MTL - Take a Door with You-Chapter 152 Don't cry if you don't see the coffin! 【Book

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  Chapter 152 Don't cry without seeing the coffin! [This chapter says it has been restored! 】

  Night on the fourth day of November.

  Beside Changxi Lake, Feilai Peak.

  Cao Xin sat opposite the divine sculpture, closed his eyes, adjusted his breath, and practiced hard.

   is across from him.

  The divine sculpture looks good, sitting on the ground, but opens his eyes from time to time to look at Cao Xin, and then turns around, sneaking and looking wretched.

  It is too difficult for a eagle to calm down and concentrate on cultivation.

   "Pay attention to breathing!"

  Cao Xin sensed something, but without opening his eyes, he reprimanded him.


  The eagle's wings trembled slightly, and he calmed down immediately—





   Breathe according to the weird frequency taught by Cao Xin.

   But not for long.

   My heart feels dry again, my breathing is messy, and my eyes start to squint again.


   Cao Xin urged again.

   woo woo~

  Shen Diao was honest again.

   Repeatedly like this, finally got through for an hour.

  Cao Xin beckoned, and the divine eagle was overjoyed, curled up and put into the 'Beast Controlling Circle', ending the day's torture.


   "It's really not easy to teach it to practice "Shou Shiqing's Compilation and Tune the Body Technique"."

  Cao Xin was helpless.

The IQ of the golden eagle is no worse than that of the ordinary savages in the original fairy world. In addition, Ah Xia is a mutated golden eagle, and his intelligence is higher. The communication was even smoother than that between him and the savages.

   After teaching Ah Xia one by one many concepts of human beings in the future, the communication between one person and one carving will be more convenient, faster and more accurate than the communication between Cao Xin and other normal people.

  I understand.

   But the case.

   Because there was no fundamental obstacle in the communication between the two, Cao Xin began to guide Ah Xia to practice.

  Inner strength and swordsmanship are not necessary, they can be carried forward, and Ah Xia may not need them.

   But health preservation is different.

  'Shou Shiqing's Tune Your Body Technique' can prolong life and heal injuries. It has many benefits for Ah Xia.

  Cao Xin is also looking forward to how long a divine sculpture who knows how to maintain health and master the healing book will eventually live and what kind of achievements he will have.

  So I never get tired of it.

  But after more than two months, Ah Xia has never entered the state. To put it bluntly—

   This guy is wild and unruly.

  It is indeed too counterintuitive for a golden eagle of a different species to practice health regimen.


   "Eat bitterness and bitterness, only then can you carve the best."

   "If you don't force yourself, how do you know it won't work?"

  Cao Xinke is doing it for the good of Ah Xia.

   "Ordinary golden eagles can live to be eighty years old."

   "Let's say that the heterogeneous golden eagle can live to be a hundred years old."

   "Then, how long can a heterogeneous golden eagle live after health care?"

  Cao Xin is looking forward to it.


   Putting away the animal control circle, Cao Xin entered the primitive fairyland to continue his practice.

  As for why he didn't practice in the original fairyland in the first place, it's about the entry and exit mechanism of the original fairyland.

  As early as the second year of Qianyou when he first got the "Bronze Immortal Gate", Cao Xin had already tried it—

   Birds and beasts can be brought into and out of the original fairyland by him.

  But people can't.

  For example, the big brother Cao Ren in reality, such as the little savage in the original fairyland, cannot be brought in or out.

  Cao Xin didn't make a fuss either.


   Birds and beasts are living creatures just like people, and most people will definitely be confused—oh, why can birds and beasts enter but not humans? This is unreasonable.

   But this is to find the same point.

  If you look for the difference—

   Living people.

   Birds and beasts.

   After all, you can still find many different ones, right?

  So don't think too much, it must be one of the many differences between living people and birds and beasts, which restricts the entry and exit of living people.

   As for which point—

  Cao Xin is not a scientist.

  The 'Bronze Immortal Gate' is not a security door either.

