MTL - Son God Marvel-Chapter 13 Coulson is definitely the best analyst

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Watching Orolo and Xia Weisi and his car drove away from their manor, Zhou Yi turned and walked into the depths of the corridor.

Perhaps it is the reason why too many things happened this night. Zhou Yi seems to be somewhat mentally awkward and does not have much sleepiness. So he chose to solve some long-standing problems at this time.

A person quietly walked to the basement, which is a private resting place that Zhou Yi created for himself. There are more than four hundred square feet of space in all white, whether it is walls, floors, or even doors. Once inside, it will even give people a sense of disorientation.

Zhou Yi used this place to meditate and relax his heart. Of course, this is also a place to hide some secrets.

Come to the left side of the room, facing the pure white walls. Zhou Yi extended two hands and pressed it on the wall. The powerful force that was saved pushed the wall, letting the wall open in a booming sound, slowly opening up.

When Zhou Yi walked into the door that the wall became, he could see the structure of the gate. This is an all-alloy door that has no password and no unlocking device. Only rely on brute force to open.

The door is twelve feet high, seven feet wide and three feet thick. In addition, Zhou Yi chose a metal that was quite heavy and resistant to high temperatures, making the door only 480,000 pounds (about 220 tons) in weight.

Behind the gate, four huge hydraulic metal arms are firmly attached to the gate. These four metal arms are not designed to save energy. They are designed to increase the resistance of the door. The resistance of the four metal arms to the gate is 176,300 pounds (about 80 tons).

That is to say, just to open the door requires at least 660,000 pounds (300 tons) of power, and this power, as far as Zhou Yi knows, is only owned by a few people. Of course, there are some mutants who have the peculiar ability to ignore this door, such as the well-known Mr. Wan magnetic king, or Katie, who can cross the obstacles. These people are invincible, and there is no need to guard against them.

After all, Zhou Yi built this door just to prevent some people who want to steal secrets, not to block any attacks. He was very curious to know if one day, some spies would come to their own homes and want to enter this secret room, but they found out how to feel when they faced this giant.

As Zhou Yi entered the secret room, the huge door slowly merged. When it is completely integrated into the wall, even a trace of the door can't be seen. And who can think of it, there will be some hidden secrets behind this wall, and even more, even if you know that there is a secret behind this wall, can this secret be stolen by ordinary people?

Zhou Yi slowly walked into the secret room and parked in front of the door. At this time, a red light slowly swept through the body of Zhouyi, and a moment later, a gentle female voice rang.

"Welcome back, dear easy!" With this sound started with bright lights, as well as huge mechanical equipment and a variety of advanced instruments. Almost all of this room is full of such things, and at first glance it feels like a future science fiction world.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Medusa." Zhou Yi smiled and responded.

Medusa is made by Tony. Stark helped build, and an AI smart software named by Zhou Yi. She has the same ability to think independently as Tony's Jarvis, and the amount of computation and analysis that is not much different. The only regret is that Jarvis's artificial intelligence is more high-end and biased towards humans, while Medusa is more inclined to electronic rationalization.

At this point, even the genius is like Tony. Stark has no way, because Jarvis has a very special contingency, making his intelligent system the most similar to humans in Tony's work. This particularity is currently not replicated.

Of course, for Zhou Yi, it is enough now.

“The time from your last visit was 410 days, 13 hours and 26 minutes. What service do you need this time?”

"How was the last material analysis completed?" Zhou Yi did not directly issue instructions, but asked Medusa.

“According to your requirements, it has been resolved and the existing experimental products have been modified.”

"Take it out and show it to me!" Zhou Yi said as he walked toward the center of the Chamber of Secrets.

With the order of Zhou Yi, a stereo image appeared in front of Zhou Yi.

It was a silver-white metallic substance. Under the demonstration of Medusa, Zhou Yi saw the inside of the metal substance, and there were countless atoms with abnormal activity. These atoms are arbitrarily deformed in the image and respond to a variety of experimental shocks.

At the same time as the demonstration, Medusa explained with a constant gentle voice.

