MTL - Sword of Coming-Chapter 14 Fifth of May

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The young Taoist has already thought of a lot of wording to deal with the "who" problem of the sandals and teenagers. It is just unexpected that the courtyard door will open soon. Obviously, the youngsters skipped the link.

Mud Lane is one of the most narrow and sturdy lanes in the town. It is impossible for the Taoist two-wheeled wooden cart to be placed outside the road. Fortunately, Chen Ping’s look is scrawny, not a few pounds of strength, in fact, the force is not small, help Young people will put a heavy cart and get into the yard together, not too much effort. From beginning to end, the teenager did not say anything, which made the young Taoist behind the door a little embarrassed, it is like a person cheeky to go to the door to borrow money, the owner is good tea, good wine, good hospitality, guests, but the rest Conscience, it will become more and more difficult to talk about.

It is embarrassing for young people to think about the horizontal and vertical. It is better to have a piece of cotton scorpion covered on the stroller, revealing a black girl with a side curled up on her side, a sloping but not falling hat. Still barely obscured the owner's face, I do not know why, when the thin layer of quilt was opened, there was a **** smack in the face, and Chen Ping found that she was wearing a black dress, vaguely blood infiltrated. Chen Ping did not think of a small bedding. Why could he completely cover up this heavy smell? The teenager just stepped back and asked: "Dao, what are you doing?"

The young Taoist said: "Save people! She was seriously injured. No one in the town is willing to save her. It is no wonder that they are sweeping the snow before the door, so the poor road thinks and thinks that you may be the exception."

Chen Ping’s words hit the key and asked: "How did she get hurt?"

The Taoist face is not red-hearted and does not jump: "When the poor road is only past the archway building, I saw the young woman in the foreign village, and even said that she went to the monument of the "gas-punching bull", with a bag and a brush. When you wait for something, you will climb up. As for the extension of the monument, how do you say it is such a temporary activity, generally the readers are full and supportive, and they will not understand the poor for a while, anyway, this little girl After climbing up, I bowed down and sat on the beam. I watched the poor road and frightened. I had to stop and remind her from time to time. When she thought she was still too fascinating, cold, and stunned, she fell solidly. On the ground, you also know that the ground on the archway is no more than your mud bottle lane, and it is almost as good as the bluestone slab of Fulu Street. This is good. It is estimated that the internal organs of the internal organs are injured. The poor road is a monk, must To be compassionate, can't you ignore it? If this road comes, every household will abandon her blood. It is not too long after the end of the year. It is too embarrassing, and she is willing to carry her into the house. The poor road also knows that this is a common occurrence. So, this is not really a way to find you here. It’s hard to hear. If you don’t want to take her in, the poor road is not something that can pull people from the ghost gate. You can only wait for the girl to swallow. The last breath, and then try to find a place, dig a pit, stand a monument, it will be a thing.

The Taoist deliberately speaks very fast, and the wording is not clear. It is obviously thinking of confusing the teenager to the circle. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you start from the beginning, you can take a step and a step. There is no way to make a difference. There is always a time when you will be blind.

Chen Ping’s eyes were complicated, and he looked at the young Taoist people who looked at him. He blinked at the dead black girl. After a war, he nodded and said, “How to save?”

The young Taoist suddenly flew up, "Oh, you have this sentence, even if you are half-hearted, don't look at her and look at the terrible injury. It feels like the prince is smashing his name on the life and death book. Actually, you don't think about it. It’s so exaggerated... Of course, it’s true that the sentence is true. This involves all sorts of mystery, such as the girl’s desire to survive is extremely strong, and she seems to have some family stories to protect her. The vital heart and Dan room, and our town, is a very interesting place. There are so many strange things to eat, eat, or grab. It is very beneficial."

The young Taoist returned to God and realized that he had leaked a lot of secrets and said with a smile: "You can't understand it anyway, right?"

The teenager seriously said: "I don't understand, but most of them remember."

The young Taoist tentatively asked: "So when you listen to the door knocking in the house, you know that it is the fortune teller of the poor road?"

Chen Pingan hesitated and said: "Yes."

The young Taoist curiously asked: "Do you remember very well? How good?"

