MTL - Super Devouring System-Chapter 5076 Regret later

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Opposite, the blood-throwing tiger and the black tiger and the wing tiger that followed closely roared at the same time, and the roar of the roar sounded hundreds of millions of miles, and the void trembled accordingly.

This is clearly the rhythm of a desperate war! "

Hey! ""

If so, then all go to hell! Oh..." See

The other side insisted on fighting, and the green eyes of the heavens and the green eyes flashed, and the sound of the gods began to spurt out. The nine evil animals with different bloodlines followed closely.

Later, there are a lot of ridiculous old monsters and ancient powers, as well as the powerful beasts of the three universes. The number is quite high, and the bombs are rushing away, and the sparks of colliding in the void...

The fierce battle has come to the fore, and at the beginning, it has been in full swing...

The land of war is just outside the star field of the unknown forbidden land. Within the star field, there must be more forbidden beasts, but they are too weak to be in the three universes. They are not qualified at all. Participated in such a starry sky war, so all of them were huddled in the forbidden land, shaking and shaking. with

In the same way, hundreds of billions of miles away, the major legions behind the flooded army have already stopped. The top leaders of the three major stars in the world’s starry sky are stunned to see this terrible battle. Breathing has been subconsciously held, and the figure is shaking slightly...

Among them, you can see the figure of the immortal emperor, and the palaces of the ten palaces, the temple veterans in the splendid temple, etc...

In the past, the innumerable powers of the three major families in the world are now all here, in the overwhelming variety of warships, fortresses and fortresses, superstars and starships.

At the beginning, as the fragmented world of the vast world was reintegrated like a mirror, the world of the wilderness reappeared, and all the creatures in the heavens and the earth became slaves of the heavenly eye.

Even the ancestors of all ages in the ancestral ancestors of all ethnic groups, whether they are the ancient powers of the ancient times or the supreme ancients, are all awakened, and their hearts are no longer embarrassed, and they can only bite their teeth and be enslaved by the evil eye.

Nowadays, although they have entered the legendary Hongmeng void, they have lost their freedom, and there is no fear in heaven. All people have counts in their hearts, knowing their existence. In the eyes of the ridiculous heaven and earth, it is just a cannon fodder sacrificed at a special moment. Nothing...

Unfortunately, even if you know this, there is a big hate in your heart, but no one dares to show it unless you are not afraid of it. This

All the way along with the flood of the heavens and the green eyes from the heavens and the law of the law gradually exhausted, has been fully immersed in the dead and the end of the emptiness of the end of the virtual migration, almost all people, the heart has endless regrets...

They have already known that Ye Xuan has left, not only to leave, but to leave the countless genus of the entire magic hall army in Xusheng, and it is said that they also entered this mysterious and ancient Hongmeng. Void. but

The only difference is that they were brought here by the sorrowful sky, and they are like a slave. The purpose is to enslave. It is to use them as cannon fodder at a certain moment in the future... Heaven is indifferent, everything is a dog, this is The body of the green eye of the wilderness is vividly reflected.

However, the Xuzhou army in the Forbidden City is different from countless strong people of all ethnic groups. he

Although they have also been brought into this mysterious and ancient Hong Kong void, but Ye Xuan brought them is not for enslavement, but to protect...

The gap in this is simply a long, tearful...

With this in mind, one of them is huge and huge, and the diameter is more than a million meters. The internal folding space is even more in the top of the superstar. First

The two great powers and the ruins of the nine ethnic groups, such as the Heilongjiang, Qingpeng, Shishi, Yinyue, Barbarian, Golden Eagle, Caisong, Greedy and Shuling The old people suddenly sighed and sighed, and each of them shook their heads and smiled. Even the cautious whispering voices revealed endless remorse and unwillingness..."

I really envy the strong people who were captured by Ye Xuan, the Lord of the Devils. They are now official members of the Temple..."

That's right, from the Lord of the Devils, Ye Xuan did not abandon them, but took them away and entered this mysterious and ancient Hong Kong void, which can be seen..."

"Thinking about it, I waited for the second universe to hate Ye Xuan so eager to save the people who were captured by him. Now it seems that such a discourse is really ridiculous..."

The guys are also estimated to be secretly stealing music. Although they were captured before, they are now more comfortable than us, at least not losing their dignity..."

Here, the high-level people of the second universe and all the people face each other, sighing and sighing, the entire super-star super-stars in the top command cabin, the atmosphere is low and suppressed to the extreme!

The same scene, in the top commandile cabin of the superstars gathered by the top leaders of the first cosmic servants, is just like a copy...

All the people, the face of the moment is full of anger and remorse. especially

This is especially true for the power and the ruins of the space mouse, the **** ant, and the giants.

The tribes of the three tribes had already formed alliances with Ye Xuan, the master of the temple. Unfortunately, they were fascinated by the ghosts, and they broke this friendship. If

If this is not the case, the other universes of the first universe do not mention it, but their space rats, **** ants and giants will never fall into such a situation. They must have left with the sacred army of Ye Xuan to enter the end of the world. It is. where

There will be scenes of ruthless enslavement that are now being ruthless by the ridiculous heaven and earth.

But in fact, nowadays, it has been enslaved by the green eyes of the ruins of the wild, forcibly from the torrential days that have entered the end of the world to the various ethnic groups and forces of this emptiness, the most remorse of the heart, and far from the space mouse, the **** ant. And the top of the giants. versus

Compared with them, the high-level hearts of the two camps of the Terran are more remorseful. It is said that it is a remorse for the intestines.

At this moment, in the immortal star of the Terran camp, the top of the Terran and other Terran science and technology camps, as well as the high-level camps in the heavenly palace of the energy star, including the glorious temple of a giant starry sky. The former Wan Luo Federation of the various levels of the veterans, as if the heart is also a general, the brain in the same time remembered the past, have shook their heads and sighs..."

How can I fall into this situation? The powers and ruthless ancestors of all ages in the Lian are all awakened, but they are still enslaved, and even the most basic dignity has been lost invisibly..."

I really miss the original. If I didn’t make a bad relationship with Ye Xuan later, with the origin and relationship between my immortal dynasty and him, now the dynasty army is in the magic hall, I am afraid it can occupy an extremely important place. ”

"It's all made up, people are ruthless, and I am a dog, and I am a dog, but the owner of the temple, Ye Xuan, is full of love and righteousness. Why didn't you understand everything?"

"Hey, it’s late today... regret it!"