MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 15 Rank, Encouragement Award

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The time of the essay competition is one day, and there are three test content. In the morning, two essays, one landscape essay, can be described arbitrarily, but must include the content of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Wei Shuxun wrote very succinctly: "In spring, the leaves summer, insects autumn, the fruit winter, the leaves wither..." It's roughly like this, eight hundred characters, and the middle is random.

The second article is a narrative essay, which is very cliché "Something I am most moved by", "Someone who moved me", "Something I saw" and so on, the word count is required more than a thousand.

Wei Shuxun thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of anything moving. He has always been rough, and his life is ordinary and dull. There are unfortunate things. For example, when he was in middle school, he was beaten by his father with a belt because he didn't study. However, he was very lively and did not hold grudges. What else could impress him.

But looking at the progress of the task, the first composition is completed, and the progress is 30%.

"Learning machine, I will discuss something with you."

"What?" the learning machine asked.

"I complete the task this time, and the reward is my own choice, how about it? The reward you gave is completely useless!" Wei Shuxun complained in his mind.

Actually, the reward of the learning machine is based on Wei Shuxun's identity as a high school pre-examiner, an excellent composition, and answers to three advanced math questions, which are very big bonus points in the college entrance examination. However, Wei Shuxun is not a good student. Unless the learning machine directly gives him the answers to all the college entrance examination questions, a few questions will not help him at all, and he is not uncommon.

"The request for reward does not conform to the rules." The learning machine refused.

"Then I won't take the test." Wei Shuxun said: "There is only one day in the competition, it doesn't matter if you control me to sit here for a day. Anyway, after today, the task will be ruined, you can kill me?"

"…" Although the learning machine is very indifferent, his existence is to change Wei Shuxun's learning attitude and enable him to achieve his ultimate goal. Tasks and rewards are second, and now Wei Shuxun can take the initiative to read the book for a while, and the learning machine is very satisfied.

I don't want to get entangled with Wei Shuxun on such trivial matters, and the learning machine said flexibly: "Agree. If the requirements are too high, you need to compensate with other tasks."

"OK." Wei Shuxun doesn't care, he will think about the reward later, anyway, he doesn't want any answers to the exam questions.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Wei Shuxun thought about it seriously. I can't remember the touching things, but I have seen quite a few things, such as the melee between two small gangs. The process was very exciting, but unfortunately I can't write it here. In the end, Wei Shuxun chose the theme of "Someone Who Moved Me" and wrote about Wei Ma directly.

The only people in this world who can make him take care of him are his parents.

Wei Shuxun doesn't know how to write numbly. When I was in elementary school, I saw the news of hurting elementary school students, and I was so frightened that I came to pick them up every day. At that time, I felt very ashamed and ran away secretly, so scared that my mother thought that her son was missing, and cried anxiously at the school gate. In middle school, he injured a classmate, and was called to school several times to force an apology, but when he returned home, he was reluctant to scold him. In high school…

Writing one by one, only to find that my mother has done many, many things for me, and in the process of my 17 years, it seems that I have only been willful and foolish.

Wei Shuxun reflected a little, but only for a moment, in addition to refusing to study, he was also very filial to his mother, so he didn't have any thoughts of returning to the prodigal son.

The exam question in the afternoon is an argumentative essay, a short story. The content is that someone helps others at the expense of their own interests. Some people praise him for doing a good job, some people say he is stupid. Candidates are asked to write an argumentative essay of at least 500 words on the matter.

No matter what the mainstream demands, Wei Shuxun directly wrote his opinion: "It's a stupid X!"

It was only three o'clock when the composition test ended. After the school bus took the students to the school gate, they were sent home early. Today's composition test still had some influence on Wei Shuxun. For example, when he walked slowly home, he suddenly wanted to buy a cake for his mother.

Choose a West Point house by the road at random, pushed open the door and entered, and bumped into three high school girls who were about to come out. Wei Shuxun wanted to let go, looked down at them, and was stunned.

"Chen Zixia, what the **** are you doing?"

The people here are Chen Zixia, Wang Mei, and Yang Qinqin. The three people's messy hair had all been dyed black and straightened, with noodles in clear soup hanging over their shoulders, wearing two high school uniforms, and carrying a black schoolbag, they looked like ordinary high school girls.

"Hey, Wei Shuxun, are you skipping class too?" Chen Zixia asked.

