MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 22 Treat!

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  Chapter 22 Admitted!



   Cao Xin heard the sound of the little savage waking up, got up and brought over the cooked millet porridge, put a few pickles in it, it was delicious and very appetizing.


   Just came in.

   I saw the little wild man touching his little head with his small hands. She didn't seem to understand why her head was bald and chilly. She opened her eyes wide and sat up and looked around the room—

   Wooden bed.




   Wooden frame.


   Too many things I haven't seen before, impacting the cognition of the little savage.

  After seeing Cao Xin come in, he opened his mouth in shock and yelled, yelling and making gestures.


  Cao Xin couldn't understand or understand.

   Completely unable to communicate.

  He simply went his own way, and ate millet porridge with a spoon in front of the little savage, with an expression of pretended enjoyment on his face, which was extremely exaggerated, so that the little savage could understand what he meant.

   Then put the millet porridge on the bedside table.

   Indicates that the little savages can eat.

   "Whoa whoa—"

  The little savage can't talk nonsense, he just yells when he opens his mouth, it's ugly, loud, and ear-piercing.

  Cao Xin got a headache when he heard it.

   I was too lazy to answer, went to the kitchen and served myself a bowl of millet porridge, and then I heard louder wah wah wah wah from the bedroom.

   "Good guy!"

   "It's only a savage who quarreled like this. If a group of savages come in the future, will I be able to live in peace?"

  Cao Xin was daunted.

   Moved and walked to the bedroom, Cao Xin was taken aback as soon as he reached the door.

  I saw the little savage lying naked on the ground with his buttocks facing out, licking the ground like a puppy, and the bowl of millet porridge was overturned.

   "Stop licking."

   "Eat this, serve it."

  During the three years of fleeing famine in Cao Xin’s life, it is not that he has not snatched food from wild dogs, and he has also picked food from the mud on the ground, but after more than eight months, it seems like a dream.

  After settling in Xijing City and returning to civilization, even though life was difficult for the first month, it never happened again.

  At this time, the little savage was like a wild dog, and Cao Xin couldn't see it, so he wanted to pull the little savage up.

   But Ono was quite strong, so Cao Xin didn't pull him up.

   She's still licking.

no way.

  Cao Xin could only turn in front of him, hand over the bowl of millet porridge and put it on the ground.

  The little savage turned from the ground to the bowl, but he was still kneeling and licking.


   "There is a long way to go."

  Cao Xin sighed and watched from the side.

  The little savage first devoured the millet porridge in the bowl, and then continued to lick the millet porridge that was spilled on the ground, especially the pickled vegetables.

  Wait until she licks it all clean.

   Then he turned his head, eyes wide open, holding a bowl and screaming—

  Cao Xin understood this time.

   "You still want to eat?"

"forget it."

   "Don't stretch yourself."

  Cao Xin shook his head, took the bowl and poured a glass of cold water for the little wild man, instead of giving her millet porridge.

  The little wild man took it again in a hurry.

   He drank it in two gulps, and stared at Cao Xin again holding the empty bowl.


  Cao Xin ignored her this time, put down the rice bowl in her hand, and pulled her to the storage area behind the house.

   This is a closed area surrounded by stone walls. There are a total of twenty warehouses, half of which have been activated and the doors and windows are closed. The other half is still vacant and will be hoarded slowly in the future.

  However, it is hard to say when the remaining ten rooms will be available.

  Although ten warehouses have been activated, they are only divided into categories—

  For example, the first one from the left stores grain, more than three thousand catties. It sounds like a lot, but a cubic meter of rice weighs 3340 jin.

  Cao Xin's rice, white flour, corn, soybeans and other staple grains add up to only a few square meters. The huge warehouse is still empty, and it is still long before it will be filled.

   "You will live in this room from now on."

  Cao Xin took the little savage and teleported to an empty warehouse. It was empty, and he moved another bed, and brought the straw, pillows, sheets, and bedding that the little savage had just used.

   This is considered a proper arrangement.

  The little savage is not stupid. Seeing Cao Xin rushing in and out, she followed in and out like a little tail.

   Waiting for Cao Xin to make the bed, she screamed.


   This is what she just woke up and lay on. It is very soft, slippery and comfortable.



  Cao Xin pointed to the little wild man's bed and called twice.

   It doesn't matter whether she understands or not.

   Pulled her to move slightly, pushed her down on the bed, covered her with a quilt



   Cao Xin made a fool of himself and told the little savage to go to bed quickly.

  But Cao Xin didn’t care about whether he slept or not. He walked out of the house and then teleported back to the front yard.

  The storage area is closed, and Cao Xin did not leave a door for entry and exit at all, and all entry and exit depended on teleportation.

  The wall is nearly three meters high.

  The little savage can't get over it.

  Let her stay inside first, lest she run around alone and run into danger when Cao Xin is not around.

  Back to the front yard, Cao Xin monitored the little wild man through the real map in his mind.



  I saw the huge storage area, and the naked little savages chased Cao Xin out of the warehouse, but they couldn't find anyone when they searched left and right, screaming anxiously and running around.

   Can't find anyone.

  Can't run out.

  The little savage yelled for a while, searched every corner, and then seemed to be tired, and became dejected and squatted on the ground, crying silently.

   After another half hour.

   A gust of wind blew, and the little savage trembled. Then he stood up and went into one warehouse after another.

  Cao Xin thought she hadn't given up yet.

   It turned out that this guy forgot which warehouse the bed was in. After finding the bed, he went to bed and lay down, squinted his eyes and fell asleep.

   "He has a big heart."

   Cao Xin looked funny, shook his head, and started catching fish.


   Within a few hours, when the sky was slightly bright in reality, Cao Xin got up to deliver fish and eggs to a total of four restaurants including the Sun’s Restaurant.

   After finishing his busy work, Cao Xin didn't wander around this time, and went back to the temporary base to rent a small courtyard, and immediately entered the original fairyland.

  The original fairyland.

  Stone house, storage area.

  The little savage was wrapped in sheets and quilts and sat outside the warehouse door. His little bald head turned around and his eyes looked around, like a little abandoned animal.

  It is already bright in reality.

  It will be late in the original fairyland.

  Cao Xin glanced at the status of the little savage through the map, and was not in a hurry to meet her. He first went to the front yard, entered the kitchen, and cooked food and decoction.

   Not for a while.

  I heard the familiar yelling.

   Don't even look at it.

  It is definitely the little savage who is attracted or frightened when she sees the smoke coming out of the kitchen chimney. In short, no matter what the reaction is, she will express it by screaming.

  Cao Xin ignored him, and after a while, the voice disappeared.

  After the medicine is cooked, Cao Xin’s rice is cooked and vegetables are also fried.

   Steamed eggs.

   Braised pork.

   Steamed sea bass.

   Stir-fried Chinese cabbage.

   Another egg drop soup.

  Standard four dishes and one soup, and three meat and one vegetarian.

   can be described as rich.

  Cao Xin put it on the table, and then went to the storage area.


  (end of this chapter)