MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 1725 Xuandu Dajie

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The butcher and the knives and knives have just rushed into the heavenly camp, and the oncoming is the army of the Tiancheng City, which is constantly coming in, blocking their way.

The Tiancheng City army is famous for its formation. It is known as the copper wall of the heavenly court. The commander of the Tianshou City is the star of the star, the golden saddle, and the majesty is the master of the realm of the emperor!

Tiancheng City is responsible for defending the city, because Yankang’s offensive is too fierce, and the grandmother led the army to crush the wall, but the butcher led the Shendao camp into the city, and was the first to be blocked by the Tiancheng City.

"Qing Shi Zhao Dan heart!"

The butcher burst into drink, and the knife is connected with Luo Wushuang, Zhe Huali and Bashan. The road of the knife path will be integrated into one, but this kind of knife-like combination method needs to be performed by the people who are going to perform. After honing, you can combine each other's knives and knives to enhance the path.

In the battle of Xuandu, Qin Wu, butcher, Luo Wushuang, Zhe Huali and Tian Hao, five ancestors of the martial arts, joined forces to promote the road to the 31st level and barely reach The level of heaven.

Now the five ancestors of the knife road lacked Qin Mu and Tian Yu. Although the knife method of Bashan is not weak, it is still inferior to Qin Mu and Tian Hao.

Fortunately, in the decades after the end of the Battle of Xuandu, the butchers, Zhehuali and Luo Wushuang’s knives entered the world quickly, making up for the shortage of Shangbashan.

The four people were in a wrong position, and the knife road broke out in 30 days. It was like a broken bamboo. It broke into the army of Tiancheng City and went straight to the golden saddle.

The golden saddle is not afraid, and goes straight to the four people. The body is shaken and smashed. These four people are all unknown in addition to Luo Wushuang. However, the two bodies are staggered, and the golden saddle head is grounded. The Yuanshen immediately went out and tried to escape, but a knife was flashed and his **** was killed!

The four did their best to lead the knives and battalions to the battlefields of the widowers and others. The swordsmanship was like a broken bamboo. However, there were too many soldiers in the front of the Tiancheng City to make them move forward.

The mother-in-law took the giant beast and led the army to rush to protect the left and right sides to help them resist the soldiers and horses that came from the two wings.

Behind the mother-in-law, a Yuanmumu rose, and Gongsun’s stepped forward. Yuanmu became more and more lush, and Gongsun’s hands raised, and Yuan’s magnetic power roared, and the soldiers of various military units from all over the world were crushed. Nothing can be moved.

Gongsun squatted his hands and cleaned the sky, clearing the sky out of a large space.

"The sacrifice god!"

The soldiers who were crushed to the ground burst into the air, and the gods flew out and flew to the grandson. For the gods, the geomagnetic force could not help.

Suddenly, the dragons in the sky trembled, Yanfeng Emperor stood on the building boat, urging Xuan Gong, floating in the Zulong Temple, Wanlong flying, killing the gods of the heavenly soldiers.

Suddenly, countless souls and black sands roared, and one **** was constantly shattered and turned into a black sand.

At this time, the left and right Shenwei army smashed to the Yanfeng Emperor, followed by the hundred and ten Yankang Shencheng guns in the back of the building, a blast of fire, blocking the left and right Shenwei army.

Yuetian Zun sat on the castle floor, bowed his head and plucked the piano, and the piano sounded. Suddenly, the Shenwei two guards and the hundred thousand soldiers turned around one by one, and disappeared rapidly. It was amazed by her where she left the space!

The second guard of Shenwei immediately formed a battle, and turned into a fire-destroyed magical array. Among the two arrays, two fire-defying shadows rise, and the fire behind them is like a round. It is a magical power of Shenwei’s second guard. Reenacting the magical magical power of the gods!

This fire-destroyed magical array is also designed by Tianshi Mengyun, and is mastered by Shenwei Second Guard.

On the moon, he raised his eyebrows and his body flew from the tower of the city. The next moment he deceived into the array of Shenwei and the second guard. At the same time, the goddess raised his hand and threw the hourglass. The hourglass flew into two big In the array, suddenly blasted, the soul of the black sand poured out, the darkness filled.

