MTL - So I Am A Demon Descendent!-Chapter 26 New guy wins old dog

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羡 Li Xianyu's first reaction was not to look back. He jumped a little deer at the fastest speed in his life and jumped behind his grandmother to find shelter. After thinking about it, he felt uninsured and jumped behind San Wu.

Then he came back and saw where he was before. There was a young man covered with blood. His throat was cut and thick blood was red on his chest.


Li Xianyu took a breath.

So grandma was talking to him just now?

"Can you see me?" The young man wiped his blood and looked at one man and two women.

羡 Li Xianyu was also looking at him and noticed that this guy did not have cataracts, except for his pale face, his eyes were no different from ordinary people.

Quietly 捅 San Wu's waist, motioning her to quickly remove the demon guard, but San Wu did not move, maintaining a quiet and quiet attitude.

Grandma Yun explained, "He is not a grudge."

羡 Li Xianyu pointed at him: "It's not grievance if everything is like this."

Grandma Xun hated iron and made it impossible: "Spirituals die without dispersing, all because of obsession, and there are many obsessions, not just resentment."

The young man looked around himself and said, "Although I was not elegant, I didn't have any grudges."

Li Xianyu's heart was settled, and he coughed, saying, "Xiongtai, under Li Xianyu, is the maintainer of order, specializing in clearing the ghosts and ghosts that linger in the world. If your Lord is dead, why not disperse quickly."

The young man was silent for a moment: "We are all modern people and talk well."

Li Xianyu: "Oh."

The young man said: "My name is Zhang Chen. Actually, I have been with you for a long time. I noticed you since you entered the door of that family."

羡 Li Xianyu said in shock: "Is the boss of S County stuck on you?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

Grandma Wu grandmother heard the words, and suddenly suddenly, "No wonder I can't smell resentment, it turned out not to be resentment. In this case, why do you entangle people."

Li Xianyu echoed: "Why?"

"The creamy leg was interrupted by the shop owner in S County," Zhang Chen glanced at Satsuma. "It's my dog, and it depends on the owner, doesn't it? He abused my dog ​​and reported it one after another. I entangled him for a while, making him weak and weak, and nightmares entangled in him, naturally I will let him go. "

Li Xianyu suddenly realized that all the problems were solved. No wonder the owner dreamed of a man. No wonder he wanted to break his leg. This was the owner's return to revenge his pet dog.

"I should have done it, but his mother's first seven souls back some time ago, forbid me to approach his son." The buddy said, "Even if I die with resentment, I will always remember my son, which is motherhood."

"You are not bad, you are dead and you have not forgotten to avenge your pet dog." Li Xianyu said, "What kind of thing is this, human and dog love?"

Zhang Chen faintly said, "It's called cream, but when you first saw it, it was abandoned."

The first time I saw the cream was under the bridge outside the community. When Zhang Chenzhao passed by the bridge, he encountered the cream that was just born.

Zhang Chen SD Zibo, a university student in East China Normal University, stays in Shanghai to develop like most students after graduation. The Shanghai Stock Exchange is a city with a large wage gap. The bottom salary is even less than three thousand a month, and the high salary can reach ... I don't know about this. After all, they are all poor, and their imagination is not so rich.

In short, in first-tier cities where college students are like dogs, it is difficult for you to find decent work just after graduation. The rent is expensive, the price is expensive, and it is not as good as the muddy legs of your hometown to save money and live. Soon after, the girlfriend who joined the society announced that he broke up with him.

Let this person be lonely. I can't find my girlfriend. I can only have a dog to relax loneliness. Don't get me wrong. It is spiritual comfort and absolutely nothing to do with the body.

It was raining that day. Zhang Chen, without an umbrella, was standing in the rain. He took a short walk past the bottom of the bridge outside the community. He saw a small muddy dog, lonely shrinking on the bottom of the bridge, facing the unexpected visitor, fearing And wary eyes.

It has a pair of black pupils. When looking at you, people always feel that they are begging and courting. However, it was very wary of human beings, and he did not dare to approach Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen also felt that the small milk dog was dirty. One person and one dog silently waited until the rain stopped. Zhang Chen bought it a hot dog and left.

路 Crossing the bottom of the bridge the next day, Zhang Chen found that the little milk dog was still there, and seemed to take the place here. That day, Zhang Chen gave it another hot dog, and then left. After nearly a week of such a day, Zhang Chen exhausted the few kindness and didn't go again.

