MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 240 : Take out some real materials

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In fact, Shen Shi has also discovered that as civilization becomes stronger and stronger, the growth and advantages brought by it in just three thousand years are getting smaller and smaller.

For some B-level civilizations, it is difficult to make any progress in three thousand years.

After all, the development of civilization is not like a promotion in fantasy, and once a breakthrough is made, it is a world of difference.

For civilization, all growth is slow, and even if there are some key technological breakthroughs that can bring huge changes to the entire civilization, most of these changes are not achieved overnight.

Don't say anything else.

If the ancients civilization can really be rated as A-level three thousand years later, then at this moment three thousand years ago, the ancients civilization must also have the strength to threaten the A-level civilization.

However, Shen Shi had no good way to deal with this situation.

In fact, he could vaguely feel that the boundary of Shi Ling's travel through time and space is definitely not only three thousand years. After all, according to the time consultation that Shi Ling gave him, it can be done over three thousand years, and then five thousand years is not difficult. Unfortunately, until now, Shen Shi still couldn't control Shi Ling completely.

It's not that the authority is not enough, but the strength is not enough.

Even using Shi Ling to change the surrounding time slightly, he could easily use up all of Shen Shi's original energy, not to mention increasing the shuttle time.

Therefore, at present, Shen Shi can only accept the fact that the help from the future world is getting lower and lower.

"The core purpose of coming to the land of Gusi has basically been achieved. Although staying here will give you more opportunities to speed up the development of civilization, there are also more risks..." Shen Shi has already begun to think next road.

There is no doubt that it is impossible to continue to stay in the land of the ancients, and even too many people cannot be left. Once there are too many people left, no matter how they are bound, human civilization will be affected by the ancients civilization. The influence is getting bigger and bigger. Instead of being annexed by the Ace civilization, it will be annexed by the ancients civilization.

But it is unlikely to completely abandon the interests here.

If only the human civilization at this time had a trading market, it would be possible to conduct instant calls and transportation regardless of space. This kind of power was in hand a year earlier, and it would be able to obtain a lot of benefits for human beings.

Shen Shi decided that he would still try to find the ruins after he went back!

"Prepare to evacuate, the Dongtian will stay here, and we will buy another large warship to take away all the humans." Shen Shi began to order.

When it comes to the strength of human civilization in the land of Gus, evacuation is no longer something that can be done easily.

When humans showed such signs, the most sensitive people were those in the core area of ​​the land of Gus.

Quan San, the external person in charge of the land of Gus, came to him immediately.

"Heavenly Emperor!" He made no secret of his emotional dissatisfaction. "We have satisfied all your requirements. This time, you are also making a lot of money. Why do you want to leave? Do you really think we Gusi people can make fun of you?"

Human civilization is about to leave, and the Gusi people have no way to stop it on the bright side.

But just like the attitude expressed by Quan San.

If they really want to do something to human civilization, it's just as easy.

The key factor is that the departure of human civilization at this time has affected the interests of the land of Guth.

And Shen Shi was also paying close attention to observe the emotions of the senior Gusi man in front of him.

If it was in the past, he might not have been able to discover anything, but under the circumstance of guessing in his heart, he really let him see something.


The anger of the ancients is not only because human civilization wants to leave this kind of thing, but part of the reason is also because the ancients want to annex human civilization little by little.

No wonder the attitude towards human civilization is so good, no wonder they don't care about the powerful detective relics that human civilization may have in their hands. In the eyes of the ancients, I am afraid that after thousands of years, human beings will become ancients, human civilization. become part of the ancient civilization.

But because of this, human beings have to go!

A lot of thoughts flashed through Shen Shi's mind, but in the end he planned to follow the plan and take one last risk!

"We did not give up the land of Gusi, we will reserve some humans to stay here to manage the trading market, and we will continue to come and keep in touch in the future." Shen Shi said, "but unfortunately, most people have to leave, this is not It's up to me, the people of this clan have already issued a warning."

When Shen Shi told this, his expression was very calm, but there was no regret in his emotions.

This made the hearts of all three in front of them tense.

His thoughts were running fast, and in the end, he slowly retracted the channel he had deliberately disseminated, "Aren't you the Heavenly Emperor of human civilization?"

"If you are referring to the entire human civilization, then of course I am not." Shen Shi said unabashedly.

He has opened his emotions with this sentence, so that Quan San can clearly feel the truth of what he said.

And this is indeed true.

Even at this moment, Shen Shi was a little fortunate that he did not choose the road of the emperor, and the road of the emperor was indeed not suitable in this situation, because it was too easy to be seen through.

And because Shen Shi is not a real emperor, it is meaningless to see through Shen Shi.

Maybe it's just a small figure in human civilization?

"We didn't say that we were all human beings from beginning to end." Shen Shi pressed the polygraph again and said, "Aren't you very clear about this? If we are all human beings, how can there be only one billion people in this spaceship? On? I'm just a lucky immigrant ship passing by your place, but now it seems that your place is not suitable for us to settle down for a long time - we will send people to rotate management later."

"Did you know that this is the treatment of a Class B civilization?" Quan San finally stopped denying it.

The treatment of B-level civilization is to allow dispatchers to rotate management.

"We are fully qualified for this." Shen Shi was still calm, "but we don't necessarily want this treatment, you should understand that for us, you are far away and uncertain, just one of the civilizations that a wanderer met by chance, but Don't worry, as the transaction gets bigger and bigger and the interests become clearer, we will establish a higher-level relationship with you, and maybe at that time, you can also re-evaluate whether we are eligible for this treatment."

