MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 38 Officials!

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  Chapter 38 Official mission!

  Thirty years have passed, and it has been four years since Qianyou.

  New year, new atmosphere.

  The weather in the Xie family is also updating. Since meeting the nobleman 'Cao Ren', life has gotten better and better.

   This day.

  The first month has just come out, and the sky is not yet bright.

  Xie’s family outside the city.

  Xie Changlin was wearing a cotton padded jacket, which was half old and not new. The advantage was that it was clean and not bloated, and he looked very capable.

  Mother Xie looked around the eldest son twice, patted him, and tidied Xie Changlin's clothes. The more she watched, the more satisfied she was: "My son is really energetic!"

   "Brother will be an official post from now on!"

  The second child, Xie Yuanhua, and the two younger sisters also got up early, and laughed out loud when they saw their eldest brother.

   "It's just ordinary folks, what kind of official post."

   Xie Changlin grinned, feeling very happy.

  The six members of his family—

  Dad hurt his back and couldn't do heavy work.

  My old lady manages two acres of Susukida by herself, and it is difficult to maintain the family.

  Second brother Xie Yuanhua just turned fourteen.

  The two younger sisters are nine years old and seven years old, so they can't help much.

  The family's expenses mainly depend on Xie Changlin's work on the pier.

  Life is tight.

   But this is last year, it is already old calendar.

  Since Cao Ren came to the door in the middle of last year, the situation finally improved.

   Xie's father, Xie's mother, together with the second child, Xie Yuanhua, will help Cao Ren deliver fresh fish to the two restaurants sooner or later, a trip of about a hundred catties is very easy, and even Xie Yuanhua can do it by himself.

  Weijuli is still some distance away from the city, so we have to get up early every day, rush to the city gate, and enter the city gate when the city gate just opens at 5:50 Yinshi (about four o'clock), and rush to pick up and deliver goods.

   At night, you have to go out before the city gate closes at 5:00 pm (about 8:00).

   When I got home, it was almost nine o'clock.

  Morning and night.

  I don’t feel tired when I deliver goods. It’s mainly spent on the way in and out of the city, picking up and delivering goods. I need to get up early and stay late every day, and sometimes catch up on sleep during the day.

   But this job is also leisure.

  Two times in the morning and evening, there is nothing to do during the day, so you can do other things, such as wholesale chickens from Cao Ren and sell them in the market. The wholesale price is not high, and the advantage is that the goods are purchased in the city and sold in the city, the transportation cost is greatly reduced, and it is rare for chickens to be broken.

   A lot of profits can be made in one day.

  After operating for half a year last year, the life of the Xie family has gradually improved.

Xie Changlin was practicing martial arts in the martial arts hall. Half a year later, because of his outstanding qualifications and willingness to work hard, he also practiced some famous tricks. He was recommended by the master of the martial arts hall and was able to enter the Luoxiu county government office located in the north city of Xijing City, and became an editor-in-chief. The strong class and the strong people.

  In Daliang, the government servants in the county can be honored as "dutou".

  Although Xie Changlin is just an ordinary man, he is also making up, and he is qualified to be honored as the "capital head" in the future.

  In the eyes of officials and masters, not to mention ordinary people, even captors and squad leaders are also filthy subordinates, who can't get on the stage and get in the eyes of others.

  But for the common people, even if they are idlers, they must be careful not to offend, let alone make up.

  In the past, a white servant was a big figure in the eyes of the Xie family.

   And now, Xie Changlin has become a real official post. The excitement of the family can be imagined, no less than the scholar's winning and gold list titles!

  Everyone scolds the yamen servants, and everyone envies the officials.

   Love and hate, nothing more.


   "Boss, you must be careful when you go to the Yamen to work, don't bully the common people, it's not easy."

   "Many people in the yamen like to hang out in the streets and blackmail everywhere. You shouldn't do this."

   "Our family is not short of money now—"

Father Xie looked at the old man, bowed his waist, gave Xie Changlin instructions, and counted the income of the family with his fingers: "There is 30 Wen wages for delivering fish every day, and selling eggs in the market can earn more than 100 Wen in a day. It seems that the income is almost 200 Wen, which is enough for our family to live on. We can't do such unconscionable things!"

