MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 390 New trip

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My son, who had been around for more than ten years, suddenly separated, and it was only half a year before he could meet. When I thought about it, Jiao's mood was not high.

When eating, there are fewer individuals, and the amount of meals for Jiao Ma decreases.

"What would you do if grapefruit also left after three years?" Dad Jiao said.

Mom Jiao: "..."

Don't eat any chopsticks! How can this have appetite? !!

As soon as I thought the house would be more empty in the future, Jiao Ma felt sad.

"I won't leave," said Xiaoyuzi.

Jiao Ma, who was about to go to the toilet and wept hard, stopped. Dao Jiao and Zheng Tan also looked at Xiaoyuzi.

Generally speaking, children who have grown up inside the university tend to be more inclined to other schools after the college entrance examination. Maybe they want to run a bit and look at the outside world out of their parents' control; they may also see it clearly Because of some disadvantages of the school, I would like to run to other schools; or, as Su An, the home has been arranged for a long time. With the results of Xiaoyuzu, it may be the same as Jiao Yuan. He will go out through guarantee delivery, or pass the college entrance examination. Later, he will go abroad, or something. Xiaoyuzu lived abroad when he was a child. It is easier to adapt than other people.

But now listening to Xiaoyouzi said, does this mean to report to the local school in the future, or directly to Chuhua University?

"Well, I will report here later." After a pause, the little Yuzu accentuated, "Don't leave."

"Okay, too." Dad Jiao nodded.

"Of course it is good, how to say it is also ranked among the top ten nationwide! I can still go home to eat and sleep every day! How many people still do not envy, even those little cubs have not looked down, and have high spirits!" Hearing Xiao In the case of Yuzu, Jiao Ma felt better.

Regardless of the choice of small grapefruit, it will be three years later. However, in three years, it is actually very fast, just like Zheng Tan feels that not long ago, the little farts of Xiong Xiong knocked on the door of the refrigerator to get popsicles. Now they have grown up so big that they have gone their separate ways.

After school starts in September. Little Yuzu packed up and went to the affiliated middle school. Basically, she had to live there. Xiao Yuzi and Xie Xin from the Western District Courtyard had already made an appointment. The family members also said hello. They were all in the same dormitory. Don't feel uncomfortable.

Looking at the empty home. Jiao Mom sucked her nose. It doesn't take three years, and it won't be like this after three years. At least, Xiaoyuzi can still eat and sleep at home if he takes Chuhua University. Now he is in a high school so far away from home that he can go home in a week. Although Jiao Ma, as a teacher of the affiliated middle school, can meet with Xiaoyuzi at school every day, she always feels unaccustomed to not being at home.

The strongest feeling is Zheng Tan. He had to sleep alone at night.

Jiao Yuan can only meet for half a year, and Xiaoyuzi can only meet once a week. The house, which was flat in 70s, used to feel crowded, but now it always feels a lot empty.

During the day Dad Jiao was at the Academy of Biomedical Sciences, Jiao Ma went to the affiliated middle school, and Zheng Tan was at home. This sense of emptiness is even stronger, and I didn't feel it at home before.

After taking out the bike from Zhuo Xiaomao and riding around at home, and then turned on the computer for a while, it was boring. Zheng Tan turned over the unlocked drawer of Xiaoyuzi. In the corner, there is a small portable notebook similar to the phone book, but I have n’t seen it in a long time. Now I use my cell phone for phone calls, and I do n’t use the phone book much.

Zheng Tan took out his phone book. Flipping through it, except for the few phones I noted earlier, nothing special, the entire phone book is mostly blank.

Taking out the phone book, spread it out on the table, and turned it two pages from the back. Zheng Tan took a ballpoint pen in the pen holder. Bend your claws, get used to it, and hold a pen to write a diary in a small book.

If this had been done before, Zheng Tan would have absolutely no such idleness and patience. Now. It was purely boring and painful, and on the whim, wrote about it.

"On September 2nd, 2010, Jiao Yuanben went to the university, and Xiaoyuzi was away from home for a week, unhappy."

After writing, Zheng Tan took a look at this short diary. Hey, the words are really ugly.

Put the pen back into the pen holder, Zheng Tan wondered if he would hold the pen to write in the future? The operation is troublesome and the words are ugly.

Putting the book back in again, Zheng Tan came to the master bedroom, turned on the computer again, and registered a Weibo account with the name "Zheng Tan". When setting up the avatar, Zheng Tan flipped through the computer. He remembered that there was a disc folder with a lot of his own photos. Jiao Dao Jiao Ma put it inside, and even the fashion magazine he took back scanned A clear picture is kept inside.

Picked the one that felt the most handsome, Zheng Tan set this as the avatar. After handling it, Zheng Tan posted the first Weibo post as a cat.

Of course, when posting Weibo, Zheng Tan did not name the names of Jiao Yuan and Xiao Yuzi, but simply said "at home alone, unhappy."

After posting it, Zheng Tan shut down and stopped surfing the Internet.

Thinking of the treasure chest Hou Junyi said, Zheng Tan dragged it out under the drill.

It's not as thick as I imagined, and it's fairly clean. Probably the little grapefruit also wiped it.

Recalling the password, Zheng Tan opened the box and began to study the little things inside.

It's almost time to go to eat, then walk around for a while and come back to study.

A week later.

Zheng Tan studied the contents of the treasure chest, and came out in the morning to walk around, came to the grove on the edge of the campus, turned out the pencil hidden in the tree hole, and came to the wall where the characters had been written.