The teenager looked at the girl in black, and the young Taoist smiled and explained: "She is now in a state of ambiguity and mystery. I can't move my body at will, it's best to wait a moment."

Chen Pingan will be suspicious. "I see things, it is easier to remember than to listen to others."

The young Taoist asked: "For example?"

Chen Ping thought for a moment, "For example, the kiln head of our dragon kiln, Master Yao, his 'jump-knife' technique is the most powerful of all the masters in the town. I actually remember all the details after reading it again. ,but……"

The young Taoist took the subject with a smile. "But your hands and feet can't keep up, right?"

Chen Ping’s eyes lit up and nodded hard.

The young Taoist smiled. "Have you ever thought about the fact that Yao’s old man’s hand is really amazing?”

Chen Ping’s face was dark and dark. “I couldn’t figure out how to do it before. Later, Liu Yuyang told me that Yao’s old man said that the skill of jumping-knife is to be the best, and it must be steady, not just steady. I heard After these words, I understand a little. I was too anxious before, the more anxious, the more chaotic the hand, the more chaotic it is, the more likely it is to make mistakes. When something goes wrong, I can see clearly that I don’t know where I am doing like Yao’s old man. More anxious, so I have been the worst in the long kiln."

The young Taoist said indifferently: "There is an old saying that Master is leading the way to practice in the individual, but the master is the master. I have never thought of leading you into the door. How do you practice?"

Chen Ping shook his head and said: "I am stupid, not to mention Liu Yuyang, is a general apprentice, I can't compare. Yao old man can't look at me, not surprising."

The young Taoist suddenly smiled and said: "Chen Pingan, do you know the word "heart steady", how difficult is it to understand? It is hard to understand, you can't be arrogant."

Chen Pingan still shook his head: "It's like catching fish in a creek. I stand in a place where the water is deeper than the knee. I bend my waist and catch the fish. It is a catch. Some people have good water, and they are in a big deep pit. Going down, I’ve caught the fish for a long time, it’s also catching. It’s also catching the fish, the road is long, but the two are different, right?”

The young Taoist laughed and said nothing, suddenly said: "We can save people."

Chen Pingan was in the same place, and the young Taoist also groaned. "What do you want to do, hold the girl to the bed in the house!"

Chen Ping did not move, "What about?"

The Taoist people said in a natural way: "Of course, the girl is first replaced with a clean clothes, and then go to the pharmacy to catch a few medicinal herbs that supplement the qi and raise the yuan. At that time, the poor roads need to go out of the mountain and show their skills."

Chen Pingan asked with a black face: "Will the girl wake up and I will be killed by her?"

The young Taoist smashed the railroad: "No! You are her savior, there will be such ungrateful people in the world?!"

Chen Pingan silently.

The Taoist coughed and the momentum plummeted. "Probably not?"

Chen Pingan sighed and tentatively asked: "There is a girl next door who is called Qiu Gui, let her do these things?"

The young Taoist said helplessly: "No, the crux of the problem is here."

Chen Pingan did not insist, kneeling on the ground, his hands scratching his head.

The young Taoist suddenly asked: "Do you want to ask? If you ask for the exit, the poor road may not all be confusing, but try to pick some questions that can be answered. How?"

Chen Ping sighed and got up and said: "Save people first."

Young Taoist smiles, "Good!"

He quietly sleeved his sleeves and pressed a flying sword that was ready to move into the sheath.

Chen Ping took up the girl and walked inside the house. She gently placed her on the wooden bed with the bedding. The wooden bed that was previously collapsed by Liu Yuyang was just repaired. The bench was placed under the bed.

The young Taoist followed the door and walked around, looking around, and the family was on the wall, but that was the case.

The young Taoist slaps his head and goes out to get a pen and paper, ready to open a prescription for the teenager to take medicine.

After returning to the house, the young Taoist shook his head and deliberately refused to look at the wooden bed. He thought about this poor boy, and he couldn’t eat it.

The boy who was sitting on the edge of the bed had already taken off the black girl’s skull and exposed it, revealing a pale face with **** face.

The so-called seven-year bloodshed is probably the picture under the eyes of a teenager.

