other drug dealers did they find out that the female drug dealer who was killed was actually the child's mother.

"It seems to be called Xia." The policeman shook his head: "How can there be such a vicious mother in the world!"

It's just a product of a vicious trap. Of course Chen Zixia doesn't like that child. Under the abuse of drug dealers, it's a miracle that the child can survive until now. Whether it is Yan Dongnan's child or not, Wei Shuxun is sure that he wants to adopt this child.

"Zhou Quan." Wei Shuxun took Zhou Quan's hand: "I want to adopt this child."

Zhou Quan nodded: "Yes." Then he reached out and hugged Wei Shuxun: "Don't be sad."

DNA testing confirmed the father-son relationship between this child and Yan Dongnan. After Wei Shuxun told Yan Dongnan, Yan Dongnan still had a cold face. He didn't like the child he had never seen before: "Give him to my parents, and if they don't want it, send him to an orphanage."

"I want to adopt that child." Wei Shuxun said.

Yan Dongnan was stunned: "Whatever you want, that child follows might be better!"

Wei Shuxun's eyes were red: "I will take care of him, your parents, I will also take care of you."

Yan Dongnan was sentenced to death because of a large amount of drug trafficking. This was the last time Wei Shuxun visited him.

In the end...still failed to save the fate of my friend.

When I returned to the hospital to see the child, I found that the child who had been in a daze was convulsing violently. The hospital was examining him. Wei Shuxun asked anxiously: "What happened? What happened to the child? already?"

"Drug addiction is committed." The doctor shook his head and sighed: "This child's mother should have been taking drugs when she was pregnant with him, so he was seriously addicted to drugs from birth."

"...!" Wei Shuxun suddenly understood that in the original trajectory, why he had a criminal record could adopt this child. A child born with drug addiction, probably Yan Dongnan's parents can't accept it!