MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 95 Sui family follow-up

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Ma Jinwo, who was carrying an empty vegetable basket, lowered her head and walked quickly. When someone greeted her, she ignored her. Since she was criticized by the unit and made a public review, Ma Jinwo's head, which was so high in the past, has been lowered. Those partners who usually talk about right and wrong with her also consciously keep a distance from her.

She will be very angry. Now at the end of March, spring vegetables have just come out of the market, which is the time when they are expensive. She picked one by one, and finally picked out a handful of baby spinach. After she went on the scale, she felt that the weight was wrong, so she argued with the peddler, but the peddler became even more angry than her, saying that she was talking nonsense and slandering people, making them unable to afford it. Do not buy food.

In a fit of anger, she threw the handful of spinach back onto the vegetable stall, saying that you are not the only vegetable stall, so I won't buy it!

The hawker is also very angry, saying that you have been picking and picking for a long time, messing up my vegetable stall, and in the end you only bought a few vegetables and said that I am short of catties. I don’t welcome customers like you. Don't come to my booth!

Ma Jinwoo could afford it, and really wanted to go up and slap him twice, but seeing that young man was strong and strong, she was afraid that he would fight back, so she had to spit and leave unwillingly. , I simply didn't buy any vegetables, and walked back with an empty basket, feeling aggrieved and unwilling.

Thinking back to when the Second Machinery Factory was not merged, she was so beautiful. In the factory, it was raining and windy, and she would wear small shoes for anyone who didn't like it. Who would dare to **** her? Not only in the factory, but also in the shops and vendors nearby. Who doesn't know the prestige of Chairman Ma? Give her face wherever she goes, how has she ever been wronged like this, to be pointed at her nose and scolded by a brat!

After returning home, Sui Mingli drank tea and watched TV on the sofa with a blanket on.

Ma Jinwoo threw the vegetable basket on the ground casually, and took a duster to wipe off the loess and dust on the towel. Seeing Sui Mingli like this, she couldn't get angry.

"Drink, drink, drink tea. You drink tea all day long. You don't drink enough at work during the day, and you keep drinking it when you get home. Your lungs are all blistered!" La" slapped the ground, and said viciously.

Sui Mingli was used to it, drinking tea and watching TV on his own, ignoring her.

In the past, the two were husband and wife, one partner and one partner, and their lives were quite harmonious, but since Ma Jinying was notified and punished, you blame me and I blame you, and the relationship between the two has become worse and worse.

He didn't speak, but Ma Jingwo became even angrier. She threw the towel aside, strode over to turn off the TV, and shouted at Sui Mingli, "You're a wimp! You know how to hide at home and don't care about anything!"

Sui Mingli glanced at her and asked, "Didn't you go shopping, where are the vegetables?"

When it comes to food, Ma Jinwoo gets even angrier, "What kind of food, why should we buy that expensive food? There are more than two of us living in this house. That Yang Chuncao is holding her own salary in her hands." , not paying a penny, eating and drinking at home, and not even a small egg, why raise her for nothing? Still eat my food, let her eat sand outside!"

In this case, Ma Jingwo would have to complain once or twice a day, and Sui Mingli agreed at first, but it would be very annoying if she heard too much. They didn't know how many tricks they had come up with to deal with Yang Chuncao, but it was useless. In terms of face, they couldn't compare to Yang Chuncao. Yang Chuncao didn't care what he said. It was as if it wasn't her, and it didn't affect what he should eat or drink.

Yang Chuncao also went to night school and became educated. Normally, she doesn't have the same knowledge as Ma Jinying, but if she is serious, she can catch up with the truth, the country sayings, whatever you say. After all the sentences were followed, Ma Jinguo's loud voice and strong words were insignificant in front of her, and she lost all advantages, and the result was that she was dizzy and dizzy with anger.

What's more, she has also learned to support herself. She lives in a family courtyard. She used to work under Ma Zhiguo, and now she is a **** who is now working as an officer of the Women's Federation. He wanted to go to the Women's Federation of Machinery Group to report the situation, saying that Ma Jinwoo abused his daughter-in-law. Ma Jingwo was notified by the whole system, and she was ashamed and humiliated. If something like this happened again, she would not be able to get along in the machinery group at all, so when Yang Chuncao threatened her, she gave up.

