MTL - Spellcasting is a Permanent Addition and My Skills Are All Forbidden Spells-Chapter 106 Extra rewards, burning features, and silver treasure chests!

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 Chapter 106 Extra rewards, burning features, silver treasure chest!

"what is it call?"

Iwasaki Nagahide scolded him coldly.

  100 attribute points were deducted by natural selection. This Fujiyama has lost the ability to move and needs to be dragged away.

 That is to say, the experience ball talent is still useful to him, otherwise he would just throw Fujiyama into the Flame Rift.

 “You, you…look at the sky!”

 Fujiyama Jiro's face turned pale and he was greatly frightened.

“This is how the creation ring of my settlement was taken away like this!”

Iwasaki Nagahide raised his head when he heard this, and his expression suddenly changed!

I saw a faint ray of golden light in the dark clouds, hiding a big golden hand!

At this time, the dark clouds were spreading to both sides, and the golden light was shining down, illuminating the darkness.

 Iwasaki Nagahide also defeated Natural Selection and only reacted in an instant.

 This is the winning side, and they are going to seize the equipment in his settlement!


His expression changed drastically, he suddenly pulled out the dagger from his waist, held it tightly in his arms, and fell to the ground with a plop.

This talisman dagger is a bronze-level equipment, and it can also increase the effect of the talisman by 20%. It is too crucial for him, so he must keep it no matter what!

"it's useless…"

Fujiyama Jiro looked at this scene and opened his mouth without making a sound, lamenting in his heart.

When the Ring of Creation was lost, he was at the scene. When the golden hand came down, he couldn't resist it at all!

 While in mid-air.

Thunder exploded, golden light illuminated the surrounding area, and a big hand of golden light emerged.

 “Don’t take away my equipment…”

Iwasaki Nagahide lay on the ground, gritting his teeth and feeling scared.

However, after a moment, he felt his surroundings darken.

 Looking up, it turned out that the big golden hand had moved away and headed towards the settlement.


Iwasaki Nagahide was stunned for a moment, and then ecstasy appeared on his face.


 He jumped up suddenly, holding the dagger and laughing loudly.

That Xia man didn’t find his dagger!

Moreover, that Daxia man is destined to find nothing in the settlement!

 Because...the most powerful piece of equipment in Settlement No. 77 is his Talisman Dagger!

 “…wait, that’s not right!”

 An idea came to mind, making Iwasaki Nagahide's expression froze.

The God of Destruction sent an oracle and asked him to return to the settlement in order to get something called the Lava Heart Crystal!

"Could it be that...his target is the lava core crystal?"

Iwasaki Nagahide felt boundless panic in his heart.

He has seen the methods of the God of Destruction. If he fails to fulfill the oracle, he will probably end badly!


at the same time.

Lu Cheng's ears heard a system prompt.

  【Ding, the selection was successful, you have captured the lava heart crystal of settlement No. 77, and this natural selection is completely over. 】

Golden light emerged from the river bank, holding up a red crystal and delivering it to Lu Cheng's hand.

 “Get it.”

Lu Cheng smiled.

Hand out his hand to hold the crystal, he immediately saw the properties of the lava core crystal.


  【Lava Core Crystal】

 【Quality: Bronze Level】

  【Special materials, containing fire attribute energy, can be used to strengthen weapons or equipment. 】


At the same time, a system prompt came.

【Ding, fire attribute energy has been detected, has it been absorbed into the elemental body? 】


Lu Cheng confirmed in his heart.

 Suddenly, mana surged around him, the elemental body condensed out, and began to extract the energy from the lava core crystal.

 Watching the lava core crystals continue to fade, Lu Cheng felt satisfied.

This heart crystal is of bronze grade, and the fire attribute energy it contains is naturally the same.

 After absorption, all his fire attribute skills will be greatly increased.

However, the uses of lava core crystals don’t stop there.

