MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 16 Nanobiobots

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We did have a great celebration that night, Wei's father and Wei's mother took Wei Shuxun to eat the seafood dinner he had been thinking about for a long time. As a "quid pro quo", Wei Shuxun felt embarrassed that the certificate of merit was posted in a prominent place in the living room - every time Wei Shuxun walked by, he could not wait to cover his face.

Because she felt embarrassed, Wei Shuxun hurried to school the next morning. At this time, there were not many people going to school, and the people who were walking on the road with schoolbags were basically third-year high school students. Wei Shuxun bought two buns and one fried dough stick at the breakfast shop, and nibbled slowly as he walked.

There were two girls walking and chatting in front of him, Wei Shuxun suddenly put down the half-eaten bun and pricked up his ears to listen to the two girls talking: "Did you really see...?"

"Yes, I saw Chen Zixia get on the bus..."

It was about friends, Wei Shuxun took a few steps forward to hear clearly, two girls found him, glanced at him inexplicably, and walked away quickly. Wei Shuxun followed: "Excuse me, Chen Zixia...Hello!"

Two girls ran away. Wei Shuxun frowned slightly, lowered his head and continued to eat the buns. He met Chen Zixia and the others once again last week, and the three girls still looked like good students with noodles in clear soup. Wei Shuxun vaguely heard what brand of bags they were talking about, the hot springs in the villas and the like.

Seeing him, they not only stopped the conversation, but immediately turned and left, as if avoiding him. But Wei Shuxun confessed that he had never done anything that annoyed them, and did not understand why they avoided him.

Wei Shuxun didn't want to dig into other people's privacy, but what the two girls said just now made him a little concerned.

"Learning machine, is there any reward that can eavesdrop on other people's words?"

Although Chen Zixia doesn't go to class very often, but there are good girls in her class, Wei Shuxun wants to try to eavesdrop outside their classroom to see if she can hear any useful information, after all Girls love to gossip in their spare time.

The learning machine worked for a while, and answered: "The task is not enough to use the reward, please make up the amount of the task."

"Can I apply for this award first, and then you assign the task, I will just do it." Anyway, I come and go to write homework and test questions, and the learning machine will always be released, Wei Shuxun The smart plan is to pay in advance.

"No rules..."

"I will take the initiative to complete the task, no other requirements, no complaints, honest and obedient, how about it?" Wei Shuxun interrupted his refusal and made various Commitment - Without thinking about the correct answer, after getting used to it, it turns out that the homework is actually not that difficult to write. If you don't understand at all, you can ask the girls for help, otherwise Wei Shuxun won't be so willing to promise.

The original purpose of the learning machine was to transform Wei Shuxun. Since Wei Shuxun himself promised to take the initiative to complete the task, after the learning machine calculated the gains and losses, he replied yes.

"Then how can I eavesdrop on other people's words? I will do it now." Wei Shuxun asked.

"I carry 100 biological nano-robots inside, and they will transform your auditory nerves." The emotionless electronic sound of the learning machine made Wei Shuxun agitated, and his whole body was goosebumps Pimples are popping out.

"What are those things? Won't hurt my brain?!" Nanodisk Wei Shuxun knows, nanobiological robot Wei Shuxun doesn't know, 100, it sounds like a lot, myself The head can hold so much stuff?

"Nano-biological robots are only the size of cells, hiding in your body to protect you. As long as the head and heart are not directly destroyed, they can save you."

"Sounds good." With more security in his body, Wei Shuxun was satisfied with the arrival of the learning machine for the first time: "So how do we transform it? Now?"

"You'd better find a quiet place."

This is easy to solve. At this time, at the school gate, Wei Shuxun pretended to have a cold and went to the school doctor to buy some medicine. He also said that he had a headache and wanted to rest for a while. The school doctor saw a lot of headaches caused by the excessive review of high school students, and asked him to rest in the hospital bed without a word.

Wei Shuxun didn't feel any changes in his body. After more than ten minutes, the learning machine said: "Okay." Wei Shuxun sat up and patted his ears, but he didn't feel any hearing Variety. Pulling back the curtain of the bed, the school doctor turned to ask him, "Classmate, are you resting?"

"Yes, thank you teacher."

Back to the classroom, morning self-study has begun. Wei Shuxun casually spread the book on the table and asked the learning machine: "I don't seem to feel any change?"

"Concentrate on listening." Answered by learning machine.

Wei Shuxun obediently focused his ears, and for a moment he felt that his ears were full of noise. Originally, the classroom was very quiet, with only occasional noises, but now Wei Shuxun can even hear the sound of flipping pages, the rustling of a pen on a book, the sound of chairs moving, and the sound of someone stealing food. Gotta be clear. All kinds of noises came together, as if an amplified sound was installed in his ears, Wei Shuxun covered his ears with a splitting headache.

