MTL - Story of Yanxi Palace-Chapter 140 Controversy

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   On this day, Fu Heng was summoned by Hongli to go to Yangxin Hall to discuss.

   But unexpectedly, there was a person waiting for him on the way to Yangxin Hall.

   Seeing that person, Fu Heng was hesitated, and then he respectfully aside and bowed.

"Today, I just got a news that Ling Ping was promoted to Ling Fei." Chun Gui Fei walked in front of him step by step and laughed, "Master Fucha, is this good news or bad news for you? "

  Fu Hengxin was vigilant but unmoved.

   "It must be good news." Chun Guifei sneered, "After all... she can be promoted to the concubine, it's all your credit!"

  Fu Heng finally spoke, coldly said: "Pure concubine, please speak carefully."

   "Aren't I talking about facts?" Chunfei Concubine is a wise man. I didn't understand it beforehand, but I gradually figured it out afterwards, and also understood the role of Fu Heng in it.

  If she couldn't make it clear, she was really sour and jealous in her heart after sorting out.

"Fucha Fu Heng, on appearance, origin, talent, and devotion to you, I am better than her. Why do you prefer her to love?" Chun Guifei couldn't help the words, he questioned him, " Even to help her, at his own expense... you tell me, why on earth?"

  The jade pot looked around nervously. The other palace people had already pretended to be blind and dumb, and kept their heads down silently, only to hear nothing and see nothing.

   "Pure concubine." Fu Heng said lightly, "Please remember your identity, don't ask questions about your own shame, and leave the official."

   As he turned around, there was a cold voice behind his back: "Don't be too happy, Wei Yingluo, even if he is a concubine, don't try to block my way!"

  Fu Heng's footsteps paused, and continued to walk towards the direction of Yang Xin Temple.

   Yangxin Hall, Xi Nuan Pavilion.

"Emperor." Fu Heng did not purify the matter of the concubine, but only reported the government affairs respectfully. It is equal to silver, and it is reported to be one-fifth percent. During his tenure, he has withheld ritual silver, bridge silver, silver box silver, and port silver for a total of more than 8,000. The specific accounts are detailed, and the minions have already said it. Obviously! It is not enough for civilians to be angry if they don't kill such beetles!"

   "Emperor, his brother does not agree with the views of Master Fucha." A soft and soft voice sounded.

  Fu Heng followed the prestige and faced the four eyes of Prince Wang Honghe.

"Master Fucha is too young, it is a good thing to be aggressive, but you don't know much about tax..." Hong Ri smiled at Fu Heng, "Anning has 68 servants and 79 family members. People want to help manage taxation, but they are not on the court list. Anning increases the tax rate just to fill the cost in this regard."

"It's ridiculous, can you increase the tax rate arbitrarily in order to fill the cost?" Fu Heng coldly said, "You know, An Ning has reduced the tax burden, but has increased the burden on the people. If anyone imitates him, arbitrarily increase Taxes, how do people manage themselves?"

  Hong Day: "Master Fucha, you have a set of battles, and it is far from political affairs! When the water is clear, there is no fish. Do you let the tax officials drink the northwest wind?"

The two of them were blushing, and finally Hongli waved his hand: "Okay, don’t fight anymore! Even if An Ning is suffering, it’s a fact that things are not done properly. I will sternly reprimand, but the situation of Hushuguan is complicated and cannot be easily replaced. , Let him take care of it for a while! There will be hidden things, severe punishment together!"

   "Emperor Shengming!" Hong Ri said with a proud look at Fu Heng.

   Fu Heng frowned: "Emperor..."

  Hongli closed his eyes: "Kneel."

  Fu Heng and Hong Day went out of the Yangxin Hall and walked a few steps side by side. Fu Heng suddenly said, "Here, Prince, even if you have an opinion with me, you shouldn't say anything about this kind of beetle like Anning."

  Hong Day: "Did I not say that, An Ning has other difficulties."

   Fu Heng snorted, with a trace of sarcasm between his brows and eyes: "6 An Ning privately collected villages and hundreds of square meters of land. Don't you know about this matter?"

  Hong day hesitated.

   "The Jiangnan corruption case, the prince is very beautiful, and I am very pleased that you are willing to do things seriously." Fu Heng slowly said, "I didn't take it out in public just now, just don't want you to be frustrated and helpless again."

  Fu Heng misses the old, not only the affection of his children, but also the affection of the bamboo horse. He reads together, learns martial arts, and grows up together. Even when he grows up, he still part ways, but there is still a trace of old feelings.

  Hong Day is different from him. Since he has parted ways, the old feelings of the past should be cut off with a sneer: "You think I will be grateful for you?"

   "I don't need your gratitude." Fu Heng shook his head, "But this is the last time, please don't play against the national interest because you are targeting me!"

  Hong Day listened, and the flesh on his cheeks could not help shaking.

   Women fight in the harem, men fight in the court.

   Both are darlings in front of Hongli. Whose opinion Hongli listens to more determines the power status of the two, and even determines the future direction of the country to a certain extent.

There are exactly two ways of competing for pets, one is on the bright side, the other is in the dark, not much different from the harem. Both are based on their own skills on the bright side. Pull the hind leg, expose its shortcomings, and use all means to pull the opponent from the current position.

Hong Ri said in one bit, "Master Fucha doesn't know much about taxes", "Master Fucha, if you have a set of battles, you will be far behind in government affairs." Fu Heng is devalued to nothing. A warrior who knows how to fight on horseback... is the second method.

Fu Heng dismissed these conspiracy methods, and he said rightly: "Hong Day, you must firmly remember that you are the Qing prince and a prince. You have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. At any time, vent your anger and forget the axioms. It's just going to be ridiculous!"

  Looking at the back of his sleeve, Hong Ri looked ugly.

   "What did he see?" Hong Ri thought to himself, "Otherwise... why did he say something to vent his anger?"

Fu Heng never expected that, because of his own words, Hiroshi had a deeper suspicion of him. Since he came out of the palace, he quickly returned home and threw the reins to the butler who greeted him, Fu Hengqi said: "How do you personally Come meet me?"

  Fucha House has a big business. It is not easier to manage such a home than to manage a harem. Small things like horse-driving should not be done by one of his stewards.

   "Young Master, you can be counted back!" Butler Xian deliberately waited for him at the door, the voice eagerly said, "Qinglian accident, the young lady said she pushed the young master to the goldfish pond, and now has been taken away by the old lady!"