MTL - Strange Life of a Cat-Chapter 318 Cat in vest

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Zheng Tan was sitting in the back seat of the car, looking at the view from the window.

It ’s different from the usual hustle and bustle of the past. This year seems to be a bit deserted. Perhaps the temperature is lower than usual and the impact of the snow disaster has caused this change. However, compared with many places and some disasters, In severe villages, mountains, and cities, the situation is much better. Citizens complain most about things like water pipes freezing and cracking a few days ago. Others, people who do n’t have to worry about traveling by car, and who do n’t have direct conflicts of economic interests, are just watching customers, and will not affect their normal lives. They will only discuss a few words with people when they read the news every day.

Dao Jiao has been driving the traffic radio channel. The weather has eased a lot in the past two days, and many stranded people have rushed to set off these two days. There are quite a lot of black cars, and I probably want to make more money during this time.

In order to prevent traffic jams, Dao Jiao deliberately got up early and set off. I did not expect that many people thought the same way as Dao Jiao. There were many vehicles on the road early in the morning. I still encountered a few small-scale traffic jams on the road, especially At the crossroads, looking at the row of growing teams, it was particularly frustrating.

It was an hour and a half when it was difficult to get out of the city. This was the first time Zheng Tan had encountered this situation, and he was panicked.

According to the previous driving route, directly on the highway after leaving the city, the highway was closed on the other side a few days ago, but the road was unsealed these two days. However, when the traffic was approaching there, the traffic broadcast reported that it encountered the highway side. In the event of an accident, I hope that the vehicles going there will be diverted.

No one knows how long the accident will be blocked, and Dao Jiao can't help it. Can only be diverted and not take other high-speed routes.

When passing by several passenger stations, Zheng Tan glanced over there. There was still a large crowd around it, the waiting hall was full, some people were waiting outside the gate, and the armed police maintained order there. Zheng Tan also saw taxis, face-to-face and privately-drawn passenger cars outside the passenger station. Some people shouted and pulled passengers holding signs with the names of various counties and cities. This is probably what some people say is black cars, but at this time people no longer think about black cars or not. Just sit in the car. When the car is crowded, what are the vulnerable groups such as the old, the weak, the disabled, and the pregnant. Not many people will give way at all. When it's time to crowd, it's still crowded.

After leaving the city, Zheng Tan was relatively unfamiliar. Looking at the buildings on both sides, she recorded these new routes.

The road is still a little frozen. But it's a lot better than some time ago. Dao Jiao can drive slowly. It's just that some vehicles are so fast as if in a hurry. I always squeeze forward, for fear of falling behind, I almost bumped into the car with Dao Jiao twice.

Zheng Tan just scolded the two chaotic overtaking guys in his heart. A motorbike was suddenly inserted directly from the oblique rear into Zheng Tan's car and the car in front, and then quickly passed through the horizontal gap between the car in front and the other car. Shocked, did this person believe in his car skills too much, or was he in a hurry?

Ten minutes later, the car stopped again, Zheng Tan stood up and looked forward, the team formed again, and the traffic jam again.

After waiting for a while, I still didn't see it. Dad Jiao opened the window for ventilation, the car was very warm, and his nerves were tense when he drove.

"Black charcoal, is it cold?" Dao Jiao looked at Zheng Tan, who was looking at the back seat.

After the windows opened, cold wind poured in, dissipating a lot of warmth in the car. The wet and cold weather in the south has always made many people in the north uncomfortable, and Zheng Tan, a man who used to live in the south, has become accustomed to it after years. Even though it was extremely cold this year, Zheng Tan felt okay. The vest worn today is a winter model given by Xiao Guo. Xiao Guo gave two pieces, one black and one military green. Not only could the vest pockets hold things, they should also be thicker and warmer. I heard that they were waterproof.

Seeing Zheng Tan didn't seem to feel cold, Dao Jiao no longer asked.

The driver in the car on the left was smoking outside the car. They had children in the car. They didn't smoke well in the car, so they went outside and chatted when they saw Dao Jia opening the window. He had already driven nearly twenty Hours of the car, although some people took a rest for five hours in the middle, but the people who replaced the car skills are not good, almost accidents, so he was driving most of the time, now in traffic jams came out to smoke a refreshing.

The driver of the car in front also came to join the chat. He was soliciting privately. "It was quite smooth yesterday, and the traffic jam didn't last long. Today I was out of luck. I came out in the morning for half an hour, and now it is starting to jam again."

"Can you go in ten minutes?" The driver of the car on the left asked.

"It's difficult. There was a car accident in front of it. A motorcycle, two private cars, and a van collided. Fortunately, no one was killed. Three people were injured and they were just taken to the hospital. The two private cars were left. People are arguing, no one has moved their feet, I heard that the car is quite expensive. I also broke a telephone pole, plus the overturned vehicle, and something that fell off the truck. It is estimated that at least Twenty minutes to open to traffic. "

I heard that the driver who solicited himself said that driving a few days ago was more difficult. It usually takes just over two hours to run a trip, and it took more than 10 hours to run through the snow some time ago, and it may break down on the road at any time. The hardships are known only after driving, so tired. It is no wonder that the fare is doubled and then doubled. Usually, the fare of 50 yuan is now 100 to 150 per person for a black car. It has soared to more than 200 a few days ago.

