MTL - Sweetest Top Actress in My Home-Chapter 777 good looking!

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Biquge, the fastest update of the super sweetest chapter of my movie!

As Ku Jie expected, after the press conference of Jiang Yuning was held, major media and forums joined the discussion team.

Mainly because this fact is too weird.

He has Jiang Yuning's face, Jiang Yuning's former body, and Jiang Yuning's dress. However, this person is not Jiang Yuning.

How terrible would it have been for Jiang Yuning's pregnancy?

The great gods from all walks of life came out to analyze, and really felt that this matter was creepy.

Subsequently, a post called "Counting the Possibility of Jiang Yuning's Incident" swept to tens of thousands of floors within an hour.

In this post, netizens have expressed their opinions and made various assumptions, but they have not come close to the truth.

Until ... Some netizens who brushed short videos replied in the building: "How can it be so complicated? Now the master is in Mingjian, and now there are many imitation makeup on short videos. I have watched a video master imitation Jiang Yuning before. Also lamented that the video blogger was very skillful, and now think about it, maybe he is a suspect. "

What the **** is this ...

X agency also paid close attention to this post, but did not notice this reply from netizens.

Because in his opinion, even if it is imitation makeup, it is impossible to imitate this point, and even Lu Jingzhi is amazed.

Until another netizen posted a fake makeup video of the blogger in the forum: "Do you like it?"

Ku Jie immediately saved it, and opened it.

This video is only one minute and twenty seconds long. The title of the video is the daily makeup of Jiang Yuning.

Ku Jie watched this minute and twenty seconds, and her head suddenly exploded.

"Find out all the celebrities with short video imitation makeup, especially this one. I want to see their profile at night."

After that, the video link on the forum was deleted. I do n’t know why, but fortunately, Ku Jie saved the video.

It is also because the other party deleted it that made Ku Jie even more suspicious.

Moreover, when he went online to search for this video in various ways, the entire network was gone.

What does this play? Is there no silver here?

Therefore, Ku Jie said directly to his subordinates: "Don't find all the short video celebrities, just find this one!"

Some people come out to delete posts and public relations, that is, some people are afraid.

I actually knew I was scared!

Is it because Jiang Yuning expressed his attitude? Will he be punished severely?


After the press conference, Jiang Yuning completely clarified himself, and then returned to Guangying to continue his work.

The external scolding did not bring her much emotional fluctuations, because as Jiang Tang said, she no longer cares how the outside world views her.

Many netizens on the Internet apologized to Jiang Yuning, but did not get Jiang Yuning's forgiveness because Jiang Yuning did not respond at all.

She has always been so rigid and so fierce.

What's the use of an apology? In the future, they will rush to the front line of abusive artists.

However, because of the guilt of netizens, the opening of "Yan Huayi" went very smoothly in the evening. Regardless of whether the audience liked it or not, they turned on the television and expressed at least their regrets. Feelings.

But after watching for ten minutes, they suddenly felt as if they looked pretty good.

Because "Yan Huayi" uses a flashback technique, the first episode is Jiang Yuning's blackened shape, a black costumed section of Han Yan, ruthless and murderous, but behind this cruel, paragraph Han Yan was scarred and lonely and desperate.

At this time, the audience found that Jiang Yuning was also a shame on the show.

With the image of Duan Hanyan, who can draw an equal sign with Jiang Yuning now?

After the two episodes of "Yan Huayi" were broadcast, netizens suddenly felt that they were not interested.

Because although "Yan Huayi" is an adaptation of IP, Hou Da also put a lot of effort into the polishing of the script. She knows that novels and film and television works are different. Novels can be imagined. However, film and television works, It must be intuitive, and the opening must be straightforward, so she worked very hard to take into account the logic of the film and television drama based on the original.

The audience saw it vividly, and the book fan felt more perfect. Coupled with the intentions of the actors and Tao Huafu, the sophistication of "Yan Huayi" was indeed beyond the imagination of netizens.

["Yan Huayi" looks good! 】

[The production is also very sophisticated, the plot is very compact, and the explosion is reserved. 】

[I thought that in the novel, Duan Hanyan's grief is the most hurtful, because it is conceivable, but after watching Duan Hanyan played by Jiang Yuning, I actually cried for 40 minutes. Mom, I want to put the whole The world gives her. 】

[The more fierce she is, the more serious the injuries behind her, the more she kills and numbs, and the more I want to cry. 】

[There is no decent and no villain in "Yan Huayi". 】

The topic of the first day came out, the monkey sitting at home was big and completely relieved.

I wanted to talk to Jiang Yuning to express my feelings, but thinking that Jiang Yuning was pregnant and troublesome, I felt that the phone could not be dialed.

There was no clue over the police and the investigation was slow.

The old lady pushing the banana cart is also in the ICU, and her condition has not been alleviated.

Everyone is stressed.

It is precisely because of this that Liang You and Tang Ke put down their hearts again, thinking that the video that imitated makeup before 泱泱 was deleted.

However, they did not know that their actions were completely stared at by Ku Jie.

If these two people are smart people in the beginning, they will not just be online celebrities in short videos, nor will they be able to solve their girlfriend's trouble after they become popular.

Ku Jie made the follower of the imitation makeup blogger.

Now the information has fallen into the hands of Ku Jie.

Want to know what kind of existence X company in the entertainment industry?

Who is X ’s boss? No one knows his true identity so far, bullying Kujie ’s sister?

"Hey, I used to be a beauty blogger. Because the style is not very attractive, she turned to a makeup blogger. Because of the good makeup technology, she has a lot of fans and has copied a lot. The star, but now in the video, she did not imitate our sister Yu Ning's period, it is clear that she has a ghost in her heart. "

"I quietly went to the backstreet of the bar to ask about it, and took a picture of her personally to ask the bartender. As a result, this woman was very rewarding. This woman often appeared in that area. What we don't know now is why does she do this? "

Gouzi took all the information and analyzed it with Kujie.

"What's so difficult? Find a chance and know if you come out and ask? And her social relationship, haven't you checked?"