MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 17 Encountered by robbery

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Chapter 017

Happy itself is a handsome and handsome Lang Lang, very attractive, now the portable gentleman sword, more refined temperament, and a few martial arts style, quickly stepped away from the gate of Murong House, a group behind The male player officially included in the wall of Murong House is a long-awaited sigh of envy and hatred; the female player’s eyes are a little more sparkling peach-shaped light, and they have been following the happy figure from beginning to end, so that the side is ignored. The partner is more depressed.

Leaving Murong House, I am happy to store the hundred-knife knife from the stolen tomb thief in Qianzhuang. Although the 'hundred swords' carried by the tomb thief is not a famous device, it is also quite sharp and durable. It is only one line away from the famous device. When you use the law, you can use it to avoid buying weapons.

As for the burial jade that was obtained from the unlucky 'Lao San', I was happy to get it directly to the store and sold it. I got a thousand and two silver, plus one hundred and twenty two gold, and the previous five hundred and two silver tickets. Now It can also be regarded as a rich man.

After passing through the ready-to-wear shop, I paused and looked down at the gray blouse I wore, thinking of Miss Murong’s words.

Murong family, famous family, is also not good at it.

Well, this money must be spent.

Turned into the ready-to-wear shop, when it came out, the gray cloth on the body has been replaced with a simple light blue warrior shirt, the head is a blue hero scarf, it seems to be a little less beautiful, and a little more The heroic and manly temperament of the martial arts people.

The cost of this dress is not expensive, but it is the most commonly used dress during the crouching. At that time, it even attracted a lot of women's enthusiasm and trend, of course, except for the weapons in their hands...

Out of the shop, this set of lines immediately caused a sensation in the street players.

The gentleman sword, the blue warrior shirt, the hero scarf, and the beautiful young boy seem to be more hot than that. The eyes of the small half of the city have looked at the happy body, and even the daring female players express their eyebrows and secretly pass the autumn wave.

Feel the unusual atmosphere under the street. The second floor of the ‘The Restaurant has a slight view of the two pairs of sights, and quickly concentrated on the blue back of the street that caused a sensation.

"It's very young."

"Oh, it’s also a slogan."

The two people in the conversation are two young people, and the age looks like twenty-two, but it looks mature and steady compared to most of the players in the street. This is a feature of "Jianghu", the player enters the river for a month. In the future, the size and appearance will gradually catch up with the reality, no matter how old.

The eyes of the two staring at the light blue back on the street are particularly sloppy and not good!

"It’s just arrogant before it breaks through the novice period. It looks like a child of a rich family."

"What do you mean, give him a lesson?"

The opposite person raised his brow, pressed the weapon at the table quietly, staring at his partner, revealing a glimpse of a smile.

"Know me, you too."

The two laughed, hit it off and quickly went downstairs.


Happy this time out of town, the goal is naturally to collect the protection fee of the evil man 'Li San', Jiugong gossip sword has just entered the third realm, Li San, who is dealing with 50% strength, although very lacking, but with his own experience, should be able to fight I believe that it will be upgraded soon.


What I didn’t think of was that the road was actually stopped.

The two players who looked a little taller than themselves, the same as a samurai shirt, a knife with a sword, immediately stood still, showing the dignified color.

"I don't seem to know two."

"Three years of rivers and lakes", happy has long been deeply sinister, the fact that many people are not NPC, but the heart is far more dangerous than the evil NPC of the evil man Li San, the tomb thief and the third.

"The sword of this kid... very good."

"It seems that there is a bit of goods on the body, or else, the sword is thrown out, it belongs to you, and other things fall out, it belongs to me!" The two opposites did not put their happiness in the eyes.


Hearing his words, he looked down at the gentleman's sword in his hand and sneered in his heart.

The sword has not caught the heat and it has been robbed!


These two boys seem to have been stalking "Jianghu" for a while. The weapons in their hands are good, the pulse, the mentality, and the calmness of the newcomers. The bad things don't rush, and there should be no harm to the newcomers.

Understand that the other party has moved greed, happy and did not intend to talk nonsense with the two, pull out the gentleman sword, cold sword front, slanting to the ground:

"bring it on."

Since the other party made up his mind to rob, he did not mind discussing it.

The two of them looked at each other and finally saw the unusualness and calmness in the eyes of the young swordsman. At the same time, they converge on the previous contempt. The other party is completely different from the people they met before. It is too calm and too calm... ...


The teenagers are too young and tender, they are old-fashioned for a month, and they will not see where the happy high is, and the young men will sink into the sword and look to the people who make the sword:

"You go first! I am going to fight."

"it is good."

The man took the sword a few steps forward, staring at happiness, and the tone was getting colder:

"Remember my name, my name is Wuhou!"

"Without further ado."

"Hey! See when you can be hard."

The sword-striking man was immediately irritated by the happy and indifferent tone, and screamed with a slap in the face of a very refined ‘仙人指路’, the cold light burst, and the man moved with the sword.

Brows, happy face and amazing color!

It’s no wonder that the men who raised the knife can rest assured that this person can deal with himself alone, and there are some doorways.

This is the all-real sword of the whole truth. From the speed and strength point of view...

The eighth level!

Although the heart was shocked, there was no slight delay in the hand to pull the opponent's attack with a stroke of 'Penglai welcoming guests'. The two swords intersected, and the gap in the level of swordsmanship suddenly appeared.

With the advancement of the realm, the speed and lethality of the martial arts obviously have the upper hand. They feel the sluggishness of the Jiugong Bagua Swordsmanship, and they do not hesitate to make continuous moves. They are extremely brave and completely repressive.

"Haha, this little trick is also dare to arrogant!"

Every time I play, Wuhou can clearly feel that the strength and speed of the other party is not a grade with myself. It seems that it is just getting started, and it looks young and boring.

But one thing is very strange.

Even if the opponent's realm is very low, the sword is inferior, but the footwork is very disciplined, as if each step can predict his next move in advance, blocking his offensive in advance at the least cost, although the effort is very strong, but it is indeed One took it.

The previous few times may be a fluke, but every time it is, there is a problem!

After a while, the face of the man who was watching the sword slowly became serious and dignified. He had completely seen that the other party seemed to understand the sword sword, the footwork was steady, and the sword method was also improved in the interlacing. The more smooth it is...

In other words, the other party seems to be using the Wuhou to practice the Jiugong Eight Diagrams swordsmanship.


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