"Don't worry about me, you are, why are you still dressed like this?" I thought they were just interested, but I didn't expect to keep this look. You must know that they have always criticized black and straight hair as the dirtiest. Those girls who don't dye their hair are all bastards. Straight hair alone makes them unbearable, not to mention dyeing their hair black.

The three girls looked at each other with hesitation on their faces. Wei Shuxun raised his eyebrows: "Why, is there anything you can't tell me?"

"Uh... don't worry about the girls." For the first time since we met for three years, Chen Zixia was secretive: "Anyway, we have something to do, let's go first."

The three pushed Wei Shuxun away and ran. Although Wei Shuxun was a little puzzled, he was not interested in the girls' private affairs, so he turned around and went to the West Pastry House to buy cakes. When carrying the cake on the way home, they saw Chen Zixia and the three of them next to the Cultural Plaza across the road. Wei Shuxun didn't bother to walk over to say hello, so he called Chen Zixia directly: "Who are you waiting for in the Cultural Plaza?"

I was just asking casually, but Chen Zixia hung up the phone abruptly, and the three girls hurried away holding hands.

Wei Shuxun felt something was wrong. After returning home, he handed the cake to his mother, and Wei Shuxun went back to the room to make another call. The three girls were all turned off. After thinking about it, Wei Shuxun called Zhang Chenshuang directly: "Do you know what happened to Chen Zixia and the others recently?"

Zhang Chenshuang didn't seem to wake up yet, so he replied in a daze, "No, they're fine... Er, Shu Xun? What's wrong, what happened?"

After Wei Shuxun talked about the strange behavior of Chen Zixia and the three of them, he asked Zhang Chenshuang: "You have the best relationship with them. Have you noticed anything unusual about them recently?"

"No." Zhang Chenshuang replied, and comforted him: "It seems that they said to behave better to make the family happy, so let's resume the student dress, Shuxun, don't think too much, girl How do we men know about children?"

Wei Shuxun also knows that even friends can't interfere with other people's privacy, but he still cares a little. The next day I went to school, went to Class 5 to find Chen Zixia, and learned that Chen Zixia had asked for sick leave and did not come for three days. They used to do this often, and there was no doubt that Wei Shuxun had no choice but to leave.

A week later, the preliminary review of the National Composition Competition came down. Only one second-year girl in the school passed the rematch, and was specially arranged by the school to send a car to another city to participate in the rematch.

90% of Wei Shuxun's writing competition task has been completed, and the remaining 10% is his ranking. Unfortunately, he was eliminated in the preliminary round.

"Well, the ranking is up to the judges, I can't do anything about it, can't blame me for the failure of the task?" Wei Shuxun asked the learning machine righteously.

The learning machine replied coldly: "I never put my hopes on you." He didn't say anything about failure punishment, Wei Shuxun is now willing to take the initiative to do the task a little bit, and the learning machine is already very satisfied . Complaining with the user is not in his calculations.

I originally thought that this task had failed, but who would have thought that a week later, the school announced the results of the national composition competition at the flag-raising ceremony collection on Monday. The girl who participated in the semi-finals won the third prize in the national composition. The prizes were a beautiful notebook, a watch, and 100 yuan.

Two other students received the Merit Award, the so-called 4th grade, and the prize was an ordinary hard case notebook. Then, the remaining twelve students received encouragement awards. Each person has a certificate of merit. Twelve people are called to the podium and lined up to receive the certificate. The dean of teaching encourages: "Don't be discouraged, keep working hard." There is also a teacher taking pictures next to it.

Wei Shuxun is so ashamed and angry, the so-called encouragement award is an award issued by the school itself. The signature below is also the principal's name.

Wei Shuxun would rather not get the award than this **** certificate. If it weren't for the system prompting "ranked, task completed", Wei Shuxun would have absconded over the wall when the dean of education announced that there was still an incentive award - it's too embarrassing to stand on the stage holding the award!

When Wei Shuxun stepped down, the head teacher patted Wei Shuxun on the shoulder and said kindly, "Congratulations, Wei Shuxun."

"...Thank you teacher." A certificate of merit costing one dollar, what's there to congratulate. Wei Shuxun rolled the certificate into a ball and was about to find a trash can to throw it away.


"..." Wei Shuxun's face turned blue.