MTL - Swallowed Star-v29 Chapter 7 Jin Haizhu

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With the approaching... The huge rock has also changed back to Luo Feng, wearing a silver armor, and there are five pairs of wings on the back. At this moment, Luo Feng’s eyes are endlessly cold, and no one can shake the heart of the beast. !

The beast of the beast, the most powerful of the beasts.

Kill it, then the time of the birth of the sixth-order beasts will be full of a large amount, which is equivalent to let the universe of the sea have a longer time buffer.

"Beddy, must die!" Luo Feng has only one thought in his mind at this moment, killing Brady!

brush! brush! brush!

After a hundred long-distance teleports, it finally faintly senses a teleportation in the distance. "It's there!" Luo Feng directly rushed toward the volatility, followed by direct deployment. The technique of space condensation makes it impossible for the other party to escape.

The continent draws into the fifth-order, and the beast of the beast is eager to deal with other fourth-order beasts, even if it is pretending to be a camouflage to keep the teleport distance the same as the previous four.

“Well?” The beast of the beast, Beidi, immediately felt a wave of volatility.

It will condense as the Zhougu space follows.

I did not sense the existence of the beasts at all, then the strong man who came here was not the beast, but naturally it was the life of the universe. Can the cosmic sea powers infiltrate into the hinterland of the dark land? Is it directly in front of it in front of Brady?

So clever?

There are nearly ten million beasts in the dark, and they have lost power. To be undetected by any beast, the probability of encountering it is simply negligible.

"Then it should be Luofeng, the lord of the Milky Way, and only him. Because of the enslavement of Morosa, you can know the position of all the beasts in the entire dark land." Betdi had many ideas in an instant.

"Who is it?" Beide, who knows that he wants to move away from the telescope, can't do it. He immediately screams and screams, but it is not in a hurry, but both heads are looking at the fluctuations.

far away.

A silver armor is standing in the void, the five pairs of silver wings behind him are unfolding, and his pair of scorpions are staring coldly at the beast, Betty, as if the wolf is staring at the sheep!

"You are the first strongest person in the universe, the Milky Way Lord Luo Feng?" The beast of the beast was indifferent, but his heart was very confident. It had already entered the fifth stage, and it felt the partial destruction of the source. The strength was fundamental. The transition. Before the teleport distance is short, it is just disguised as a fourth order.

The fifth-order combat power is almost at the peak of the entire beast evolution system.

The advantages of the sixth order and the fifth order are only ‘dividends’ and can last forever. Other advantages are not great.

"Beddy?" Luo Feng opened.

"Do you know me?" The two one-eyed behemoths of the beasts of Becky are shining. "It seems that Morosa told you that you have quietly penetrated into the darkness, and all other beasts have not found it. You are also very powerful... Even if I didn't find you beforehand, you took the initiative to show up. It seems that you are in a dark place and the goal is me."

"Yes." Luo Feng nodded.

It seems like a few cold conversations.

But Luo Lufeng was watching the beast of the beast, and the beast of this beast did not have a trace of fear? It was so cold and calm that Luo Feng was amazed. Because Morosa had already sent a lot of messages to every beast before he was enslaved. Obviously, the fourth-order beast was absolutely dead in front of Luo Feng, facing an opponent who could not resist... usually panic or life or other.

It can be cold and calm, but it is very weird.

"I am still thinking about killing you in the future. Since you have come to me, then..." The beasts of the beasts are twinkling with madness.

"I am killing you!" Luo Feng screamed.


The five pairs of wings behind Luo Feng suddenly expanded and became the ultimate power to infuse into the wings of Wu Yu. The first three volumes of "Breakout" were displayed, even in the inheritance of the world of Jin, the true **** stage burned triple Already the limit, Luo Feng’s divine power quickly prompted the third secret pattern of Wu Yuyi.

Suddenly around the light years, all over the clouds.

A thought of the void!

The strong restraint power is shackled on the beast of the beast, which makes Brady laugh: "Haha, are you using this trick to perpetuate the light channel of the Morozha exhibition? Well, this move deals with the third-order The beast is almost the same, but for me, hahaha... it’s just a joke!”

嗡 U U 一 U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U

"Hmmm?" Luo Feng's face changed. "How is the field of the boundary light so strong? It is reasonable to say that the boundary light field of the fourth-order beast should be compared with my current thoughts. It is almost the same. Is this beast? Going into the fifth order?"

The same is the field of light.

The fifth-order beast and the fourth-order beast are displayed, but the power is completely different.

Because the power of the 'field of light' depends on the 'boundary', it is clear that the boundaries of the fifth-order beasts are even higher.

