MTL - Start with a Mechanical Hunter-Chapter 436 evil machine

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  Chapter 436 Evil Dao Machinery

  The elevator sank rapidly, Meng Na trembled all over, the blonde secretary next to her couldn't help but glanced at her, but found that the other party was not afraid, but excited.

  That's right, Mona is excited!

  Mr. G, a top biological expert, and maybe a top hacker, although important, but there are people like him in the headquarters.

  However, the opponent's mechanical body made Meng Na tremble with excitement as if seeing the lover in her dream.

   It was this kind of feeling, that twisted, mutated, and ravaging feeling, which was definitely what she wanted.

   Having obtained it and analyzed it, the "weapon faction" does not need the assistance of the "armed faction" at all. Tianping Technology can become a real bio-enterprise, bio-erasing, bio-distorting, and bio-correcting.

  Thinking of this, Meng Na's face became suspiciously blush.

  The elevator stopped, and the door slowly opened. Meng Na squeezed out before the door was fully opened. The blonde secretary had to follow behind. Because of her big breasts, she got stuck and almost fell down.

After finally catching up with the other party, they found that the other party had manipulated the central 'human body storage device'. The body of 'Charlie' floated up with a large number of blisters, and dozens of connecting wires were inserted into his body. One end was stuck on her body.

  Biological computers are best at human computing, which is far more effective than human chips and artificial intelligence, but it is internal and not external.

   But it's different after connecting with the 'Brain Beam', the entire Liangzhou City is within her calculation range.

  The blond secretary couldn't help reminding: "You only have half an hour to process, no matter how long it takes, the 'artificial brain bridge' will be overloaded."

   "Don't worry," Meng Na smiled and said, "I won't make too much noise."

  The blond secretary always felt that this was a flag, but he pursed his lips and said nothing.

  The reason is very simple. A black line appears between Mengna's eyes, runs along the bridge of the nose, and penetrates the pupils—it feels like a balance, and the two eyeballs are the weights on both sides of the balance.

  This can only show one thing, that is, the will of the enterprise has come to her.

  In this case, not to mention her, even the executives at the headquarters have no right to manage Mengna, and can only cooperate with her unconditionally.


  Mona started to make troubles, and the management of the Tianping branch was not idle. The throne department lost more than half of its combat power in one day. This was the first time.

   You must know that with the strength of these people, it is more than enough to participate in corporate wars.


  The people in the R&D department were especially excited. The means shown by the other party, the existence of the so-called 'structural body', is very amazing!

  Even Dr. Liang, who has been buried in his own research, appeared in the war room for the first time.

   "Doctor, are you dispatching super warriors?"

  Dr. Liang narrowed his eyes and said, "You can give it a try."

   "What about those biological test subjects?"

   "Use waste, put it all out."

   "Be sure to strengthen the security work of the branch."

   "Since the opponent is staying in this city, there is a 65.9% possibility that his target is here!"


  On the battlefield where we were before, several figures descended from the sky, and Han Tong appeared on the shore with a gloomy face. Looking around, the scene was horrible.

  He walked up to a lump of humanoid flesh and pushed him.

   "Dead or not?"

   "It's been a long time for my body to recover. It's embarrassing to be so embarrassed for the first time." Hao Jie smiled wryly.

   "It's quite embarrassing," Han Tong said without any nonsense, and threw out a 'medical Rubik's Cube'. The mechanical Rubik's Cube began to deform in mid-air, turning into a suspended stretcher, directly supporting the injured.

   Han Tong swept around, everyone was seriously injured, but if they were killed, it was not a coincidence.

   Just, is this really a coincidence?

   "Go back and have medical experts repair your body."

   "Be careful," Hao Jie stopped Han Tong when he saw that he was about to leave, and told him, "If you want to fight him, be careful."

   "The headquarters is already analyzing your combat data. I know more or less the opponent's ability."

   "No, I mean, don't fight him unless you have to!"


  The power that a super enterprise, or the owner of the cyber testing ground, can use is terrifying. For a while, the whole city seemed to be lit up with red lights.

On an unremarkable street, monsters that looked like aliens were rampaging. Some of these 'aliens' were only half a person tall, and some were as tall as a two-story building. Although they were called 'aliens', they On their bodies, there are a large number of implanted organs of radiation beasts, as well as a large number of suture marks.