The teenager quickly got up, took a stool from the table and placed it on the edge of the bed, then ran to a corner of the wall, where a small wooden frame was placed, and the pots and pans were placed neatly. A small water tank that blocks the mosquitoes and flies with wooden boards. The water tank is filled with well water from the side of the iron lock shaft of Xinghua Lane. The juvenile takes a tub and a gourd scoop, squatting beside the water tank and scooping from the pottery jar. Pour the clean water into the tub quickly, then put a clean cotton cloth on the basin edge, put it on the stool at the end of the bed, and start to help the girl who took the cap to wipe the blood.

The young Taoist turned his head and raised a piece of paper in his hand. "There is a small drug shop on the side of Fulu Street. You take this prescription to take medicine."

The teenager wondered: "Is the Daoist not talking before?"

The young Taoist ignorant and blinked: "Yes, the poor road is to be careful when you take medicine. Don't be too high-profile, so as not to make the city full of wind and rain, and the reputation of the girl is broken."

Chen Pingan snorted and asked while cleaning the cotton cloth: "Does the leader have the money to take medicine?"

The young Taoist suddenly became nervous. "You didn't?"

Chen Ping put the tub on the table and gently pressed a golden copper coin that I didn't know where to take it from the table. "Dao, I am holding a common copper coin with you. As for how to change the law, You have the final say."

The young Taoist thought for a moment, "This copper coin on the table is enough to buy something on the prescription. This is the poor road to get money for you."

Soon the Taoist took back a bag of ordinary copper coins, and a few pieces of broken silver, and one brain was handed over to Chen Pingan.

Chen Pingan said: "This basin of water, I am coming back, the road leader does not have to help, live in the next door of the Song salary, prefers new things, let him see, not good."

The young Taoist solemnly said: "Chen Pingan, don't you have a question you want to ask?"

Chen Pingan stood in the same place, roughly weighing copper coins and broken silver. After doing a good job, he carefully closed it up and his eyes gestured to speak. After the two men stepped out of the threshold, the sandals teenager looked up and said slowly: "I know that you are not. Ordinary people, Yao Laotou said very early, drunk, we said that our town is unusual, everywhere is strange, everyone is strange, but what is strange, Yao old man can not say anything, I certainly do not understand. This time, Gu Yu said that Mr. Storytell, an ordinary white bowl, can pour out a large tank of water. Although Gu Yu is very annoying, this thing, I know that he did not lie. Like... ”

The boy paused and continued: "Like a tall woman today, in the alley outside the door, she used my fingers to play my forehead once, the palm of my hand took a shot of my heart, and finally she said that I will soon To die, I know what she said is true."

The young and long-haired face is heavy.

Chen Pingan finally said: "The road leader said that the paper you wrote, after burning, can bring good luck to my mother, I am actually a long channel. So the head of the road came to the door and said that let me save people, I didn’t say anything, but I hope that the governor promised me one thing. If I promised, then the Daoist would have no problem no matter what I want to do. If the leader does not agree, this will catch the prescription and help the leader. After the medicine is finished, I will catch people."

The Taoist asked: "What conditions, you talk about it."

I was impressed by the teenager who was always very stable and experienced. I replied: "My mother died early. I was very young at the time. I don't know why. When I was young, I remembered that it was the look of my mother. It was vague and unclear. After a while, I ate a hundred meals, but I lived by neighbors. I once had no opinion to hear people say that I was born on the fifth day of May. Their tone should not be a lucky day. Someone next door said it is more straightforward and frank..."

The teenager has been winding around, stopped, and finally went straight to the subject, bowed his head, and his voice was dull. "If the helper saves the person, if I say, if I suddenly die, how can the leader help me?" I will reincarnate in my next life, and I will reincarnate as a child of my mother?"

Young people are silent.

Chen Pingan grinned and scratched his head. "I can't do it. Indeed, there is such a thing under the sun. It is because I am long."

The Taoist smiled bitterly: "What about the girl?"

Chen Pingan turned suddenly, turned his back to the Taoist, raised his fist and waved, and made a joke: "She is so handsome, not a fool!"

The young Taoist looked at the sandals and teenagers who pretended to be easy and pushed away.

The teenager who walked in the mud bottle alley seemed to think of who, and all of a sudden burst into tears.