MTL - Tech House System-Chapter 128 special rocket

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Before the start of the semester, Wei Shuxun planned to stay at Zhou Quan's house. After walking around the school, he found that the dormitory had opened ahead of schedule, and Wei Shuxun went straight back to the dormitory.

The other three roommates hadn't come yet. After cleaning the dormitory, they were bored and lay on the bed in a daze. Seeing the design drawing on the head of the bed, he remembered that the small rocket made for Han Zhixin was not finished yet, Wei Shuxun jumped out of bed and regained his energy in an instant.

Although it is called a rocket, it is actually an ordinary electronic toy. A catapult and a balance screw are installed at the bottom to ensure that after the rocket "fly" to the sky, it can fall smoothly and vertically. hard stuff.

Wei Shuxun spent more than three days to install the internal electronic circuits, and the rest was a launch pad and the appearance of the rocket.

The technology of the launch pad is still an electronic catapult, which is not difficult, but a little troublesome is where to get the shape of the launch pad and the rocket shell.

Wei Shuxun didn't think much of it at first, thinking that there must be rocket toys in the toy market, but when I look for it, there are only plastic rockets that are short and fat, with cuteness as the selling point, more decent The rocket model of the point is too small, and it is not hollow, and there is no way to fit the electronic circuit.

I went to the toy market for a day and couldn't find a rocket shape that I liked. Wei Shuxun was considering whether to customize a model from the Internet. On the way, he met Feng Wei, whom he had not seen for a long time.

The three who established the laboratory together, Sun Yi and Liu Yongdong went abroad to study, and only Feng Wei stayed at the school for graduate school, but he and Wei Shuxun were not in the same school district, so I didn’t expect to be there Meet at the door.

Knowing that Wei Shuxun was looking for the shell of the rocket model, Feng Wei thought about it and said, "I know a friend who does a model, and I can ask him to do it for you, but do you have any designs? picture?"

Wei Shuxun was overjoyed: "Of course!"

Even the toys, Wei Shuxun has carefully designed the three major mechanics, mechanical design and other courses that he just learned last semester, just become his reference, plus the simulation calculation assistance of the learning machine , the diameter and angle of the shape have been determined for a long time. Originally, I planned to disassemble and refit the toy after buying it. Of course, it is more convenient to be able to customize it in person.

So, the next day Wei Shuxun followed Feng Wei to find his friend's studio. The man's name is Lu Fei, a slightly fat young man. He is the only one in the so-called studio. Currently, he is mainly engaged in the design of custom models and children's toys.

Wei Shuxun doesn't care about these, as long as the other party can make what he wants. Because of the detailed design drawings, Wei Shuxun did not ask for any good materials. Lu Fei asked for a very cheap price, and made the rocket shell and launch pad that afternoon.

An electronic catapult was also installed on the launch pad. After Wei Shuxun got it, he asked Feng Wei to help him install the rocket and process the launch pad on the spot. For Feng Wei and Wei Shuxun, these are very common jobs. They directly open the backpack and take out the tools to install. The two are very similar in this respect, and there are always common tools on the back.

Lu Fei curiously came to watch when they were installing. Because Feng Wei was not familiar with the design drawings, he would occasionally stop to look at the drawings during installation. Wei Shuxun didn't blink at all. He held a small tweezers in his hand and clamped the small electronics on the table, just like that. Put it on, without any pause. Lu Fei looked surprised when he watched his flowing movements.

Wei Shuxun installed the launch pad, tightened the last screw, and packed up the tools, only to find Lu Fei lying on the table next to him, staring blankly at him.

"What's the matter, Brother Lu?"

"Ah, ready?" Lu Fei's eyes were filled with reluctance. It was the first time he saw such a wonderful work scene, it was like a coherent painting. I even want to keep watching.

"Well, okay." Wei Shuxun nodded and turned to Feng Wei: "Feng Wei, how are you?"

"Ok." Feng Wei nodded, looking inexplicable: "This circuit is really complicated, I am worried that it will be damaged during installation, Shuxun, how did you come up with such a complicated circuit?"

In the beginning, Wei Shuxun's electronics were taught by them, but in a blink of an eye, he has grown to the level that he admires.

"It's okay, I modified it according to the principle of the aircraft." Wei Shuxun didn't feel any difficulty when designing, and he almost finished the design drawing, and of course he didn't think he had much. Awesome, after getting the rocket, go directly to the downstairs of the studio for the experimental launch.

When Wei Shuxun originally designed the shell, he calculated the balance point strictly by using the mechanical calculation method, so that the rocket can be kept at a right angle of 180 degrees when it falls no matter what angle it takes off. , and he also installed a colorful light at the bottom, and the rocket flickered when it fell, as if it was being controlled by something to slowly descend.

The layman Lu Fei did not say anything, even Feng Wei was stunned.

"Shu Xun, what's the principle?" Feng Wei asked.

"Aircraft!" Wei Shuxun replied: "The four-dimensional aircraft that I have built in the past does not have four-wave mixing... No..." Wei Shuxun mused with his fingers against his chin: "Four-wave mixing It doesn't seem to be a four-dimensional seems to be..."

The one in the flight control center...the real...the one on the rocket?