"It is Betdy, but it has entered the fifth order." Luo Feng's voice is cold, but Xiaoxin watermark Baidu engulfs the starry sky. The first spread in the light-year range N

"Haha, it is the first strongest person in the universe. I can know that I am entering the fifth order so quickly." Betty, the beast of the beast, laughed wildly, but his eyes were crazy, but it was cold, and Luo Feng also knew from Moro. ...Beddy is essentially a very cold guy, ruthless.

"I did get into the fifth order, but you have come to me. It is really a death. Your time and space means is not my opponent in the field of light. You are here..., the beast of the beast suddenly disappeared.

Because Luo Feng’s palm suddenly flew out of a sinuous crystal bead, and the whole body was golden.

This golden crystal ball is directly suspended at the top of Luofeng's head. Only the peak of the burning power of Luofeng is poured into it. After the transformation of the golden crystal beads, it is rapidly transformed into a vast and endless golden wave. ~ ~ Golden waves appear in the range of several light years.

The golden waves and the emptiness of each other's emptiness, the power of the skyrocketing, instantly suppressed the field of light, and the field of light has been shrinking.

This golden crystal bead, named Jinhaizhu, is a very precious treasure brought back by Luo Feng from the 'world of Jin'. It is the treasure of the virtual world-class mechanical flow field. Of course, it is a very common one. And, the general void can be used by the gods, the general truth of the gods, the secret of the creation is also in the top nine.

When Luo Feng became enlightened by chaos, it far exceeded this limit.

In the realm, he is completely comparable to the general void!

Therefore, this golden sea pearl can be urging. In fact, in the Jin Dynasty, Luofeng is a treasure, which is the same price and can be sold to the arms world at the same price. Therefore, Luo Feng actually got a bunch of treasures first, to see if he could understand and evoke, and if he felt that he could not move, he would return.

Like Wu Qishen, it is a fake in the mechanical treasures of the true God. It is divided into three, especially the third. More difficult than a lot of virtual reality robotic treasures!

“Wu Wu’s wing is the third most important, and the secrets of the secrets are lower.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “I can rush at the main stage of the universe, and the general **** can also rush. And Wu’s wing is missing again’ The power of the source is indeed weaker than the field of light. ”

The higher the level of the secret law, the stronger the power.

The simplified version of ‘一念空空’, the level of the secret law is far from his true strength compared to the current Luo Feng. It is a pity that Wu Yuyi’s fourth heavy ‘one thought of the universe’ is still a little bit worse, otherwise it will be strong once it is revealed.

Jin Haizhu, on the level of esotericism, naturally far exceeds the empty mind. It is the general emptiness that the true God can evoke, and it also reaches the almost extreme that Luo Feng can now provoke.

It is also a mechanical flow treasure. Although it is not as good as the Wu Wu wing, it can be stronger than the one, and it is still stronger than one.

Jinhai is endless, and a vain mind is in the air.


The beast of the beast, Bidi, screamed, and the field of light has shrunk to just surround it, as if it were a film. Even so, the concentration of this layer of 'Boundary Light Film' is extremely high, but it still resists all impacts.

"The Milky Way Lord Luo Feng." The beast of the beast, Beidi, said coldly. "But just take advantage of the treasures. You will take Morosa into your Star Tower and eventually enslave it. I am afraid it is also the treasure of the treasure."

The facts are also similar.

Luo Feng used the thought of the empty space, the power of the town to suppress the space, and the power of the universe, so that Morosa could not resist the self-explosion.

"I heard that you have an endless ocean avatar."

The cold beast of the beast of the beast, he is indeed full of self-confidence. When he just spoke at the moment, the endless black light was centered on it and quickly shot, directly covering the distant Luofeng.

At a fast speed, Luo Feng could not dodge.

Numerous black silk threads entangled Luo Feng, wrapped in Luo Feng, directly turned Luo Feng into a silkworm cocoon.

"But you are a human being, and now you have entered the level of true God. You must turn the source back into a human being... Your endless ocean is afraid of being gone, killing you? You don't need to kill you at all, just consume it. You can do it!" The beast of the beast looked at the dark fog and cocoon in the distance and smiled. "The same trick, the third-order beast and the fifth-order beast are completely different. My strength is more pure. More powerful. The power of the world is also stronger."


Luo Feng, who was trapped in the black fog cocoon, did not rush to break open, but madly burning the power of the gods, the mighty and madness of the surrounding black fog cocoon.

The power of divine power and the power of the beasts are insane.

"Follow me than my power?" Luo Feng sneered at the bottom of his heart, he can easily turn the power of the power into the power of the beast to make the other party unable to deal with it, but why not?

"According to Morosa, the divine reserve of the fifth-order beast is afraid of being as beautiful as the true **** of hundreds of millions of kilometers." Luo Feng secretly said, "However, it is still less than one billionth of my."