MTL - Survivorship Bias-Chapter 1 Start Override

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A red laser beam moved to the forehead of the man beside him. With a thud, the semi-viscous plasma mixture splattered onto his wrist.

This is the first scene in front of him when he wakes up, and it's as bad as a nightmare.

With a blank mind, he sat on the chair and stared at the man whose head was shot and fell to the ground. This man's eyes were just like his own, and they were wide open.

"This is the result of trying to forcefully leave the [altar]."

Accompanied by the noise in his brain that resembled a dissonant signal, he heard a very holy voice, like singing in a church.

He found that his reflexes were abnormally slow, and it took a lot of effort to even shift his gaze to his wrist.

Glossy silver bone gaps go.

My hands are shaking and I can't control it.

The black T-shirt on his body seems to have been stained with a lot of blood, but he can't see clearly.

Looking around, there are a few unknown people around, facing the people who died in front of them, each person's expression is different, some people can see obvious fear on their faces , while others are only left numb.

When he cast his eyes, several of them avoided their eyes, as if they were afraid to meet him.

I wanted to see these faces more clearly, but the vision seemed to be immersed in water, and the eyes were sore. The next second, tears rolled down without warning. He raised his hands to dry them in confusion.

The voice came again.

"Congratulations to the survivors for entering this round of the game, let's settle the results of the previous game first."

"Alternatively, you can meet a new round of friends."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a very subtle "di-" sound from the white noise in his brain, and the next second, a virtual holographic projection panel appeared in the left field of vision, which seemed to be about own information:

[Variable Name: An Wu Jiu

Attribute: Male, 20 years old

Game rounds: 5

Win rate: 100/100

Hazard Class: SSS]

Seeing these three words, a huge amount of information is poured into the brain like an overload of data in an instant: the face of this world and the way it works deformed, all the memories from birth to adulthood, every day on the street. A passing face, a chaotic red light district, artificial blue skies and endless acid rain.

The huge amount of information made An Wujiu breathless, a new projection panel appeared on the right side of the angle of view, showing that he had obtained 10,000 holy coins.

All the first impressions begin to piece together some outlines of the matter - he seems to have entered a game where the winner can settle for the so-called holy coins, and lose the game...

Thinking of the man who just fell to the ground, he just didn't follow the rules, and the result of losing is probably the same.

The five senses are real, and he can clearly sense the pain caused by the injury. Is this some new virtual reality game?

Soon, An Wujiu realized that his amnesia seemed to be less conventional, more like it had been edited artificially, with only part of it missing.

He remembers his time in a world where administrative structures were disintegrating, national borders were blurred, and almost anyone could become a commodity. He even recalls the handful of people at the top, the business giants big enough to stomp the state machine under their feet.

What about himself?

All the pictures in my memory are so warm, they are the real and clear first perspective, and they all have the same person. The beautiful and gentle woman hugged him as a child, put him to sleep, taught him to read and write, and smiled at him.

This is his mother.

From childhood to adulthood, all the memories associated with it, the love he truly received, flowed back into this body.

The mother at the bedside seemed to be trying to tell him something.

The screen starts shaking and everything becomes distorted.

She pursed her lips, and the sound she made was completely drowned out by the shrill noise in An Wu's head.

Passively pulled away from the memory fragment, An Wujiu was in constant pain, the veins in the neck burst out, and the temples were still beating faintly.

He wondered if the hippocampus in his brain had been destroyed, or something else had been inserted. An Wu Jiu wanted to check to see if there is a neural interface on his body, there must be some kind of microprocessor stuck in it, but the severely injured right hand was difficult to lift, probably because the bone was broken, and the hand was still shaking.

He raised his left hand and stretched it behind his ears and back of his head, only to realize that his hair had grown to the level of his waist, but he had no idea.

I really don't want to make my hands tremble like this, An Wu Jiu bit the tip of his right finger, frowned, and caught a glimpse of a guy wearing a mask.

