MTL - Supreme Uprising-Chapter 1435 The length of the ruler is short and the length is different.

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Shiyuan Xuehai looked at the grief of Emperor Yi, and shook his head gently. He could understand the feeling of Emperor Yi at this time, but at this time, it was really not the time to talk about the Emperor.

"This time, the congenital five is to study Luo Yunyang, or else it will not be against Luo Yunyang."

The emperor nodded: "I can see that the congenital five Taihe and the heavenly sacred world are one, and with the ingenuity of the five movements, it can be said that they are basically not curbed by the curse."

"On this point, they are enough to be invincible to Shangluo Yunyang."

Speaking of this, he faintly said: "With the help of the heavenly sacred environment and the power of the treasure, the nine emperors of Luo Yunyang were suppressed. Without the three curses and the nine emperors, Luo Yunyang became no. Tiger of teeth."

The origin of the **** sea is faint: "Our little friend, you should also eat a loss, otherwise, it is too fluttering, too ignorant of the sky."

This sentence, Emperor Yi is very agree!

In his view, Luo Yunyang now has a certain improvement, but he is still a little brother, a little brother who needs to rely on them.

As a younger brother, Luo Yunyang must have his own duty, and should not compete with them.

Luo Yunyang, who received the supreme honor of the Nine Emperors, is undoubtedly too ignorant of the heights of the Emperor, and the more he is, the more he wants Luo Yunyang to plant some heads.

Let him know that there are still things that need to rely on his emperor.

The strongest people watching the battle in the heavens and the sky at this time also saw the strength and weakness of Luo Yunyang and the innate five.

For these strong people in the sky, they are purely watching the bustle. After all, no matter who wins or loses, there is not much relationship with them.

"This time, Luo Yunyang has encountered a hard scorpion!" Someone looked at Luo Yunyang's situation, with words in his words.

"When you talk about it, what kind of existence is the congenital five too? They are the existence of the connection to the heavenly environment when the heavenly holy place appears. It can be said that they are integrated with the heavenly environment."

"Luo Yunyang's three curses are so powerful, but they can't help them!"

"You will say a few less words. Luo Yunyang's three curses can't help them, but we can't resist it. If Luo Yunyang remembers us, what happens when he is angry and angry, no one can tell."

The strongest of the heavens watched the drama, but the eight young disciples who followed Luo Yunyang were very nervous at this time.

They followed Luo Yunyang here, and there was only one purpose, that is, long experience, and by the way, follow Luo Yunyang to eat something.

After all, in this big feast, there will be a lot of treasures that have great benefits for their cultivation. They can eat some, and maybe they can make their cultivation a new level.

But just as they yearn for a big meal, their ancestors and backers actually played against each other.

In fact, they don't have to worry about it. The key is that Luo Yunyang's situation is very bad now. At first glance, it is at a disadvantage.

In their hearts, Luo Yunyang has always been like a god-like existence, the three curses of the holy law, but also their guarantee of invincibility, but now, these three curses are useless, how can we not let them feel from the heart Fear.

How can it be? How can the master's three spells be used?

Just when they looked at Luo Yunyang with a sly look, they found Luo Yunyang's look, extremely calm, and even said that they could not see the slightest urgency from Luo Yunyang's look.

Is there any other means for your own ancestors?

Just as they were worried about Luo Yunyang’s actions, Luo Yunyang had completely calmed down.

He looked at the innate five in the void, did not say anything, but quickly borrowed the property adjuster, and adjusted all the attributes to the body of the four-hole beast. After completing all this, four incarnations of the fusion power of the three sacred species appeared in the void.

"You calculate very well, but it's a pity." Luo Yunyang ignored the changes in his various attributes at this time.

For him, now his various forces have been transferred to the four-member beast by his property regulator, even if the flag of the innate five is weakening the various attributes of his body again and again, he also do not worry about it.

After all, he didn't have much power left, and the congenital five too weakened, and it didn't have much use.

As for the four avatars, although they are enveloped by the congenital Wutai flag, their situation is even more special. They are avatars. Their strength is not their own. Their source of strength is the four-hole beast.

As long as the power of the four-membered beast does not disappear, they can collapse quickly and quickly.

This ability can be said to make the opponent very speechless! Not to mention now, the congenital five is too small to brush, but only weaken their power.

Weaken, recover, weaken, recover!

This is like a reincarnation, a fast rotation, but in fact there is not much use of reincarnation.

The Lord of Taisu did not care too much when Luo Yunyang derived four incarnations. They hold the Baoqi, no matter how many incarnations Luo Yunyang can derive, as long as they are willing, they can greatly reduce the power of Luo Yunyang's brush, and eventually they have to be shackled.

