MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 382 Leftover

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The food market that the old man said was not the one near Chuhua University, he had to ride a little distance.

In the car, the dog in the cage didn't seem to adapt to the strange environment, and there was no familiar atmosphere around it. It was not as spirited as before. He hummed a few times and saw Zheng sigh and turned his nose and mouth Protrude from the gap in the cage's iron net, bite the wire, and stretch the claws to pull it a few times.

Zheng Tan watched the puppies play with the wire there, raised his hand and patted his nose, without thinking that the little one was still biting his mouth. Zheng Tan was okay with nothing, just patted the dog's nose to play. The dog's reaction was not fast, the speed couldn't keep up, and he couldn't bite Zheng Tan with any bite.

The pup opened his mouth to bite, not to say what it wanted to bite, it was just playing.

The reason why Zheng Tan chose this dog is not as good as the old man thinks that this dog is so good and aura. Regarding this little dog, Zheng Tan can't see what is excellent. In fact, the main reason is to look at this. The dog had the biggest mouth. Zheng Tan just made a careful comparison just now. Compared with its three brothers, this dog cub really has a bigger mouth. Finally, he found a difference, and Zheng Tan ordered this one.

Twenty minutes later, the old man rode a car to a vegetable market and pushed it in. At this time the morning peak period in the vegetable market, not many people.

Buying dogs at the grocery market is generally not done by young people. At first, it will give people a feeling of not loving dogs. Secondly, the grocery market basically only sells local dog cubs. Young people do n’t like it, so come here to buy Dogs are mostly middle-aged and elderly. Old man Lan also heard that people knew that there were pedigreed dogs here. He didn't have such experience before.

After asking, the old man walked in the direction pointed by others, and there were dog sellers there.

Dogs are sold here in the vegetable market, either they are collected and sold to others, or they are originally sold as vegetables.

The old man looked at the two, and the dogs of those two were so big that they should look like three or four months old. The old man felt that the dog was raised from a young age, and his feelings were deep. While the puppy's temperament had not been fully formed, he could correct it for himself, so this time he planned to buy two one or two months old The dog cubs are raised in a small flower garden from a young age, which is more effective. For this reason, he also refused the goodwill of a few friends to send dogs. The big dogs also sent him without feelings, and it was not easy to cultivate feelings.

Probably because of the sound of some big dogs and puppies in the vegetable market, the puppies in the cage in the car stopped playing with Zheng Tan, squatting there and listening carefully, and looked at it with a look.

Zheng Tan looked around from the edge of the car. Those dogs in the cages felt a little sad, which reminded him of the bad experience. These are not raised as meat dogs. They are collected by farmers at low prices from some farmers and used to be domestic dogs. It can be seen by looking at the eyes.

Not to mention these dogs, even now, countless cats have been transported to the south.


Society is so irreversible.

When thinking about it, Zheng Tan heard a comment not far from the front. She stretched her neck and looked at it. Zheng Tan saw a flower-haired dog walking around the basket and walking to a vegetable stall. There is a puppy, which looks a little smaller than the old man in Lan's car. For angle reasons, Zheng Tan can't see how many there are. He can only see half a dog's head of a dog cub, and the other can't see it.

Because of this, many people went around to watch it.

Old man Lan also pushed the car and walked past. Fortunately, there are not many people in the vegetable market at this time, otherwise the car really can't be pushed in.

"Is this dog sold?" Someone asked.

"Sell, our dog, very obedient, we let it carry the basket, and it came over." Said the stall owner.

"This **** didn't know he was going to sell puppies? Hey, look at the poor one."

Although some people were pitiful, the people who went around just talked. However, there are really people who want to buy dogs.

One is a person who has a restaurant nearby, but he hasn't arrived yet. The person is looking for someone to chat at the vegetable market and wants to raise a dog when he sees the dog. The restaurant must always be anti-thief, and it also acts as a deterrent to some people who want trouble.

"This dog is good, this shrimp has a long waist." The restaurant owner looked at the **** who had just carried the basket, his eyes brightened. Over the years he has opened a restaurant, he has also raised a lot of dogs and has a little eyesight.

"What's wrong? Mr. Liu, the native dog still has this particularity? Talk about it, and we'll buy one if you're interested. The warehouse in our house really has to keep a dog." Another middle-aged man said.

"Yo, boss Wang, why are you here?" Boss Liu, who opened the restaurant, didn't ask much, and when everyone around him looked at him, he started talking.

"This native dog is not as cheap as others say, he can hunt and watch the house ..."

Boss Liu spit and talked about the dogs he had raised before. The people around him were fine at this time. They all came to listen to the story. Too close, only the **** beside the squat could be seen from the gap between the people in front.

In fact, Zheng Tan listened to what the boss Wang said, this person may not really know how much the dog is, but it is based on the dogs that have been raised before, plus a little experience learned from others, here Bluffing is okay.

"... The man also said that the dog he raised was good, oh hello, I laughed at that time, it was obviously a hunting dog, and it was easy to grow the dog into a pig-like bucket waist. I was embarrassed to say him, It ’s a long way from the shrimp-shoulder dog that my family used to raise. Our dog can jump three to four meters away and sell it for tens of thousands of places! "

People around me couldn't help but marvel.

