MTL - Super Soldier-Chapter 18 This gentle kiss

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From the beginning of eating, Xiao Bing found that the leaves always stared at himself laughing, laughing at himself is not natural, is it that I am too handsome? Too much wind? However, it is not very similar... When Xiao Nizi laughed, it always made people feel that they had no idea at all, as if she had come up with any ghost idea and wanted to hurt you.

Xiao Bing coughed, put down the knife and fork in his hand, and tried to ask: "What are you laughing at?"

"People rely on clothes and horses to lean on their saddles. I don't think you are a group of horses."

"Of course." Xiao Bing proudly said, "I must be a... well, you said that I am not a human, it is a horse."

The leaves began to giggling.

There is no way to take this Nizi, Xiao Bing smiled: "Hurry up to eat, and I will go to the movies together."

"I have finished eating." The gaze of the leaf seemed to be watching an idiot. "You don't know I have been sitting here waiting for you?"

Xiao Bing looked at the leaves of the steak and only ate half of it. The pizza only ate a third. He was surprised: "There is so little to eat? It’s not a good habit to leave the rice in the afternoon. You can’t eat it. It is too little."

"So everyone's body is good." The leaves smiled sweetly, and Xiao Bing, who was laughing, had no resistance.

I found Xiao Bing staring at myself. The eyes of the leaves showed a bit of shame. I took my own bag and stood up. I smiled sweetly: "Let's go, the movie is about to start."

"Oh? Oh, oh." Lao Tzu was thrown to the limit. How did he always have no strength in front of this Xiao Nizi? Xiao Bing swallowed a sip of water and called the waiter. After paying the bill, he left with the leaves.

When I walked out of the door, the leaves naturally caught Xiao Bing’s arm. Xiao Bing’s heart was full of enthusiasm, and the leaves and the first time he made such a relative movement between the couple, in fact, if it was changed In the face of other girls, even those big stars or royal princesses, Xiao Bing has never been guilty, the play is not soft, but in front of the leaves, Xiao Bing suddenly realized that only one The boys and girls in the ignorant period will have the brilliance.

Xiao Bing was nervous and comfortable in his heart, and his body was slightly stiff, but he pretended to be a natural look.

The leaves glared at a pair of playful big eyes, and saw that Xiao Bing was almost squinting in front of him. He couldn't help but put his face on Xiao Bing's arm and began to sneer. He suddenly had a mischievous thought in his heart. Bing brother.

Because the leaves are holding Xiao Bing’s arm in his arms, so as she walks, the softness of her chest is inadvertently smashed on Xiao Bing’s arm. In fact, this is not the intention of the leaves, as a person. Yan Xiu, the leaves have never been so close relatives with men. Just when I picked up Xiao Bing’s arm, I also had a lot of courage. I just felt that Xiao Bing was so nervous that the leaves were not nervous, but instead felt Some fun.

Nima, Laozi has been in the battlefield for so many years, Loli, Yujie, lady, neighbor girl... What kind of haven’t seen it... How can I lose my helmet in front of this Nizi, no, no, no Laozi’s man’s demeanor, to be calm, to be calm, to play the role of Laozi’s three daughters still standing still.

Xiao Bing thinks the same thing, the actual thing is the same, the more deliberate, the more people feel a little nervous.

The leaves ate and laughed: "Bing brother, I see how you walk, how is it like a military review?"

"Ah? I... is it?" Xiao Bing coughed, a serious saying, "Don't you think that dating is a very sacred thing? This is the first step in entering the emotional stage of men and women. It is going to the marriage hall. The prelude is the only way to go before the baby is born..."

The leaves scorned: "It’s all nonsense."

After a few words, Xiao Bing has become more relaxed, and the body is not as stiff as before. The expression on his face has become less tense. He smiled and said: "You have heard a summary on the Internet. Duan Zi? A summary of the performance of girls dating around the world."

The leaves are curious: "I haven't heard it, what did you write?"

"Dating with a white girl, the first time she will kiss you good night, the second time will have further physical contact with you, the third time will go to bed in the most common way."

"Dating with an Irish girl, the first time you will get drunk with her and go to bed, the second time you will get drunk with her again and go to bed. After twenty years of marriage, you are still drunk with her and go to bed... ...."

"Dating with a Chinese girl, for the first time, you took her to dinner and watched a movie. Nothing happened. The second time I still eat and watch a movie, or nothing happened. Then there is no third time... because you will find And nothing will happen forever."

The leaves licked the beautiful big eyes, waiting for the final conclusion of Xiao Bing, and then I heard Xiao Bing laughed and said: "So I said on the Internet that dating with Irish girls is really a paradise for happiness."

"Okay!" The small mouth of the leaf picked up and gently got rid of Xiao Bing's arm. "You go to the Irish girl for a date."