"Luo Yunyang, is this kind of carving technique that you deserve to come up with! Now I can give you a chance to be attached to our master, and you can spare you from death."

The words of the Lord of Taisu, let the Lord wrinkle his brow. From the beginning, he was not too optimistic about the actions of the Lord and others.

After all, Luo Yunyang is different from ordinary people!

Although at the time of the master of Taisu, there was a good relationship with the owner of Taisu and others, he had already told him that the reason why the innate Wutai was for Luo Yunyang at this time was that they had mastered the secret of defeating Luo Yunyang.

They have the means to restrain Luo Yunyang's strongest means.

From the current situation, the demon Lord naturally sees that Luo Yunyang seems to have been restrained, but he always feels that Luo Yunyang will not be so easy to get rid of it!

"Will the insects skill?" Luo Yunyang sneered, and the incarnation of the ancient king of Pluto took a sword toward the Lord of Taisu.

The attack of the Lord of the Prime Minister on the incarnation of the Eternal Pluto was originally not concerned. After all, Luo Yunyang was weakened by himself and others in all aspects of strength, speed and spirit. His attack had some strength.

However, at the moment when the attack of the Emerald King of the Ages came, he felt that his own guess had a problem. Luo Yunyang’s blow was like a rush of water, which made people feel involuntarily fearful.

However, the Lord of Taisu is the master of Taisu. His cultivation is also not comparable to that of ordinary people. In an instant, the Baoqi, which was originally brushed toward Luo Yunyang, suddenly became a hundred-footer and will be his whole person. Occlusion in the flag.

Congenital five too, not only can weaken people's strength and defense and other attributes, their own defense power is also top-notch, otherwise, then five of them, will not be a group of brothers of the emperor, hard-boiled Give sleepy death.

Looking at the rolling flag of Taisu, Emperor Yi’s palm was tightly clinging. Although he still maintained his reason, he had a crazy impulse, an impulse to avenge his brother’s hatred.

However, he has been trying hard to remind himself that if you can't bear it, you can't be tempted. At this time, you can't use it with your heart. You can't break the big picture because of little hatred.

This kind of reminder makes the emperor feel extremely uncomfortable, but it is uncomfortable, and he must stick to it.

In an instant, the long black sword of the eternal black and red king of the dynasty squatted on the huge flag of Tai Su. Although the black and red long swords are in full swing, but for a time, it is difficult to open the flag of Taisu.

However, the banner of the Bairui Taisu was in this shackle, and it quickly gathered, even the gloss was dimmed by three points.

"Ha ha ha, the flag of Tai Su, but this is not the case!" In the laughter, the Emerald, once again waved the sword in his hand, and smashed the past in the direction of the flag of Taisu. At the same time, the blue lotus body, the five elements of the heaven and earth tree and the Xuan Ming avatar, also rushed toward the other four people of the congenital five Taizhong.

Although it is three dozens, the innate five are always in a state of defense. They do not take the initiative to attack, mainly using the treasure flag in their hands, weakening the various strengths and longevity of Luo Yunyang and these incarnations.

However, there is no life and strength in the avatar. They are all supported by the monsters of the starry sky. It is hard to hurt the attack of the giant body of the starry sky. For these four incarnations, it is not very useful.

Originally for Luo Yunyang, not everyone who is too optimistic, the thoughts in this moment have begun to change, because Luo Yunyang's performance at this time is really too much for their expectations.

The waving flag of the flag, slower than once, does not say, the gloss above, the speed of lightening, and speeding up again and again. Luo Yunyang, who is in the middle of the four incarnations, does not say the same. The four incarnations are brushed by the Baoqi without any discomfort.

"It seems that it is not right. The treasure flag of the congenital five too, every time can give away the strength or life of one tenth of the opponent. You can see how many times they have brushed back. There is no use at all." In the words, I said with emotion.

"Isn't it, I thought that the congenital five is too shot, and it is definitely a victory. Now it seems that I really look at the congenital five too."

"Grandma's, this time, how do I feel that the congenital five is too embarrassing!"

Although the Lord of the Lord knows that these arguments are not credible, but looking at the situation of his own brothers, he feels that this time the fight, his brothers seem to be really hanging. Although Luo Yunyang’s three-character holy law was restrained, their treasure flag also did not work.

When I was thinking about what to do in the heart of the devil, I listened to the ancient king, and said, "Give me open!"

In this amnesty, the body of the Eternal Pluto bursts open.