MTL - Space Speed Xing Hen-Chapter 4 The organization of the abilities (on)

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The voice of the previous special help sounded again. "It turned out that the manipulator was coming, and Shaun, the special assistant of the Lower Thunder Group."

"No matter who you are, you have violated the laws of the Galaxy Alliance. For some special reasons, I don't want to be embarrassed for the time being, but I will retain the power to pursue this. This person is what we want. In the future, the Thunder Group will not have any Conducive to his actions, otherwise, the consequences are very clear to you. Give you ten seconds to evacuate." The blue light disappeared, the Cheung Cheong regained its power, and the special assistance did not say anything, the Che Che car suddenly speeded up, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. In the field of vision.

"Special help, let's give up like this? How do you tell the chairman to go back?"

"What do you know, the manipulator was a sacred ally, that is something we can't provoke, and everything is decided by the chairman."

The ice net around the body suddenly broke, and the ice powder fell to the surroundings, but no trace of it was on him. The sky mark looked around and didn't find anything. It floated in midair with flying. Respectfully said: "Thank you for your salvation..." He just said that there was suddenly more than one person in front of him. Tianzheng always thought that he The speed of flying has been quite good, but compared with this person, it is not in a grade, it is like a ghost-like speed that makes him feel awkward.

This is a tall and thin man. His gaze is flat and cold. "I am not trying to save you, go with me."

The sky marks a cold heart, the dark road, will not just escape the wolf's nest and enter the tiger's mouth, shook his head, said: "I'm sorry, I have other things, can't go with you." Finish, instantly fly your own flight The technique is lifted to the limit and quickly flies to the right.

The tall and thin man snorted and the body moved again, suddenly accelerating to chase the sky mark, but, just at the moment of his start, the body of the sky mark suddenly turned over in the air, facing the tall and thin man who rushed to himself. Swinged a punch. This punch focused on all his cosmic gas. Sky marks are very clear that their speed is not as good as the other side. The previous escape is just an illusion created intentionally. As he wished, the right fist wrapped in the blue air flow hit the chest of the tall and thin man, thinking that the other party saved his life after all, when the fist touched his chest, the sky mark could not help but take back the power. Minute. It was his moment of good thoughts that saved his own fracture crisis.

The chest of a tall and thin man is like a steel plate. The loud noise of the scorpion, the cosmic gas is scattered, the right hand is hurting, the body is uncontrolled and the impact is brought back. A huge palm grabbed his shoulder. In this critical moment, the silver light flashed in the eyes of the sky, and the right hand that grabbed him suddenly paused. The body of the sky mark was on the air side, skidfully hiding to hide. The one that caught the catch was like a fish that went to the ground.

The tall and thin man snorted and there was a bit more horror between the eyebrows. At this time, it has already flown a kilometer. It is fortunate that the sky mark that is about to enter the city is only shocked. The blood in the body seems to be condensing in an instant. The flight is out of control, and the body falls like an ice sculpture to the ground. The powerful arm clamped him under his arm, and the body continued to move forward, but it was changed to the sky.

The scars of the sky mark found that the tall and thin man flew to the 500 meters above Zhongli City. This is already the track of Xiangxiang, but he is still surprised that he is still behind. He finally realized what is the real speed. One of the Xiangxiang cars in front of them was left behind, and the scenery in front of them was completely blurred. He couldn’t believe it. Is this actually a maneuver that humans can achieve?

Although the speed of the flight is fast, but the sky mark does not feel the impact of the gust of wind, the power of the wind seems to be completely blocked by the blue energy of the front layer like the tulle, in addition to the cold, at this time The mark has not felt any discomfort, and there is a sigh in front of him. Although he has tried to condense the cosmic gas or use his mental strength to break free, all this is in vain. Besides the spirit, the body function seems to have already It was completely blocked by the cold feeling. The spiritual strength he had just realized was still very weak. Although he had tried to attack, the tall and thin man had not been affected. The sky mark tried it a few times and understood it. Perhaps, my mental strength may not be able to break through the blue light.

A Xiangxiang car was left behind, and the sights that could be seen around the eyes were slightly distorted. Even if you concentrated on watching, you could not separate directions.

The time was not long. The sky marks that the surrounding scenery gradually became clear. The weakening of the speed seemed to ease the coldness of his body. The tall and thin man looked down at him and said coldly: "Remember to talk later. Be careful, otherwise, you may not be able to live any more."

Tianzheng thought and turned and asked: "Why are you arresting me? Except for the reason that the Thunder Group has a hand for me, I don't seem to have any other enemies. Just now you said that the Thunder Group violated the law. Do you have no violations when you privately arrest me? There is no hatred between me and you, and you have seen it. It was just those people who took the initiative to attack me."

The tall and thin man snorted. "I certainly didn't break the law. Here, we are the law. What were you doing last night? Remember the girl?"

The sky marks the whole body, and recalls the bright big eyes. The heart is faint. "You sent her?"

"Oh, it seems that you have not forgotten, have not forgotten the best, whether you can survive, and ultimately only depends on yourself."

Although the day marks are still not very clear, he no longer has any resentment in his heart, because, after all, he did it himself. Because he is out of slums, his thoughts are relatively conservative. He always believes in his mind. When a girl pays the most precious things, it is a responsibility for men. Although everything was carried out in the hustle and bustle, he did not even see the girl, but there was always a sense of guilt in his heart.

The slow flight suddenly increased, and the sky mark only saw that it turned out to be a classical castle-like building. The next moment, it has already entered.

Upon entering the door, two men in black uniforms greeted them and nodded to the tall and thin man. One of them said: "Liao En manipulator, the controller is waiting for you, we have all the relevant information The controller has reported it."

Liao En nodded and took a picture on the shoulder of the sky mark. The sky mark only felt that the body was cold and instantly evacuated from the body. Although the whole body was still somewhat stiff, it had the ability to move. "Kid, come with me, don't play tricks, just your ability, I can make you die at any time."

Heaven marks as much as possible to calm himself down. He once saw a sentence in the book. The sentence said that the impulse is the devil. Although there are only five words, Tianzheng likes it very much. In addition to the strong stimulation that Linna brought to him that day, he can keep calm under normal circumstances, even if it is now. Nodded, and did not say anything, but in my heart, I was thinking that I had a few escapes, and I felt that Liao En had a real eye. He had to admit that in front of this horrible guy, he had only zero grasp. .

Liao En saw that there was no unnecessary struggle in the sky, and he was still calm, with a glance of approval in his eyes and striding forward. The day marks followed him, while walking inward, while observing the surroundings. This is a huge hall, decorated with antiques. There is a long-haired carpet in the center of the ground. Although it has not been seen before, Tianshen knows that this must be a valuable thing. There are all kinds of bronzes and silver ornaments around. On the surface, there seems to be nothing related to technology, but every artifact here is obviously worth a lot, I am afraid it is not something that ordinary people can have. Moreover, such a big castle has never heard of it before, and it can be seen that the powerful power of the owner here.

What is the identity of the girl yesterday? Does the trouble she said refers to today's things? All kinds of doubts continue to rise in the heart of the day, although he is full of heart, but do not forget to feel the mystery between the heavens and the earth to restore his cosmic atmosphere, even in the face of such a master such as Liao is futile, the sky mark is not willing to give up any A chance.

(Today is still two chapters in the morning, one chapter in the evening. There are three chapters in total.)