MTL - Sword Slaying The Heavens-Chapter 801 evildoer

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  Chapter 801 Monster

  The battle between the little drug boy and Yan Chang has clearly passed for some time, and Duguhan was with them back then, and he also brought a lot of elixir left by Chen Fan, how could it be possible to use it up in just five years? There is no reason why Xiaoyaotong has not recovered from his injuries so far.

The bald bird and Lao Huangya were immediately angry when they heard Chen Fan's question, and said angrily: "Some people are really daring, I don't know who joined forces to assassinate the head of the Xiao family, and then several big families headed by the Wu family suppressed that at the same time." The forces of the two clans, Ye Xiaozi and the others also encountered an ambush the year before, and the old man Duguhan was severely injured, all the elixir on his body was robbed, and he finally escaped with a few maids. Ye Xiaozi was very angry and wanted to find us together The elixir was stolen back, but he was enraged by the boy from the Yan family, and the two fought. Unexpectedly, the old man from the Yan family made a secret attack again, and Ye Xiaozi was also defeated. He was bumped into by me and Lao Huangya and rescued. Now they are still safe, Dugu The Patriarch personally escorted them to Nanzhou."

   "Patriarch Dugu has gone too? Isn't it..." Chen Fan was slightly taken aback.

"Well, Dugu's family was forced to relocate to Nanzhou. Now the entire Eastern Wilderness is under the influence of that group of people. We are going to loot the Wu Mansion in the past few days. I didn't expect you to come back at this juncture. " Lao Huangya nodded and said, the whole person also relaxed a lot, because Chen Fan came back.

   "Don't talk about it, the Wu family is here. Now that you're here, it's time to take revenge." The bald bird said aggressively.

  Chen Fan shook his head and said, "No need, I just came out of Wu Mansion."

   "What?" Bald Bird and Old Yellow Fang were startled.

Chen Fan smiled lightly, and told all about his journey from Fei's house to Yan's mansion, and finally to Wu's mansion. As a result, the old Huangya and the bald-haired bird were relieved a lot after listening to it, and even the little golden monkey grinned laughing out loud.

   "Damn, it's a pity that the old man is not there, otherwise I would have kicked a few times." The bald bird said.

"But boy, you let the head of the Wu family run away. This matter is still a bit tricky. If they join forces, you will have to face at least six late-stage distractions in the future." Lao Huangya said with a serious expression. Come on, even if Chen Fan stepped into the late stage of distraction, the opponents are six veteran powerhouses, and they have accumulated a lot of years in this realm, Chen Fan may be hard to beat.

   But Chen Fan shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "It's okay, it's not a problem, the most urgent thing now is to rush to Nanzhou first, in case they take the first step."

  Old Huangya couldn't help but stare after hearing this, and looked at Chen Fan in astonishment: "No problem? Kid, don't brag like this ugly bird."

   "Damn, you want to die, old yellow tooth?" the bald bird said angrily.

  Chen Fan smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

  Old Huangya gasped, he knew Chen Fan's temper, what this kind of smile meant, it meant that he was sure of everything.

  Among the same level, one against six is ​​still ten to one. This concept is enough for Lao Huangya to understand.

The bald bird didn't bother to argue with the old Huangya anymore, and glanced at Chen Fan in surprise, but their realm was too low after all, it was really hard to tell where the difference in strength between Chen Fan and those people was, but he vaguely felt that Chen Fan was really His strength is far from being as simple as it seems.

   Afterwards, several people went to the ancient city where the Wu family was located, preparing to take the teleportation array to leave.

  The people in the ancient city saw Chen Fan go and come back, and brought the bald bird and the old yellow tooth, they were frightened and ran away.

   "Don't be targeted by those two old gods, or you will lose everything."

"Not only that, don't look at that little monkey who is innocent and cute, he is more ruthless than those two liars in his hands, and those two are cheating at any rate. Can't catch it."  …

  Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Chen Fan and the bald-haired bird finally stepped into the teleportation formation, activated the formation with spirit stones, and finally disappeared completely, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

  A few days later, Chen Fan and others showed up in an ancient city in the south, and hurried on their way without stopping, continuing to take the formation, all the way to Nanzhou.

   It took a whole month before they finally set foot on the South Continent, a place that impressed Chen Fan deeply.

He thought of the Xiao family's father and daughter, who broke into the Valley of Unrequited Love with Xiao Siqing, and finally the little golden monkey made trouble again, almost causing something to happen to the two of them. After such a long time, the head of the Xiao family was assassinated. Imagine that the Xiao family may not be able to reproduce the glory of the past.

"Let's go to Xiao's house after finding Jingjing and the others." Chen Fan thought to himself, in the final analysis, the Xiao family's fate has something to do with him. It used to be brilliant because of him, but now it is also because of him leaving. decay.

He took out the six-path reincarnation disk, and quickly found the positions of Chen Jingjing and the others. The old yellow tooth and the bald bird were advising Chen Fan along the way, saying how to take revenge on the Wu family and other big families, but they were still more or less transparent. With a hint of worry, he was afraid that Chen Fan was not familiar with the strength of those people, and the general idea of ​​what he said was to let Chen Fan kill them one by one, and there was no need to fight six people at once.

Chen Fan naturally understood their good intentions, but he didn't explain much. Although the Patriarch of the Wu family is powerful, they are still not as good as the group of Fu Baihou and Gong Jiu back then. At the same time, one against six, the problem is really not big.

  What he is urgent now is to finish the affairs in this world as soon as possible, and then go to the outer space to cross the tribulation without worry, and move towards the critical fusion state, and then follow the fat Taoist priest to the fairy world.

  He believes that the Emperor of Heaven will soon send people to the world of ruins to rebuild the Heavenly Dao Gate and break through Wuzhi Mountain. Time is running out.

   "Boy, what's the matter, where are the Dugu family and those girls?" At this moment, the bald bird looked at Chen Fan holding the six-path reincarnation disc and asked.

  Chen Fan came back to his senses, shook his head lightly, and said in a low voice: "It's just ahead, and we'll be there in a few days. Those of the Wu family didn't come, so they should be preparing for the battle with all their strength."

   "Boy, are you really sure?" Old Huangya asked.

   "As long as it's not in the fit state, a hundred people can fight together." Chen Fan had no choice but to use this metaphor to reassure Old Huangya and Bald Bird.

   Sure enough, the two couldn't sit still after hearing Chen Fan's words. This was almost the most confident thing Chen Fan had said since they knew Chen Fan, one against a hundred?

  If it came from other people, they would definitely not believe it, but if it came from Chen Fan, they would believe it without a doubt.

   "Boy, what level is your current state?" The bald bird raised his brows and asked in a low voice.

   "After all these things are settled, I will go to the sky to cross the catastrophe." After finishing speaking, Chen Fan glanced at the sky lightly, and continued: "Let's go, it's time to find Jingjing and the others."

Immediately, he took the little golden monkey and walked forward, only the bald bird and the old yellow tooth stood there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time, until finally they looked at each other, agreed He said three words: "Monster!"

  【Second update arrives! 】

  (end of this chapter)