Now talking, another person came over in front of the convoy, and asked the two drivers and Dao Jiao to go to the front to help. There are not enough manpower and obstacles. If you want to open the train as soon as possible, you can clear more people. Otherwise, we have to wait for a while.

The driver of the car in front shook his head. He did n’t want to go. He had to look at the car. All of his passengers were unknown passengers. What should I do with valuables? What to do if people in the car get into trouble?

The driver of the car next to him didn't feel anything, smoking a cigarette and walking forward with Dao Jiao.

The door was unlocked, the windows were closed, and soon the temperature inside the car rose again.

Before Jiao left, Zheng Tan looked at the car, so now Zheng Tan doesn't snore. Watch the people around the car.

Soon, Zheng Tan noticed someone coming from the front and glanced into the car. The glance Zheng Tan knew that he was a crooked guy who saw the computer in the front passenger seat. When I pack it, my eyes pause for a little longer.

There was a flash of joy in the man's eyes, then he walked to the door of the car as usual, opened the door on the front passenger seat, and then, as he was about to reach for the computer bag on the car seat, a dark shadow flashed. Too. There was a sudden pain in my face. The man was taken out and sat on the ground without standing.

The man's eyes were incredible. He had just seen nobody in the car and the door seemed to be unlocked. The cat in vest was ignored by him directly. He did this a lot. The whole operation will not take long at all, just open the car door and twist the bag, even if the car door is locked, there is a way. However, I did not expect that it was a very simple thing, but found that the reality was seriously different from the expectations.

Touching his nose, the man looked at the blood on his hand, then looked at Zheng Tan again.

Zheng sighed, this person is not dead? Where is he? !!

Jumping is another kick.

The man raised his hand to block it, but miscalculated Zheng Tan's strength. Although the reaction quickly lifted his forearm to block Zheng Tan's kick, the strength of the overturned man leaned back and bumped his head. There was a snoring noise in a private car. At the same time, Zheng Tan also scratched the man's down jacket, and when the wind blew, duck down flew everywhere.

That man was wearing the brand's down jacket and doing such a theft, which made Zheng Tan hard to understand. However, there are a lot of people like this. When I was surfing the Internet a few days ago, I saw someone complaining about posting. I didn't expect to run into it today.

The driver in the private car on the right heard the movement and opened the window, then looked at the people on the ground, and then looked at Zheng Tan, "Hey, what is this?"

Before he could finish speaking, the rear window was opened. Two teenagers looked out of the window. The little girl said, "Uncle, this man must be a thief!"

"It must be a thief!" The boy added, "the cat in a vest is teaching the thief!"

The man on the ground looked a little embarrassed, and there was blood on his face, from his nose to his mouth, because he just touched it with his hand and wiped some blood on his face. There was a long opening on the chest of the clothes, and the duck down inside followed the wind Blow out some.

The man saw a bad situation, regardless of nosebleeds and scratched down jackets. Everyone around him looked up and ran up the road. He ran too fast and didn't know what to step on. His feet slipped and he fell. Did not care about the pain, got up and continued to run.

When Dao Jiao came back, the man was already running. He listened to the driver on the right side of the car and said something just now. Dao Jiao smiled at each other's problems and didn't say much.

"I look good at your cat, male and female?" The other asked.


"Ah, that's right, there is also a female cat in my family. How about folding it? Why not string it?"

Zheng Tan took a puff on his face and struck your uncle!

Watching Zheng Tan directly turn on the car, Dao Jiao smiled at the man, "My cat is just a cat."

"It doesn't matter, I don't mind." The man waved and said indifferently.

Father Jiao: "..."

Fortunately, the front soon cleared up ~ ~ The team started to move slowly, and Dao Jiao got into the car after a few perfunctory words.

Regarding what Zheng Tan just said, Dad Jiao didn't say much, just smiled and gave Zheng Tan a thumb.

Although the first half of this trip was bumpy and encountered several traffic jams, it was better afterwards, because there were more vehicles and it did not snow, the temperature rose slightly during the day, and the ground was not iced. Therefore, the second half of the trip was smooth.

As usual, Dao Jiao first went to the county seat, had a meal and took a break, called and reported that he was safe, and then proceeded to his hometown.

There are a few sections of Dao Jiao ’s home that are not very easy to walk. It ’s much better after you drive slowly. Father Jiao is already waiting at the village head because I know that only Dao Jiao is driving alone, and I ’m afraid to keep calling. Distracted, laughed immediately after seeing Dao Jiao's car.

For many people, the road to return home for the New Year is faltering and unforgettable. Relatively speaking, Zheng Tan is already pretty good. (To be continued ...)

ps: Continue to sleep for a while, but the second one will not come out, everyone, go to bed early, don't wait. Try two more tomorrow night, everyone forgive me.