MTL - Stepmother-Chapter 226 concern is chaos

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Zhong Jianguo wants to say, you are annoying. When the words reached his lips, thinking of the first half of Song Zhaodi's words, he snorted and turned to lie down: "If you think I'm annoying, you can go and sleep on the bench."

"I sleep on the bench?" Song Zhaodi got up and stared at him, "Zhong Jianguo, you are fat."

Zhong Jianguo: "Not as bold as you."

"Dare to refute?" Song Zhaodi rolled up her sleeves and tried to pinch him.

Zhong Jianguo took advantage of her unpreparedness, hugged her waist, and carried the person into his arms.


Song Zhaodi fell on him, her forehead hit his head, she couldn't help gasping: "Zhong Jianguo!?"

"Mom, Dad, sleep."

The voice of independence came from outside. Zhong Jianguo let go of Song Zhaodi subconsciously, and shouted at the door, "You also go to bed earlier."

"I went to the toilet, and when I got up, my mother roared, and I almost fell." Before self-reliance, I thought that the big baby was the most troublesome, and the big baby had a lot of things. Now I just want to apologize to the big baby. I misunderstood him before, "Grandma and grandpa are asleep."

Zhong Jianguo: "Got it."

I looked at the closed door on my own, and sighed helplessly.

"Brother Zili, what are your mother and father doing?" The door was not closed when Zili left, and Sanwa also heard Song Zhaodi's "Zhong Jianguo" and was very curious, "Are they fighting?"

I looked back and said, "It's a joke." Close the door, "Let's sleep. Didn't you say, go to the non-staple food factory with me tomorrow."

"Yes, you have to go to bed early." Sanwa said, "Brother Zili, the crab fried rice cakes made by my mother are the best. We will buy some crabs tomorrow, and then buy some rice cakes, and I will give them to you when I come back. Do."

Self-reliance froze for a moment, then smiled: "I thought you were called Mother."

"The rice cake is too hard, my mother thinks it's troublesome to cut the rice cake." Sanwa said, "I asked my mother to do it? She told her father when she went back and told me that my father had to scold me for not helping my mother. By the way, now the non-staple food The factory already sells beef. Let's buy some more beef, and I'll make you steak."

In the past few days, I have eaten fish and prawns, as well as chicken and duck. I have never eaten braised pork: "Buy a few more pounds of pork."

"No, no." Sanwa said, "The epidemic prevention station said that the recent pig had swine fever. The pork stall used to sell ten pigs a day, but now there is one pig a day, and sometimes it can't be sold out. We'll buy pork in a few days."

Rejuvenation: "I'll be on my own in a few days."

"Huh?" Sanwa looked at Zi Li, "So fast?"

Self-reliance: "Take a few more days off next year."

"Can I take a month off?" Sanwa asked.

Self-reliance was amused by him: "It can be done in the future, but not at this stage."

"Does it take me to go to college?" Sanwa said, "At that time, you rest for two months, and I can't see you."

Revitalization: "You think too much. The current stage of self-reliance may be the next ten or twenty years."

"You are so busy? Then how do you find a partner?" Sanwa said, suddenly thinking, "No wonder mother went to Grandpa Qi and asked him to help you introduce a partner."

I hurriedly asked: "Really?"

"That's right." Sanwa said, "Mother didn't mention her brother's rebirth, she only told Grandpa Qi about you."

Self-reliance: "I will tell my mother tomorrow, and I will talk about my affairs in a few years."

"I also think it's a little early for you to get married now." Sanwa smiled, "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Zhengxing sat up and looked at Sanwa: "Self-reliance is one year older than me."

"You can also not get married." Sanwa said, "As long as Liu Jingjing can wait for you for ten years."

Zhengxing choked: "I'm just colleagues with her."

"I used to be an alumnus, but now I'm a colleague?" Sanwa pouted and looked at him, "Who believes it. I don't believe my self-supporting brother."

Self-reliance smiled and said: "Don't be angry and revitalize. Revitalization, if Liu Jingjing is really good, you can get along well with others. If I have a colleague like Liu Jingjing, I will come back this time. Brought it."

"Zhenxing is different from you." Sanwa said, "Second brother said that there are no girls in your school, but there are many girls in Zhenxing school, and there are about ten who like him. He, I don't know how to cherish."

Zhenxing blurted out: "When did I not know how to cherish?"

"So you know?" Sanwa asked.

Zhenxing choked, glared at him, and lay down to sleep.

Self-reliance smiled: "Sanwa, you can sleep too. I'll turn off the light."

The next morning, at half past six, Sanwa got up and dragged herself downstairs. Father Song, who was sweeping the floor, turned his head and said in surprise, "Why did I get up so early for self-reliance? Sleep a little longer."

"You got up earlier than me." Self-reliance reminded him.

Father Song: "I am too old to fall asleep. When I am at home, I get up at five o'clock to feed the cows. When I come to your house, I have nothing to do when I get up. I lay on the bed for an hour every day. The old bones are almost stiff."

"It's good to get used to it." Zi Li smiled, "Grandpa, let's go to the non-staple food factory. Let's buy what you want to eat."

Father Song: "You can buy whatever you want, I can do it. By the way, your mother and your father haven't gotten up yet?"

"We'll cook again when we come back, they'll be fine now." Seeing Sanwa found the basket, he said, "Let's go, Grandpa." He walked out the door, and Zhenxing went downstairs .

