MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 366 Little conscience

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At the affiliated hospital, the old lady panicked after receiving the call from the doorman.

Earlier Li had fallen asleep after taking an injection and taking medicine. The old lady leaned against a chair next to her, and the other awake people in the ward deliberately lowered their voices because of changes in the weather outside, but When I saw a tree being directly blown by the wind, some people couldn't help but make a louder surprise. The old lady woke up because of their surprise, so did the old man Li.

After seeing the weather outside the window, the two old men were not calm, especially the old man. The first thing that came to mind was that Xiaohua was still tied to the door guard room, and now it was windy and rainy. What should Xiaohua do!

Before the old lady called, the guard came over on the phone. The old lady left the phone at the doorman, so the doorman quickly called the old lady to explain the situation after seeing Xiaohua running away.

Xiaohua ran away, which made the two old men anxious, but then thought that Xiaohua ran with the cat of Teacher Xiao Jiao's house, which made the two old men feel relieved. A few days ago, when Xiaohua was injured, the cat from Teacher Xiao Jiao brought her to the pet center for treatment. Xiao Guo told the old man about this, and the old man also called Professor Jiao to thank him. Old man Li also said to the old lady privately: Good people, good cats.

However, the weather outside was not very good. Old man Li could not rest at ease, and asked the old woman to pass the phone to him. He called directly to Dao Jiao.

Dad Jiao, who was finishing a handout in the office, picked up immediately after watching the caller ID. Old man Li is a retired professor of the Academy of Biosciences, although old man studies plants. There is not much intersection with Dao Jiao's research direction, but the teachers in the hospital respect the old man Li, so Dao Jiao picked it up without much thought.

"Hey, Teacher Xiaojiao, did your cat go back?"

Old Man Li briefly talked about the hospital side. Dad Jiao thought for a while and said, "I'm in the office now, call and ask first."

"Trouble you, Teacher Xiao Jiao, if you have any news, please give me one."

After hanging up the phone, Dao Jiao called home.

Generally speaking. Zheng Tan's words at home. When I saw the familiar number on the caller ID of the landline phone, I pressed the answer button, but it didn't connect for a long time. Dao Jiao looked at the weather outside and frowned. Dialed Jiao Wei's parents again. And Feng Baijin's. After asking a few questions, Feng Baijin said that Zheng Tan had left early.

When Dao Jiao and Old Man Li were looking for Zheng Tan and Xiaohua, they were hiding in the grocery store to avoid the rain.

now. The atmosphere in the grocery store is a bit weird.

The two arrogant young people were now stunned. One twisted his wrist and pressed it on the counter and did not dare to move it. His face was distorted because of the pain. At the beginning, he talked harshly, and now even a fart I dare not let it go, just hope that the shameless shop owner quickly let them go.

Just like the shop owner said, if you want to let go, you can either pay for it or roll it out.

On the counter was the fifty dollars that the man had just pulled out, but the shop owner didn't look after taking a look, only paying attention to the two young men who were dressed in other ways.

The person standing next swallowed, and he felt that the wind blowing in was a bit cold, and there was moisture in the wind, which made him feel colder.

"I warn you, don't go too far!" The young man standing next raised his finger and yelled at the shop owner. But the obvious color was intense and the fingers shook.

Xiaohua sneezed because the rainwater that was blowing in splashed on her nose, and the man shook again.

Smirking but not Samoyed, and pitiful but not pak, Xiaohua doesn't have many facial expressions on the face. For those who do n’t know this kind of dog, the most deterrent is always that body type.

The two thought about whether the big dog in the back was showing its impatience, and they were even more afraid when they thought about it.

The shop owner didn't speak, and looked at them with an expression. Then the young man standing next gritted his teeth, took out his pockets, and put out twenty dollars on the counter. "Is that all right? Don't let my brother go It's up! "

The shop owner didn't say a word and didn't let go, but twisted again, and the man screamed in pain.

"Seventy-two yuan and thirty cents. Is your elementary school math teacher teaching math?"

The young man standing next to his face froze. He didn't expect that the owner of the shop was so real.

"I don't have three cents, I don't believe it for you!" Then the man took out his trousers pocket and took all the contents out of it. There was a dime in the left trouser pocket and two old versions in the right trouser pocket. A dime coin.


The man standing next to him stunned, and did not expect that there was really three cents. Putting all three coins on the counter, he looked at the shop owner, "Is this all right?"

The shop owner shook his head and looked at the humane: "Last chance."

"It hurts! Ma, you give me the money!" The person whose wrist was held down shouted at his companion.

The man standing next put a fifty on the counter with a sad look on his face, and then hurried away with his companion.

The man still wanted to take away the fifty previously placed on the counter, only to find that a finger had already pressed the corner of the fifty.

Unwilling to look at the fifty on the counter, the man hummed, was pulled by his companion, and walked to the door when he mentioned the thing. When he left, he wanted to find something with a hand to fight back, and he couldn't hit people It ’s okay to smash the shop. I did n’t want to turn around and kicked on a shelf. I was hit by a toe on the flip-flops. I was anxious to yell at my mother. , Heard two dog barking behind him.