The word was still a little fuzzy, Zheng Tan re-drawn it, and then added the following sentence: "September 9, 2010."

After writing, Zheng Tan repackaged the pencil and put it back into the tree hole. He came to the Academy of Biosciences and turned the window into Dad's office.

In the office, Yi Xin is talking to Dao Jiao about some recent research. Although he is a teacher, he will come to discuss with Dao Jiao when in doubt.

Seeing Zheng Tan looking through the window, Yi Xin couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, charcoal, it's been a long time."

Zheng Tan glanced at Yi Xin, and then jumped on his special chair to let them talk with each other. Zheng Tan decided to make up here first. I didn't sleep well last night and dreamed again. I dreamed of some familiar scenes. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I was still a little stunned.

When Zheng Tan woke up again, it was noon. Yi Xin left early and Jiao Wei brought the lunch box over.

Jiao Wei is now a master-doctoral student, and his condition is acceptable now. The small restaurant made some money. Do n’t worry about life. Jiao Wei ’s parents have n’t been to school before, especially Jiao ’s father. I always hope that Jiao Wei will become a university teacher in the future like Jiao ’s. Teachers, especially those in prestigious schools, have high requirements. So we have to read up.

Most of the graduate students in China do not receive much subsidy. Some graduates will always talk about how much money they made by buying a house and car. This will inevitably put pressure on those who are still in school, especially their own family conditions. Good people will be shaken by some comments. In addition, many people find that their graduate careers are not as imaginary as those in postgraduate studies, and there are many people who give up midway.

This is what Jiaowei ’s father told Jiaowei: You can rest assured that you do n’t need to worry about it. I ’m still quite good with your mother for a few years. When it does n’t work, you ’ll be in your early days. We wait for happiness.

Society becomes complicated. However, the thinking of many people in the older generation still firmly believes in the famous saying that "everything is good, but only reading is high." Regardless of whether this is absolutely correct or not, whether the "non-governmental agriculture and commerce and industry" has changed, the deep-rooted thinking brought about by some experiences Difficult to replace.

But Zheng Tan looked at it. Jiao Wei wasn't the kind of mind-blowing. If he didn't want to, his dad wouldn't read it. Each has his own way. If you choose, you have to go on carefully. Zheng Tan just wanted to see how far they could go.

The meals in the lunch box were made by Jiao Wei's mother. After having lunch, Jiao Wei brought them to Jiao Dao and Zheng Tan by the way.

After having dinner, Zheng Tan planned to go out for a walk and was stopped by Jiao Dad.

"Hei Tan, I have something to tell you. Er Mao called in the morning." Dad Jiao said.

Zheng Tan has one ear. Er Mao called and asked for a meal. Still planning to hang out?

I have to say that over the past few years, Zheng Tan still has some knowledge of Er Mao.

Er Mao really wants to go out and play, or after an appointment with Wei Ling for eleven. Taking the family to visit the old man with the master, naturally had to be called Zheng Tan.

Although Jiao's father and Jiao's mother were not willing to let Zheng Tan go out of the door, now the two children in the family are not there. As soon as Zheng Tan leaves, they are the only ones left. And Zheng Tan's illness last year always made the Jiao couple feel uneasy.

However, during this time, Jiao Dad looked at Zheng Tan for a long time, and his body was fine, and he could see that he was in a bad mood. It was OK to go out and relax.

"If you want, you can play with them." Dad Jiao said.

Zheng Tan was unhappy during this time. He heard that he could go out and play.

"Still the old saying, don't mess around."

It's too early before Ermao said, and Jiao Dao's trustee made a cat card and got it at the time of the 11th holiday.

Cat tags with positioning function can also detect the health status of the wearer.

Zheng Tan didn't have any opinion on this, and he had worn similar before anyway.

Because the plan had been planned for a long time, Wei Ling adjusted vacations, worked overtime at eleven, and then rested. They usually choose to avoid the eleven holidays when they go out.

Wei Ling's family of three, Ermao's family of three, and Zheng sigh. Hei Mi is not willing to go far away now, and he is not in the pet center, and is taken care of by his mother.

When Jiao Ma packed Zheng Tan's luggage, Zheng Tan dragged the treasure chest out, and her mobile phone and money were hidden inside, because the box was locked, Jiao Ma didn't open it, just asked a few questions curiously, but Expecting to get the answer, after packing and saluting, let Jiao Dao go downstairs and put it in the trunk of Er Mao's car.

"What is it? It's really heavy." Er Mao mentioned the big bag and said casually. He didn't open it.

Gong Qin and Eryuan sat in the back seat, and Zheng Tan sat in the front passenger seat.

According to Er Mao's plan, they would go to Qi Da ’s house first, play a circle along the road, and then meet with Pei Liang ’s side before heading to the elderly side.

Eryuan hasn't been to Qi Da's home, and Wei Ling also took his wife and children to take this opportunity to travel first. Qi Da's home is a very good tourist spot.

Zheng Tan calculated it. It is estimated that this journey will take more than half a month or a month, or even longer. No wonder Mother Jiao's face is unwilling.

Er Mao and Gong Qin talked to Er Yuan about the big things, and Zheng Tan was thinking about orchids. I do n’t know if those orchids had grown longer, whether they bloomed more flowers, or whether they were discovered. ? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please read.)

PS: The next chapter is expected to be very late, let's go to bed first. 9