MTL - Soaring the Heavens-Chapter 2237 His life

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When the red flies, the cows and snakes in the beautiful group of the gardens are immediately settled. There is a flying red sitting here, and then dare not dare to collide.

There are only those who sigh and sigh. Many people understand that the new rules have not been established at this time. As long as they do not violate the military orders, some things will be closed and one eye will be closed. What is not against the military order? There is no prohibition on what you are going to do. It seems that there is still no decision on how to deal with the sin in this royal garden.

Those who fought outside, and robbed the rich and the like, and closed their eyes with one eye, some things were obviously acquiesced, and it was not good at this time to deal with those who had the martial arts. It is not necessary to have some benefits. Afterwards, it is impossible for everyone to be fair and not to be satisfied with everyone. The connivance at this time is also necessary. To put it bluntly, the above also needs to grasp some handles. If someone is dissatisfied with the merits afterwards, then the matter of looting can be pursued and not pursued.

At this time, it is the time when the reconstruction is broken. The chance of closing one eye and closing one eye will not be there again. When the new rules order comes out, the vested interests must be maintained, and everything must be said. The rules are fine, and everyone wants to do this without dare.

And the people who marched into the Tiangong area, who would dare to fight the Tiangong’s idea? There is no oil and water to fish, naturally it is to focus on the Royal Garden, things like Xiantao have been stolen, even if you know that the following people do, returning to Miao Yi is not likely to pursue the following people picking peaches Little things. After all the hands that can be reached, everyone naturally looks at the woman in the Green Central Park. This is a good thing for men, and they want to take a look back and serve themselves.

In the green central park, there is a green mother-in-law sitting in the town, and the green mother-in-law is a red-haired mother, so that everyone can be jealous, otherwise it will have been robbed, and can still wait until now.

"What does this mean for your majesty?"

One hand down: "Isn’t you want to leave it to yourself to enjoy?"

Shen Zongzhen shook his head: "If you squat your own meat and soup, don't give a drink, then it's over! Unfortunately, we can't get it at this time. We won't have anything to do with it. Looking back at the group of people Here, the real good things can still have our share, or timid to start late..."

In the Green Central Park, Feihong stayed with the green mother-in-law and asked for help. After all, she couldn’t help but sigh: "Dan Niang, why are you suffering?"

For this matter, she had a good request in front of Miao Yi. However, Miao Yi did not loosen her mouth. Therefore, she knew in her heart that these green mother-in-law could not live, and she could only keep it for a while.

The green mother-in-law knew what she was saying, and she swallowed: "This is a group of dead people. I have kept them in front of the Green Lord. It is natural to do what I promised."

Feihong worried: "Dan Niang, the change of the dynasty is really not something we can intervene. Is there something similar that you have heard?"

A similar thing is actually an example of her own family. When the uncle’s family was copied, how many people landed, how many people were humiliated, and not talking about others, she said that her mother Lin Aoxue, who was imprisoned in such an environment, when Those guards who can decide the life and death of prisoners are all righteous men? How can I avoid being insulted, but this kind of thing, everyone knows that they will not ask Lin Aoxue, otherwise it will make Lin Ao Xue feel embarrassed. Some things can't be done, they can only be seen as if they don't see it.

Take her own, it is also in the brothel, if it is not a good life to meet Miao Yi, the next scene can be imagined. Sometimes I think about it, even she feels that she is really a good life. When she meets a man who is good to her, the fate of falling into the abyss has turned over.

The green mother-in-law sighed: "Shantou, some things the old woman only asks the heart, so I still have to try my best, you have to help me think about it! Now, apart from you, it is estimated that no one will sell the wife, what is the face, I only Can you help me?"

Flying red licked her lips, she is really embarrassed, but it is difficult to refuse the request of the green mother-in-law, not only because she is her own mother, the green mother clearly saw her relationship with Niu Youde, but did not leak secrets, this is her Not only did she help her, it also saved her mother, otherwise things were revealed and her mother was afraid that she would have been killed for a long time, and she could wait until she was rescued.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu said: "The situation today can force the people who make concessions and can hold back all the ministers. I am afraid that only the queen of the queen, I will find a way to seek the queen of the queen. As for the final result, I can’t guarantee it. ""

"Tianhou Niangniang..." Green mother-in-law snorted, remembered Xiahou Chengyu, could not help but smile, asked: "Can you still hold all ministers? Yun Zhiqiu has such a big influence?"