Xiao Bing suddenly stopped and looked at the leaves quietly. Her white skin was as smooth as a sheep's fat. A pair of black lacquered scorpions always had a sly glow. The thin lips under the nose were slightly upward. Awkward, there is always a sweet smile on his face, and there are a pair of shallow dimples on his cheeks.

The leaves noticed Xiao Bing's burning gaze, and the eyelashes could not help but flash gently. First, dodge a bit, and then looked up and looked at Xiao Bing without hesitation.

Xiao Bing licked his lips and faced this playful, sly and lovely sweet little black loli, even more nervous than Xiao Bing’s encirclement of countless top players. Women are just a game, Xiao Bing realizes that the front is a war that must be won for him.

Xiao Bing couldn't help but raise his hand, gently helping the leaves to lick the hair strands scattered in front of them. People in the mall came and went, but for both of them, there was only one in the eye.

The leaves slightly tilted up the seductive rosy lips, and the teeth bite a bit on the red lips. This simple little gesture has had a huge impact on Xiao Bing's psychology.

"Bing brother?"


On weekdays, although the eyes of the sweet but bold leaves have flashed a shyness, her eyes have never been dodged from beginning to end, and said briskly: "Are you ashamed of treating the enemy on the battlefield?"

"Jokes... Bing brothers I have always been a man of boldness and arrogance, and the word shame is fundamental..."

"kiss Me……."

"What?" Xiao Bing's heart jumped.

The leaves are like laughing and laughing: "You don't think the female employees in the first men's clothing store that I went to are very annoying..."

Xiao Bing suddenly thought of it. In the first store, when the clerk went to pick the clothes, he almost couldn’t help but kiss the lips of the leaves. Only then the clerk suddenly appeared and interrupted his uncontrollable one. Kiss, Xiao Bing, then I knew why the leaves would be madly pulling themselves and going straight outside. It turned out to be the case.

Xiao Bing thought of that scene, could not help but laugh, the tension in the heart also slowed down a lot, this little Nizi.

The leaves looked at Xiao Bing and shook the smile: "Say it, don't kiss now, you have no chance."

Xiao Bing's lips gently scraped together, and the breath of the two people became so fast that when Xiao Bing's lips were about to touch the soft lips of the leaves, several men suddenly appeared across the face, one of them holding A handcuff went straight to Xiao Bing, and a loud voice shouted in his mouth: "Xiao Bing, you were arrested!"

As I said, the man’s hand squats straight toward Xiao Bing’s wrist.

Xiao Bing's gaze was on the leaves from the beginning, and he slammed out and slammed. The man's body slid in the air in two consecutive backs, flew out six or seven meters away, and slammed it to the ground.

The leaves are ashamed: "I was the first time..."

Although I thought I had kissed many women before, and even went to bed, Xiao Bing said shamelessly: "I am also..."

The two men finally kissed together, and with a bang, this soft kiss made people feel emotional.

sealed with a kiss!

"Grass!" The plain clothes were already dumbfounded, and the guns were smashed out one by one. The guns were aimed at Xiao Bing and shouted, "Mom, attack the police! Hurry up and raise your hands, you have The right to remain silent, every sentence you say will be used as a testimony. Your crime is to beat Yu Hao of Jiangcheng Normal University, causing him serious injury. Now there is another crime... attacked the police, you were arrested! ”

Xiao Bing and the leaves are kissing without a hand. When the lips of the two people touched each other, the two people have forgotten everything around them. They only have each other in their eyes, and nothing else.

The leaves snorted softly and began to close their eyes, letting Xiao Bing’s tongue invade her mouth and knocking her teeth off...

The people around the shopping mall all stopped to watch, and soon there were many people around, and some were still shooting with their mobile phones.

The plain clothes that had been kicked by Xiao Bing climbed up from the ground, and the stomach was still burning. After seeing the other person licking himself, he still had no one to kiss there. The angry face was blue and he pisted a pistol. "Mom, Lao Tzu married him!"

The teammate next to him hurriedly stopped him, and pressed his gun down and persuaded: "Captain, don't be impulsive, wait to bring him back, and slowly pick him up!"

This captain also knows that he can't handle this in a big crowd, not to mention that even if the other party is convicted, he will not sin, and people are kissing now. If they burst into the other's head, they will not even be able to defend themselves. I can bear the anger, think of the horrible foot, but I dare not go on, I can only stand in the same place waiting for Xiao Bing to kiss, to be more wronged and more wrong.

"Mom, after I lock you up, I have hundreds of ways to make you die!" He could only comfort himself in his heart.

Finally, Xiao Bing and the leaves gently kissed, Xiao Bing looked at the leaves with tenderness, the leaves smiled sweetly, then turned his head and looked at the plainclothes who had just disturbed the soldiers and kissed her, and calmly The eyes... no one else!