MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1194 Husband and fierce

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Chapter 1194

Chapter 1194

"Ray Ge."


In the drifting sand hole in the depression above the Longmen Inn, a man standing behind four black robes and a thin man was bored and glanced at the sand digger who was working hard in all directions and then ran to one. Outside the big pit of more than 20 meters in diameter.

"Come on, come over."

"The sand that was dug out here, I told you to step in it!"

Under the potholes, a group of Jinxiu Heshan members watched the young people rushing over, one by one scared and quickly sipped them to stop.

Let this kid come over again, the quicksand here will collapse, let them work hard for an hour.

"Don't dig! Lei Ge...Ray Ge!"

"If you don't work, you can't do it, you still have toss..."

In the crowd of people who digged the sand, the thunder stopped the movements in his hand, and on the other side, he showed a face that was exposed to darkness, and stared blankly at the small north of the anxious color: "The stinky boy said while walking, the sand was leaking. Come down! Don't come over! There is a voice saying..."

While drinking and stopping Xiaobei's footsteps, the thunder war looked around the quicksand pit around, and I was very satisfied.

After a long period of hard work by a group of brothers, they finally cleared them from the second floor to the first floor. Now it is still a little work to clean up the place that looks like the lobby. Although the progress is slower, I believe it will not last long. You can explore the clues that a group of heavenly masters disappeared from here.

Desert Palace!

This is their motivation to come to the desert.

Happy encounters and achievements between life and death, let Lei war, Xiaobei and other people incarnate the **** youth, regardless of the danger hidden in the desert palace, have no choice but to enter here.

And it turns out that the Desert Palace is not only infinitely attractive to them. After the Longmen Inn was buried by the Black Storm, many players tried to find the Imperial Palace buried under the desert in the most earthly way.

Thinking of this, the Thunder Wars plunged out of the big pit!

"Rayo! Water!"

Xiaobei, a young man who likes to walk on a single-line route, has been mixed with the thunderbolt since the Song Dynasty. Now he is a small follower, and when he sees the thunder, he immediately takes a kettle from the Qiankun bag and hand it over.

"You kid."

The thunder didn't breathe a sigh of relief:

"I don't want to stay on it, what secret information did you find?"


Xiaobei quickly lost his smile: "Ree Ge sees what you said, this time is definitely confidential."

Because it is very resistant to the task of mines and other people digging sand to clean up the Longmen Inn, Xiaobei was listed separately by the mine, symbolically let him be responsible for warning and inquiring news - actually in this desert, what news? Good to inquire, let alone alert.

However, Xiaobei took the chicken feathers as an arrow during this time, and ran from there to the other side. The newborn burdocks turned around and picked up the well-informed power gangs.

The forces of the five countries and the whole world are very vigilant. When talking, they will not give people the opportunity to approach, or they will show hostility in the long run, or they will directly attack the players who invade their own circles...

But it’s strange...

This small kid from Xiaobei ran from the east to the west, surrounded by several big circles. From a lot of gangs with bad temper and bad reputation, or outside the foreign forces, he was not warned and targeted by anyone, let alone start. It is the apparently hostile gaze that has never been encountered.

Xiaobei, this girl, naturally does not understand, ran round and round, and walked closer and closer, even leaning against the door at the door of others.

A group of people in the thunder battle looked shocked! There is no way to warn this guy!

According to their experience, Xiaobei should be cut into pieces and thrown out...

But the strange thing is that no matter how much this kid is too much, I have never used a sword to lick this kid! One by one, facing Xiaobei, ignore it!

After pondering for a long time, a group of people attributed the reason to the prestige and deterrence of Jinxiu Heshan...

First, the Splendid River Mountain drives away the wolves, destroys the Yipintang, and settles the Central Plains. Secondly, the Emperor now leads the people into the Western countries. The face of the wolf organization is drawn to the left and the right side. The average person will have a long eye. I dare not have friction with Jinxiu River at this time.

But they don't know!

In fact, Xiaobei is quite famous in the Western Region.

In the rep of Song Warlord, the murderer Xiaobei sat on the side of happy, and received the same treatment as the silver fox. He was remembered by many martial arts people for his name and appearance.

Not to mention the Central Plains players, and now many foreign power organizations know that there is such a gimmick, and they are not afraid of it.

Let them provoke the splendid rivers and mountains for this little thing, as long as people who are not stupid will not do this!

As for those who don't know Xiaobei's identity, seeing others are so tolerant, a little bit of the city will understand what to do.

A group of people in the Thunder War saw that Xiaobei was so mixed, and naturally he was too happy to see the net, so he had to toss.

However, the war will not let this kid come back to toss everyone.

"Let's say, what did you hear again?"