“According to your request, I analyzed the metal texture formula provided by Mr. Stark and modified the original nano metal. Now you see the Alpha nano metal type 7. It has excellent energy conductivity and strong self. Compression capacity, metal memory repair and secondary deformation function, basic shaping after deformation, extremely strong stability, and basically no temperature influence, no magnetic interference, strong pressure resistance. The quality is only three-thirds of ordinary alloy I. I think the current alpha nanometals have fully met your requirements."

"Very good!" Zhou Yi took a clap and asked. “What is its cost?”

"According to my calculations, the optimal mode is $15,680 per ounce."

"It’s almost ten times that of platinum. It’s not cheap, and I don’t think anyone would want to buy these metals.”

“Need to archive the file, name it a failure, and start the development of Alpha Nano Metals?”

Medusa asked without hesitation, that the items that did not meet the requirements for her were all failed, even if there was more time to enter.

"Seal the file and inform the labs to continue the new development. The development direction is waiting for the record. Medusa, how much of this metal can we make now?" Zhou Yi's "According to our inventory, I can be in 17 hours." Completed 1240 lbs of Alpha Nano Metal Seven."

"Very good, start production. In addition, Medusa, open the search engine, search for the armor, scan my body, and automatically optimize the match, I need a armor, solid and durable, and cool enough!"

“The order has been released and the workshop has started production. The search starts and the scan is completed.”

Medusa began to order Zhouyi's instructions in an orderly manner, and Zhou Yi looked at the numerous armor models in front of their own eyes, stitching, reorganizing, and optimizing, and the face began to show a playful smile.

I have known Tony since a long time ago. At the time of Stark, Zhou Yi had such a plan. He has been preparing for this thing over the years. When he accidentally saw the air carrier today, Zhou Yi knew that it was time to implement his own plan. It's time.

With powerful power, basically unfinished money, and extraordinary social status, people can pursue what. Only stimulation, like Tony. Stark prefers to palladium poisoning and does not want to give up the steel shirt. For him, this superhuman identity is an unwillingness to give up, even more important than a boring life.

And Zhou Yi also wants to try this kind of stimulation. But he has a lot of scruples because he has family, friends and beautiful lovers. Therefore, it is often only possible to expose a little bit of a claw, but not to fight fire like a real superhero, hook up the beauty.

But today, after discovering the vampire and the SHIELD aircraft carrier, he finally made up his mind to become a superhero with another identity to enjoy a different kind of stimulating life.

Today, everything here will be the beginning of a superhero.

At the same time as the loss, on the other side, the SHIELD air-to-air carrier.

Agent Phil. Colson came to the observatory. He smiled and greeted several colleagues, and came to the center of the observatory, in front of the core hub of the entire aircraft carrier.

There, a black uncle wearing a black leather trench coat and a black eye mask, all over the body, looked at him unsmilingly.

Although this guy's dress is not like the leader of a world-class organization, he is indeed the world's largest agent organization, the director of the National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, his name is Nick. Frey.

"Sir, Phil. Coulson reports to you." Coulson went to the front of Director Fury to salute.

Nick. Fry casually returned to the ceremony and said: "Last night, when I was still enjoying my dreams, Hill Commander woke me up. Tell me that there is a flying in our jurisdiction and flying The quick guy."

“What's even more ridiculous is that as the National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau with the most advanced equipment, we only got a mosaic that even the face can't see clearly. So now, I hope that my most powerful subordinates can bring me Some good news."

"Of course, sir. I think what I bring is good news!" Phil. Colson smiled as always, while handing over a micro memory in his hand.

"What is this?" Secretary Fry took over and asked.

"A memory, sir!"

"Of course I know it's a memory, not a lighter! Thank you for your reminder, Agent Coulson, what I want to know is what's inside it?" Frye, who is completely unacceptable to Coulson's humor, is dark. Like the bottom of the pot, it is not too conspicuous on his face.

"It was the information and analysis results I got in the underground bar. Unsurprisingly, the people we were looking for were already in these few people," Colson explained with a smile.