  How does he know?

   Can't study it either.

   Besides accepting, what else can I do?


   Looking for trouble?

   Not necessary.


   Within the scope of his ability, he still conducted some tests under the circumstances of his convenience.

   Such as weight.

   Such as volume.

   But in the end it turned out that none of that mattered.

  Little Cao Liang was as light as straw, and he couldn't bring it in.

  The calf is heavier than Cao Liang, but it can be brought in.


   Weight and volume are not influencing factors.

   But this time.

  When Cao Xin tried to bring Ah Xia into the original fairyland, he failed. Only by taking Ah Xia into the 'Beast Controlling Circle' first can the 'Beast Controlling Circle' be brought into the original fairyland, and Axia is here, and there is no way to get out of the 'Beast Controlling Circle'.

  But except Ah Xia.

   Its wife and children on Qishan Mountain can enter and leave the original fairyland.

  Cao Xin speculates that this may be due to the mutation of 'A Xia', or the influence of 'Beast Control Circle'.

   In short.

  A Xia is also restricted, unable to appear in the original fairyland in real body.

  So, Cao Xin could only find a high mountain in reality and open a cave, and practice with it. After finishing its homework, he can enter the original fairyland to practice and manage.

   Slightly more cumbersome, but still acceptable.

Has little effect.


   Continue to penance.

  In the original fairy world, Cao Xin can practice at will.

  Qingqiu Eighteen Illusions.

  Ning's Eagle Claw Skill.

  Child Golden Bell Jar.

  Five steps Ling Yunzong.

  Vajra Flying Thunder Palm.

  8864-style Flying Eagle Whirling Swordsmanship.

  Several kung fus are being practiced and pondered.

  Even though the current 'source point' is limited, Cao Xin is still making his way into martial arts—

  The 'Zixia Magic Art' on the eighth floor.

  The 'Eighteen Illusions of Qingqiu' on the seventh floor.

  'Ning's Eagle Claw Art' on the seventh floor.

   There is also the 'Shou Shiqing Arrangement and Adjustment Technique' on the ninth floor.

  With a solid foundation, Cao Xin is more handy and capable when learning other martial arts and martial arts.

   Just like a master like Duan Chong, if he goes to practice some unfamiliar sword techniques, he can also get started quickly.

   Mastery is not easy.

   Getting started is not difficult.

  Cao Xin is also at this stage now.

  After his painstaking practice, martial arts such as 'five-step cloud-climbing vertical' and 'Vajra Ben Lei Zhang' have already been introduced, and he has reached the first and second levels, saving him at least seven or eight origin points.

   Good steel is used on the blade!

  Cao Xin is not in a hurry to add these martial arts now, he can focus on adding some 'Zixia Divine Art' first, this is the foundation, the inner strength attainment is higher, the martial arts understanding is deeper, and various martial arts can be mastered faster and improved faster.

   This is the most efficient and cost-effective way to add points.

At the beginning of this month, when the source point accumulated 8 points, Cao Xin raised the 'Zixia Divine Art' to the eighth level immediately, with deeper attainments and higher realms. When practicing exercises, the speed of breeding and accumulating internal power is also faster .

   Works great.

   It's not just the 'Zixia Magic Art'.

  If there is a windfall in the account, there is no need to lose the "Shou Shiqing Compilation and Tune the Body Method". Cao Xin is very curious about what it will be like when this method of health preservation reaches its peak.

   "Rebirth of broken limbs?"

   "Back to life?"

  Cao Xin is looking forward to it.

that's it.

  Immersed in martial arts practice day by day, time flies.

   In a blink of an eye, the sun is rising.

  In reality, the third watch is over.

   "Start work!"

  Cao Xin changed his clothes on time, came out of the original fairyland, and released the divine carving A Xia, one person and one carving, and went straight to Xijing City.


the next day.

  The fifth day of November.

  It's not until noon.