The thunder war is to see Xiaobei's young age. In order to prevent him from being sent out by the team, this will let go of the matter in his hand. As for Xiaobei, he can also hear the news in this way. He absolutely does not believe it.

"Raye, this time is absolutely not fake, the treasure of the Desert Palace has been unearthed, and now the news has spread throughout the desert, many people get news, ready to pack up, passed!"

An opening, Xiaobei scared the thunder.

The latter brows one pick:

"what did you say!"

During the speech, only after the war was seen, the crowds around the Longmen Inn were originally concentrated, and at this moment they showed a scene of scattered sand.

Even a small number of people in the vicinity of the Longmen Inn, a quarter of the flow to the east...


The people on both sides of the East and West are indeed as Xiaobei said. Many people in the three or five groups are very excited and abnormal. They are no longer leisurely waiting for the place, but are eagerly awaiting and moving toward the East.

At this time, tens of thousands of horses in the desert showed a trend toward the east!

"How could this be?"

The thunder stunned and looked at the outside scene, and the scalp was numb.

"I heard that there was no small movement in the east!" Xiaobei was able to withstand the waste of half a day of hard work, and carefully explained from the side: "Jinyiwei has thousands of people on the other side with a group of people." The master of heaven and earth fights to compete for the treasures unearthed from the desert palace!"


The thunder battle has not been heard.


Xiaobei whispered again.

This is the thunder of war!

"Weird, I have received the news of Jin Yiwei, but it seems quite far. In this desert, who will pass the news... Brothers, they all stop, the treasures of the Desert Palace are not here, everyone cleans up, Ready to leave."

Although the thunderstorm is so boring and annoyed, it does not lose its vigilance and sense of smell. When you call everyone to stop, don't forget the source of the speculation.

"There are a few heavenly masters on the other side, and people nearby may know that they are not sure, so that the news will be released."

Lei Ying frowned and nodded, Xiaobei thought of the answer can explain the past.

They naturally won't know.

The news was because the group of people in the wolf organized a planned leak and incitement, and quickly spread across the desert!

However, the side of the Splendid River and the Mountain is filtered by the people of the wolf and the people of Yipintang. If it is not the small North, the white scorpion is in the vicinity of other people’s camps, and the group of people in the mine is the last batch. Those who have evacuated may even have their neighbors removed, and a group of people are still digging in the big pit to dig...


The martial arts people from all over the world have gathered together, staying near the Longmen Inn, enduring the heat and heat, staying in the hot and difficult desert, because there is still a hope for the desert palace!

The people of the wolf organization secretly leaked the news that the desert palace treasure ‘the ancient savage tiger cub’ reappeared in the rivers and lakes, and immediately brought a typhoon of 12 levels to the desert.

The people on both sides of the Longmen Inn are boiling!

Without a word, a batch of people and men will decisively fight...

People from the vicinity of Longmen Inn have set off, and when there is a clear eastward long dragon on the desert, wolves, blood prisoners and other people have gone from the hidden dune basin to the heights.

Dozens of people stare at the hot sun, the hot wind, but the body is a sense of cold and cold.


"Sure enough, I heard the news of the unearthed treasures of the Great Desert Palace. These people ran faster than the rabbits." The fairy and the little peaches were hung with smugness and contempt

The wolf slightly lifted the chin:

"From now on, we don't have to worry too much about the problems of hiding and identity exposure. The people from all walks of life gather together, and this pool of water will soon pick up! There are spoilers, even if the Central Plains have two great forces, the mountains and rivers, the wind When the building is on the scene, we can also fish in the water."

"But the situation on the side of Jinyiwei is ever-changing. The battle between the masters of heaven and earth is extremely dangerous. It is unmeasurable. It may not take long for the winners and losers to go. The wolf, let’s go, let’s delay the time and let out the blind. It doesn't look like the head."

Hearing, the wolf smiled and waved his hand:

"Don't worry, there's something to go, but it's not the time."

The people around them are showing their incomprehensible and suspicious colors.

The wolf smiled:

"The head said in the letter, the first magical tiger in the ancient times is no more than ordinary **** soldiers. Those who get tigers must get the approval of the white tiger spirit. They must be swallowed up with certain blood and soul to temporarily seal the fierceness of the tiger cub, otherwise... ...oh."

"How else?"

The words of the wolf evoke the strong curiosity of everyone.

The latter does not mean to appetite, straight path:

"If you can't satisfy the tiger's fierceness, you will be countered by the tiger's shackles. That is to say, those who get tigers will be killed by the tigers unless they use the tiger to kill them. There is no third way to go!"

As soon as this statement came out, a group of wild wolf organizations gathered together to take a breath!