MTL - Smallholder Farmer-Chapter 672 The story of Grandma’s grandmother

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Yuxi corrected his face and said very seriously that his attitude was sincere and he was unwilling to let the two old people see that they were lying. Because, Yuxi needs two people to insist on eating their own medicine, they need to live alive, live adult Rui, so that she can feel that her past has been, at least her past has been.

"Hey, grandma, what is this, all the medicines that are grown in the medicines of the children, like the radishes and cabbages in the field, not worth any money, you can live a hundred years old, stronger than anything!"

"Oh, according to this day, eating your medicine every day, this hundred-year-old is very simple, my grandmother must be alive, waiting for my grandson to be a prince, daughter-in-law!"

Yuxi almost figured out the finger, the feeling is to see his son and daughter-in-law, hey, the idea is really good!

"Grandma, that's ok, when the time, please sit on the two grandmothers!"

"The shy girl who was not shy, actually invited the guest of the daughter-in-law to come. It can be seen that over the years, the school has broken a lot!" Renda’s grandmother smiled and grotesque, but in her voice, she had a female first. The success of growing up.

"Hey, the girl grows up, it has become a pro, but sometimes I dream of dreaming, you dragged the car to the restaurant where the shopkeeper was selling the food, the time is really fast! Shantou is now When you are married, you will become Wang Hao. Your mother is under Jiuquan, but you can also look at it!" When Grandma talked, her eyes were clearly visible.

"Grandma, don't mention it! Well, mention my mother, you have to tears!" Yu Yu persuaded.

"I naturally don't say it. I can't say it in front of your mother. But I'm sure that now your mother is laughing under Jiuquan, and I can definitely look at it!" Grandma's tone is full of words. sure!

Yuxi raised her eyes and looked at her grandmother. Although the granddaughter has always been very filial, she can stay in the capital, but she still insists on living in Fanjiacun for half a year. In other words, the affairs of Fanjiacun are also in her grasp, and it is difficult to have any news.

"Looking at your present mother-in-law, it’s really envious that she has such a brother-in-law who loves her so much. She protects her so well. I feel envious when I wait for outsiders to see it. Sometimes I think, if your mother-in-law has this. Brother, will it be tortured so early,"

Yuxi didn't take over, and didn't comment on anything. In fact, this is what she always thought. If Jinjia really has such a niece, can things develop to this point? In fact, this is why she and her brother are very familiar with the Jin family.

"But now I don't see it like this. It turns out that your brothers and brothers don't lose to your mother's brothers."

This is a new topic. Although I will be a mother for a while, and my mother will be a while, I can clearly distinguish who is the grandmother, and seriously look at Cheng Grandma. Seeing that it caused the attention of the jade, Cheng Grandma smiled with a bit of pride:

"Taro, don't be too big for grandma to tell the truth. It's really a matter of this. I think it's necessary to talk to you."

"Grandma said it, don't tune your appetite, I am also very curious, how do you feel that my brother's brothers are not losing to me."

"Nature, I want to follow you slowly." Grandma took up her head, sat up straight, and took a sip of tea. This is a big talk.

"You are still small, I really don't remember your mother, it is your brother's champion, I can't remember how much. In short, the bitterness of your aunt, the sin, she also tried! ”

On the side of the grandmother, I heard this, in conjunction with the big * low tone, trembled, this chill stunned the soup that was on the side and grabbed the jade's wrist. It’s pinched.

Tang Tang Cai Cai is very embarrassing factor, so the story of the grass and the jade in the country, the two have been looking for a clear grass in private, this is also why the two curious jade why listen Miss Gao, the words of her mother, and privately to inquire.

After listening to all the stories, the two are very respectful to Miss Gao, otherwise it is difficult to get the respect of these two noble ladies with the reputation of Miss Gao. The two people who are proud of their arrogance, before giving Ms. Gao a salute, they all dealt with a bit, they are forced to look for jade and play, but they have to say hello to the people who are polite. Miss Gao appeared in the life of Yuxi as a benefactor, and the two of them changed their minds to Miss Gao. At this time, Grandma’s grandmother shuddered with Chengda’s words, which made it known that the valerian had suffered a lot. The soup is empathetic.

"Nothing, soup and soup, this thing has passed!" Yu Yu smiled and comforted the soup. But this sentence of jokes with soups makes the soup anger again.

"You have a cousin, great wow, can you not mention it, Wang Hao Niangniang?"

