MTL - Start From Soul Society and Cutting Through All the Worlds-Chapter 14 Register as an adventurer

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Chapter 14 Register as an adventurer

Hearing what Yashiro said, Yosuke's eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked at Yashiro as if he were looking at a confidant and said: "That's right, just like the 'Guardian Hero', the protagonist also grows up slowly. Until he becomes a hero in the end.

You know Night City, right? It’s that super famous game from Sega. You should have played it too. "

"Ah, I seem to have heard of it..." Looking at Shima Yosuke, who suddenly became excited, Ye Cheng reluctantly followed suit. After arriving in the city, Ye Cheng planned to part ways with him.

Yecheng doesn’t know how many time travelers there are in this world, but according to the general script, Shima Yosuke might be the son of the world in this plane.

 But as of now, Yosuke’s combat effectiveness is really...

If you want to wait until it becomes powerful and invincible in the world, Yecheng doesn't know that you have to wait until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Now, Ye Cheng knows nothing about whether there is a connection between this world and his original world, whether he can still go back, and whether there will be another version of himself in the Death World after returning.

Yosuke did not object to Ye Cheng's suggestion to act separately, because he likes to play all kinds of games and he also understands that if the gap between each other's strengths is too big, teaming up will not only not be able to help each other, but will even become each other's guide. A stumbling block to the world.

Obviously, Shima Yosuke has still treated this different world as a game so far, not to mention the importance of thighs.

In order to prevent Yosuke Shima from being too strong and causing the protagonist of this world to burp before he has grown up, Ye Cheng also gave him two suggestions.

The first point is to temporarily find something to hide your appearance. Although Shima Yosuke's appearance can be accurately regarded as ordinary and not so-called ugly, in this different world where handsome men and beautiful women are common, he His appearance level is basically equivalent to that of a subspecies of half-orc.

As for another point, it’s about Yosuke Shima’s plug-in “Universal Lobbyist”.

Ye Cheng believes that since the ability of the "Universal Lobbyist" is to communicate with all things in the other world, maybe the so-called communication objects are not limited to visible creatures?

If you can study and understand it carefully, you might have some unexpected surprises.

Ye Cheng left the suggestion and left. Now, not to mention helping Shima Yosuke to resolve his doubts, he was even in a state of complete confusion about the world.

Because Ye Cheng can understand the language of this world, he at least avoids the embarrassing situation of language barrier like Shima Yosuke's situation.

As for where to get information, Night City chose the local adventurers guild.

 In the fantasy world of swords and magic, adventurers are the standard, and with the existence of adventurers, there are naturally organizations like the Adventurer's Guild.

With his outstanding appearance and excellent eloquence, Yecheng quickly found the local adventurer guild, and as a "new adventurer", he was able to seduce the girl at the adventure counter with just a few words.

This different world is called "Gran Bahamar". It is basically inhabited by humans just like the real world. In addition, there are elves and other races. Overall, they are all beautiful. Even passers-by and ordinary villagers are beautiful. Generally handsome guys and beautiful girls, which is why Shima Yosuke was initially regarded as a half-orc.

The currencies in circulation in this world are copper, silver, and gold. The face value of a copper coin is approximately equivalent to 1 coin = 10 yen (0.1 yen). The exchange rate of copper, silver, and gold is one to ten thousand.

Secondly, Ye Cheng has also learned that there is currently no demon king in this world, which means that the BOSS he wants to defeat should not be the demon king, but some other creature. As for the existence of gods, the girl doesn't seem to know much. After all, she is just an ordinary receptionist in the Adventurer's Guild.

But one thing makes Ye Cheng quite happy, that is, basically, anyone in this world can use magic as long as they have certain knowledge and skills.

 Magic power is not innate, but can be strengthened through exercise, and there is a "spell" used for purposes such as shortening the spell time, that is, the magic power is sealed in a charm and used once.

“Ye City, this is your adventurer certificate. Remember to keep it. Even if you lose it, you can get a replacement, but the procedure is quite troublesome.

Because you have just registered, you are now only the lowest level E-level adventurer. Do you need me to help you find some E-level tasks that are not very dangerous? "

Ye Cheng didn’t believe that good-looking people could really be eaten. But Ye Cheng now believed it, and he had to admit that soft rice might taste even better.

“Miss Sonja, although it is true that I have just become an adventurer, please don’t underestimate me. I have a certain level of combat ability, but I have never registered as an adventurer before.

 So can you please use your authority to help me get some more difficult tasks? "

According to the regulations of the Adventurer's Guild, adventurers can only receive tasks corresponding to their own level. On the one hand, it is only for the safety of the employer, and on the other hand, it is also for the consideration of the adventurer himself.

  After all, once you accept a task beyond the scope of your strength, the mortality rate is quite high.

“It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but it’s just too dangerous to do so.

I have been responsible for a lot of new adventurers in the past few years. Many of them claimed that they were excellent hunters in the past or had great talents, and then they accepted tasks from me that exceeded their own adventure level.

However, it is a pity that the final endings of these people are not very good. Some died at the hands of various monsters, and although some survived, they also suffered from lifelong disabilities.

Night City, the outside world is more dangerous than you think, and the monsters are stronger than you think, so let’s improve our strength step by step, okay? "

After hearing the other party's persuasion, Ye Cheng also sighed greatly. This does not mean that he is eager to improve his adventurer level, but if there is no source of income, Ye Cheng is afraid that he may have to sleep in the open next. On the streets.

Both he and Shima Yosuke were suddenly thrown into this world. Neither of them had the currency of this world on them. The previous adventurers were also poor. The so-called "mental damage fee" was just a big bag of copper coins. The night before the loss, Cheng thought he had made a fortune.

As a result, after Ye Cheng split the large bag of copper coins 50-50 with Shima Yosuke, he registered his identity with the Adventurer's Guild, and after paying the handling fee, there were only a few copper coins left. Too bad.

With a purchasing power of 0.1 yen per copper coin, Ye Cheng felt that with these few steel coins in his hand, he might not even be able to afford a piece of the lowest quality bread...

 (End of this chapter)