"Wang Wang!"

Xiaohua stood up and looked at the two men. It felt not very good from the two men, so she just tentatively called twice and reminded the other party not to come here.

Xiaohua seemed to be very lumpy when she was lying there, and she felt even bigger when she stood up. Every move was eye-catching. However, Zheng Tan did not stop Xiaohua. He felt that the two young men did not have the courage to come and fight against Xiaohua, not to mention. The owner is not simple. You can control people with one shot, and they are definitely not weak when they fight. It is more bullish than these two strong and middle-aged men.

The two young men froze because of Xiaohua's dog barking, looked at each other, did not plan to scold, and quickly left.

"What's going on?" The man who had run to the room in the room behind him was awakened by two dogs, opened the door with a guts and looked at it.

After seeing the two at the door, raised her eyebrows and found the difference?

When they saw the shop owner and helper at the door, they did not want to stay here and left quickly. Even the umbrella I just bought ran into the rain without opening it.

People coming from behind the house bypassed Xiaohua. Quickly walked to the cashier next to the other shelf.

"What's the matter, boss, what's the difference between the two?"

"Nothing, two kids. Don't bother." The shop owner put the money in the money box. Only the first fifty on the counter were still in place.

"Yeah. How dare you use fake money, deliberately ask them, and find fault. How can you let them go without letting them go?"

"What do you care about with children?" The shop owner moved the fake fifty to the side of the counter, pressed it with something, then picked up a screwdriver, held a cigarette, and continued to repair the electric fan.

The clerk just woke up and didn't plan to go back to the back room. He dragged a chair and sat next to the shop owner to repair the fan. He said in his mouth that the shop owner should give the two people a lesson. Those who eat, drink, play, play hard, and be afraid of hard work or hard work should clean up.

"Boss, they are about the same age as me. How can there be eighteen without twenties? Children?" After a pause, the clerk said, "Boss, what is the difference between a child and an adult? Isn't it age? "

The owner of the shop did not look away from the electric fan, biting a cigarette: "Difference? Children care who can take them to eat, drink and have fun, while adults care who can take them to success."

The clerk swiped, refuted and refuted, and looked at the box at the door, and said, "Boss, did you say anything about the price increase in the rain?"

"Is there anything to say, the bus fare will increase during the holiday season, what if I raise an umbrella fee when it rains?"

"... I learned from you what is called robbery while on fire."

"No," the shop owner shook his hand holding the screwdriver. "I just let you know more vividly what it means to be unscrupulous." Perhaps for many people, being unscrupulous is a derogatory term, but for many people, Not so many businessmen, such as the store owner himself.

Zheng Tan squatted next to Xiaohua, listening to the conversation between the boss and the clerk, and found the boss quite interesting.

"Hey, boss, aren't you afraid that this cat and dog are here?" Said the clerk. He is not afraid of being heard by Zheng Tan and Xiaohua. In his opinion, even cats and dogs who have been around for years can't understand complicated words.

The boss didn't squeak.

Zheng Tan also pretended not to hear.

On the shelf, the white cat squatted in a different place, still staring at Zheng Tan and Xiaohua, even if the shop owner greeted it, it didn't move.

After spending about an hour in the grocery store, the rain was getting lighter and it stopped after another ten minutes, but there were still occasional drops of rain.

The sky is a lot brighter, but the wind is still blowing. Looking at the distant sky, it is estimated that there is still a heavy rain brewing.

Take advantage of this time to go back quickly.

As soon as Zheng Tan left the grocery store, Xiaohua stood up and followed.

After leaving, Zheng Tan looked back at the grocery store.

Because the rain stopped, the shop doors were all opened again, and the situation at the checkout counter stood out clearly.

The shop owner tested the newly repaired electric fan, and the white cat came down from the shelf and jumped to the cashier counter.

The white cat's sharp eyes looked at the shop owner who came over, then quickly moved his paw to remove the cigarette from the shop owner's mouth.

The shop owner has n’t cut off the cigarettes for more than an hour. He likes to hold a cigarette while doing things. He feels exhausted without working a cigarette and has no energy to work ~ ~ After being smoked, the shop The boss was not upset, but smiled a little.

"Oh, mi, this cigarette can't be wasted, it's a pack of more than ten yuan!" Said the shop owner quickly picked up the cigarette that had fallen on the counter and held it in his mouth.

Another claw passed, and it was removed again.

"Hey, you little conscience!"

The shop owner picked up the cigarette and took a breath, then spit out a cigarette ring at the white cat.

The white cat on the squatting neck tilted back, probably found that the squatting was unable to avoid the spitting smoke ring, but did not want to move, then raised two claws and waved to break the smoke ring.

The owner of the shop saw his eyes narrowed with laughter. The original face was not so mean, but Zheng Tan had no reason to think of a weasel, a kind of weasel commonly seen at Jiao's hometown. (To be continued ...)

ps: It is not very convenient to code in your hometown, but it will not be broken. It will be more secure when you are free.