"No, no, no." He studied aeroelastic pairs in Professor Guan Cheng, and he did not have any technology about aircraft.

"Feng Wei, is there a technology for four-wave mixing inverse parabolic equations in a four-dimensional aircraft?"

"What's that?"

"..." Wei Shuxun tilted his head and thought for a while, showing a confused look: "Then where did I learn it, learning the machine?"

"..." Learning Machine: "I don't know either."

Wei Shuxun has learned too much and too complicated, electronic science and technology, engineering mechanics, optics, and future technologies obtained from learning machines, as well as experiments from professors and researchers knowledge acquired. He absorbed everything he was interested in like a sponge, and then unknowingly transformed it into his own knowledge. Now even if it is a learning machine, he does not know how much Wei Shuxun has learned and to what extent.

"Oh...forget it." I really can't remember, Wei Shuxun can forget it, only to find that Lu Fei and Feng Wei have played with his rocket several times.

"Be careful, don't mess with the shell, I'll give it away."

That is to say, the children nearby were attracted by the toys, and they were standing beside them watching, Wei Shuxun had to lend them another ten minutes to play, before the children were reluctant She put away the rocket in her eyes.

"It's really interesting." Feng Wei also couldn't put it down, and said to Wei Shuxun, "Shuxun, lend me your design, and I'll make one another day."

"Okay, take it."

"That..." Lu Fei interjected: "Let me ask, this rocket was designed by Wei Shuxun yourself?"

"Yes." Wei Shuxun nodded.

Lu Fei's eyes lit up: "Design drawings, technology, appearance, all belong to you?"

"Of course."

Lu Fei's eyes brightened: "Then Shuxun, do you plan to sell this technology?"


"Yes, I know a lot of toy companies, I think the rocket you designed must be very popular with children. How about you, do you want to sell technology?"

"...!" While thinking about how to make money, someone suddenly came to the door. It was originally a toy for Han Zhixin. When it comes to money, he immediately wants to nod his head.

"Wait." Feng Wei waved his hand: "Shu Xun, if you want to sell it, you might as well apply for a good patent and sell it."

"That's right." Lu Fei nodded: "With the patent in hand, we can negotiate a better price."

"Oh..." Wei Shuxun always listens to the opinions of professionals on things he doesn't understand: "How to apply for a patent?"

Feng Wei and Lu Fei are really thinking of Wei Shuxun. Applying for a patent is not only good for negotiation.

But Wei Shuxun checked the requirements of the patent application and found that it was super troublesome. Application fee, printing fee, maintenance fee, examination fee, reexamination fee and other items, first of all, about 4,500 yuan must be prepared, which will eat up the living expenses of his poor student for more than two months. These are okay to say, the most troublesome is the audit. After submitting complex application materials, it has to go through complicated stages such as preliminary examination, publication, and substantive examination. When the reviewers have doubts, they must also make amendments or statements within the specified time. Just thinking about Wei Shuxun shook his head. He was so busy that he didn't have time to "state" to the censors.

This is the case, at the fastest speed, it will take at least 5 months to get the patent authorization. Lu Fei said that in order to ensure that the technology will not be leaked, the toy rocket can only be given away after obtaining a professional authorization letter.

"What's the point of that..."

Wei Shuxun shook his head. The toy he gave to a friend had to be detained for nearly half a year before sending it. Because it was a patent, Feng Wei didn't even dare to look at the design, and sent it back folded.

Although I am very happy to be able to sell for money, to do so is to put the cart before the horse.

"No need, I don't apply for a patent." Wei Shuxun said: "This technology is sold directly at the right price, no need to apply for any patent, it doesn't matter if no one wants it, it's just doing it play stuff."

"Book Xun?" Feng Wei was surprised.

"Really? Without patents, the price will be very low?" Lu Fei asked.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Wei Shuxun put the design back into Feng Wei's hands: "Feng Wei, you can play with it, as long as it is not rumored."

Feng Wei was stunned, then smiled: "Thanks, Shuxun!"

Lu Fei scratched his head: "Okay, the thing is yours, you can do it if you want, but this rocket needs to be placed with me temporarily, and the price can be negotiated only if there is something in it."

Wei Shuxun thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes, but it's only a week, I've been procrastinating for too long."

"No problem, one week is enough." Lu Fei opened the drawer, took out a few extra documents inside, and carefully locked the rocket inside.

Wei Shuxun glanced at it, saw the text above, and took it over curiously: "Refit of the automatic mahjong machine?"

"Oh, that!" Lu Fei explained embarrassedly: "I know a company that sells automatic mahjong machines, saying that they want to make some technical improvements, and are looking for technology outsourcing. The price is good. Very low, only 15,000, Feng Wei refuses to do it, haha, you must not like something like a mahjong machine."

Feng Wei shrugged: "I don't look down on automatic mahjong machines, but I don't understand mahjong machines, so I can't do it."

In Lu Fei's eyes, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he is calm and capable. Wei Shuxun, who is studying in a university, is completely the template of a top student. Such a good student will never look down on the mahjong machine. That kind of low-end gambling machine.

Who would have guessed that Wei Shuxun, a high-caliber student who was still dismissive of selling patents, has already nodded eagerly: "I want it, I will take it!"

The mahjong machine explained, he is too familiar with it!