Listening to everyone's compliments, the boss Liu, who opened the restaurant, was even more proud. He coughed, narrowed the smile on his face, and looked like a professional expert. "However, if you use it as a hunting dog, what dog to choose? Still have to look at the terrain to see the place, whether to hit the plains or the hills? Hit the hills or mountains? The terrain is different, the hunting dogs are not the same, for example, you can get a fine dog to hit the mountains, it can not dry wild boar, still have to Cathrow and other big dogs get out of the way, but you can use the dog that hits the mountains to catch the fox hare on the plains. It may not run ... but then, in fact, this dog, use it smoothly. "

Then a group of people around him agreed "yes".

"Boss Liu, what is a fine dog?" Someone asked at the stall behind him.

Boss Liu sat on the chair given by the stall owner, with his legs tilted, and slowly replied, "Well, the thin dog, just like its name, is slender and streamlined. It runs at that speed, and it looks like an arrow. "The fine dog is the traditional hunting dog in our country. Do you know the screaming dog of the Erlang **** in the myth? The original dog is the fine dog."

There was another "Wow" sound around, which satisfied Boss Liu a lot of vanity.

I think it ’s almost the same. Boss Liu no longer talks about it. He got up and patted the inconspicuous dust on his legs. He said, "But now it ’s hard to find good dogs. Good dog.

Having said that, when boss Liu went to the stall where the dog cubs were to be sold, the **** who had been squatting next to her had been taken away by the hostess. If the dog was sold, the **** would not stay well here and would be prone to mess. Although the **** came with the basket in it, it may not know that the puppies in the basket are going to be sold. It is better to take them out for insurance.

"How do you sell this dog?" Boss Liu asked the stall owner. "Don't sell a lot because of what I just said, then I won't do it."

This dog will not suddenly rise to tens of thousands of dollars because of what the boss Liu said just now. How many dogs does this dog sell? Oh, some people around can't help laughing in their hearts, whoever buys is silly *. No one will buy a few hundred yuan.

Just listen to the story. As experienced traders, these people around haven't been caught by Boss Liu in such a few words and two stories, mixed in the vegetable market, how to sell vegetables without that little brain?

The stall owner smiled broadly when he heard the words of boss Liu, "Where can we, this dog we plan to sell one hundred and eighty yuan." Actually, it was originally intended to sell only thirty or forty. They did not expect that there would be boss Liu. Out, take advantage of this opportunity to increase the price.

"Hey, give you a pole and you climb down. The price next door is the price of a big dog. However, let's fancy your dog's waist, 80 yuan, this dog I Take away. "Boss Liu pointed to the dog in the basket, which was almost the same color as the bitch. In fact, I really want to keep the price too low. Mr. Liu himself can't afford it. Anyway, the **** was praised by him just now. How can the pup price be higher than other dogs? Because of this, He didn't bargain much when he heard the stall's offer.

"Ah, good, this dog is much better than my bitch." The street vendor took out the little floppy dog ​​in the basket and handed it to the boss Liu.

After boss Liu gave the money, he looked at the puppies, probably because he wanted to sell them. The street vendor did a simple clean-up for the puppies, and it was not so dirty.

After Boss Liu left, Boss Wang, who said he wanted to buy a dog to keep the warehouse, pointed to the dog with most black hair and four white dogs in the basket. "I like this kind of four-footed snow, this one Here, pack it. "

People around are listening to it, this is a box lunch.

The stall owner finally found a snakeskin bag and filled the dog with a smile and passed it.

When the two of them left, the people around them dispersed. The stall owner sighed at the remaining dog in the basket. Sure enough, this is the hardest one to sell. However, the price of the two has exceeded expectations. It is a comfort. The rest is only sold at a low price if it cannot be sold. Forget it, or sell it to those who have taken it as a meat dog. If he keeps it, he will not have much food to feed.

The old man Lan was also sighing. He actually liked the dog with four hoofs and snow in the beginning. Although it was not a pure four-hoof, he looked better than the last dog left. Even if you ca n’t buy this one, the old man Lan was thinking about buying the flower before. I did n’t expect that the first flower dog was the little flower dog, and then the four-footed snow was also one step ahead. Three dogs, the old man. Neither of the fancy ones was available, as for the remaining ...

The old man frowned, always feeling down.

Not only the old man looked down on, but also the people around him.

In fact, as long as the hair color changes, there are still some people who are willing to buy it, but the problem is that many people are disgusted with this hair color, and the rest of the basket looks like the first two have only spirit, squatting quietly in the basket, The two dogs didn't move when the noise was so bad just now.

The hair color is not good, and the spirit is not good. Who wants to buy it? ~ Although it is just a few dozen dollars, people in the market are not willing to spend white flowers. .

"I know this kind of fur-colored dog. When I grow up, the fur looks like skin disease, and it's ugly." A stall owner selling pork not far away said.

"I don't look good, either," another stall owner followed.

"It doesn't look good, it's mixed hair." Someone around him agreed.

The old man Lan didn't want to buy it. First of all, he didn't like the color of the hair. Perhaps because of flower cultivation, he prefers a slightly pure color of the dots. How do you like this kind of hair, just as a stall owner said, the dog of this color looks like skin disease when it grows up. Secondly, this is what the others picked, plus those of those around them, it always feels inferior.

The old man Lan was planning to leave the cart, but he did not want to turn around and saw the cat on the cart jump down and walked to the edge of the bamboo basket.

Although others despise it, Zheng Tan feels that the dog looks good. RS