Not counting all these, the most annoying thing is that his son's heart is so biased, he has been complaining to Yang Chuncao, and he told Xini that Yang Chuncao is very good, so they don't always find fault, etc. .

Yang Chuncao is good, it's because I'm not good at being a father and mother!

The Ma Jinwomen and their husbands were both disappointed and helpless. They really regretted letting their son marry this daughter-in-law in the first place. They can't really offend their son, they will have to rely on him to provide for them in the future, and they have to live in peace according to their son's wishes.

But still not reconciled, the resentment in my heart is getting heavier and heavier, so I can only vent it through complaining and cursing. If cursing could kill, Yang Chuncao would have died thousands of times already.

There was the sound of the lock being unlocked, and Sui Mingli, who was half covering his ears, interrupted Ma Jinying's chatter and motioned her to look at the door.

When Yang Chuncao opened the door and entered the room, Ma Jinguo just closed her mouth, but her neck was stuck, and she let out a low "hum".

Yang Chuncao first glanced at the kitchen, and then said, "Didn't you cook today? Why don't you order a meal ticket for me, and I'll go to the cafeteria of the machinery factory to get some?"

Ma Jingwo was **** off again, she had never seen such a slick person!

Ma Jinying said bitterly: "Your father and I are getting older, we can't digest well, and we're not hungry, so we won't eat at night."

Yang Chuncao let out an "oh", without feeling angry, and said, "Then I'll cook some noodles myself, and you and my dad will eat when we're hungry."

Then Yang Chuncao rummaged through the boxes to find dried noodles, picked cabbage, boiled vegetable oil and green onion in a pot, put shredded cabbage in it, put noodles in it after the fire was turned on, and beat eggs.

Ma Jingwo didn't need to look, every movement of Yang Chuncao was in front of her eyes, and every sound made her heart tremble, and her heart ached terribly.

After a while, Yang Chuncao's noodles were cooked, and there was a big oily aroma. Sui Mingli swallowed unconsciously, and Ma Jinwoo gave her a hard look.

Yang Chuncao quickly fished out a lump of pickled vegetables, cut it and washed it twice with water to remove the salty taste, then cut it into thin strips, and mixed it with sesame oil and soy sauce. In order to prevent the pickles jar from growing white mildew, salty soup is boiled every winter, that is, the pickles are boiled together with the water of the pickles. The pickles that have been boiled in the salty soup are all cooked pickles, which taste soft and glutinous. The special fragrance, the children in Yang Chuncao's hometown eat this kind of cooked pickles as snacks. She has been in the city for many years, and she still likes to eat this bite.

She served all the noodles in a big thick porcelain bowl, and she did not stand in the way of them. Instead, she took the noodles and pickles to her room and said, "Mom and Dad, I'll eat first, and you have to eat some later." , or being hungry at night will affect sleep."

When the door of her room was closed, Ma Jingwo said viciously: "Eat, you won't die!"

Then he hurried to the kitchen, looked at the oil pot and the sesame oil bottle, counted the eggs, saw only cabbage pieces left on the chopping board, felt a liver pain again, and cursed in a low voice.

Coming out of the kitchen, he saw Sui Mingli slowly getting dressed.

"Why are you going?"

Sui Mingli went to the kitchen to find an aluminum lunch box, and said, "Go to the cafeteria."

"Don't go!"

Sui Mingli ignored him, and left on his own. Ma Jinguo was so angry that she pinched her waist and was about to scold, but was almost smashed in the face by the door being thrown.

After a long time, she slapped her thigh: "I can't live through this day!"

Yang Chuncao put away the noodle bowl and pickle dish, turned around and closed the door, then took out the Chinese textbook from her satchel, and ate while reading.

She is more and more satisfied with her current life.

Ever since she met Yan Ruxu's family in the hospital, she suspected that Kang Kang was Kang Congxin's child, and she heard from the doctor that she was still a big girl, so she had some guesses. But she didn't do anything rashly, but thought it over carefully, weighing the pros and cons carefully. After waiting patiently for several days, after Sui Yuanzhi came home, he said that he wanted to have a good talk with him.

"What can you talk to me about?"