A few days later, in the same light rain, he ran to the bottom of the bridge with a whim, and suddenly found that the little milk dog was still in place.

It becomes thinner and dirtier. He was in a very poor condition, curled up listlessly, heard movements, and vibrated his ears vigilantly, but when he saw Zhang Chen, he looked very excited, he staggered for a few steps, and whimpered at him.

Zhang Chen is very familiar with this kind of look. The dog waits until the owner's look. He has a dog in his hometown.

"It stayed at the bottom of the bridge for several days. I guess it was waiting for me. This silly dog ​​has treated me as the master. I just fed it for a few days and it depends on me." Zhang Chen laughed bitterly, Sighing: "If I didn't go back, would it have to die there?"

"What happened later?" Li Xianyu took the hot sticks from his grandmother. He stood in the middle with his grandmother on the left and San Wu on the right. They were eating hot sticks and listening to Zhang Chen's memories.

Zhang Chen put her head aside and did not go to see them, and continued, "I brought it home. At first I was unwilling to keep a dog. At that time, I bought a hot dog for it and turned away. As a result, the little thing I do n’t want to eat anymore. I have to keep up with me even when I ’m rolling and crawling. I kicked it a few times and also followed ... I saw it was pathetic and took it home. "

"Later, it turns out that keeping a dog is actually pretty good. At least after work, you open the door. The house is not empty. There is such a dog who will be waiting at the door for you to come back. The moment you open the door, it will shake your tail to pick your pants. Having dinner, you do n’t have to pass the game to pass the time, you can take it out to bend, and the family is a little bit angry. "

Wandering in big cities, without help, two single dogs warm each other. The dog regained his life and the man had a companion.

Dog walking treats people as masters, and people may also treat dogs as family members in such an instant.

羡 Li Xianyu chewed the mutton and listened with interest: "But you still abandoned it, why."

Zhang Chen was silent for a long time, extruding a bitter smile, "Because of my girlfriend, I later got a girlfriend, which is not local. I had a hard time chasing her. After the relationship, she moved in with my proposal. I lived together and saved a rent, but she also raised a dog and raised a Sun Honglei. "

羡 Li Xianyu said, "Sun Honglei? Are you sure?"

"..... It's a bull terrier." Zhang Chen said: "The two are always fighting, and the cream is being bullied every day. My girlfriend doesn't like it. I think it is enough to have a dog at home. I suggest I lose it. I naturally I do n’t agree. We did n’t quarrel about it until one day, when I came home from work, my girlfriend ’s newly bought bag was bitten ... ”

"Then you lost it?"

"Well," Zhang Chen nodded: "I didn't choose ~ ~ We were very noisy that day, she even said that we should break up and not lose the dog, we will end. The choice between the girlfriend and the dog One, how do you choose? "

"Wait a minute," Grandma suddenly interrupted, angrily filled with indignation: "Why isn't a sturdy woman of all statures actually disobedient her husband, even threatening it for such trivial matters. Such a woman would have to leave the court in my day. Your dignified seven-footed man is so afraid of being inward, with no masculinity in his body.

羡 Li Xianyu moved with tears in his face: "Grandma, the times are different. Now is the time when women are the masters of the house. You haven't slept for more than a hundred years, and you still can't see this world?"

Grandma Yun retorted: "Badly, I haven't seen such a **** woman even in the years following your dad."

Twenty years of China's take-off has also been a decline in the status of men for twenty years.

羡 Li Xianyu sighed: "No way, you have to know, there are still more than 30 million single dogs on the Chinese land that have their own clothes."

He sighed with his hand to care for the yin, fearing that the house price could not be climbed.

"After dinner that day, I took it a long, long way, right here, and tied it under this tree. I don't feel like I owe it anything, only when our fate is gone, it No longer the little puppies of that year. I can live as long as I am lacking, and I should go my own way. Just be each other's passers-by in life, and we'll go our separate ways when we are done. "

This is too much. Although Li Xianyu is not a dog lover, he particularly hates those who discard pet dogs indiscriminately.

"When I was lonely, I called Xiao Tiantian. Later, the newcomer wins the old dog, and he said that his fate is gone. Oh, man." Li Xianyu said, thinking of the other party that he was a ghost, and he shouldn't be so skinny. You continue to say. "