  At the foot of the Wuqin Mountain, which has never been visited by people, there are hundreds of people gathered at this time, bustling, or in groups of three or five, or dozens of people in one place.

   Obviously not in the same camp.

If you look carefully, you can see that Duan Chong, Chen Wanting, and Su Yu are also among them. Behind them are more than a dozen bodyguards, handymen, and Su Cheng, Su Dong, and three villains from the Su family who are chained. servant.

  Su Yu looked left and right, and couldn't help feeling: "They all say 'you don't cry when you don't see the coffin', today is a good experience."

   Duan Chong and Chen Wanting looked at each other and remained silent.

  Don't cry when you don't see the coffin?

   Isn't the Su family the same?

  Therefore, Su Yu was right to say this, but the two of them couldn't answer.


  Whether it is Duan Chong or Chen Wanting, they agree with this statement from the bottom of their hearts.

  The excitement in Xijing City—

   A start.

The 'Shenhou Mansion' persuaded them with good words, listed the crimes against the sixty-one families in Xijing, and asked them to send them to Wuqinzhai, but these wealthy families were worried about this and that, some were worried and some were confident, in short, none of them listened. .

  Everyone is waiting.

  Everyone is dragging.

  Everyone deliberately sat and watched the Shenhou Mansion be wiped out, reduced to a laughing stock.

   But never thought—

  The clown is actually me? !

  Things are changing too fast—

  In the early morning of the second day of junior high school, the Shenhou Mansion delivered the indictment.

  In the early morning of the third day of the third day, the Shenhou Mansion predicted that it would attack the Xijingdu Sifu.

  In the early morning of the fourth day of the lunar new year, the Xijingdu Sifu was saturated, smashed, burned, and reduced to ruins. At the same time, the Shenhou Mansion once again notified one day in advance that it would attack the Xijing Mansion, the Xijing Mansion Yin Wangyou's mansion, and the Xijing Commander Yu Hui's mansion.

  In the early morning of the fifth day, all three places were destroyed.

  Last night, there was a lot of turmoil in the city of Xijing. All the soldiers and officials from all walks of life strictly controlled these three places inside and outside, the sky and the ground, but still failed to find the slightest trace of the Shenhou Mansion.


  The majesty of the Xijing government has been swept away.

  'Shenhou Mansion' boarded the altar.

  In addition to the fact that the three-day period has come, the sixty-one families in Xijing, including the Su family, or the prisoners designated by the Shenhou Mansion in custody early this morning, completely succumbed. Or bring large sums of money in an attempt to communicate.

  For example, the Pan family—


   "People from the Pan family have come out."

  Chen Wanting didn't want to discuss with Su Yu the embarrassment of the Sixty-One Family in Xijing, he raised his eyes, and just saw the old housekeeper of the Pan family who had just entered the intersection on the mountain, and a few followers, who were descending the mountain.

  Duan Chong and Su Yu heard the words, and quickly cast their gazes.

   I see.

  The faces of these people were bitter. As soon as they got off the mountain, they were surrounded by many people.

  Chen Wanting also leaned over to listen—


   "No flexibility at all."

   "The Pan family is already very sincere, no matter how much money they accept, they only want the patriarch to be exempted from the sentence, even if the sentence is reduced, but the one in the mountain did not let go."

  The old butler of the Pan family felt weak for a while.

   Facing the helpless 'Shenhou Mansion' where the entire Xijing government government office is helpless, no matter how rich and powerful the Pan family is, it is difficult to deal with it.

  If you don’t want to hand over Pan Sheng and plead guilty to the law, you may have to quickly sell off the Pan family’s property, and move your family out of Xijing within a few days.

   Not only Xijing City.

  The entire Xijing Prefecture cannot stay.

   It's just that the Pan family's roots are in Xijing, so it's really not clear whether it's because of a dandy patriarch to make the decision to leave his hometown and hurt his bones.

   "The Pan family has eight rooms."

  "If things cannot be done, it is unlikely that the whole family will fall apart because of one patriarch."

