MTL - Spirit Hotel-Chapter 51 Tentative (on)

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Since Isfael turned and left indifferently that day, Shi Feixia was very, very tangled.

Why did Isfer suddenly come back?

Did he hear what he said? Still not hearing?

If he didn't hear it, why did he suddenly turn around and leave?

If you hear ... why did he suddenly turn around and leave?

The problem filled his head like a soap bubble, so that even when Xiaoyue left, he gave him a tip for gold coins that would not make him happy. In his eyes, the day of Noah's Ark is dark, and the night of Noah's Ark is also dark, but the darkness of day and night combined cannot compare with the darkness in his heart at this moment.


As Jin listened to his sigh of 163, he finally couldn't help jumping up, "Sigh is okay, but don't sit in my coffin and sigh!"

Shi Feixia turned his head and looked at him pitifully, "But if you don't sit in the coffin, you will definitely crawl in to sleep!"

"Crap!" Kim Min had to jump to the table and point to the big wall clock above him. "Look, what time is it now?"

Shi Feixia slowly raised his head and said quietly to the hour hand pointing at three o'clock: "Unfortunately, the rapid passing of time will not take away the confusion in my heart."


"I use time to think, but I cannot exchange time for answers."


"I thought I was awake, but the nightmare always hovered in my mind."


"Can you make another move?" Shi Feixia dissatisfied. "Especially don't close your eyes when you nod your head."

Kim leaned against the wall, supported his head on the table with one hand, and regretted it. Knowing it long ago, Shi Feixia should not be persuaded to persuade Hughes to go to sleep in his room. This is simply sending sheep into the tiger's mouth. And unfortunately, this sheep today ... is him.

"Jin ..." Shi Feixia slammed the coffin with his fingers, making a harsh noise to drive his sleepy worm, "Don't forget who came forward without hesitation when you and Hughes broke up! When you and Di Yadong went into trouble, who made the plan to block the powerful enemy of the elven king for you! Don't forget ... uh, anyway, don't forget anything! "

Kim didn't feel good: "I didn't forget. In fact, if you let me sleep well, I will remember more clearly."

Shi Feixia patted the table and said, "Did you run to disturb the dream in the middle of the night?"

King narrowed his eyes dangerously. "Do you want me to imitate what you did then?"

"..." Shi Feixia thought about it, "Remember, I only used pillows!"

Carrying the coffin by Jin, Shi Feixia, who walked directly out of the door, continued to swim in Noah's ark, bored.

The late night silence made the entire hotel look incredible.

Shi Feixia walked, and suddenly remembered his friend who lived closest to heaven. Although I have only seen it once, I always feel that person is inexplicable.

He walked up the stairs subconsciously, and before walking a few floors, he saw a large pool shining in the golden light.

Metatron, with her long blond hair, stood by the pool, seemingly not surprised by his arrival.

"You haven't slept so late?" Shi Feixia greeted.

Metatron turned to look at him, his eyes clear with clear sky and blue sky with a smile. "Humans need more sleep."

Shi Feixia sighed and sat down by the pool. "I can't sleep."

"For Isfael?"

Shi Feixia looked at him in surprise, "How do you know?"

Metatron smiled lightly: "When you meet a stranger, you can suddenly think of an irrelevant thing, then it means that this matter is important to you, or that it is related to a matter People who matter to you. "

Shi Feixia blushed and said, "Actually, it's not."

Metatron looked at him plainly. "Lies are sin. Especially before angels."

"What angel are you?"

"What angel do you know?"

Shi Feixia started to index, "Chi angel, power angel, able angel, power angel ... and so on," he paused, "and the fallen angel."

Metatron lowered his eyelids. "I am a seraph."


The best group of angels?

Shi Feixia respected him. "Why don't you live in heaven, but live here? Ah, are you God's spokesperson here?"

Metatron said with a smile: "That's okay. In fact, I'm just here on vacation."

"Leave a break?"

"Well." Metatron was slightly tired, "I'm so tired."

tired? Is it because of fighting with hell?

Shi Feixia heard Jin said that although heaven and **** are nominally harmonious, they still fight one after another in private. And the reason is ... habits.

"Um, then I won't bother you, you can rest early." He stood up understandingly.

Metatron did not retain him, but asked gently: "This is the first few months of your visit to Noah's Ark?"

Shi Feixia stepped in a footstep and said for a while: "Two and a half months."

Although Metatron said nothing, he knew what he meant.