The two large arrays of fire could not melt the soul black sand, and suddenly two large arrays fell into the darkness. The male grandson flew up and turned into Yuanmu into two dark arrays.

When the big array started, Yuanmu suddenly burned, but finally the two fire sacred devils resisted for a moment.

Just in this moment, only the sound of the piano was heard in the darkness, and the next two moments split and split into hundreds.

The sound of the piano is getting more and more urgent. The moon plucks the strings, violently urging the mana, and suddenly the space rotates. Tens of thousands of Shenwei two guards are stretched with the shape of the piano sound, and the flat is cracked. Suddenly a space crack appears, revealing chaotic space. .

Moon Tianzun’s sleeves are playing the piano, and the sound of the piano is loud. The tens of thousands of soldiers are whistling away and being exiled to the depths of the chaotic space!

However, the strength of the tens of thousands of Shenwei two guards is really strong, and the single **** Weiwei is not enough to compete with the moon goddess, but the leader who controls the array is the top realm of the emperor in the heavenly court, urging the array and incorporating the gods and guards. In the array, the array was launched again, and even a lot of space was distorted, and it was to escape from the magical power of the moon!

Moon Tianzun has ten fingers flying, like a long number of arms, pointing to the shadows, and doing everything possible to compete with the fire of the Holy Devils, and those gods and two guards into the depths of chaos.

However, the power of Shenwei's second guard is too strong, and even if she tries her best, she can't completely exile her.

At this time, suddenly a channel number came, extremely bright and melodious: "The road sword broke through the sky!"

Jianguang broke through the air, followed by the sound of Yuetian Zun, and rushed into the chaotic space. A veteran walked, followed by tens of thousands of Taoist priests at the Yankang Gate, with swords in their hands, piercing into chaotic space with the piano sound. !

In the chaotic space, the blood is shining, and the flesh and blood of each body is blown up.

The moon goddess of the gods suddenly unimpeded, and in one fell swoop the Shenwu two guards to the deepest in the chaotic space.

"The Taoist enters the city!" The old man took the sword and led tens of thousands of people to enter the heaven camp.

Yuetian Zun exiled the second guard of the Tenth Heaven, and repaired it as a huge consumption. He hurriedly urged the remaining mana to put out the fire on Gongsun’s body. I saw that the girl had been burnt black and charcoal.

Yuetian Zun waved and sent Gongsun to the Shencheng of Shenkang. In the Shencheng, the pharmacist immediately stepped forward and healed for Gongsun.

There is not much left in the moon, and she has been cut into three realms. Although the road is deep and has been cultivated to the thirty-five heavens of the Tao, the mana is far behind.


She gritted her teeth, plucked the strings, and pulsed all the remaining mana. She only listened to a few loud noises. The hundreds of thousands of miles of the heavens suddenly split into seven or eight points, each floating in different directions. go with!

On the moon, he vomited blood, and the fingers were dripping with blood. The strings of the Guqin were broken, and she fell from the sky.

Tianyin maiden hurriedly caught her and was about to send her back to the rear of the city of God. Yue Tianzun shook his head and said: "I can rest for a while, don't bother me, enter the city as soon as possible!"

Tianyin Niangniu put her on her shoulders and walked toward the city. The magical power of the Tianyin world was motivated. One heaven and the gods had not come to her side, and the gods exploded. The soul black sand was from the eyes, ears and nose. It’s squirting and squirting.

The army of all walks of life strove to the heaven camp, **** battles, and there were violent fluctuations on the Tianhe River. The Emperor Xuanwu appeared from time to time, and sometimes split into two, turning into the Emperor Wudi, who led the Arctic Heaven. Kill.

Wei Suifeng arranged, and the Great Heaven was urging, rolling into the Tianhe Navy, and was invincible.

Tianhe has long been dyed into a blood-red river.

In the secluded capital, suddenly Qin Fengqing was heavily stunned, and the darkness of the darkness slammed the boundary between the secluded and the yang, and the huge gate of the heavens appeared in the heavenly camp!

The portal of Chengtian Gate opened, countless battles in the worry-free township, the gods who died in the battle of the Maple Valley, rushed out of the portal and rushed into the heaven camp!

"Where is our army of mysterious capitals?"