"...I understand." Quan San said slowly at the end, his emotions were completely calm, and he seemed to have accepted what Shen Shi said, but at the end he added, "When are you going to prepare? leave."


Shen Shi's heart suddenly burst.

Sure enough, it is impossible for a civilization of this level to be completely convinced by purely verbal flickering.

If they don't come up with a bit of real material, then the relic that humans have in their hands is something they will never let go of.

It seems that the risk to be taken is unavoidable at all.

"After the news is sent, all the human beings outside will be called back, which will take about five years, and then the transaction market needs to be dealt with, which will take about five years. After that, those who need to leave Humans will be recalled directly by the clan, and I will continue my journey in a small spaceship." Shen Shi seemed to know the meaning of Quan San's inquiry, and told all the plans in an open and honest manner.

Even the main points are the same directly.

- was recalled by the clan!

If it can really be recalled and taken away directly from the land of Gus, it can indeed show the technical background behind it.

Even to the level of being able to talk about heroes with technical practicality.

That is to say, whether it is obtained through relics, technology, or special devices, as long as this can be achieved, then human civilization will have the exclusive qualification to leave safely and retain the interests of the trading market as a Class B civilization!

"When the time comes, I will personally come to see off Lord Tiandi." Quan San said at the end, his emotional attitude has returned to the original, even more eager.

As a high-level executive of an important external department in the core area, Quansan's mission and mission was originally to connect with those powerful civilizations. Human civilizations that were originally only active in the outer areas were not qualified to let him come forward, but it is clear that the current human civilization Civilization already has this qualification.

As for Shen Shi, his face was expressionless from beginning to end, and there was no emotional change.

This not only represents that he has seen through everything, but also represents a kind of dissatisfaction.

Only in this way, when the large army of human civilization is withdrawn, will the land of Gus compensate as much as possible for the greater benefit, and will be able to maintain the rights of human civilization and this trading market that is always gaining huge benefits.

After Quan San left, Shen Shi couldn't help but sigh.

The weak are really inseparable from all kinds of calculations.

Now this is the eighty-third year since human civilization entered the land of Gus.

It has been more than 100 years since he left Blue Star.

Fortunately, after going back this time, facing the Dike civilization, human beings no longer need any calculations!

After the Kedaik civilization, it will face the Ess civilization again...

One thought after another appeared in Shen Shi's mind, but in the end it returned to calm.

In the end, ten years passed quickly.

Human civilization finally chose to keep a high-level human named You Shi and 50 million humans. These are the "first generation" humans who left together from Blue Star. Even, You Shi is still from the Earth Star period. The high-level human beings have come all the way to the current human beings, and have a clear sense of identity with the native culture of human beings, so as to prevent them from being assimilated by the land of ancients.

As for the rest, they were all moved to another battleship.

The Dongtian was left to You Shi. After all, only a life-planet immigrant spacecraft like this could guarantee the normal life and growth of 50 million human beings. As for the battleship that the rest of the people relocated, it was a real battleship. The size of a planet, but there is no atmosphere, no beautiful natural environment, but a real "metal warship", the surface is covered with jet-black super-advanced protective armor, there are countless weapons hidden in it, plus the built-in Countless sub-battleships, obviously, this is a weapon of war!

The comprehensive technical evaluation has also reached the B3 level.

Same as the Dongtian.

This is not what Shen Shi obtained from the land of Gusi, but what Shen Shi obtained from the future world three thousand years later. It is a powerful battleship that human civilization purchased and assembled by itself. It is full of the design style of human civilization. Looking at some key technologies, it is absolutely impossible to find traces of the Ace civilization.

And when it was time to leave, the attention of Quan San, who came as promised, was completely attracted by this battleship.

"You really surprised us." Quan San said, he basically didn't hide it much, and asked directly, "How did this battleship come from?"

That's right, such a battleship suddenly appeared in their land of Gus, and they didn't even notice it.

This alone surprised them enough.

The evaluation of the strength behind human civilization has skyrocketed.

It can be said that human civilization does not even need to be picked up in front of them. This hand alone is enough for the B-level civilization treatment obtained by human civilization.

That is to enter the core area to establish a trading market, and to trade with other powerful civilizations!

"It's not the first time that this space transition technology has been used." Shen Shi's mood was still calm, "I thought you already noticed it."

"Sure enough, when you first transformed the trading planet, you also used this technology to transport resources from outside." Quan San's tone was relaxed, and the emotion he exuded became more and more kind, "At that time, we didn't pay much attention to you, Even if I knew about it later, I thought it was just a space storage technology. You know, it is normal for this kind of technology to appear on B-class spaceships. According to the evaluation in the Mulder system, it is about B6 level, which is not worth us at all. Excessive attention."

"Then now, you can pay attention to it." Shen Shi glanced at him.

Quan San still wanted to say something, but at the next moment, his emotions were violent!

For a Primordial Master, or a Primordial Master who specializes in foreign affairs, this sudden change in emotion is simply incredible.

But that doesn't matter.

Because the huge metal battleship in front of disappeared so suddenly at this moment.

Disappear in their fully sealed base camp curvature bubble that is sailing forever at sub-light speed!

You know, this is not the previous indifference, no attention!

How could the ancients civilization, which was notified by human civilization of the time to leave, not be ready!

At this moment, there are at least a dozen detection technologies that have reached the B7 level or above!

But still no discovery, no waves!

"This is... a traceless transition?" Quan San choked out a technical term that was not easy to translate, but Shen Shi understood the approximate meaning.

It seems that his hand, put into the Mulder system, should be able to be rated A.

It can only be said that the black market terminal is worthy of being a black market terminal.