MTL - Supreme Throne of Doom-Chapter 1016 that power

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When Liu Pianran was concerned, Jiang Feng felt warm and laughed, "No, not tired."

Liu Pianran said, "Yes, my brother is getting married."

Jiang Feng blinked, "Your brother is getting married? When?"

"Five days later" Liu Pianran said.

Jiang Feng was surprised, "So urgent?"

"No way, **** is pregnant" Liu Pianran smiled bitterly.

Jiang Feng was surprised, "Is it elegant?"

Liu Pianran nodded.

Jiang Feng was speechless, and it was too fast. How long did Gao tune back? This was what Liu Batian did.

"What do you want to do?" Jiang Feng asked.

Liu Pianran said, "My brother means simply having a wedding, but I think we should give an explanation to Xunzi. After all, after waiting for my brother for so long, normal women have long given up."

Jiang Feng nodded, "Okay, I let Zhao Qibai handle it and guarantee the scenery."

Liu Pianran nodded with a smile, "One point, you have to go as a brother-in-law."

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes, "I see, sir, I was originally Liu Batian's brother-in-law."

In fact, not only Liu Batian, in recent years, many people in Jiangyun who have been known to Baiyun City have been married, and some even have children, but Jiang Feng has never cared about it, and now he wants to come, he is a bit unqualified.

Thinking of it, Jiang Feng immediately asked Zhao Qibai to prepare Liu Batian's wedding, and at the same time sent a compensation gift in his own name to all the married Baiyun City executives.

But not long after, Zhao Qibai reported that Liu Batian refused to hold a wedding and wanted to keep it simple. Even he himself left Baiyun City with elegance and didn't know where.

After learning the news, Jiang Feng was quite speechless, and looked at Liu Pianran apologetically.

Liu Pianran smiled bitterly, "My brother is like this, forget it, I will have the opportunity to fill it up later."

Two days later, Jiang Feng was planning to take a look at another space-time, and Hong Yuanshan came to Jiangfu.

"Grandpa, why did you come early in the morning?" Jiang Feng opened and greeted Hong Yuanshan strangely. Liu Pianran was making porridge in the dining room.

Hong Yuanshan solemnly said, "Xiao Feng, grandpa didn't sleep all night. Think about it or talk to you about the next development of Baiyun City."

Jiang Feng had a somber complexion and took Hong Yuanshan to his study.

Hong Yuanshan earnestly said, "Xiao Feng, some people have discussed the future of Baiyun City since two years ago. After all, China is unified, and the entire nation cannot be named Baiyun City. Although Baiyun City has a huge power and supervises the entire China, its name is not true or correct. Moreover, it is imperfect in all aspects, especially with regard to the policies and systems around Huaxia. The differences between the high-level Chinese Parliament and Baiyun City are not conducive to the future development of Huaxia. "

Jiang Feng nodded and said he knew that he remembered that Xin Moon had confessed to him. Some people gave gifts to Xin Moon. Those people bought houses in Shangjing City and wanted to prepare for the future. Everyone thinks that the future country will definitely be up. Beijing.

"Grandpa, do you think it's time?" Jiang Feng asked, and he hadn't care about Baiyun City for a while and didn't know much about it.

Hong Yuanshan nodded solemnly, "It's time."

Jiang Feng groaned. "Okay, trouble grandpa to choose a good day, officially announce the unification of the nation, and still use the former Huaxia country. After all, it has been called for so many years, and it will be the capital-Baiyun City."

Hong Yuanshan was surprised, "Dingdu Baiyun City? Xiaofeng, Baiyun City's geographical location is not suitable for Dingdu."

Jiang Feng laughed and said, "Grandpa, it ’s not as good as it used to be. At the beginning, Huaxia settled in Beijing to prevent the North. But now, in the era of national evolution, even if there are hidden dangers in the North, it won't take long to pass from Baiyun City. Our goal is the whole world, not just the Huaxia land. It is not important where the capital is. On the contrary, I think that the capital city is more conducive to monitoring overseas regions. "

Hong Yuanshan thought about it. He knew that Jiang Feng said only part of the reason. The real reason was that he was reluctant to live in the hometown of Suyang. In fact, according to him, it would n’t matter if it was Baidu City or Beijing. People accept, but since Jiang Feng has made up his mind, Hong Yuanshan will not refute. After all, Jinling also made the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. It is also hundreds of kilometers away from Suyang. There is no difference in where the capital is. "Okay, I will hold Baiyun immediately City meeting to discuss everything about the celebration, but some people seem to be crying. "

Jiang Feng smiled and did not answer. He has the voice of all things, and occasionally listens to everything that happened in Baiyun City. Naturally, many high-rises in Baiyun City bought houses in Shangjing City and waited for the prices to rise. They were afraid of corruption. But when the capital is settled, their dream of rising prices will be broken, and it is no wonder that they don't cry.

"So, what about state regulation? Or is it a parliamentary system?" Hong Yuanshan asked.

Jiang Feng nodded, "The parliament is the fairest system today. Whether it is an evolutionary or an ordinary person, whether it is a family or a civilian, someone must enter the parliament to represent the group behind them, and I must have a veto. , And is permanent and can be passed down. "

Hong Yuanshan froze, "Pass on, pass on?"