At that time, Sui Yuanzhi's expression was as if he heard a child talking about state affairs, and his eyes were full of disdain. Yang Chuncao was used to this kind of expression, and didn't notice it.

She said: "Talk about your ex-wife's children, and why I'm still a big girl after we've been married for so long!"

Sui Yuanzhi's expression changed drastically immediately, and the calmness on her face disappeared. She looked towards the door of the bedroom and lowered her voice: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yang Chuncao smiled and said, "Am I talking nonsense, you know it, and I know it too!"

Sui Yuanzhi's eyes were sharp, with veins popping out on his forehead, he stared at her fiercely: "What do you want!"

That gaze made Yang Chuncao take a step back unconsciously. Sui Yuanzhi has always been gentle and polite. When facing her, he either ignores or disdains him. He has never seen him like this before. But Yang Chuncao can also understand that for a man, whether he can do it or not means his dignity as a man. These days, she has also been depressed, but she coaxed herself well. She knew that it was useless to be angry, and she would not let herself be weak all the time. She always thought of the best, she and Sui Yuanzhi had not been married for a long time, so it was better to find out sooner than later.

Because of this secret, she also figured out why Sui Yuanzhi chose her in the first place. If he had such a good condition, if it wasn't for such a fatal flaw, he wouldn't have found himself.

Thinking that Sui Yuanzhi had concealed and deceived herself, and that it was him who was at fault, Yang Chuncao was no longer afraid, and she said: "You still ask me what I want to do, you have deceived me for so long, because you have never been pregnant, how much have you suffered from your parents?" Angry? I was forced by your family to go for the inspection! You have the nerve to ask me what I want to do, and you bully me, a helpless woman?"

Seeing that Sui Yuanzhi's eyes became more and more red and his breathing became more and more rapid, Yang Chuncao knew that this hurt his self-esteem. It would be bad if he beat him up in anger. Yang Chuncao quickly softened his tone and said: "You should have told me from the beginning that there used to be a man in our village, but it didn't work. Later, the doctor in the neighboring village prescribed a few medicines and he was cured. What I want to say is that this is a disease. But it is not an incurable disease. I asked. The hospital has a special andrology department that treats this. I went there to see the men who lined up to see the doctor there. It doesn't matter if it doesn't work."

Sui Yuanzhi's expression gradually softened, and he was not so angry anymore. He smiled and said, "Thank you, it's not that I don't want to say it, but it's hard to say it. I've seen many doctors, and they all said it can't be cured."

Yang Chuncao didn't look sad when she saw him, she seemed to be used to it. Although it is common sense that Sui Yuanzhi's experience is quite sympathetic, but she has seen too many poor people. It's really nothing, she took advantage of the topic to open up, and then asked: "The child with such a face?"

"As you guessed, she begged me for help, so... But I have an agreement with her, I'm sorry I can't tell you too much, please just know it yourself, don't let this matter go out."

Sure enough. Yang Chuncao agreed.

Sui Yuanzhi: "Don't worry about others, Chuncao, I want to ask you one thing."

"what's up?"

"Don't disclose my affairs to outsiders, especially my parents. No matter how bad my parents are to you, don't irritate them because of my affairs. Of course, I will defend you in the future and try my best to persuade them to treat you a little better."

Yang Chuncao nodded and agreed: "Okay, I promise you."

Sui Yuanzhi smiled, with a gentle attitude, and no longer being arrogant, he began to look at Yang Chuncao, and said, "Thank you, Chuncao, I did see the right person, I knew you were a good and understanding girl at first sight."

Yang Chuncao smiled perfunctorily. This marriage has brought her too many benefits. After she figured it out, she didn't have much resentment towards Sui Yuanzhi.

Sui Yuanzhi went on to say: "I am sorry for you, I used you, since you already know, I respect your choice, if you want to divorce, I will give you a sum of compensation for the loss you have suffered in the past two years , if you don't dislike me and want to live with me, in the future, although I can't give you a normal marriage, I can compensate you in other ways, and if there is no child, we can also think of other ways together. "

After finishing speaking, Sui Yuanzhi looked at her earnestly, saying that he had left the choice to Yang Chuncao, but Yang Chuncao could rarely see the warmth in his eyes, and saw that Sui Yuanzhi did not want to divorce her. It just so happened that no matter what happened in the future, Yang Chuncao didn't want to divorce him now, she needed a place to live and saved money.

