MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1185 The first weapon, the tiger cub reproduces (recommended)

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Chapter 1185 The first weapon, the tiger cub reproduces (recommended)

Chapter 1185

The swaying tiger-shaped knives are saved from the pyramids like psychic beasts. Happy and Mr. Qin are the first to bear the strongest impact and threat.

This time, the knife was more fierce, and the Thunder was too late. The two had not had the chance to make too many reactions. The cold and violent breath slammed into the two!

"not good!"

Mr. Qin is the first to change color.

When the wind blows the body, the force of the heavens is running, and most of the damage is removed.

The dilapidated guqin slammed out from the sleeves;


Firmly caught in the hands, the powerful heavenly atmosphere in vain from the body of the old man of the piano - the former high-profile, low-key heavenly master, finally showed his strength in the moment of life and death.

boom! ! !

The two feet are set on the top of the pyramid stone, as if they are rooted in, the stone steps are stuck! Stepping on deep footprints, even if the robes are hunting, the whole person has a tendency to be soared by the wind, but the feet are still stuck on the stone steps, and the black cloak is blown back. The pale silver hair dances wildly, revealing the wrinkles of the gullies and the firm eyes.

Boom! !

The worn guqin stands in the wind and hangs on the stone steps in front of you;


Mr. Qin Lao stunned Guqin and kneeled on one knee.

Binocular head-up, radiating the direction of the pyramid entrance channel.

One hand, one...

"When 啷!!!"

The incomplete fingers set a string of exhilarating notes on the strings. The substantial blade is like a continuous stream of rivers that morphs out of the notes, and the stream is like a tiger-shaped knife!


In front of the tiger-shaped knives, the thousands of sound edges are fragile like paper, failing to stop the advancement of the tiger-shaped knives, and collapse all the way;

Mr. Qin’s face changed, his hands daring forward, pulling out the six strings in a lightning direction, towards the entrance of the pyramid!

Nourish! ! !

In the slight inaudible sound, outside the pyramid, the air in the entire space was stagnated with the pull of Mr. Qin.

A huge vacuum belt appeared in front of the tiger-shaped knife!

Roar! ! ! !

The moment when the white tiger knives rushed out of the passage, and encountered the vacuum belt made by Mr. Qin, finally there was inevitably a slight delay.

Although the speed has only changed slightly, Mr. Qin seems to be working very hard...

At the moment when the white tiger knife cut into the vacuum belt, a blood squirted out of the mouth unconsciously, and the guqin in the hand was red on the spot, which looked shocking.

However, the old-fashioned Mr. Qin did not retreat, but the white tiger knife was slightly blocked, and his mouth was impatient:

"Happy little man! Save people!!"


It’s too late, it’s fast!

Everything happens between the moments, and only the pleasure of being able to make choices and contingency measures in such a short period of time.


Without the voice of Mr. Qin, the happy self-starting from the pyramid started the Xiaolong shape and avoided the impact of the white tiger knife. The white tiger knife was weak, and he flew away from the pyramid. The man shook his hand and shot a large piece of flying knife.


A large area of ​​flying knives splashed down.

The flying knife of the sky is like a blossoming white flower, flying around the pyramid, like a mottled white snowflake, scattered very well.

There is not a lot of lethal flying knives, but at this moment it has become a life-saving thing for a group of mythical peaks!

A group of Hu masters have a bright eye!

“Thank you!!”

At the moment of life, a group of people naturally cherish this rare opportunity to live, stepping on the foot, a group of people in the air have found a balance.



The air borrows a vertical force.

The white tiger knife is obstructed by the old man, and the masters of the Hu people jump back to the pyramid.

Rao is so...

A group of people are still a cold sweat!

I thought that I had just turned into one of the countless dead bodies in the mercury moat, so it was easy to return to the pyramid, and I hoped to add a grateful gratitude to the happy eyes.

But happy but have no time to pay attention to their situation!

After sprinkling the flying knife, Mr. Qin’s state is very bad.

The slashing power of the white tiger knives is far more than the full blow of the ally of the heavens and the earth, and the momentum is fierce. Even happy is not easy to shake.

Mr. Qin Lao used the Qinqin to forcibly block the tiger-shaped knife. Although it has achieved results, it has paid a lot of money.

A layer of mellow jade and the intrinsic gas faults in the space were destroyed by the tiger-shaped knives.

Got it! !

String breaks;

Mr. Qin’s face changed, and he did not wait for him to react. “啪”, the guqin suddenly burst and the sawdust flew together.

The sudden and powerful impact accompanied by the tiger-shaped knife from the pyramid channel was unceremoniously dropped on the body that Mr. Qin was not strong.




A group of Hu masters have just escaped from the dead. They have not yet had time to stand firm and see the scene where Mr. Qin was shaken out of the pyramid. They simply couldn’t respond, and they were pale.

"I really don't worry."

People in the air, happy and helplessly sighed.