In the Tianting camp, there were soldiers who were desperate and shouted: "The Xuandu army is full of ghosts and ghosts. When the sun shines, they will let them fly in the air! The sun of Xuandu keeps the moon and keeps it? Why don't you come to support?"

No one can answer him.

It is reasonable to say that Yankang even occupies the great geographical advantage of Youdu, and it is impossible to turn over. As long as the Xuandu army arrives, it can suppress the ghosts of Youdu.

The ancestral king will definitely lead the army of Xuan Du to come to aid, but now, the army of Xuan Du has not appeared, and people are really worried.

No one has noticed that the stars in the sky are disordered, running around, and the stars are changing.

This is clearly a sign that Xuantong is not too flat, but no one can travel to Xuan Du to see what happened.

"I am standing, it is a quiet!"

In the Tianting camp, suddenly there was a little bit of tender voice in the thick and heavy, and the heavenly camp suddenly fell into the darkness. In the darkness, the two fires rose, like the huge magma grew taller and higher.

Qin Fengqing was covered in blood. Obviously, he was seriously injured when he was in the **** battle of Longwu. However, he mobilized the residual mana and rotated the six-wheeled ship. Wherever the power of the skywheel passed, many of the heavenly gods and gods turned into other Race, a big mess at a time.

At the time of the rotation of the six-wheel, a paper boat flew out of the secluded capital and entered the Tianting camp.

Although the soldiers of Longwu Second Guards suffered more than half of the casualties, they still followed suit and did not stop.

Suddenly, the sky is bright, the stars are moving fast, and the distance is getting closer and closer. The stars are getting bigger and bigger and brighter. Finally, the stars are breaking through the world barriers of the Yuan Dynasty. As a round of the sun appeared in the sky of the Yuan Dynasty!

Qin Fengqing's solitude is like a white snow encountering the sun, quickly dispelling.

A cheer in the heaven camp: "The mysterious army is coming!"

In the sky, Shenyang and Mingyue surging, laying down the battlefield, shooting with blazing light, and cutting to the heavenly camp!

At the same time, a hundred thousand gods and demon army descended from the sky, far from seeing the flag waving, writing a "jiang" word.

"Yankang Guoshi Jiang Baigui, Pingding Xuan Du, come to support!"

The thunder of the sky is rolling, that is, the army under Jiang Baigui screams in unison: "Xuandu Yizhu! Fall into Yankang!"

Cheers shouted, it was the cheers of Yankee’s soldiers in the **** battle!

In the cheers, the morale of the various military forces in the heavens collapsed, and the desperate atmosphere pervaded!

"Your Majesty, withdraw the army!"

The Empress's mother's hair was scattered, her mouth was bleeding, she got rid of the virtual Tianzun and the blue Yutian, and rushed into the heavenly camp. She said: "If you don't withdraw, you will never be able to!"

The Emperor Tiandi shawl was distributed, and the blood war was Qin Mu. He had already killed his eyes. He only felt that he only needed the last blow, so he could let Qin Mu fall, but Qin Mu would not die!

"Hurry down!"

The retreating heavenly army was flooded like a flood, and the Emperor and the Qinmu were inundated. A veteran minister cried: "If you don't leave, you can't go! All the soldiers will die here!"

In the chaos of the army, Emperor Tiandi clenched his teeth and was still attacking Qin Mu, and screamed: "It only takes a moment, and a moment can make his injury break out, there is no power! You can also turn over!"


He collided with Qin Mushen, unprecedentedly fierce, and spurted blood in the mouth of Emperor Tiandi, and flew out and broke into the chaos.

With the help of the ministers such as Shangfu, Shaofu, Youzhewei, and You Shaowei, they rushed over and set off the devastated Emperor Tiandi to rush into the army and quickly leave.

In the mouth of Emperor Tiandi, wow wows blood, his eyes are staring at Qin She, who is getting farther and farther, seemingly watching Qin Mu fall.

However, Qin Mu always stood there and did not move.

"Mu Tianzun, shepherd dog, you fall down!" The Emperor Tiandi was spurting out of blood, with despair in his voice, like a wounded old wolf.

When his eyes left Qin Mu’s body, he was blocked by the chaotic army. Qin Mu finally fell and the injury broke out completely.

However, Emperor Tiandi could not see this scene.