 After the energy is absorbed, the heart crystal will become attributeless. At that time, it will be an excellent elemental container that can accommodate massive amounts of elemental energy!

 Whether you are building equipment, weapons, or using them directly, the effect will not be bad.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng's mind turned. The weapon of the strong man who surrendered to the country who explored the ruins of the meteorite was made from a heart crystal, and it was quite powerful.

Just as he was thinking about it, a system prompt came to his ears.

  【Ding, you have mastered the fire attribute energy, gained intelligence +10, spirit +10! 】

 【The damage of your fire skills is increased by 10%, and the burning damage caused by fire skills to you is reduced by 30%. 】

  【Fire energy is still remaining and is being absorbed...】

  【Ding, after the absorption is completed, your control over fire attribute energy has been increased to bronze level! 】

  【You gain intelligence +30, spirit +30, and fire skill damage increase +10%! 】


This lava core crystal provides 80 points in attributes alone.

 Furthermore, there is also a 20% increase in fire skills!

 For fireballs and meteor showers, the improvement is quite big!


Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

 Now, he has mastered the energy of ice and fire.

 Once you learn the Body of Ten Thousand Laws, you can combine these two skills to create new skills.

In his hand, the heart crystal has turned into a transparent color, crystal clear.


  【Blank Heart Crystal: Bronze-level special material that can contain elemental energy. 】


“This lava core crystal seems to be the promotion material for the path of the God of Destruction?”

Putting away the heart crystal, Lu Cheng muttered in his heart.

However, this is not a problem.

 When disasters of faith break out, the gods are indeed terrifying.

 But in the early stage of the disaster, the threat is not great for the time being.

 The biggest threat he faces now is the deep sea surge in a month's time!

  In previous lives, humans were unable to resist the turbulent tide of beasts in the deep sea.

 Because, in that huge beast tide, there were many monsters with hundreds of levels!

Had those monsters not been busy running for their lives and not deliberately killing, the casualties would have been many times worse.

 Lu Cheng felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

 There is still one month left, so you must hurry up and improve your strength!

With this in mind, Lu Cheng walked quickly towards the river.

 The corpses of two BOSSs are still waiting for him to refine them.

 Walking to the shore, Lu Cheng stretched out his hand.


【Ding, you have successfully refined the Lightning Giant Crocodile (Bronze Level), and you have obtained the upper limit of source energy +176, mana +257, and intelligence +18! 】

  【The number of entries in the Source Energy Illustrated Book +1! 】

The giant lightning crocodile exploded a bronze-level war hammer. Lu Cheng glanced at it and put it directly into the storage space.

 Next, it’s time for the Murloc BOSS.

  【Ding, the blood-eyed fish demon (silver level) is successfully refined, you gain the upper limit of source energy +198, constitution +15, and spirit +17! 】

  【The number of entries in the Source Energy Illustrated Book +1! 】

Earthy yellow light surged up, and the fish-man BOSS was also refined.

 At the same time, a system prompt sounded!

【Ding, a feature with a matching degree of more than 90% has been detected. Do you want to reproduce it? 】


Lu Cheng felt something in his heart and hurriedly checked.

 At first glance, he looked happy.

 This characteristic with a compatibility rate of over 90% is a sign of luck!


  【Lucky Omen: Your luck will fluctuate in a 60-second cycle. The luck value will reach full at the 15th second, and the misfortune value will reach the full value at the 45th second. It can be turned on and off freely, and the minimum duration of each turn on is 1 minute. Fit: 92%]


After reading the attributes, Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

The effect of this characteristic is much stronger than the ordinary one-turn characteristic!

 Although luck and misfortune are split half way, they can be switched freely.

In other words, you don’t have to turn it on at ordinary times, and turn it on when you need luck.

For example, when strengthening equipment, integrating skills, opening treasure chests, etc...

Lu Cheng glanced at the corpse of the fish-man BOSS.

This fishman BOSS happened to explode a silver treasure chest.

 (End of this chapter)