Five fingers into the claws, in the moment when Mr. Qin flew to the side, resolutely explored, clasped Mr. Qin's arm tightly, and borrowed to fall back to the pyramid.



"Thank you! Thank you for your happiness!" A group of Hu masters gathered around, first of all, he was saved by him, and now the leader is also happy to save, a group of people are happy to be happy.


Put down the old Mr. Qin, the happy face is not good-looking.

boom! ! !

At this moment, a black shadow flew out of the pyramid, with signs of awkwardness, falling to the inevitable top stone steps of the pyramid...

"You are coming too?"

"It's you?"

Happy, the two opened their faces at the same time.

The first person who flew out of the pyramid channel was the heavenly master Ye Gucheng, but the situation at the moment was very bad.

The original temperament is cold and proud, and the fascinating Ye Gucheng Yechengzhu, at this time, has completely lost its image before, the hair is scattered, the clothes are dilapidated, and several shocking scars are left on the chest and arms. The sword in the hand together with the right arm It has been stained with blood, and the blood is still ticking down at the moment, as if it has just experienced a very fierce battle.

The wolverine of Ye Gucheng makes the people outside the pyramid and the pyramids shocked:

"Yecheng Lord, what happened inside?"

"Tiger, I didn't expect to suppress the treasures that were banned in the deepest part of this desert palace. It was the first weapon that used to destroy the entire rivers and lakes martial arts!" Ye Gucheng, although he was surprised and happy, would pass the mercury moat, but he quickly recovered and looked calmly. Smiled and shook his head: "I knew that this is a fierce thing, and Ye will not come to this drowning anyway."


Outside the pyramid, a group of people shuddered.

Happy, thousands of face fox faces each other...

They also heard about the reputation of the tiger cub.

It is said that this weapon is the spine of Chiyou's mount, which is integrated into the spirit of Chiyou, and finally tempered into a genius weapon that captures the heavens and the earth, a psychic ancient magical device with self-killing and destruction consciousness! I used to force Tianjing, and even almost killed the Tianjing master and the entire rivers and lakes martial arts!

"Cough... Keke, it's really good! It really is that thing!"

In the crowd, Mr. Qin, who was seriously injured, coughed under the help of a group of Hu masters. His face became paler: "The former tiger-shaped knife is the killing meaning of the tiger cub! I don’t know who is mastering the tiger cub. Is the Allied League, or Wu Zun Bi Xuan?"

"The Lord of Heaven and Earth."

Ye Gucheng noticed the situation of Mr. Qin, and raised his arm with difficulty. He replied: "He doesn't seem to be the first time to enter the desert palace. First, all of us enter the pyramid one step at a time, and then attack the Wu Zun Bi Xuan who went in. And the East is unbeaten, and I..."


Happy and shocked: "Is it impossible to combine the power of all of you, you can't get a master of the world? How is Osaya now?"

Ye Gucheng turned his eyes and returned to the happy body:

"Osaya's situation is okay, but you are too small to see the strength of the Allied Alliance, and too small to see the power of the tiger..."

The pyramid is surrounded by a mercury moat. The current state of Ye Gucheng can't use the power of heaven to leave, there is nowhere to go, and there are questions to answer questions about happy people.

Then I spoke out from the mouth of Ye Gucheng, so that happy people and others were taken aback!

"Original, because the world's allies first took the lead into the pyramid, when we found the pyramid passage, Wu Zun Bi Xuan and me, and the East unbeaten, the three of us entered the pyramid..."


Happy and others heard the words and took a breath.

"He got it?"

Many people are full of incredible colors.

After all, the three heavenly masters joined forces and were attacked by the Heaven and Earth Allies. It sounded incredible.

"We are also afraid of the strength of the world's allies, worried that he is defended in each of them, so they joined hands together, but did not expect that he has been recognized by the tiger cub, and officially awakened the holding spirit in the tiger cub, the strength multiplied... Be careful!"

Roar! ! !

Just in the gap between Ye Gucheng’s speech, there was an amazing tiger-shaped knife in the pyramid, and it rushed toward the crowd outside the passage...

Happy this time, no more hiding power.

"Get together!"

A roar, the wind full of all the way to start, a fierce sword smashed with the hands of the sky crystal wild sword, the tiger-shaped knife mans divided into two, scattered in the air.

A sword out!

Ye Gucheng only noticed the amazing swordsmanship of the long-handed sword in his happy hands. The eyes were bright and the mouth slowly vomited:


"Yecheng masters good eyesight." Happy and glanced at Ye Gucheng.

The latter wrinkled his eyebrows: "No, it is said that the sword of Tianjing is not inferior to the tiger. It should not be the only strength. Yes, it is said that Tianjing was once destroyed, broken, and Yes, this is right, the sword spirit has died! Or the surviving sword spirit, although the crystal in your hand is not bad, but it is not a complete sense of the perfect Tianjing sword!"

From the words of Ye Gucheng’s mouth, let the fun move slightly:

This seems to know very well... sword!