Father Song wanted to say, you got up too. But before he could say anything, he saw Zhen Xing's index finger beside his mouth with a "shhh".

"What happened?" Father Song asked in a low voice.

Zhenxing: "It's okay. I ate a bit too much last night, and I didn't digest it overnight. I went out for a run twice. I'm afraid Sanwa will laugh at me."

"Then go ahead." Father Song said quickly, "I'll ask the old lady to cook some porridge later. Let's have porridge in the morning."

Zhenxing: "Thank you, Grandpa." Saying that, people are already outside the door.

Father Song shook his head and couldn't help but say, "How much did this child eat last night?

"He ate two bowls of noodles last night." Song Zhaodi stood at the entrance of the stairs, "I digested it before going to bed yesterday."

Father Song looked outside, then looked at Song Zhaodi: "Then he is? Zhenxing that child is lying?"

"I'm afraid that Zili and Sanwa will meet Liu Jingjing by chance." Zhong Jianguo, who was standing behind Song Zhaodi, said, "Erwa said before that Liu Jingjing likes him and Zili."

Mother Song was washing her face outside, she heard what several children said, wiped her face and came in: "Zhao Di said that Teacher Liu is a very good girl, it is impossible to see one like the other."

Zhong Jianguo smiled and said, "If you care, you will be confused. You will not admit it."

"That's it." Song Mu Ren shook her head, "Young people today, I really don't know what to think. It's suitable to marry directly, so don't worry about it."

Zhong Jianguo glanced at Song Zhaodi, and said in a deep sense: "The daughter-in-law is so good, I can't help worrying about marrying back home."

"That's true." Mother Song said, "Now the young man's divorce is like playing, and he will get divorced when he looks good. Earlier, Tiangoudan's sister got divorced, and Goudan's mother is called Her daughter-in-law finds a good one for her daughter-in-law."

Song Zhaodi hasn't heard from the Goudan family for a long time: "Why?"

"The second year Goudan was admitted to school was the year that our family was admitted to vigorously, and his sister was admitted to secondary school. After graduation, she became good with her classmates." Song mother said "I've seen that young man, he's very good looking, very polite, the mother of the dog, that lazy guy, thinks that his daughter-in-law is good, so he packed up and ran to her daughter's house, intending to be an old lady at her daughter's house for a few days. Sir.

"The village asked for a phone bill, and the lazy guy didn't give up the phone bill, so he didn't call her daughter. When I got there, I saw the couple were quarreling, and when her daughter-in-law hit her daughter-in-law She looked right at her. I brought my daughter back the same day."

Father Song: "I called Goudan when I got home, and Goudan's daughter-in-law said that they must divorce. After a few days, the two divorced. At first, the young man was unwilling and went with his mother The sister who came to pick up Goudan went back, and it was both an apology and an apology. The people in our village persuaded the young man to know that he was wrong, so he should ask Mao Ni to go back.

"Goudan's mother took a shovel and smashed it at others. If your mother didn't stop her, she would have killed her. When people see Goudan's mother like this, they can only divorce."

Song Zhaodi: "There are two things about beating a daughter-in-law, and you should leave."

"The marriage is divorced." Song Mother said, "But the job is gone."

Song Zhaodi wondered: "Why?"

"The two of them work together, how can they go to work when they are so noisy?" Mother Song said, "I can't go. Now I'm a temporary teacher in the village, and I don't know when I'm going to die."

Song Zhaodi: "Can't you be transferred to another department?"

"I listened to the meaning of the dog's mother, their leaders won't let them leave. When the dog's mother said this, she also scolded, saying that she is not her daughter, he doesn't feel bad." Song mother said , "If you don't listen to the leader, the leader is not willing to help her transfer her job."

Zhong Jianguo was curious: "Where is the dog egg?"

Mother Song nodded: "Zhao Di is right."

Song Zhaodi suddenly thought of one thing: "Mother, I remember that Goudan's sister is much younger than me. I haven't seen her in the past few years. How old is that girl?"

"It seems to be about the same age as revitalization." Mother Song thought for a moment, "It seems that she is only twenty-one years old this year, and she only got married at the beginning of the year. When the **** mother gave birth to this girl, I remember it was three years old. During the disaster period, he even asked me to borrow white rice, saying that the milk was insufficient, so he made rice soup for the children to drink."

Song Zhaodi: "Are you honest?"

"Honest." Mother Song said, "Goudan's father is honest, and both children are like fathers. Before Goudan's mother-in-law heard that Goudan's mother was powerful, she was afraid that Goudan would also be a scumbag. , I seem to have found someone to try Goudan, and only if he is sure that he is honest, he dares to marry his daughter to him."

Zhong Jianguo smiled and said, "If she is not honest, her son-in-law would not dare to beat her."

"You're right." Song Zhaodi said, "Mom, go back and tell Goudan's mother that we will set up a factory here in the next year, and we lack a workshop director. If she can wait, she will be in the village. It will take a few more years. The salary of the workshop director is higher than that of her daughter who was a regular worker before."

Mother Song: "I will tell you when I go back tomorrow. I heard that as soon as the girl goes out, her son-in-law will block her. She should not dare to go out to find a job for the time being."

"Who set up a factory on your side?" Father Song asked, "Zhao Di, is that person reliable? If not, the mother of the dog can make trouble for the whole family."