"Wei Shuxun, what's wrong?" The squad leader came over to ask with concern when he heard the sound.

"It's alright, I have a headache." Wei Shuxun replied while rubbing his ears, his ears were still buzzing.

The monitor pushed his glasses: "Would you like to go to the infirmary?"

"Thanks, no."

After the first chemistry get out of class, Wei Shuxun got up and prepared to go to the fifth class where Chen Zixia was, to see if he could overhear useful information at the door. Who wants to get up, suddenly heard the whispers of several girls in the class.

"Zhang Ling, are you sure it's Chen Zixia?"

"Of course, I can see it clearly." Zhang Ling said in a low voice: "She and the old man walked past the door of my store when they were shopping, so it's impossible to admit their mistake."

"My God, I went to open a room with the old man..."

Wei Shuxun frowned and strode over: "Zhang Ling."

"Yeah!" The girls who were burying their heads in whispers were startled and shouted collectively. Wei Shuxun pulled up a chair and sat down beside them, and asked bluntly, "Zhang Ling, what are you talking about Chen Zixia just now, can you tell me?"

"How did you hear..." Zhang Ling was surprised, she blinked at Shang Wei Shuxun's serious expression, and said embarrassedly: "Well, that, I didn't spread rumors..."

"I know." Wei Shuxun reassured her: "I also feel that Chen Zixia is a little strange recently, and I don't know why, since you know, can you tell me?"

"Uh, it's..." Zhang Ling is a good girl and didn't say anything bad. Her family owns a branded clothing store in the pedestrian street. She sometimes goes there to help, so several times she saw Chen Zixia walking on the arm of a man in his forties, and the two of them entered the opposite shop at night. a hotel.

Men in their forties are not old, but they are the same age as their parents, and in the eyes of these girls, they are no different from old men. And a bad girl took such an old man to the hotel, and she didn't have to think about anything.

Sure enough, it matched the guess.

Wei Shuxun was silent for a moment, smiled, and said to the girls, "You misunderstood, that person should be Chen Zixia's uncle."


"Chen Zixia has an uncle who is a boss out of town. She recently visited the market here. She mentioned it to me and said that she will be with her uncle during this time. I think it should be him."

"Yes, is that so?" Zhang Ling covered her mouth: "Sorry I don't know, I won't talk nonsense in the future!"

Seeing the girls nodded in unison, Wei Shuxun turned around, his face darkened.

Where does Chen Zixia have any uncle, he just lied out of the idea of ​​protecting her reputation. Although he had already guessed the reason for their recent abnormality, now that he learned the truth, Wei Shuxun was stunned.

He knew that their private lives were chaotic and they were playful and vain, but their confusion in the past was nothing more than changing boyfriends frequently. Likes smoking, drinking, sex-love, and the depraved life stems from their casualness, just like Wei Shuxun also likes to fight and drink, they play unscrupulously, but have their own bottom line and dignity.

Why, Chen Zixia and the others suddenly came to this point?

Wei Shuxun did not want to rashly doubt his friends. He heard from Zhang Ling that he saw Chen Zixia and an old man walking along the pedestrian street arm in arm several times at night. Wei Shuxun waited directly by the window on the second floor of KFC in the middle of the pedestrian street in the evening.

The pedestrian street is brightly lit at night, and it is not too difficult to find someone from the second floor. At least Wei Shuxun's 5.0 eyesight can easily see Chen Zixia in the crowd.

Chen Zixia today is dressed in a light green lady's dress, with black hair pulled back, she looks a bit more mature than usual, but she still looks pure. The person she was holding her arm was a middle-aged man in his forties with a pot belly. The man was dressed in a casual gray suit, with the look of a successful person, and there were two bodyguards following him a few meters away.

A man in his 40s is not old yet, and with Chen Zixia's deliberately mature dress, it is not abrupt for the two to walk together. When the two passed KFC, Wei Shuxun hurried downstairs, hanging far behind them.

The two didn't go around much, just walked past a hotel and entered. Wei Shuxun walked into a men's clothing store opposite and waited while looking at the clothes.

To be honest, Wei Shuxun never wants to take care of other people's private affairs. If Chen Zixia wants to find someone to take care of her, he can't say much as an ordinary friend. Even if she doesn't support her, she won't condemn her from the highest point of morality, not to mention secretly stalking her.

The reason why he spends so much energy on tracking is because Wei Shuxun wants to confirm one thing with Chen Zixia.

Chen Zixia and the others suddenly behave abnormally, does it have anything to do with Zhang Chenshuang? !