She is very envious of Cao Guijuan's mother. If she can get a house and 50 yuan a month in alimony, she can sign a divorce with Sui Yuanzhi immediately, but Sui Yuanzhi is not that capable, so she can only stabilize the current situation first. Live, and then slowly accumulate capital to find a way out for yourself.

Yang Chuncao said very sincerely: "We country people pay attention to marrying a chicken and following the chicken, marrying a dog as the dog does, and marrying a shoulder pole to carry it away. I am uneducated, but I admit death. Since I am married to you, no matter what you do, I am yours." Wife, I am one with you, how can you divorce because you are sick? There is a saying in our country, that is, marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat..."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Sui Yuanzhi with wide eyes, hoping that Sui Yuanzhi could understand what she meant.

Sui Yuanzhi naturally understood, and was very pleased and even proud. Although he and Yang Chuncao had known each other for a short time, he had thoroughly investigated her. She was a helpless, rational woman with some tricks. He didn't marry her because of love. Similarly, she didn't marry him because she liked her, and she also wanted something from him. This is exactly what Sui Yuanzhi needs, a lover who does not interfere with each other without love.

This time, Yang Chuncao discovered something, and instead of making trouble with him, he negotiated with him rationally, which made Sui Yuanzhi very satisfied, and felt that he had been underestimated before.

Sui Yuanzhi said with a smile: "I used 50 yuan from my salary to subsidize my family before, and I will give you another 20 yuan a month to subsidize you. What do you think?"

It's only twenty, Yang Chuncao is a little disappointed. She didn't know how much money Sui Yuanzhi made in a month, Sui Yuanzhi didn't tell her, she tried it out from the old couple in a roundabout way, and they didn't know the exact figure, but where is Sui Yuanzhi's administrative level, the salary is fixed , I just don’t know how much the allowances, bonuses and other subsidies are, but 70 per month is not a lot, but 50 of them were handed over by Sui Yuanzhi to Ma Jingying, and used as food expenses for the two of them.

Yang Chuncao suggested: "You only eat two or three meals a week at home. Because I have to go to night school, I often eat dinner at work. I was thinking, can you divide the money into two parts, one part is still for mom, and the other Part of it is given to me, and I usually help the family with grocery shopping."

It doesn't matter whether it's day and night or day and night, Sui Yuanzhi doesn't matter, anyway, he has to pay seventy yuan a month. But it is conceivable that once this request is made, it will inevitably cause an uproar. It is impossible for my mother to agree, and there will be another big scene.

Thinking of his mother pinching her waist and stretching out her fingers with an angry face, Sui Yuanzhi had a headache. After thinking about it, it was better for him to compromise: "I can't change the living expenses for my mother. How about this? I'll give you an extra ten yuan a month." .”

Yang Chuncao nodded happily: "OK."

She didn't want to **** food from Ma Zhiguo at first, if she really wanted the money from Ma Zhiguo, it would be a violation of Ma Zhiguo's bottom line, and she insisted on making a fuss. It's time for eternity. She still wants to continue to live in this family, she won't be so stupid, she is just forcing Sui Yuanzhi to give her more money.

Now that the goal has been achieved, she is very satisfied. She can save an extra 30 yuan a month. She heard from the radio that there are commercial houses that can be bought and sold freely in the open areas along the southeast coast. I don’t know if there will be any in the capital? If there is, she will work hard to save money and always have a house of her own.

Today the weather is fine and the sun is shining. Yan Ruxu rides his bicycle leisurely. The winter jasmine on the side of the road is gone, with tender green leaves growing, and the silk-like wicker fluttering in the wind, as if enjoying the touch of the spring breeze. Today there is no sand and dust, and the sky is clear. Yan Ruxu didn't wear a mask, but only a baseball cap to prevent the wind from blowing her hair up with static electricity.

When she was approaching the gate of the family courtyard, Yan Ruxu was stopped by someone. She stopped and turned her head to see that it was Yang Chuncao.

The author has something to say:

"Migrant Girls of the 1990s" has been published, interested little angels can check it out.

Read Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground