MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1227 Heavy troops gathered, the West Valley Fengyun (second, ticket)

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Chapter 1227 is a collection of heavy troops, the West Valley (second, ticket)

Chapter 1227


Awful! !

Ever since leaving the Central Plains, the blood coat has not spent a day of smooth and calm days. The unfortunate things are connected one by one. One emperor seems to be a nightmare, and follows the night tightly!

Whenever he chooses a place to settle down and prepares for a good life, the emperor does not know where to kill it, and they will get rid of the chickens and dogs, even if the secret work is done well, even if five countries are replaced in the middle. An emperor seems to be divining, precise positioning, and the sacral bones follow.

The strength of an emperor does not need to be explained...

When the black swords are out, the ones that have nothing to do with the broken morale have no courage to resist!

With the defeat and defeat of the times, even the local organizations mastered by the wolves in these five countries have been smashed, and all of them collapsed under the sword of an emperor and smashed under the iron hoof of the Splendid River.

Many times, the blood coat sent a dream message to Mengyun, and hoped that Mengyun would contact the wolf organization to send more people to escort, reorganize the order of the Western countries, and drive away the beautiful mountains and rivers that are gradually taking root in the Western countries. People and hostile local organizations, but unfortunately...

The news came out, but the wolf was like a sinking sea, and there was no wave of ripples!

After a long period of more than a month, the blood coat looked at the lineup of the team that was shrinking more and more behind, and the patience and sharpness were wiped out a little bit.


No, it’s coming!

Just as the blood coat was about to despair, an unexpected news came from the dream cloud.

Hundreds of people's top wolf organizations have rushed to the Western Regions from different countries. In just a few days, the Western countries have been raging...

A batch of local forces supported by Jinxiu Heshan was defeated by the wolf organization; thousands of elite Yulin troops led by the emperor who led the countries of the Western Regions were also subjected to the fiercest attack, and white terror again shrouded the countries of the Western Regions.


The wolf organization is finally ready to fight back, ready to defend their majesty in the world, in the countries of the Central Plains!

"His mother!"

"I finally got it!" "Blood Lord!"

"The old word thought that the evil emperor had lost two in his happy hands and he thought it was hard."

"Good news! Great news!!!" When the blood clothes and a group of Yipintang core disciples celebrated in the restaurant, they suddenly flew in from the outside. The latter was excited and excited, and the red light was flushed to the front of the blood coat.

"What news, let's talk." A group of people in the blood coat recognized that the person responsible for the collection of information here, all eyes brightened, showing the look of expectation - can make the other party so excited, certainly very unusual, and, Yipintang now Too much news is needed to boost morale.

But what they didn't expect was that the brothers responsible for collecting intelligence personally ran over, but it was a message that made them shocked for a long time and couldn't believe it for a long time:


"Good news for Tianda! One emperor is dead!!!"

The loud voice pierced the ears of everyone in the field.


Everything in the restaurant was silent, and all the time disappeared, leaving only the sound of the gasping mouth, which was extremely harsh.

Including the blood coat, a group of masters of a class, are using the eyes of the monster to see the brothers who brought the news, they wrote the words of doubt to the face.

"It's true!" The person does not change color, explained in an unusually excited tone:

"The wolf organization dispatched more than 300 top experts, ambushing an area where the emperor left the game offline... The wolf was really moving a big hand this time, more than 300 top experts were killed, and an emperor was spiked on the line! Thousands of people in Jinxiu Heshan have also been given a pot!!"

boom! boom! !

The news is like a blockbuster, a group of people in the blood coat completely blasted the pot!

One by one excitedly took the table to get up:


"The **** is also today!"

"Haha, great!"

"The wolf is finally ready to move the real thing! Bloody Lord!! You say!!! What do our brothers do!!!!!"

The people of Yipintang were completely mad, clamoring for a knife and a sword, and murderous, and one group wanted to kill a horse-sharp completely shameful posture.

The **** face was red, straight up, his eyes flashing, and finally pointed to the brother who collected the intelligence: "Is the information confirmed?"

"Absolutely, the people of the wolf organization have sent me rep."

The man replied.

"it is good!!"

The blood coat bites his teeth, and his hands are forced to fight in the air: "The wolves are working on an emperor, which means that they are really moving this time, and they plan to do it once and for all! Oh! It’s so good... It’s been a wild wolf to stick out the claws of the Central Plains. Beat it up..."

"Yes, the same is true of the wolf, and a group of top players who suddenly emerged. Almost there are at least 1,400 people in the Western Regions!"


A group of people in the hall heard the number, and at the same time took a breath of air, and the eyes flashed with excitement and enthusiasm.

This number is too overbearing!

There are such a group of people, who can stop the steps of the wolf organization?

"The **** lord, you say, how do we do it!"

A group of people can't wait to do something!

But when it comes to the next move, the fullness of the blood coat disappears without a trace...

"Brothers, I know what you want to do, but now we can't afford to rely on the strength of the rest of us... When an emperor is killed, Jinxiuheshan will be more vigilant and will not go out easily. It’s a single action by the emperor, and the means may be more crazy and unscrupulous...”


The people of Yipintang are not stupid, and they have heard the sounds of the **** clothes.

Can't do it!

It is also a matter of the wolf organization to do it.

"So, we have to continue to shrink our heads to rest and rest?"

"...there is nothing wrong with it." The **** coat nodded.

As soon as the voice fell, the morale of a group of talented people in the restaurant seemed to have been ruined by a basin of ice water. Everyone’s face was full of helplessness and depressed expression.

See, **** condensate comfort:

"Easy everyone! Since the wild wolf has mobilized thousands of top experts to gather in the Western countries, it is definitely necessary to act against the original. Believe me, this time, our cultivation will not be too long... Soon, we will Can leave here and return to the Central Plains, when you have a hard time!"

"That's right!"

The person who is in charge of the blood coat is the person responsible for collecting intelligence, and the latter swayed and said:

"The wolf organization has summoned more than a thousand top players from all over the world, and certainly will not be released to the Western countries to appreciate the scenery... And I heard that the evil emperor seems to be coming in person! I will arrive soon!"


A group of people was once again provoked with intense curiosity and fanaticism.

"Evil king?"

"More than a thousand wolves are top experts!"

"All are coming to the Western Regions... What do they want to do?"

"Do you want to attack the Central Plains at this time?!"

The heart of the gossip is burning, and a group of people have their own imaginations.

The blood coat is commanded at the fastest speed:

Grasp the time, immediately lay a good altar of Yipintang, find a suitable place to establish a stronghold, and under the protection of the wolf organization, quickly establish a forum in many countries in the Western Region.


When the **** clothes got the news, Mengyun also got the news that more than 1,000 top players from the wolf organization quietly gathered in the Western Region!

When an emperor was killed, the splendid rivers and mountains were smashed, and the forces on the splendid rivers and mountains were falling apart. The old people were on the stage. The news of the past made Meng Yun realize that the situation in the western countries has undergone tremendous changes, and he also guessed the evil emperor. Such a prosperous driving to the Western Regions is inevitably to confuse the audience, to divert the attention of Jinxiu Heshan, and to plan for the opportunity of the other side to fully prepare for it, and to find out the Wu Zun Bi Xuan who is in trouble.

For Mengyun, this is a great news!

Once the evil emperor used Wu Zun Bi Xuan as the stove, he cultivated the Daoist Devils Law to the highest level of perfection, and the strength leaps and bounds, suppressing the happiness, the thousands of top players in the wolf organization, and the latest killer of the wolf organization. It is not difficult to kill the Emperor and suppress the Central Plains.


Thinking of this, Meng Yun can not help but take a deep breath and look out the window!

She already doesn't know how many nights and nights have not left the restaurant. I don't know if I haven't enjoyed the eyes that I once respected.

At this moment...

she knows:

The opportunity is coming!

"My dream cloud, I am going to re-enter the time of the Central Plains martial arts stage, it is coming!" During the speech, Meng Yun gently swayed the martial arts cheats on a silver-rimmed gold font on the desktop, slowly using the finger-fighting Capricorn Gold golden characters:

"Sunflower Collection"!

"The owner!"

The door was pushed open, and one person came in and said: "There was news from there, they have successfully found out that this time they got the list of the top three people in Jinxiu Heshan."


Meng Yun brows a pick, suddenly came to the interest: "Who are there?"

"The first one is called Mo Feng! You should be familiar with the owner."

That humanity.

Dream Cloud frowned:

"The former chivalry gatekeeper?"

"Yes, this person is very bad to buy!"

"This person is in good shape, there is no shortage of money, and her chivalrous door is being ruined by me. I am against you everywhere. I want to buy her. The probability is zero! If he wins the most, he can't help him. Than." In the eyes of Li Mang flashed past, Meng Yun asked the latter two.

"One is a master from the Murong family, named Cyclone Xiao Li."

"What has come, I have never heard of it before."

"This person is said to be a happy fan. He was recently recognized by the Murong family. He won the peerless martial arts "Take the Stars Move" and played Wuzhong before the game. With this martial arts martial arts dozens of top players, no defeat, this is the biggest dark horse!"

"...It’s hard to buy him."

“The third person is the big snake pill, and the one who is the easiest to buy...”

"I have an impression on this person. It seems to be a very famous demon list."

"Yes, this person has cultivated the "Tianshan Liuyang Hand" of the Lingbi Palace and the "Sucking Star Dafa" of the Stars. The strength is above the top top players. It only fails with Mo Feng, and wins more than 2,000 people in three days. The winning rate is extremely high."