This man is standing furthest away from him. He is tall and wears a black trench coat. He looks like a young man. He did not show his true face. He wore a mechanical mask made of some synthetic material on his head. The surface was as smooth and white as the long-lost sweet white glaze, with a warm luster, but the mask retained traces of block splicing.

The front of the mask is the appearance of Guanyin, the eyes are lowered, the corners of the mouth are slightly raised, the center of the upper eyebrows is a little red, the assembly line divided horizontally and vertically and the metal buckles connecting the back of the head, let this Guanyin Like producing a subtle sense of fragmentation and mechanics.

Can't seem to touch the interface, An Wujiu put down his left hand.

He was very puzzled about everything here. He remembers every bit of his relationship with his mother, the process of his growth, the early death of his father, his dependence on his mother, and a lovely sister.

At this time, I should accompany my mother in the ward, why am I here?

"As before, before the official battle begins, we have a warm-up game for you. Survivors who win the warm-up game can gain a game advantage or the right to choose a single-player or team format."

The white void in front of me began to flicker when the sound appeared, such as a color bar flashing when the screen failed. In front of them appeared a round table with eight surrounding high chairs.

"Please take a seat."

Others followed the instructions and took their seats, An Wujiu didn't want to be shot to death when he didn't understand, so he also sat down as required.

The moment I sat down, digital pulse bars and highly saturated color afterimage appeared on the surrounding pure white background. After the flashing, they were on the rooftop of a skyscraper. The dark sky was dazzled by the mixed neon beams. The aircraft, the tracks strayed near the high-rise buildings, and the holographic projections of advertisements as many as pollution were dizzying. .

An Wujiu felt that his eyesight was also damaged, he narrowed his eyes slightly under the light stimulation, he could still see part of the huge holographic projection 30 to 40 meters high in his field of vision, it was a virtual beaded head Hua Dan, leaning against a skyscraper.

They are at the top of the world, and all they can see is the bustling light and sound, the gutter without the chemicals floating in the slums, the piles of discarded prosthetics and the rotten and rotten corners A dead body that no one cares about.

Looking back, the people at the round table looked at each other, each with their own insecurities. Compared with the sensual dogs and horses outside, the place looked much simpler—eight people, eight seats, and the table in front of each seat was embedded with One display screen and nothing else.

At least not a game that requires force to decide the outcome.

An Wujiu thinks about his injury and looks at others.

The other seven people are of different ages. At first glance, they don’t have the same characteristics to be selected. From right to left, they are a young woman wearing a cheongsam, a strong man, a blond old man with a western face, A man wearing a mechanical Guanyin mask, a thin middle-aged man in a suit, a boy with freckles on his cheeks and black-rimmed glasses, and a red-haired boy who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old.

An Wujiu frowned.

Why am I the only one injured so badly?

The noise in his head was getting louder and louder, causing him a headache, he turned his face and looked to his left.

Sit on his left is the boy who looks very small, with red hair like fire, wearing a loose and worn baseball jacket and a black hat, he looks very good Nice to get along with. His eyes were large, staring at the old Rubik's Cube that kept turning in his hand.

An Wujiu almost instinctively began to observe, seeing his two feet on the edge of the chair, the whole person flexed, the fingers are flexible, there is no thick calluses, the body is thin, the arm muscles are not obvious, it should be Not very good at fighting and using weapons.

An Wujiu stretched out his left hand towards him, “Hello.”

He wanted to say "get to know me", but the moment he opened his mouth, he found that his speaking rhythm was very problematic, as if he had a language barrier.

The boy was stunned, holding his Rubik's cube in both hands, his fingers were still, like a bionic rabbit that was simulating eating but stuck.

"What's wrong?" An Wujiu said softly, he didn't think his attitude was scary, not to mention he hid his **** right hand under the table.

