MTL - Spiritual Energy: I Just Want To Farm Peacefully-Chapter 421 Lingzhi is on the shelf

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In the super-control bureaus in various places, the breakthroughs of all members are urgently stopped, the breakthroughs that require resources are suspended, and those who can make breakthroughs on their own are encouraged to make breakthroughs on their own.

This time, the momentum of the sudden leaps slowed down all of a sudden.

After all, there are very few talents with A and S talents. Those with high talents have already made breakthroughs some time ago. Most of the rest are people with talents who are one or several grades worse, waiting eagerly to make breakthroughs. card owner.

Not going up or down makes them extremely sad.

However, these people actually had expectations in their hearts. The difference in talent was already very obvious when they were cultivating.

Immortal Dao achievement Jindan requires good spiritual root talent, and Martial Dao is likely to be no exception.

Sure enough, the final result was not what they expected.

At present, among the Super Control Bureau and the military, there are indeed some people who have reached the peak of the second-order martial arts, but the proportion of A-level and above in this part is actually not high.

The two forces are also not completely based on talent selection.

Factors such as xinxing, talent, comprehension, loyalty and other factors are all factors that the two forces will consider when selecting people. People with extremely high talent generally have very poor xinxing. Even if such people are cultivated, there is a high probability that they will become white-eyed wolves. No emphasis on training.

This is especially true of the military. Before, they had a lot of resources, and the level of martial arts talent was not important to them. As long as they were loyal enough to the military, the resources they had could completely pile a person to the second-order peak.

Resources are hard currency everywhere and at this stage as well.

The treasures of heaven and earth that improve the success rate of martial arts formation are also resources. Now, just because this method has just appeared, many forces have been caught off guard.

After a period of time, with the abundance of Blue Star resources, the military and the Super Control Bureau can collect enough resources to improve the success rate of pill formation.

But the key is this time.

The Divine Spirit World couldn't have given Blue Star so much time. The last invasion had almost caused disaster. It was difficult for Zhou Yuquan to imagine how to defend this side if the other side invaded again.

"Collect resources from the private sector at a high price that can increase the rate of elixir formation."

Zhou Yuquan, who had been thinking about countermeasures in the office after returning from the research institute, was silent for a while, and came up with an idea: "Now this news has not spread, collect these resources as soon as possible, these precious resources, take them in Xiu Xian Zongmen or In the hands of ordinary practitioners, it is far less valuable than in our hands."

"The world of gods may invade again at any time, so despicable is despicable."


The assistant next to him nodded, his face did not show contempt, but an expression that should have been so long ago.

The assistant left temporarily and made a phone call outside the door to explain the task.

As Zhou Yuquan's assistant, he is the No. 4 person in the Imperial Capital Super Management Bureau except for Mo Jiaying and Chi Jianshu. When arranging orders from Zhou Yuquan, he can even easily instruct two deputy directors.

Here, he arranged the order given by Zhou Yuquan, and as soon as he hung up the phone, the phone in his hand rang again. He looked closely, and it was the person he had just contacted.

Could it be that the people below did not understand the details? This comprehension ability is too poor, he thought in his heart, while frowning to answer the phone.

"Leader, what you asked me to do just now is in the spotlight. Aoki Sect is selling it. There are a total of thirteen kinds of spiritual plants that increase the success rate of Jindan, and the number of exchanges is not limited."

The assistant's mouth opened into an "o": "Thirteen?! How can they have so many types!"

"I don't know that either, but you can see it when you log in to the Transcendent Alliance and search for Aoki Sect."

The assistant hung up the phone, hurriedly logged into the Transcendent Alliance, searched for the Aoki Sect, and suddenly a dazzling array of spiritual plants appeared in front of him.

These spiritual plants are all sold by the Aoki Sect on the Transcendent Alliance, and more and more products are being sold. Naturally, a unified account that looks more formal is needed.

Floating leaves and bigudan are on the list, and their sales are far ahead. In addition, there are other low-level spiritual plants with various functions. The price is not expensive, and there is almost unlimited supply. Therefore, the per capita spiritual plant ownership rate has been increasing recently. , Lingzhi has almost become a must-have for cultivator families and even ordinary people's families.

The thirteen kinds of spiritual plants that improve the success rate of Martial Dao Jindan condensation are listed in the latest column, and their effects are so clearly laid out there, without any intention of concealing them.

Because the price is mutually negotiable, the sales of these kinds of spiritual plants are not as high as those of other kinds of spiritual plants.

But even so, under the name of Aoki Sect's stubborn old man, these thirteen kinds of spiritual plants have already sold more than 20 each.

"not good!

"Looking at Aoki Zong's blatantly marked effect, the assistant's eyeballs kicked, and he felt bad.

He hurriedly entered the office with his mobile phone and presented the contents to Zhou Yuquan for viewing.

After reading the above content, Zhou Yuquan was both happy and sad, his mood was very complicated, and he was speechless all of a sudden.

The good thing is that Aoki Sect has done this, which means that they must have a way to cultivate a large number of spiritual plants that improve the success rate of martial arts formation.

Sadly, the Aoki Sect's approach hit his weak spot at once, making him unable to refuse, and being exposed by the Aoki Sect, his previous idea of ​​secretly collecting treasures from heaven and earth was completely in vain. .

This also means that he has fallen into a passive state at this time, and it is difficult to say whether the Aoki Sect will take advantage of the fire.

He finally sighed:

"Mutual discussion? It's not that we don't know the price, but we're waiting for us to take the Then he picked up the phone and dialed Lin Yi.

No way, the bait was too crucial for him, even if he knew that someone was fishing with the bait, he had to bite it.

A minute later, when the negotiations were over, he hung up and sighed again.

"Lingzhi, Lingzhi, or Lingzhi, I'm really worried about trading so many kinds of Lingzhi to him."

A spiritual plant that improves the success rate of martial arts formation can be exchanged for two spiritual plants of the same rank. The key is that all spiritual plants used for exchange must be tested by the Aoki Sect. The Aoki Sect itself does not support exchange.

The requirements are neither too high nor too low. The key is not to repeat them.

Aoki Sect now has a very large number of spiritual plants, and before the Super Control Bureau, more than 20 people have completed the exchange, and there are even fewer second-order spiritual plants to choose from.

However, the Super Control Bureau has a lot of resources, and it is really not enough. It can also be seconded from the military. It is not difficult to complete it.