MTL - Survivor 01 [Unlimited]-Chapter 42 Mo Enthalpy - [17]

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Ye Fei's mind went blank.

His mind was full of the announcement he had just heard.

Please, no.

All three rules of the hospital state that the door cannot be opened after nine o'clock, that is to say, what Shengweiwu needs to abide by is the rules of "after nine o'clock" and "open the door".

It means that if they want to devour the original NPC, they can only knock on the door and let the insider open the door. Or, as he saw before, go directly through the broken window on the first floor.

But Ye Fei's ward was on the third floor, and Sheng Weiwu couldn't climb up.

Take the initiative to open the door? Pudding isn't that silly either.

And low-level intellectuals can't cheat or break into the door at all, unless...


Ye Fei's mind went blank.

That's when he rushed to the third floor.

He caught sight of someone in the corridor.

A cold light flickered overhead.

The light stretched their shadows very long.

One is well dressed, with open eyebrows.

One person's hair was disheveled, the white coat on his body was covered with blood and ashes, and he was in a mess.

They looked exactly the same, but they seemed different in every way.

The person opposite is Ye Fei's most familiar appearance.

For a split second, he wondered that maybe his memory had gone wrong, that maybe he himself was the imposter.

Ye Fei curled up her fingers slightly.

After a brief trance, he moved his gaze down and saw the person lying at the feet of the "doctor".

Half of Zhou Zhengning's yellow hair was burnt, and half of his face disappeared. The wound was entwined with black mist, which was still eroding his remaining flesh and blood.

Obviously there were so many thoughts in his mind just now, but after seeing it with his own eyes, Ye Fei felt extraordinarily peaceful in his heart.

Thinking about it, he lived for so many years and witnessed countless deaths, how could he be touched by the disappearance of people around him. That's right, everyone in the world will die.

He should have accepted this fact long ago.

In this world, the only person who cannot die is him.

"I didn't look for you, but you came to the door yourself."

After a moment of confrontation, the doctor on the opposite side spoke first.

The smile on the corners of his lips was the familiar curvature of Ye Fei, and even his sloppy tone was exactly the same as his:

"Looking at you like this, you're not doing well."

Ye Fei was very self-aware, he chuckled lightly:

"It's really not that good."

The doctor nodded:

"Why don't you let me devour you and let me live for you?"

Ye Fei was amused by these words:

"What? It's just a dimension-enhancing object, do you still want to replace me?"

"Replace? No, I am you. And you should also know that I am stronger than you."

"I admit."

Ye Fei nodded, then sighed slightly:

"To be honest, living is really meaningless. If possible, I really hope that someone can kill me, or live instead of me."

Ye Fei paused, then walked towards the doctor.

His voice is low:

"But it won't be you."

"?" The doctor smiled.

"You killed my little friend."

Ye Fei didn't know when there was a shard of glass in his hand. He cut open his palm with the shard, blood flowed out from the wound, but they didn't fall to the ground, but floated into the air drop by drop.

A scarlet light flashed in Ye Fei's eyes:

"Then... please disappear."

In the ward.

There was non-stop fighting outside the door, and from time to time, someone's muffled groan and the loud sound of heavy objects hitting the ground could be heard.

Mo Han sat on the bed, he didn't draw anymore, he seemed a little disturbed, because he kept his head down and played with his fingers.

Grandma was sitting in a wheelchair, unconsciously clutching her shawl tightly.

Grandpa anxiously walked up and down the room. He was hunched and trembling when he walked.

He looked at the door panel that trembled from time to time, and finally gritted his teeth:

"No, I have to go out and help them."

Grandma opened her eyes wide:

"The young man can handle it by himself, you old guy, wouldn't you die if you go out? It's good not to make trouble for others."

"But I can't leave young people alone, they've done enough for us."

For the first time, grandpa refuted grandma's words.

He smiled foolishly:

"Also, although I'm not as powerful as you and Huayan, I can still be of some use."

outside the door.

The doctor knelt down on the ground, he wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, smiled and raised his eyes to look at the person opposite.

Ye Fei fell to the ground, his body was burning with thick black mist, and the thick mist eroded his flesh and blood, but under the effect of absolute healing, new flesh would soon grow from the wound.

Ye Fei propped himself up and got up from the ground. He raised his hand to wipe off the blood from his nose, and vomited blood with his head tilted.

He raised his eyes, his eyes were blood red.

"I'm so tired." Ye Fei muttered to herself.

He looked at the guy across from him:

"Where did it come from? It's really annoying to look at."

Ye Fei lowered her head and cut her arm open again, the blood floated out and condensed into boiling short knives.

With the glint in Ye Fei's eyes, the dagger flew towards the doctor. But before they touched the doctor, they were wrapped in thick black fog around the doctor and disappeared instantly.

"Ah, so cunning, using that guy's ability is too foul."

Seeing the devoured blood blade, Ye Fei frowned.

His expression was blank, and when the doctor rushed over, he murmured:

"What's the situation, I can't beat it at all."

The blood condensed into a thin wall in front of Ye Fei, trying to block the doctor's attack, but all this could not be resisted for a moment in front of the doctor's black fog. The doctor soon came to Ye Fei, lifted him and fell heavily to the ground.