   "Father, I know, Brother Cao said the same thing. If I do something wrong, Brother Cao will be the first to spare me."

  Xie Changlin nodded heavily.

  He has also been bullied/been at the bottom. The old father is kind-hearted and kind-hearted, preaching and teaching, and Brother Cao urges and teaches, and he must never be a bad official.

  Father Xie heard the eldest son mention Cao Ren, and couldn't help but sigh: "My boss is benevolent!"

  Provide work for the family.

  Sponsored Xie Changlin to practice martial arts.

   Now he is helping with the operation again, and let Xie Changlin enter the Yamen as an errand.

   This is the great benefactor and nobleman of the Xie family!

"All right."

   "If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it on the way. Today is the first day that the boss is on duty, so we can't be late."

  Mother Xie saw the father and son chatting endlessly, urged them twice, and the family set off in the dark, rushed to the city gate, and started a new day of life.


   Not only the Xie family.

   Not only Xie Changlin.

  In the new year, Lu Damiao, Zou Long, and Zou Hu also used their own martial arts masters to open up the door for Yinzi to enter the county government and become government servants.

  Xie Changlin joined the "Strong Squad" among the three classes of yamen servants. He was responsible for guarding the city gates, yamen, warehouses, prisons and other vital parts, and patrolling urban and rural roads.

Because Zou Long and Zou Hu are rare twin brothers with the same appearance, they were photographed. They entered the "stand shift" and became a "Zao Li". , Escort criminals, execute torture and cane punishment.

  Near water and buildings, the future is not small.

   Lu Damiao joined the "Quick Class", and became a "Kuaishou", commonly known as a "Catcher", responsible for summoning defendants, witnesses, arresting criminals, and searching for evidence.

  Xijing City is very large, with a total of 17 counties under its jurisdiction.

   But only two counties in the city—

   South Zhige.

  North is Luo embroidery.

  Kyoto is governed by Chi County.

  The two counties divided up Xijing City, naturally it is Chi County, and one county has a population of one million, so there are many establishments in the government.

   For example, 'quick class'.

  Usually, there are only ten people in other counties, one shift.

  But Luoxiu County Yamen has six fast shifts, each with 16 people, totaling 96 people.

   Nearly a hundred!

   There are a lot of people!

  However, even so, the fast class is still not enough.

  Especially in recent years, with the frequent occurrence of various crimes, it has become more and more stretched.

  In the past six months, people are even more panicked!


   "Something has happened!"

   "Guo Tutou was killed at home!"

   "Captain Guo? His saber skills rank first among the six chief arresters in the yamen. Who can kill him?!"

   "I heard that it was the 'Iron Brave God' again, and this time he even set fire to a room in Guo Butou's house."

   "It's him again! Eat the bear's heart and leopard gall!"

   "Tch! He committed 17 major crimes in just six months after his debut, at least 30 to 40 people were killed under his control, and he called himself 'Iron Brave God', iron courage and iron courage.

   "If you don't arrest this person, everyone will be at ease!"

   "Liu Butou has already brought people to the scene."


  Early this morning, as soon as Lu Damiao arrived at the yamen, he was taken by the arresting head 'Liu Rusong', together with a few of his subordinates who were regular officers and a dozen or so white servants, and rushed to Chunhuifang Guo's house.

Liu Rusong practiced martial arts in various martial arts gyms in Xijing City in his early years, and made a name for himself. He was already quite famous at the age of thirty, and then entered Luoxiu County as a head catcher, leading a team alone, and eleven of his subordinates were editors. There are dozens of white servants down there, and they are considered number one in the yamen.

  He has some friendship with 'Huang Yihe', the owner of the martial arts gym where Lu Damiao is.

  Lu Damiao contacted Liu Rusong through Huang Yihe, and then used money to clear the way. It took a full forty taels of silver to win the seat of an active police officer.

   This is because the Luoxiu county government has suffered a lot of casualties in the past six months, and there are many people fleeing in panic. If it is in previous years, it will not double, and there will be no seventy or eighty taels of silver, so I don't want it at all.

  When news of today’s news gets out, the market is likely to drop further and fall below 40.

   And the source of all this is because of the peerless murderer who turned out last year——

   God of iron courage!


  (end of this chapter)