One year is twelve months. He has only nine and a half months left here. If you asked him the first few days when he came to Noah's Ark, how long would it be nine and a half months? He will definitely answer, long. The days are as long as the years. But now he just wants to make nine and a half months eternal. Of course, the premise is that Isfael can follow his words. Although, everything looks confused at the moment.

When Jin opened the door early in the morning, he saw Shi Feixia, who was lying at the door of his room with two huge dark circles, "Why don't you go to Isfael's door?"

Shi Feixia pointed his finger, "I'm afraid."

Jin hated iron and made it into the road: "What are you afraid of?"

Shi Feixia looked up, his eyes became red because of staying up all night, "What if he refuses me? What if he dislikes me? If he looks indifferent to me, his words are indifferent, and his attitude is cold ...

Jin said madly, "I want to make you cold!"

"... Please don't put coriander. I'm not compatible with it."

King's latest plan is released.

Shi Feixia tangled in the rose bush.

"Bring up bravely! Love is the most beautiful language in the world, and flowers are the most beautiful endorsements of love!" Jin sniffed the red rose that had been stabbed, "Look, its color is so strong, It's like instilling blood all over the body. "

Shi Feixia picked up the black rose in his hand and asked sully: "So, is my blood contaminated with black?"

"Huh. I don't understand fun. Do you know what the black rose flower language is?"

"I know." The benefit of the ex-girlfriend's noise came into being at this time, "Love when you die."

"Old-fashioned." Kim reached out his finger, a little in front of him, and then slowly said, "It's the flower language ... you are a demon, but I want to possess you!"


Shi Feixia twitched his lips. "Actually, they are not delivered because they can't be sold out, so why did you find them for me?"

Jin Tao: "Am I this kind of person?"

"You're not," Shi Feixia said seriously, "you're just this vampire."

Next to the swimming pool.

Jin Zaixian urged: "Remember, be brave and strong, and stutter clearly. If you dare to say something to eat a spoon ..."

Shi Feixia quickly yelled back: "Then you say it again, I didn't expect to meet you here, is it really a coincidence?"

"Be assured, I will flash very quickly this time."

"Wait." Shi Feixia grabbed him suddenly. "There is something I think I'd better tell you."

"what's up?"

"It was the night of the barbecue."


Shi Feixia stared at a large bouquet of roses in his hand, embarrassed, "he heard it."

"... Are you missing anything?"

"Yes, that's what he heard."


"That's the one!"

Jin frowned: "Whether it is menstruation or pregnancy, you can tell."

"..." Compared to these two, Shi Feixia suddenly felt that what he was doing was no longer so difficult to say, "That is, I said something and was heard by him."

"what did you say?"

"Isfer ... Have me."

The door suddenly opened inside and Isfael came out.

Shi Feixia quickly blocked with a black rose, and then shouted, "Look, he heard it again."

"..." After stunning for three seconds, he turned to look at him after the bouquet and sincerely asked, "Is there any extra space? Can I also use it to block?"

Isfael's footsteps were approaching.

Shi Feixia suddenly put down the flowers, facing Jin Dao: "Haha, what flowers are you giving me? Really."

King apparently hasn't entered the situation yet. "Yeah, what can I do for you?"


Cold field.

Shi Feixia said with a smile: "Uh, huh, huh, no matter how expensive you are, thank you."

"No cost, I cut it in the warehouse."


It's cold.

Shi Feixia grabbed his scalp and tried to save the field, "Haha, but you delivered it in a timely manner. I just lacked a broom in my room."

"... Ah, yes, yes, black roses are good for sweeping floors. They are strong and durable. I use them a lot."


Shi Feixia Jiang Lang was exhausted.

Isfel had already stepped forward.

Jin desperately hit Shi Feixia with his elbow.

Shi Feixia shook his eyes, and finally found a topic, and quickly said: "Do you want to sell this underwear?"

Jin: "..." Sure enough, there is no limit to insignificance, only constant innovation and creation.

Shi Feixia bowed his head deeply under Isfield's gaze.

Whoo, what he's going to say, obviously—the underwear you're wearing is so good-looking, I want to buy one too! Why, why does the mouth always take it out of context and get so insignificant? !!

Jin looked at Shi Feixia sympathetically. Look at him, they have been tortured to the point that even **** have to imagine. He cleared his throat and straightened Isfield: "If not, you sell it to him?"

Shi Feixia: "..."

Isfer, who had been silent, finally spoke, "Do you have a hundred gold coins?"


A poke in the dead.

Shi Feixia player was spiked.