MTL - Start Trading Space Battleship (From The Start, I Traded A Galactic Warship)-Chapter 13 : 1 despicable conspiracy

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But Ai Xiner doesn't care about that.

"It's you who took the wrong medicine." She exerted force on her wrist, and Cheng Hongmeng was caught off guard, she threw off the other person's arm, her tone was cold and seemed to have no emotion, "I will graduate soon, and I will still be used to it. You? I'll move out of the dormitory tonight, you continue to lick your Young Master Han, and don't bother me in the future."

"You—!" Cheng Hongmeng was mad at this merciless remark, and subconsciously wanted to pounce.

Several girls around hurriedly grabbed her.

"Sister Hong, don't be angry."

"Calm down, you received a red envelope."

"Yeah, Young Master Han is to blame, but you are the unlucky one."

"Let's talk about it first, if the beautiful lady Ai runs away because of you, we won't refund the money."


Although these people held Cheng Hongmeng back with their actions, their words were not merciless at all, making Cheng Hongmeng's face flush with anger, and the makeup on his face was a little messy, but he couldn't even struggle.

They did receive red envelopes and gifts, and they were responsible for bringing Ai Xin'er here, so they wouldn't let her go.

But few really care about Cheng Hongmeng.

It's normal for girls, especially beauties, to tear up. Jealousy is the original sin, but girls like Cheng Hongmeng are just as contemptuous.

Seeing that the obstacle finally rolled away, Ai Xiner took out her phone.

I saw the two messages that Shen Shi just sent.

When I saw the first article, I couldn't help but smile, and when I saw the second article, I felt a lot more relieved.

Are you getting bigger?

He had been avoiding her even before.

After a while, she ruthlessly refused to confess, then sat on the little e-donkey and left gracefully, which must have shocked the audience.


Can that guy handle the attention?

Ai Xiner suddenly became worried.

I was so angry just now that I asked Shen Shi to come over without thinking about it, but now I think about it, this best friend from middle school has a vague affection for him. If this happens tonight, how will the relationship be handled in the future? ? That guy is cowardly and sensitive...

And if he left with him like this tonight, he would have a reputation for being innocent and not worshipping money, but what if he was retaliated against?

He also opened a shop and was more likely to be targeted.

Ai Xiner became irritable again.

In terms of her sensitivity, she is actually similar to Shen Shi. She learned from Shen Shi that she likes to analyze arguments and arguments when she encounters a problem. But sometimes, the more she thinks about it, the easier it is to be indecisive.

So after tangled for a while.

She typed on the phone again.

"Forget it, that scum is indeed rich and powerful, and it's not easy to mess with. I'll just refuse it. I'm going to graduate anyway, so I don't care how black they are. I'll make an appointment later. I'll come to you."

After sending this sentence, Ai Xiner seemed to let out a sigh of relief, her originally straight shoulders shrugged a little.

Some melancholy.

No matter how the goddess is, she is still a girl, and she will also look forward to a hero of the world who will come to her with colorful auspicious clouds, or like the perfect male **** in movies and TV dramas, domineeringly protect her, but there is no.

People are always like this, the better their conditions, the higher their vision.

It's not that she didn't think about Shen Shi, but unfortunately, although it was easy to get along with Shen Shi, that guy was too cowardly and didn't have the courage to hold her hand.

This is only in school. After entering the society, I am afraid of more trouble.

After all, she studied music, and she was destined to stand under the lights in the future.

It would be great if Shen Shizhen made a fortune.

Ai Xiner shook her head a little, throwing this unrealistic thought out of her head, her face became cold again, and her heart was equally cold. chill.

At this time, the music suddenly sounded.

to start.

Everyone quieted down, leaving only a slight commotion. Although most of them were watching the liveliness, it was rare for a person to see this liveliness with his own eyes.

The light, also accompanied by the sound of "click", turned on and concentrated under the sculpture of the musical note, in the middle of the rose bush.

Sure enough, it was that scumbag Han Guangchao.

Exclamations came from the crowd.

Han Guangchao was wearing a white suit and holding an acoustic guitar. In all fairness, if Ai Xiner hadn't vaguely seen what this guy was, she would have been surprised by this sassy dress. , the appearance is still not bad.

But now she only had the urge to turn around and leave.

Under the preconceived disgust, this kind of scene will only make her feel sick.

It's just that the girls who received the red envelopes are doing their due diligence.

A girl was still beside her and whispered: "Even if you don't like it, considering that they spent so much money and prepared so seriously, give them a chance to listen to the confession. How many girls would envy them? come."

The old lady just doesn't want to give any chance!

Ai Xin'er endured the urge to spray, but she also knew that she couldn't leave now, and she couldn't rush out even if she rushed, at least seven or eight girls were surrounding her.

Can not help but some fortunate.

Fortunately, Shen Shi was not allowed to come, otherwise, Shen Shi might not be able to take her away in this scene, and maybe she would fall into conflict, and the other party would be completely shameless.

I don't know what else is going on behind the scenes.

And Han Guangchao has already picked up the microphone.

"Thank you brothers and sisters for your support, UU Reading, I'm Han Guangchao." He slapped the guitar strings sassily and said loudly, "In today's situation, everyone should have guessed what I'm going to do. "

"Confession!" There was an intense response from the crowd.

Today's preparations are obviously very good, and everyone in the audience is applauding.

But Ai Xiner just sneered.

She had already made up her mind that as long as the other party opened his mouth to confess, she would simply refuse, and then expose the fact that this guy shamelessly harassed her all the time.

But Han Guangchao shook his head and said loudly, "No, it's a marriage proposal!"

Suddenly, there was a sensation in the crowd.


"The target is the girls in our school."

"It's awesome, it's awesome!"

"Oh my God! It's so romantic!"

There were even the screams of many girls.

But Ai Xiner was completely dumbfounded.

But she instinctively had a very bad feeling.


The light suddenly focused on her, and everyone's eyes turned to look at her. At the same time, the projection hit the white curtain behind Han Guangchao. Along with the music whose volume was suddenly increased, pictures appeared one by one.

Ai Xin'er's hands and feet were cold all of a sudden.

P's, these photos are all P's!

It's all about her and Han Guangchao!

Some are on luxury yachts, some are in the mountains, some are in luxury cars, and some are even in villas. In the photo, she and Han Guangchao behave intimately.

She already understood Han Guangchao's purpose.

slander! Create public opinion!

This person knew from the beginning that she would refuse, and the purpose was not to confess at all. What happened today was a despicable conspiracy against her from the very beginning!