"Ha ha!" The crowd laughed together. This can't help but say that Cai Shangshu's belly black, after he and the Jin family retired, in order to comfort their daughter, actually took this generation to take things. Cai Cai knows that she has become a sage of the sage king, and she has grown up for a generation of soup, and she finally feels that she has moved back to a city! For this matter, in fact, in general, the Qiqi dynasty family, that is the theory of each, otherwise it is really a mess, for example, this Queen Mother, Laoxian Wang Yitong Jin Lao's wife is a generation, and the two sisters plus one Table sister, really is a real relative, but the three married people are worse! Until now, there are no different things in the world.

Yuxi didn't think it was bad for this generation of people. But Tang Tang was very concerned about it. He was born and short, and Cai Tingtou’s generation was thinking that it was not right. Since becoming a relative, this jade and Cai Cai from time to time to mention a mention, let her depressed for a long time, this time also mentioned, that is sin.

It’s easy to wait for the laughter to stop, and Grandma will continue his story. This life is all around the jade, and it’s the grandmother. In the big narrative, now, the grandmother’s life in the village is not easy. The money in the village is now falling. Only fifty texts per month are calculated on a household basis. If you want to get more help in the family, you have to pay for the work. You have to go to the field. The nearly 100-acre field and land donated by the four uncles will get the corresponding rewards when you go to work. There are still a few under the name of the eight grandmother. In the field of acres, it’s very exhausting to grow up. How can I still have time to help Yitian to do the work?

Therefore, it is not enough to get fifty words a month. At this time, the embroidered money earned by Yuhuan is extremely important. This is also the time for Yuhuan to repay the elders’ parenting grace. Therefore, the eight-grandmother Grandpa Eight has stepped up to find the whereabouts of Yuhuan, but it is fruitless...

Next, Fan Jia eight rooms, then one after another. The comfrey knows the county, the eight* Jingui's son-in-law, and then, it is really, it turned out to be bad luck, that is, the original county 衙 衙 式 都 都 。 。 。 。 。 。 。. I used to be a master in the academy. Then, no one dared to stay with him as a master. Just like 'there is no need to be born' plus 'sit on the mountain,' (the original hangs in the name of his ancestors, the inexplicable is out of him. The care of the mountain, the more the mountains are seen, the more empty and faster.) The life of the comfrey family is getting lower and lower, and the body is gradually only a few thick cloths and a thick blouse.

At the beginning, the folks, including Grandma, thought it was retribution, and many unjust retributions, but gradually, they found that it was not the same thing. There were a group of foreigners who lived in the cool town and listened to the accent. It’s the people in the capital, there is nothing, just making friends in the town, is the eldest son of Chengda’s grandmother’s family, but it’s also selling some tofu. Originally, Fan Ji’s tofu was in the town and county. They are all very famous. It is not surprising that some people come to make friends. However, only after a few contacts, Fan Qianzhen (the father of Yuxi), Qian Yuan (the father of Yuyao), feels that the goodwill of the people comes from all. After the two people opposed the brothers of their own eight uncles, they became vivid and more intimate. It’s only to be shocked that these people may not be in the right place. The next is that the dean of the college, under the explicit suggestion of these people, won’t be able to get the court to the court until the Li Bing was expelled, and it has never been delayed before. The various subsidies issued to the scholars.

The village head and patriarch Lao Xin, it is straightforward to know the origin of these people, under the strict requirements of these people, quickly reduced the money that every Fan surname can get. In this way, the interests of other ethnic groups are guaranteed to be protected from loss. Of course, the humility of the ancestors, and the eight grandmothers have been separated from the humility and humility of the relationship, and they have been treated badly. Only the modest humility, when Xu died, he is still only a child, but it is There is nothing wrong with the cracks.

Gradually, many people know that the masters of these people are surnamed Jin, and Grandma’s grandmother even had the honor to see the masters of these people once. She looked like a torch and thought that this person was very familiar, as if she had seen it...

The thief silk language gradually spread in’s original name is Jin, and the brother of the family came to the door...

The people in Fanjiacun were silent, and they were worried about the heart... When Xu was sinned, he did not stand up and swear by the words, and all his hearts were somewhat guilty.

"Grandma, do you mean that someone in the Jin family is going on?"

"If you have a chance to go back, you can see that the Jin family is not an ordinary person. That means it is really tough!"

“Is it really golden?”

"I have seen the grandfather of the Jin family, the last time Yao Yao became a pro..." Cheng Grandma's face is proud, followed by the son of Sanko, I have seen!

Jin Laojiu? Chengda’s grandmother is already a bug in the belly of the jade.

"Not the uncle, Miss Cai,"


"It’s a age that is similar to that of a big family. It’s awesome!” r1152