The white tiles were smashed with several cracks.

Ye Fei coughed out a mouthful of **** foam. He broke many bones and couldn't get up for a while.

He looked at the ceiling above his head in a daze, calmly waiting for the doctor's next attack, and also waiting for the absolute cure to reconnect his broken bones.

But at that moment, he suddenly heard the sound of the door lock opening and closing, and then, there seemed to be another person in front of him.

[Player 576 Liu Shan uses the ability: Mountain of Defense]

Ye Fei froze for a moment.

He turned his head with difficulty and saw that besides himself and the doctor, there was another person in the corridor at some point.

The man was a little hunched, looking at the trembling figure standing in front of Ye Fei was extremely determined.

A hill of hard soil grew on the ground in front of him, and the hill blocked a large area of ​​light, covering Ye Fei in the shadow.


Ye Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, he murmured.

Grandpa Liu didn't hear Ye Fei's voice.

He gritted his teeth and said:

"Young man, go back to your room, I'm blocking you here!"

"You can't stop it, you will die."

Ye Fei put it bluntly, he lowered his eyes slightly, the shadows falling from his eyelashes made the red color in his eyes a bit heavier:

"Get out of the way, I can still fight."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Grandpa Liu turned his head and glanced at him. At that moment, thick black fog wrapped around the defensive mountain, and the earth and rocks on the hill instantly cracked.

"Oh shit…"

Ye Fei narrowed her eyes.

His lips moved slightly, as if he had cursed something, but there were too many voices around him, and even he himself couldn't hear it clearly.

At the moment when the thick fog completely disintegrated the defense mountain, Ye Fei grabbed Grandpa Liu and pushed him to the ground.

He protected the old man under his body, he waited for the thick black fog to roll over his body, he closed his eyes, but the expected pain did not come for a long time.

Amid the chaos, he heard someone shouting:

"Grandpa! Brother Ye!"

Ye Fei froze for a moment, and after a long time, he realized that it was calling him. He opened his eyes and saw a little girl in a nurse's uniform running down the corridor.

He looked at the child, raised his eyebrows slightly, and soon, he noticed an extra shadow beside him at some point.

The shadow was pulled out by the light for a long time, Ye Fei looked along the shadow, and saw a person holding a sickle, blocking in front of him.

The man's half-length hair was **** casually, even if he looked sideways, he could immediately recall the man's unforgettable beauty.

Ye Fei looked at that person, raised her eyebrows slightly:

"It's you?"

Jian Ling looked sideways at him.

His expression and eyes were as cold as ever.

He looked directly at Ye Feihong's eyes, saw the blood beads floating beside him, and nodded slightly:

"Thanks for your hard work."

The blood moon scythe drew a red afterimage in the air, Jian Lingxi pushed her glasses, and said in a deep voice:

"have a rest."

It was noisy.

Ye Fei couldn't quite hear the crisp sound of weapons colliding, or someone's angry cursing.

He sat against the wall beside the corridor, and the picture in front of him gradually changed from blurred to clear.

He saw Zhou Zhengning's body next to him, half of the child's face had been eroded, Ye Fei moved over, and he patted the remaining half of his cheek, feeling cold to the touch.

Ye Fei closed Zhou Zhengning's eyes, then raised her eyes to look around in a daze.

It's a mess.

He was still in the corridor on the third floor, but at this moment, several lights in the corridor were smashed, and the white tile floor was covered with splashes of dirt and blood. The doors of the two wards next to him were open, and there was no one inside.

What happened.

Ye Fei patted her head hard twice.

Memory is messed up again.

He only remembered that he had never fought with that ascendant, and that guy had no restrictions on using abilities, even Absolute Annihilation could be set off as fireworks.

So, is he killed by him now and revived again?

Ye Fei couldn't remember.

His mind was a little confused, and after a moment of calm, he heard a voice:

"Teacher Ye."

Hearing this address, Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously looked down at Zhou Zhengning beside him.

The child still has his eyes closed, is not alive, and cannot make a sound.

Ye Fei paused for a moment before realizing that it was not Pudding's voice.

He looked up at the owner of the voice:

"Little snake."

There were a few bloodstains on the white coat on Jian Lingxi's body.

He glanced at Ye Fei, then at Zhou Zhengning on the ground, and quickly moved his eyes away, his voice was a little heavy:

"Leave it to me here, the girl and the old man will wait for you at the hospital gate."

Ye Fei's mind went blank for a moment, and he nodded:

"Another Ye Fei...?"

"Run away, don't worry, I will kill him."

Jian Lingxi picked up the blood moon scythe leaning against the other wall, and walked towards the stairwell at the end of the corridor.

Although she didn't remember what happened, it was obvious that Jian Lingxi helped Ye Fei again.

Ye Fei wanted to say something, but couldn't help but coughed a few times first.

He took a breath, looked up at Jian Lingxi's back:

"Although I have said it many times, thank you, little snake."

Jian Ling paused.

"Miss Ye, you don't need to say thank you to me."

The lights in the corridor flickered on and off, and the light falling on Jian Lingxi's body also flickered on and off.

He slightly bent his lips, his tone was imperceptibly gentle:

"Just do what you want."

Leave the rest to me.