Jiang Feng raised his mouth and said, "Why did I work hard to build Baiyun City? To say that it is for all survivors of Huaxia, to protect their lives, and to say that I am for myself. It is not silly to get nothing. ? So my power can be passed on. "

Hong Yuanshan smiled bitterly. "This is also true. I believe no one dares to object."

"Who dares to oppose the immediate deprivation of all positions" Jiang Fenglang said.

The veto power of the Chinese Parliament is equivalent to the highest power in China. Although Jiang Feng will not easily use this right, this is what he deserves. He must have it. As for inheritance, it is also for future generations to consider. The establishment of an emperor system is simply impossible, and only by this method can he continue his power.

Hong Yuanshan left, Jiang Feng hit the desktop with one hand, this time and space is certain, then, what about another time and space?

Jiang Feng thought for a while and went to another space-time.

At this time, Sichuan and Baiyun City, Hong Yuanshan waited for a day.

At the moment Jiang Feng appeared, Hong Yuanshan was overjoyed, "Small peak, good news, Qian Yuxue decided to join Baiyun City, and Ugutu also decided to join Baiyun City."

Jiang Feng was surprised. "They want to join Baiyun City?"

Hong Yuanshan laughed "yes."

Jiang Feng was really surprised that the titled strong had dignity. No matter whether it was another time or space, Jiang Feng did not expect to recover them. Mu Jing and Hong Ding joined because they were bound by him. Another time and space Liu Batian agreed to join in order to leave Gucci's life. Kong Tianzhao lost the bet because he lost to himself. Bai Xiaosheng joined in by name. Most of the strong names either became free people or went abroad. Will not drop his body to join Baiyun City, this time and space of Qian Yuxue and Ugutu will actually join, it is strange.

"Actually, you want to thank Fanzun for joining Qian Qianxue. She went to the northeast and stayed for a day, plus Bai Xiaosheng's persuasion before agreeing to join." Hong Yuanshan saw Jiang Feng's doubt and explained.

"What about Ugutu?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Ugutu himself never said he would not join," Hong Yuanshan took for granted.

Jiang Feng was stunned, and yes, Ugutu never said that he would not join. He did not fight for power and gain profits. Both pieces of time and space are guarding the grassland and defending northern China. He is a real man.

"That is to say, looking at Huaxia today, the unrecovered territory of Baiyun City is only the wild gathering place and Tianzi City," Jiang Feng said indifferently.

Hong Yuanshan nodded.

Jiang Fenglang said, "Grandpa, go down, seal Qian Qianxue, Ugutu is General Baiyun City, the Extreme Cold Army renamed the Huaxia Northeast Patrol Army, and immediately built an underground city in the Northeast. The grassland army was renamed the Huaxia Grassland Patrol. All survivors migrate to the north of Shangjing City and are included in the scale of the construction of the underground city of Shangjing. "

"Good" Hong Yuanshan answered and left immediately.

In the northeast, Qianxue snow was suspended at high altitude. With the departure of Tianchi Gulong, the northeast no longer raged in the cold. Everyone can enjoy walking on land, and the ground gradually became lively.

Immediately below Qiangxue Xue, Li Meinan rubbed his face in distress, "It's really troublesome. Joining Baiyun City means that I will be dispatched by Baiyun City in the future, and my baby will be bitter."

Aside, Jiang Jing laughed, "Baiyun City's unification of Huaxia is in front of us. All the founding members are now joining the country. It will not be so good to wait for Baiyun City to join the country."

Li Meinan sighed and looked up at the sky. "Sister Jing, don't you reconcile under the crown of Emperor Han?"

Jiang Jing's eyes are complex. "It doesn't matter if you are willing to do so, the three emperors are defeated. Besides the four honors, Jiang Feng doesn't need to take a shot. His mount can sweep the world. The crown knows the strength of Tianchi Gulong best, and confrontation is foolish of".

"But we can learn from the Beast Emperor Army and go overseas. No matter where it is, under the crown and the strength of our extremely cold army, we can play a game," said Li Meinan.

Jiang Jing shook his head. "The Beast Emperor Army went overseas because they had the Olia continent. What about us? Once we leave, there is no root duckweed. The future is confused. Do you think Baiyun City only wants to unify China? In the future, the whole The world will be the territory of Baiyun City.

Over the sky, Qian Yanxue closed her eyes. She was not as unwilling as Li Meinan said. At first, she set up the Chilling Army to protect herself and protect the survivors in the Northeast. Now, the cold crisis in the Northeast is lifted. Three provinces The survivors are grateful to Jiang Feng, Dade, and she is tired, so why fight again? She is not an empress and does not have such a large desire for power. Bai Xiaosheng is right. If you continue to fight, how many people can you protect? No need anymore.

The joining of Hanzun and the Wolf King made Huaxia shake again. Most ordinary people were excited and couldn't help looking at the layout of Huaxia. Most of Huaxia belonged to Baiyun City, and Huaxia was unified. It was about to be completed.

In Shandong, a wild desert gathering place, Ji Jiayao followed Wan Siqing with a thick face, Wan Siqing had a headache, "Why don't you go back to the Holy See?".

Tong Jiayao shrugged. "There is no stipulation under the pope ’s crown when I should go back. Besides, aren't you going to Tianzhu now? Just go along the way and walk along together."

Everything is helpless.