MTL - Spatial Farm Life: Raising My Kid, Abusing Scum, and Keeping Busy With Life-Chapter 31 I believe there will be eggs

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  Chapter 31 I believe there will be eggs

  Cleaned out the floor tiles, looked at this piece of land, she giggled, and when she cleaned up the space, she planned it.

   She will use this land to grow melons.

   She didn’t use the seeds she bought for the time being. There were several melons in the freezer. She washed the melons, dug out the seeds, and planted the melon seeds in the ground again with tweezers.

  Poured water, she smirked while eating melon on the edge of the ground.

  Watermelons and melons should be on the market at the same time, but she didn't think of it for a while, and melons are also easy to sell.

  Although its juice is not as much as watermelon, it is better in taste, especially the ripe melon, which can smell the intoxicating aroma of cantaloupe from a distance.

  The melon in her hand is a good variety, but it is not ripe enough, but it still has a strong aroma.

  I was thinking about going out tomorrow, when Linger's voice sounded in the room.

   Baby wake up!

  She finished eating the melon in twos and then ran back to the house. Seeing that the baby was spitting bubbles, she giggled.

   "Yo, my little one is awake?"

   "Ah, ah, oh"

   "Mother, go make milk powder for you, just wait."

   "Ah Pu, ah Pu."

  When Linger saw the bowl, she became excited immediately, and opened her mouth to make an ahhh sound, which meant to ask Qiao Mai to feed her quickly.

Qiao Mai held her in his arms, holding the bowl in one hand. This time, she didn't need a spoon to feed her. Ling'er held the bowl in her two small hands, moved her mouth close to the bowl, and drank in small sips. She choked, be careful and be careful.

  Looking at her daughter's appearance as a snack, she was sure that this girl would be a fat man in the future.

After feeding Ling'er, she put her on the ground, Ling'er turned over, lay down on the ground, raised her head high, looked at Qiao Mai and kept smiling, then kicked her calf, and began to learn slowly. climbed.

   Qiao Mai watched such an interesting scene and stood a little far away from the child.

   clapped her hands, "Come on, Linger, come here quickly, mother is here."

   It took Linger a long time to climb a short distance, and she wanted to cry in a hurry, so Qiao Mai hurried over and hugged her in her arms.

   "Good Linger, you are still young, you can climb up to your mother's side no matter how long you are, let's go, mother will take you to see the quail."

  When we cleaned up just now, those little quails were hiding under the shelves to make room for them. They had no place to stay, and they were all playing on the edge of the ground.

   When Linger saw these little guys, her eyes were straightened, "Ah, ah, ah,"

  Wanting to catch them with open hands, Qiao Mai put it on a small mat, found some materials, and surrounded it with a chicken pen, about two meters wide and four meters long.

  It doesn’t rain in the space, and there is no need to build a shed. I put seven quails in it, put the water box in it, and found a small box to put the materials.

  The little guys are much more energetic than when they first came, and they raised their heads to look at Qiao Mai from time to time.

  When she made room, she didn't see any eggs. It should be because they haven't grown up yet, or because they were frightened?

   Don't worry, it's only been a few days, I believe there will be eggs.

  I did a lot of work today, and I didn't do embroidery at night, so I fell asleep with my baby in my arms.

  The next day, the weather cleared up, and as soon as it dawned, the sky was blue.

  The air after the rain was very humid. When the sun came out, it was hot and stuffy. As soon as I left the space, I heard the neighing of horses in the yard.

  Qiao Mai slapped his head, he was busy returning to the space yesterday, and forgot about it.

  A horse eats grass and grain, as long as it is vegetarian, it basically eats everything.

   It seems that if I have time, I have to buy two large porcelain pots, one for feed and one for water.

   Let’s make do with it today. She took out a few apples and carrots from the space, and went to the kitchen to take out the half bag of rice.

   Freed up the wooden basin for washing clothes, fed him two basins of water, then poured out the water in the basin, and put all the rice, apples, and carrots in it.

   came to the horse with a pot, "Hey, I'm sorry, I forgot about you yesterday, I won't do it in the future, come back this afternoon to buy you two decent pots, and get you some fodder."