The boy's eyes showed defensiveness and he didn't answer, but An Wujiu saw him glance uneasily at a middle-aged man with glasses sitting diagonally opposite. At the end of the line of sight, the man looked at least 40 years old, his cheeks were sunken, and his eyes were shrewd.

"What's the matter?"

Without waiting for An Wujiu to say anything, the middle-aged man pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, folded his arms, a very typical defensive posture, "An Wujiu, you have killed so many people because of your ruthlessness, Now pretending to be innocent, do you think anyone will believe you?"

After speaking, the rest of the people at the table also looked at An Wujiu, as if they were waiting for something.

“I don’t… remember.” An Wujiu answered truthfully, speaking very slowly, and the punctuation was not quite right.

In the eyes of other people, this long-haired man has a perfect skin, but he is so beautiful that he is natural, without the slightest artificial feeling. He was fair-skinned, as clean as the moon over the city when there was no pollution, but his face was poor and his lips were pale.

His eyes were pure and soft, slightly out of focus, his fingers trembled slightly, he felt frightened, but it seemed not, the trembling looked more like anxiety or other mental disorders.

This look doesn't look like the bad embryo in Yang Ming's mouth, let alone someone who can win in the [altar].

An Wujiu looked down and thought. Judging from the boy's reaction just now, long before the man opened his mouth to say these words, the people here had already recognized the fact that [An Wu Jiu is very dangerous].

Whether the man is telling the truth or not, this situation is not good for him.

The middle-aged man sneered, "This time you are pretending to have amnesia?" He put his hand on the table, raised his eyebrows, and said word by word, "Don't take people for fools."

"You guy is really stubborn, and it was the same before. With a beautiful face, he pretended not to know how pure he was, and he attracted others to form an alliance.

For this description, An Wujiu has a sense of disconnection that does not belong to him, and feels a little helpless.

But he noticed that the mechanical Avalokitesvara on the opposite side leaned forward, as if he was very interested in the accusation against him. This seems to be the first time he has seen this person move since he came in, otherwise he would suspect that the other person is a machine.

The middle-aged man put his hand on the table into a fist, "I met him in the last round, and that round was a **** gambling house. An Wujiu vowed that he could save everyone's life. , let a lot of people join his camp, but in the end he figured out the rules himself but didn't tell everyone. "

In his words, there was a trembling in his voice, which seemed to be because of fear. He pointed at An Wu Jiao excitedly, "If you don't believe me, you can check the holy coins that he settled in the last round, it must be ten times more than mine."

After these words, An Wujiu felt more and more bad.

"Is your last round so fierce?"

These words came from the right side of An Wujiu.

He turned his face, and on his right sat a young woman in a pink cheongsam, with a snake-shaped necklace around her neck, beautiful and moving, and thick and beautiful black curly hair, exuding Natural, rather than artificial, sheen is rare in this day and age.

The corner of her mouth was smiling, she stared at the nail polish on her fingertips, then turned to look at An Wujiu, trembling deliberately, "It's terrible, it seems that handsome guys can't believe it. "

An Wujiu had some thoughts because of her last sentence.

The battle is so fierce, the people who also survived should not be easy.

"In any case, the winner of this game can't be blameless. The rest of us must pull together to get him out first, or anyone could fall victim to him. "

He spoke loudly, and the others fell silent for a while, as if tacitly.

An Wujiu knew that what he said at this moment was useless.

Because it's a really exciting proposition. Although the next game and rules are unclear, it is of course the best to be able to erect a public target, otherwise the muzzle is likely to go to any of them.

At this moment, the voice reappeared, "Since everyone is seated, let's get acquainted with each other's names first."

As soon as the voice fell, a blue light appeared in front of everyone, and the light gradually transformed into characters, which were their respective names.

From An Wujiu's point of view, his name was suspended in the rich night, almost overlapping with the name of the person on the opposite side.

The cacophony in my head paused for a moment.

[Shen Ti]

It is the mysterious mechanical Guanyin.

Volume 1 Warm-Up Game Guessing Numbers