  The appearance of these monsters caused a huge commotion.

  However, these seemingly terrifying 'test subjects' are running around one by one, giving the impression that they are not attacking, but running away.

  [You killed test subject No. 13131, experience +4000]

  [You killed test subject 64534, experience +7000]

  [You killed test subject No. 74574, experience +9000]

  [You killed test subject No. 12155, experience +3000]


  On a street, there were blood and corpses all over the place, and some 'experimental subjects' panicked and fled into the alley.

However, a weird laugh sounded from the alley, and the next moment, two thighs disappeared from one 'test subject', and the spine was cut into rows of different sizes from the other test subject, and more than a dozen test subjects Their heads disappeared, and even if they became corpses, their soles were still firmly nailed to the ground. Bloody lotus flowers grew from the soles of their feet, and a large number of 'rhizome' inserted into the ground, like horseshoes.

   The strange laughter appeared on another street, but this street was already littered with dead bodies.

   The monster kicked away the corpse of a test subject, and a girl appeared trembling all over.

  The monster looked at her silently, slightly raising the sickle in his hand.

  ‘Every girl is the seed of a rich woman in the future. You can kill people, but don’t affect my affairs. '

  An indifferent voice suddenly sounded from the monster's head.

  The next moment, the monster let out a painful roar. Amidst the sound of the sonic boom, the monster disappeared instantly. Wherever it passed, the buildings on both sides of the street were instantly torn apart, as if being chopped into pieces by an invisible knife light.

   The monster killed countless test subjects, and finally met its opponent. Four super mechanical ninjas blocked it.

  Name: Super Mechanical Warrior

  Category: Killing Machines

  Manufacturer: Marubeni Global Security, Tianping Technology

  Quality: Tier 2

  Level: 50

  Mechanical energy: 1100000

  HP: 200000


   The monster didn't have the patience to look at the opponent's system panel, its arm deformed rapidly, and the sickle composed of two structures began to show its power. The next moment, criss-crossing cracks began to appear.

  [You caused 1000 points of damage to Super Mechanical Warrior No. 12]

  [You caused 2000 points of damage to Super Mechanical Warrior No. 12]


   Contrary to the monster's expectations, some of the abilities of the structure did not work on the opponent, such as Scythe Dance's critical kill, such as Yue Que's instant ten cut.

   This is the biggest shortcoming of the structure. Most of its abilities are useless for machines.

  The next moment, the super mechanical warrior pulled out two samurai swords, one long and one short. The long sword was nearly three meters long, and it was an electromagnetic sword, while the short sword was a bright red energy sword.

   Various combat data began to appear in the combat prosthetic eye.

  The next moment, the light of the knife flickered, and the super mechanical warrior began to fight the monster under the control of the top combat chip.

Both sides are tactics of only attacking but not defending. When the electromagnetic machete hits the monster, a large amount of metal disintegrates and shatters. When the monster turns around, Mobius spews out, surrounds four mechanical warriors, and cuts crazily. Wan's blood continued to drop.

  The battle lasted for a full 20 minutes, and finally, as the monster cut off the last head, it ended with the monster's victory.

  The battle between the two sides destroyed four blocks.

  [You killed Super Mechanical Warrior No. 15, experience +300,000, specialization points +4, skill points +10, Liangzhou plate reputation +1000]

   At the same time, the monster also paid a big price, a large number of metal cells split to make up for the gaps all over the body, and the remodeling of the double alloy endoskeleton dropped all the way, down to 170%.

   In other words, Mr. G now has only one and a half lives.

  Under the same level, the combat power of enterprise fighters and super mechanical warriors is similar. To a certain extent, enterprise fighters are even stronger.

   However, in dealing with different species, the structure behaves completely opposite.

   "It's almost time for you to go back to me."

  The monster's palm grabbed the metal face violently. Under the friction of the metal, cracks began to appear, and at the next moment, the facial features collapsed, and Gao Gong's dead fish metal face was exposed again.

   With a thought, all the structures returned to their places, and Gao Gong became Mr. G again.

   "I can't be careless for a moment. If you are negligent, the evil thoughts of the structure will take over the main body. It's really scary."

  (end of this chapter)