Feihong nodded slightly: "Your majesty is not so delicate, many things are the maidens who are personally assisting in the care. In this respect, the maiden is indeed a capable person. The maiden is responsible for the miscellaneous but not chaotic, never provoked it. What troubles, everything is taken care of and stable. On the surface, it seems that the goddess does not have the power of the military. In fact, many things in the Ming Dynasty have the power to intervene directly. The hands of all aspects of the financial road are actually controlled by the goddess. Many of the generals' wives and sisters are made up of the maidens, and the maidens are also very popular. They are both soft and soft, and Enwei is in parallel. The squatting down is either a **** or an external general who is awesome to the maiden. Usually I don’t look at it. In fact, the goddess helped the squats to stabilize most of the family. Just because there is no internal worry, it is only after the sire can let go of the world, and it is said that it is not enough for the sage of the sage. If the maiden can intervene in this matter, the sire should be carefully considered, those ministers. How much will give the girl face, it should be ordered to restrain her own hand, involving the woman is estimated to be better than the underarm opening effect, maybe Those looking for families to get together ministers put two sentences will be solved, afraid afraid she would not intervene, I can only beg to see. "

The green mother-in-law thought thoughtfully and quite sighed: "So it seems that it is really the life of the mother-in-law!"

The two walked in the Green Central Park.

Chatting and chatting, the green mother-in-law looked back and said: "There is something like the singer."

Flying red followed and looked back, only to see the star stop not far away, holding a star bell on his hand, his face a bit ugly.

The green mother-in-law reached out and gestured, and the two went back. Feihong asked in front of her: "Sister Star, what happened?"

The star bit his lip and said one word: "The majesty of the Majesty has entered the Black Dragon Pool, and I have captured many of my Yi children. Even Wang Moyou is also detained."

I was shocked and asked: "Why do you want to catch the children of the Yi people?"

Stars grieve and resent: "It is said that the Yi people have colluded with Qing, Buddhism, and Ling Xuan, but everyone knows that the Yi people can only maintain their relationship with the parties in order to protect themselves. How did they become Qing and Buddha? This is clearly a trouble someone is deliberately looking for the Yi!"

Flying red and busy: "Why don't you contact your Majesty directly?"

The star raised the star bell in the hand. "Ask, my Majesty said that it will make the following strict investigation, not the Yi. This still needs to be checked? What situation is he unclear?"

The green mother-in-law on the side shook her head and shook her head. She turned her back and gave a sentence. "Let's find someone to understand."

The two glanced at her, and the red-handed star grabbed the hand and said: "Sister X, you don't worry, since you said it, you shouldn't have something in the short term. You should be here tomorrow. When you can figure it out, how can you figure it out? It’s going on."

The next day, the great military horses who had been patrolling a little around the country finally came to the heavenly palace.

Like the Qing and Buddhism periods, the dragons landed in the Tiangong, and Miao Yi and Yun Zhiqiu both walked down from the dragons. They walked into the vast Tiangong and walked into the Heavenly Palace with their masters. .

Beautiful and beautiful, strange flowers, whether it is the original withdrawal of the Qing, the Buddha, or the Miao Yi later took over, no one dared to easily destroy the palace here, a do not know how much willing to form Beautiful temple.

A group of people followed and watched the Qiankun Temple, which was discussed in the political affairs, and came to the Star Hall of the Qing Dynasty. Miao Yi strolled in the spectacular library, took a few ancient books and looked back, and threw it back.

Out of the Star Temple, continue to wander around in the Temple of Heaven, arrived at the dream-like eve garden, Yun Zhiqiu Meimei bloomed, can not help but praise, "beautiful!"

The lords will look around and see the beauty of the park.

Who knows that Miao Yi has invited the two mysterious women and asked: "I am going to rebuild the Heavenly Palace in the ancient times, and get along with the dragon and the phoenix for generations. How do you know what to do?"

The two guardian mysterious women are a little bit reluctant, but these days they have seen too many things with Miao Yi. They have understood the intention of Miao Yi, that is, it is the king of the earth, and the land is not the king. Chen, the consequences of refusal are very serious, and the other two know that the ancients are the most suitable place for Miao Yi to practice.

A group of generals did not speak, they were watching the reaction of the two mysterious women.

Yun Zhiqiu brows are slightly wrinkled, although she likes it very much, but there is no buzz on this issue.

No way to refuse can only promise, the two guardian mysterious women nodded.

"Call Qing!" Miao Yi called.

"In!" Yang Zhaoqing took the lead.

Miao Yi said: "The transfer of people and horses to cooperate with the dragon and the phoenix to eliminate the evils of the ancients, but also the ancient mountains and clear waters, rebuilt the Tiangong!"

"Yes!" Yang Zhaoqing should be down.

Miao Yi looked around and said, "For the time being, let's settle down here. When the ancient temple is built, I will split it and give it to everyone!"

With his order, a group of people were led by black charcoal, and together with the two guardian mysterious women returned to the ancient dead.

However, it was just beginning to settle down. The generals just dispersed. Miao Yi just boarded the high-rise building and looked down at the entire Tiangong. I suddenly noticed a slight anomaly. Huo Ran looked back.

I saw the white ground behind the body swaying like a cockroach. A man in a black cloak floated out of the ground and slowly squatted in front of him. His voice was hoarse and shouted: "Have your life!"