   It seemed that the horse was very hungry, and it was crazy to eat, and she immediately felt sorry for it.

  Accustomed to being alone, taking care of the children has already made her mentally exhausted. She also has to farm and feed quail, and now she has a lot of horses.

  But she believes that these things will not trouble her, just get used to it slowly.

   Seeing that there was nothing else to do, she pushed the cart out, and the carriage was right outside the gate of her own courtyard. Because it was too big and heavy, generally no one thought about it.

  If you let the thief know that the carriage was bought for twenty taels of silver, he will definitely not let it go.

   I have to say that Qiao Mai's vision is still very poisonous, the horse is young and strong, and the carriage is low-key and luxurious.

  She moved all the things to be sold to the car, and was surrounded by people as soon as she pushed it there. She hadn’t eaten watermelon for two days, and some people felt that something was missing.

   "Quickly cut, hurry up, give me a piece."

   "Me too, I want to be together."

   "Don't worry, everyone. From today onwards, I'm selling whole melons here. The price I want to buy is 800 yuan, which is the same as the price of eating it."

   "I want one, bring me one, the kind that is cold, so you don't have to soak it when you go back."

   After a while, she sold two whole melons, ten watermelons, and twenty-six ice cubes.

  Qiao Mai happily put the silver into the purse at his waist, cut up the watermelon and covered it with gauze. Think of the ripe strawberries in the space.

  So I lowered my head and used a wooden box as a cover, packed more than a dozen boxes of strawberries, and placed one box on the table.

   Then he shouted to the embroidery shop behind, "Ruyi, come here!"


  Ruyi trotted to the front, saw that no one was staring at her, and asked in a low voice.

   "Master, what's the matter?"

   "Here is a box of berries for you. Share them with your mother and sister. I forgot about this yesterday. They also came from Fucheng."

   "Hey, Master, you are so kind. Keeping with you, our family is truly blessed."

"go quickly."


  Ruyi left with a box of strawberries in her arms, Qiao Mai sat down and began to drink.

   "Fresh watermelon, ice cubes, and berries are for sale,"

   "Little lady?"

  Qiao Mai raised his head and saw Shopkeeper Tong of Jingtai Restaurant.

   "Hey, you're here, didn't the buddy buy ice just now?"

   "Going out for a stroll, I saw that you actually sell berries here. How are you selling them?"

   "A box of one or two taels of silver is sold as a retail item, which is about a catty. If you want it, five hundred cash is the same price."

   "How many do you have here?"

  Qiao Mai looked down at the box, "Ten boxes."

   "I want it all, give me the money!"

   Shopkeeper Tong hurriedly paid the money as if he was afraid that someone else would buy it. Qiao Mai picked up ten boxes of strawberries, picked them up and left without even checking.

  When Qiao Mai grinned while clutching the five taels of silver, the money in his hand was almost snatched away by a cockroach.

  With quick eyesight and quick hands, she put the silver into the purse at her waist. '

  Looking up, she immediately glanced at the sky. The weather is not fair today, and people who don't touch her are looking for her own business, so she can't let her live a quiet life for a few days.

   "Mai, what's the matter, you don't even know your sister-in-law?"

  Qiao Mai took a deep breath, "I don't know you!"

   "You white-eyed wolf!"

   "Who am I blaming? I remember that I have written all the divorce papers. Why are all of them so shamelessly approaching me?"

   "How do you talk, no matter how we are your sister-in-law."

   "Ah bah, you smelly and shameless thing, I've broken off my relationship a long time ago. I don't even have parents. Where can I find a sister-in-law? Don't just make do with it. I don't want to do that."

   "Mai, don't speak so harshly, parents also have unavoidable difficulties."

  Qiao Mai glanced at the heads of the two of them, sneered, and her voice immediately became louder.

   "That's right, my father and mother couldn't help but sell me and buy hairpins for you two, right?"

  (end of this chapter)