“Is it?” Director Frye directly plugged the memory on the control panel. "Let's let us see, who is it that disturbs my rare dream?"

With the reading of the data from the control panel, some experimental data and data of three people are displayed on the holographic stereo image.

“These are the results of our investigation of the dust and radiation in the bar. The dust is based on the results of our experiments. It is the tissue residue of the organism. For this reason, I used seven levels of authority to investigate the internal data. The data shows that the residues are numbered as 025, and the organization retains the body residue of a vampire from a person who has a peace agreement."

"And the radiation results indicate that there is a high intensity of UV radiation remaining, and it is clear that some people have used killers for these vampires."

"And the last piece of information is the fingerprint information I got on the glass that I found in the only place without the vampire wreck. According to the comparison of the data, there are three suspicious people."

Said Colson here, referring to the middle-aged man in the image of the three characters being magnified.

"Joe. Albert. At the age of 47, he is a professional bartender. Suspiciously, he was killed by a beast seven years ago. He still keeps his death record in the Pennsylvania police station. I investigated him. The death record and the autopsy report determined that the person was already a member of the vampire. Therefore, his degree of suspicion is minimal."

Later, Colson pointed to another person.

"This charming lady is called Nisa. Mackinos. It is the late tycoon, the founder of the European Health International Consortium - Elida. The single daughter of Mackinos. I don't know if I don't see it. The charming lady is forty-six years old. What's more interesting is that Miss Maginos rarely appears in the public, just attended several dinners of her company. She rarely touches strangers, so I have to count it down. In this case, the lady can be said to be a model of the famous show."

"Mackinos, I remember him. Sixty years ago, it was him who represented the vampires in North America who signed the peace agreement. It seems that this Miss Maginos should be his daughter. A pure Kind of vampire!" Nick. Fury stared at the information and said his opinion.

"What a pity, is it a vampire!" Colson smiled and pointed to the third goal.

"This young gentleman is called Yi. Zhou, a Chinese American. The mother is called Zhou Wei, a famous costume designer. The biological father is called Smith. Zhou, a member of the Marine Corps, was accidentally sacrificed because of an Eastern European mission. According to the data. The two are preparing to get married. Mr. Zhou also has a stepfather, called Anthony Ferguson. A famous banker and financier. Unfortunately, Mr. Ferguson was killed because of an airplane accident. But Mr. Ferguson and Ms. Zhou Wei have a Daughter. Xia Weisi. Ferguson. The information shows that the family of three has a good relationship, but for some reason, the Zhou family moved to New York eight years ago."

"The rest is this Yi. Mr. Zhou's family history, when he was 11 years old, began to stocks. At the age of 16, he was already a well-known stock marketer. Later, he made several quite aggressive investments. So much so that his value has soared. Now, this easy. Mr. Zhou is the third largest shareholder of Stark Industries, one of the major shareholders of Osborne Industries, and also holds several cutting-edge research studios. Most of the shares. If you rank the young entrepreneurs in the United States, this gentleman is at least in the top five."

"Young, hundreds of millions of people, and Tony. Stark private friendship is very good, there are also partners in the parliament. Philanthropists, investors who spend money, or senior fighters. I remember my two What are you doing in your teens, shoeshine? Well, it seems that I am really alive on the dog." Nick. Frey looked at Coulson's information and laughed at himself while looking at Coulson. "Are you sure this person is the most suspect?"

"I believe my judgment! Sir," Colson said confidently.

"This is what I am most worried about, Phil. You are the best analyst of my team, and this guy is the most inactive. Really, the last thing I want is this kind of person. Becoming our goal." Fury pointed to the image of Zhou Yi. "Hill Commander, this guy will be handed over to you, arrange for man to monitor him for twenty-four hours, and his family. But remember the safety regulations, you must not be exposed, nor can you touch the target."

"Yes, sir!" Hill Commander, who had been standing face to face with a cold face, replied simply, his eyes showing the urge to eagerly try.

"Sir, what about me?" Phil feels robbed of business. Corson asked quickly.

"I have other tasks for you. I need you to get in touch with Stark. We need some technology in his hands."