MTL - Steel, Guns and the Industrial Party Across the World-Chapter 508 end

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Yarvi tried to calm down his senior, so that Aldridge did not lose his composure in front of MacDonald.

"I'm sorry, Lord Macdonald, the calamity has put too much pressure on me during that time."

Aldridge said with a look of embarrassment.

Macdonald stretched out his hand to make a soothing gesture, expressing his understanding of his feelings.

The old bachelor continued: "I picked up those materials again and made some new discoveries."

"New discovery?"

"Yes, that is a note left by a priest of a certain ancient civilization. It depicts a strange dream of his. According to the meaning expressed by the owner of the note, it is the doomsday scene after the 10th appearance of the Disaster Star. .”

"Is it a scene of the end? Is it the extinction of human civilization?"

"Although I didn't say it clearly, it's about the same. Let me describe it to you in Gabela's language."

Next, Aldridge read in a recitative poetic tone:

"When it appeared between heaven and earth for the tenth time."

"The Great Destroyer came to this world from the other world through a gate that does not exist."

"She made her scrolls on the ground, and made her army out of steel, wielding fire-breathing weapons, and slaughtering all flesh and blood..."

"The Scrolls celebrated their victory and erected stone pillars to worship her on the ground."

"Vicious black mist sprayed from the top of the stone pillar, covering the sun, moon and stars, and disgusting black water flowed from the bottom of the stone pillar, invading rivers and oceans. These evil creatures created countless diseases and alien shapes in the world... "

"Under the poison of the Great Destroyer, the world is in chaos..."

"People's minds are eroded, people's thoughts are distorted, lofty morality is abandoned, perfect order is trampled, the era of heroes and wise kings is over, and the old civilization is gone forever..."

"The noble people have become lambs to be slaughtered, and the gentle people have turned into ferocious wild beasts, plunging fiercely at their former masters..."

"A chaotic era has arrived..."

"This is both destruction and... Unfortunately, the latter part is lost."

The old bachelor's description is like singing, showing a terrible picture of the end of the world in the form of ballads.

Macdonald's face was solemn, "These descriptions are the scenes after the demons attacked the human world?"

Aldrich nodded, "Yes, isn't the Destroyer just the description of the demon race in various human-devil war myths? Isn't the non-existent door the passage sealed by the gods? One day in the future, the sealed door will The door will open again, and the alien species from the other side will invade our human world again, just like they did in ancient times, and our human civilization will face extinction."

Yes, thought Macdonald, what a dreadful world the future would be, if it were true as the old maester's ballads describe it.

With a little divergence of thinking, he has a panorama of disasters in his mind-the ancient sealed door has opened again, and the ancient enemy of mankind has reappeared. On the one hand, they have an army of steel, defeating mankind one after another. On the other hand, They manipulated vicious witchcraft, polluted the sky and ocean with filth, and eroded human minds. Under the double blow of body and soul, the order of the human world began to collapse, morality began to decline, and the heroes of justice were punished. Abandoned, the wise king was betrayed, and the upper and lower levels were completely reversed. What's worse, human beings may be alienated into monsters who only know **** under the influence of black mist and black water.

This is not a natural disaster, nor is it a war between countries. Compared with the picture above, those things are simply tickling. This is the end of the entire human race, the collapse of the entire civilization, and the future world will be dark.

Just as Macdonald was meditating inwardly, he had unknowingly left a cold sweat.

At this time, a ray of light suddenly flashed in his mind that was in chaos due to fear.

This ray of light made him think of another possibility of the prophecy.

"Is this... too alarmist?"

McDonald frowned.

"Why, you don't believe it?" Aldrich and Jarvi asked in unison, their mouths

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A little anxious.

"Oh, no! I believe this prophecy. After all, you have proven that every time a disaster star appears, it must be accompanied by disaster. I mean..."

The old marshal considered his words.

"If a prophecy is too specific, people may not believe it in its entirety. Then, is it true that the content of the prophecy is just an description, an exaggeration, or a modification."

"The prophecy is a metaphor, a symbol, and it should be abstracted into... For example, does the prophecy you have verified just symbolize the [Great Invasion], and expand it a little bit, it is [other than human beings] Invasion of the human race into the human world]?"

"And this race other than humans is not the legendary demons that no one has ever seen. They live on this continent and live next to humans..."



The moment Macdonald answered the race, he saw some emotion in Aldridge's eyes.

That is the arrogance of a scholar, or the conceit of a scholar, as if telling him - I am the chief bachelor of the scholar's tower, this is the knowledge I have verified for most of my life, and it is your turn to be a general who only knows how to lead troops to fight to fix.

Of course, Macdonald would not be angry because of this, he has passed the age of getting angry easily, and he also knows the temper of these bachelors, and the other party is the most famous scholar in the empire after all, knowledge is always respected .

On the contrary, Aldridge's junior, Yarvi, smiled lightly, relieving the somewhat awkward inference, Lord MacDonald. Think about it, too. With the living customs and social system of the orcs, if they invade the human world and impose their ways on the human head, it can also be called the collapse of order and the end of civilization. but…"

He looked at Macdonald and said softly, "Have you ever thought about how powerful orcs are?"

Macdonald nodded. "Is—I mean when the time comes and I see the possibility?"

"Oh? What's possible?"

"Because of my position, I have some understanding of the situation around the empire, including the prairie to the north of the human kingdoms. As far as I know, the new king's account has been established on the prairie. The Zarg clan growing in power and striving to restore the glory of its ancestors."

"Have you ever thought about how terrifying power will be born once the new king's tent integrates the orc tribes on the entire prairie?"

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