   "Even if Pan Sheng's mother and Mrs. Lu Guogong are sisters, it is very difficult for Lu Guogong to intervene."


   "This time, Duke Lu's mansion is also in trouble."

  Su Yu shook his head.

  This time, there are not a few people who are in a dilemma like the Pan family.

   Duke Lu's mansion also faced such a problem.

   and even worse.

  The Pan family still had some chance of abandoning Pan Sheng. After all, this man was young, and he was a dude with little prestige.

  But among the more than ten people convicted by the Shenhou Mansion in Lu Guogong's mansion this time, there is a core figure——

   "Princess Yongjia!"

   This is Lu Guogong's own younger sister, and she is the "Princess Yongjia" conferred by the emperor today. Her status and holy family are not comparable to little Pan Sheng.

  Facing the powerful 'Shenhou Mansion', will Lu Guogong's mansion protect or not?

   This is a big problem.

  Shenhou Mansion is no better than the imperial court.

  If someone breaks the law in Daliang, even if everyone accuses him of it, Duke Lu’s Mansion can secretly send him out of Xijing to other provinces to hide his name and hibernate in order to avoid prison and get away with it.

  The Duke of Lu's family has a great business and a solid foundation, and it is unlikely that the imperial court will retaliate against the entire Duke of Lu's mansion for the crime of a princess of Yongjia riding a horse in the city.

   This is the rule of the beam.

   But Shenhou Mansion is unreasonable!

   No delivery?


   Then wait to be bombed, bombed and burned!

   Whatever reason you have!

   Take care of your family and your business!

   No scruples!

   This is what troubled Lu Guogong's mansion, Pan's family and other wealthy families the most.


  Su Yu thought of Lu Guogong's mansion and Princess Yongjia, and fell silent for a while.

  He looked around, but he didn't see Princess Yongjia, nor anyone from Lu Guogong's mansion.

   "Are you preparing to fight hard?"

  Su Yu frowned.

  Although he felt that there was something wrong with Princess Yongjia's temper, he didn't think the crime was beyond that—

  Three years in prison?

  It was nothing more than galloping horses in the downtown area and setting fire to fishing boats. No one was injured or killed. The three-year penalty is too much for a woman and a princess.

  Ke Shenhou Mansion—


  While Su Yu was thinking, suddenly, a voice came from the front——

   "The Su family in Xiandu!"

   "It's Su's house!"

   "Except for the prisoner, there are at most ten people to follow, go up the mountain quickly, don't make the adults of Shenhou Mansion wait too long!"

  Call the number in front of the mountain.

  Finally it was the turn of the Su family in Xiandu.

   "Brother Duan, Brother Chen, please do one more."

  Su Yu woke up with a start, and had no time to think about Princess Yongjia, so he immediately took Su Cheng and other five people to board Wuqin Village together with Duan Chong and Chen Wanting.


   "I heard that a few days ago, Shenhou Mansion used pre-buried gunpowder in Wuqin Village to kill nearly a hundred masters including Lu Guogong's mansion. The lowest strength is even stronger than Chen."

   "I thought it was a rumor, but now it seems—"

  Chen Wanting boarded Wuqin Mountain and clicked his tongue when he saw the messy and exploded ruins in front of him.

  Shenhou Mansion!

   What a bunch of ruthless people!

   If there is a disagreement, it will explode!

   When he got so ruthless, he even blew up his own house and family members!

   It's outrageous.

  Chen Wanting respected and feared at the same time.

  Su Yu and Duan Chong also had their eyelids twitch.

  I couldn't help thinking in my heart, where they are stepping on now, maybe there is also gunpowder buried in it?

   Then if they disagree, they will be blown up to the sky?

   This is scary!

   Quickly walked a few steps, and arrived at a hut.

  In the small courtyard outside the house, an old man wearing a silver mask was sitting on a stone bench, and there was no one else around.


   It’s a new month, ask for a monthly pass!

   PS: This chapter says it has been restored!



  (end of this chapter)