MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 18 Cheats, **** back!

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Chapter 018

Three years of crouching and bitterness, happiness has long been familiar with the many primary martial arts of the famous school, even the sword slaves of Zizhulin can be on the move, not to mention a normal player who has not reached the nine-layer level. At the beginning, I was able to win the game, but because I was too far away from here to the evil man Li San, the other party took the initiative to find the door. I simply regarded Wuhou as a free-to-door sparring object and exercised the "Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams Swords".

The sword method is different from the boxing method...

The weapon enhances the lethality of the move. Even Li San is difficult to support for too long under the sword. Since someone is willing to accompany him, he is happy and happy, even though the other person has bad ideas.

From the beginning.

Happy really feels the pressure, and the "All-Falun Swordsmanship" that reaches the eighth level of the realm still poses a threat, but the martial arts moves are mutually exclusive.

As long as you look at Wu's shots and various subtle phenomena, you will be able to judge the next move and goal of the other party in a timely manner and make a choice in advance.

One by one, the swordsmanship naturally began to improve...

A set of swordsmanship is limited, but when the other side routines are exhausted, the opponents in the back suddenly become more relaxed, and they are eager to fight with each other and gradually get rid of the absolute disadvantages.

In less than five minutes, Wuhou’s face could not see the slightest contempt, and some were only dignified sweat and unwilling paleness!

It’s been a shame to fight for a long time, but the other side is younger than him. As time goes by, he can clearly perceive that the other’s swordsmanship realm has quickly broken through the fur stage of the entry. With the help of his sparring, he has made rapid progress. Soon reached the middle stage, the sword method began to appear weak momentum.

The exquisiteness of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams swordsmanship gradually emerged!

Jiugong sword, gossip, body and mind.

"It turned out to be."

I am happy and continue to ponder over the changes in the Jiugong Bagua Sword. I am trying to figure out the essence of the gossip that has been used for a long time.

When the swordsmanship reached the fifth realm, the speed was barely able to keep up with the all-swordsmanship of Wuhou. As long as he was willing, he could sneak in at any time.

After all, martial arts is a subordinate martial art. In many respects, there are inherent defects and deficiencies. Before the martial arts realm is reached, all moves have a way to crack back.

But happy is not going to defeat the self-confidence of the sparring object, he still has to continue to enjoy, this does not need to spend money on the service, so still maintain the defensive posture, continue to exercise the sword.


The happy one moves more and more calmly, highlighting the essence and mystery of the Jiugong Eight Diagrams sword, but the Wuhou of the battle has been difficult to maintain its own mentality. It is obvious that the swordsmanship has an advantage, but it still inexplicably feels the growth of the other side. I am getting more and more ridiculous

Under the impetuous, several swordsmanship lost the lead.

"Luo Xiaotian!"

Wuhou finally could not help but ask for help.

The watching man Luo Xiaotian has already seen that it is very unusual to be happy. Struggling for a moment, the final bite, a little under the foot, and the knife is added to the battle circle.


Have fun and drink cold.

I just sighed that the martial arts mentality was out of balance, and I was afraid that this war would be difficult to maintain. However, when Luo Xiaotian joined, the face suddenly had a dignified joy.

However, Luo Xiaotian’s martial arts seems to be even better. The knife is faintly with red awns and a faint killing scent.

Blood wheel knife method!

Happy to recognize quickly that this is the martial arts of the blood knife door.

Moreover, from the perspective of the other party's vision, the other's blood wheel knife method has actually reached the ninth level, otherwise there will be no such scene as ‘blood light.’

Happy and pressured!

If you haven't experienced more singular effects of superior martial arts, you can change any ordinary newcomer to a pair, even if you also have nine layers of martial arts.

The blood wheel knife method is a knife that completely abandons defensive and full-strike attack. It is completely killing the enemy with a self-damaged martial art of 800 damages. It is extremely lethal and the attack rhythm is above many lower martial arts!

In line with the all-real swordsmanship of the eighth realm, I am suddenly in danger and stretched out, like a small boat floating under the storm, and there is the possibility of drowning at any time...

of course!

The biggest pressure comes from Luo Xiaotian.

It is worthy of reaching the ninth realm of the blood wheel knife method, layered blood, flying over and over, like a million males marching in the yellow sand, murderous! Going forward!

If you are not happy, you will be eager to step on the 'eight steps' and try to use the word 'unloading' from the 'Nine Palaces'. I am afraid that the 10th move will be defeated.

In addition, the gentleman sword also gave a certain help to the happy...

If this weapon is not inferior to the weapon of the name, the patience is amazing, and the ordinary sword faces the disparity level, I am afraid that it has long been ruined and devastated.

tease! dial! Take! lead!

The unloading of all kinds of Jiugong Swords is to be used to the limit, and the feet are like a gyro, and they are eager to avoid the two people's edge, but they don't completely withdraw from the battle circle. The gentleman's sword is so dynamic that it is unyielding. .

To be honest, this can be done, and the faces of Luo Xiaotian and Wuhou have completely changed...

As if facing the enemy of life and death, but also admire and feel the heart.

It is incredible that the other party can use a common weapon and a short-term martial arts to fight with two martial arts fighters for a long time.

If this battle is uploaded to the website, it will definitely attract a craze... But in that case, the faces of both of them will be completely folded...

The two have already regretted the previous decision.

Why do you stare at such a enchanting.

People's Saobao is the ability of others, relying on it, narrow-mindedness is really a bad thing.

The heart is dark, but the offensive under the hand is still not sloppy. If people know that their brothers will join together with a newcomer who has entered the "river and lake", they will not be able to get it. How can they be mixed in the rivers and lakes? Wan?

After all, Luo Xiaotian is a person who has swayed some micro-names. When he saw that he couldn’t get it for a long time, he suddenly got a knife, and the blood was completely absorbed into the body. He didn’t wait for the happiness to reveal a strange color. A more amazing momentum broke out from Luo Xiaotian’s body. !

Luo Xiaotian is red and clenched with a long knife!

It brings an extremely dangerous atmosphere to happiness.

Happy eyes flashed, and I noticed the weak airflow at the foot of Luo Xiaotian, and the warning signs were highlighted.

Suddenly flashed a light in the dusty memory...

"Take me a **** return!"

Luo Xiaotian has completed the condensation inside, and suddenly screamed, the whole person flew high! People like shells, the speed suddenly increased several times, dazzling blood red knife mans made a pre-emptive system in the air, instantly stunned to the face of happiness, the fierce wind almost with tearing all the momentum, the nearby air is stagnation.

Blood wheel back to the 斩 - blood knife door inside the secret skills!


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