MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 69 Thanks (one more)

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Secretary Gao took a sip of tea and said, "Actually last year when our magazine had just published a special feature on Red Star Factory and sales started to skyrocket, he called me and said that he was in good health and could come to work. He just prevaricated, and then called me several times, but I made excuses to shirk them. But who would have thought that he would come to me early this morning with the hospital certificate. I told him He said that he has been on sick leave for several years, and even if he is reinstated, he has to go through various procedures for approval, which cannot be completed in a short while."

Yan Ruxu: "He just went to the office to hold a meeting for everyone, and asked me to hand over the editor-in-chief job to him."

Yan Ruxu felt a little amused in his heart. It turned out that Qiu Dezhi was just bluffing. He came to the office first to make it a fait accompli that he came back to be the editor-in-chief, forcing Secretary Gao and the others to agree to his application for reinstatement. Fortunately, she was not caught, otherwise she would have been passive.

Secretary Gao smiled and said: "This old comrade! Seeing that the magazine is now running, it is normal to have some thoughts in my heart, but ah, Xiaoyan, we are our own people, let me tell you the truth. Now the sales volume of the magazine is stable. , The staff is stable, I don’t want any changes, besides, the editor-in-chief Qiu doesn’t understand the needs of young people, our magazine, or the film industry. It’s going to be messed up if an outsider guides an insider.”

"Drink tea, drink tea." Secretary Gao said, motioning for Yan Ruxu to drink water.

Yan Ruxu picked up the water glass as he wanted and took a sip.

Secretary Gao went on to say: "In the past, there were such incidents in the daily newspaper office where workers on sick leave asked to return to work. It can be regarded as a case to follow. Those who have a leadership position, after reinstatement, continue to hold the original leadership position. It is to transfer to a more leisurely department. Regarding the editor-in-chief Qiu, I just communicated with Section Chief Zhang of the organization and personnel department in the agency. We both agree that he is about to retire and he should rest at home. Well, if he still actively asks to go to work, then he can adjust to the logistics of our magazine, anyway, our logistics has been short of people, and let the old comrades use their spare energy."

Secretary Gao spoke very bluntly. It was really not easy for an old fritter like Secretary Gao who was good at writing in spring and autumn to be able to say these words. He was really afraid that Yan Ruxu would affect his work mood because of Qiu Dezhi. Give Yan Ruxu a reassurance.

Yan Ruxu smiled and said: "The leader is wise! Then I can rest assured. We started this magazine from scratch, and finally developed it into the current scale. We should cherish it."

Qiu Dezhi was fine when he was at the daily office, but he was on sick leave when he was transferred to the magazine office. Secretary Gao knew what was going on with his sick leave, and so did Yan Ruxu. It was nothing more than dissatisfaction with his transfer from the daily office and "assignment" to the second-level unit of the magazine office, and he became passive and sabotage.

He has a case and doctor's order from the hospital, and he has gone through the formal sick leave procedures, which is in line with the procedures, which is fine, but it would be too base to pick the fruit and pick up the ready-made ones after the magazine's results.

Therefore, not only Yan Xu, but Secretary Gao was also very angry. If Qiu Dezhi really made it happen, the whole magazine, especially the start-up employees who had put in their hard work, would be dissatisfied. Regardless of the considerations, Secretary Gao cannot let Qiu Dezhi succeed.

He smiled, put his legs up, and said: "Don't be affected by it, you still have to work hard and choose topics well. Now the magazine industry is so competitive that two new magazines will come out every month. Can you We need to help stabilize the position of our magazine."

Yan Ruxu said: "I will work hard. But Secretary Gao, you have to do me a favor now. Editor Qiu is still in the office waiting to hand over the work to me."

"Okay, leave it to me." Secretary Gao stood up and said, "I'll go there with you."

When the two walked into Office 208, Qiu Dezhi was standing in front of Yan Ruxu's desk looking at something. Huang Limei, Jiang Yun, and Chen Yang were all standing and looking at him, wanting to stop them but not knowing what to do. The look of stopping.

Yan Ruxu's desk occupies the best position in the entire office, and it is also a convention that only the top leaders of the office can sit there. This is also the reason why Qiu Dezhi chose to sit on Yan Ruxu's chair instead of taking an empty seat. This was silently swearing sovereignty to Yan Ruxu, and Yan Ruxu's merciless driving him away also represented She refused to give up the position.

Yan Ruxu smiled reassuringly at Jiang Yun.

Secretary Gao smiled and called out, "Old Qiu."

Qiu Dezhi put down the things in his hands and greeted him.

Only then did Yan Ruxu realize that what Qiu Dezhi was flipping through was the manuscript paper she had just put away, and she couldn't help but feel offended, and she felt even more disgusted with Qiu Dezhi.

Secretary Gao and Qiu Dezhi chatted for a few words like close old friends, and then said: "Let's not disturb their work here, go to my office and have a good chat." Secretary Gao said, and took Qiu Dezhi out .

Seeing the two walking away, Huang Limei closed the door, and said in a low voice, "What is this guy doing? He didn't contribute as much to the magazine as I do, so he wanted to come here to claim credit. Why is his face so big? Editor-in-Chief Yan, how can you?" Be sure to stand up! I don't want to have such a leader. After a while, I can see that he is the kind of official who is not big and powerful. He can only shout slogans and can't do practical things for a long time! By the way , What did Secretary Gao just tell you, I think his attitude is towards us?"

Yan Ruxu thought, Huang Limei probably met such a leader before, and was angered a lot, so she was more excited than herself when she was so sensitive and resistant to Qiu Dezhicai.

She smiled and said, "Secretary Gao is a smart and wise leader. If you have his considerations, don't scare yourself."

Hearing what Daoyan said, Huang Limei felt a little relieved. She stroked her chest and said, "If he really comes back to be the editor-in-chief, I will find a way to transfer him away!"

"Not at all," Yan Ruxu said.

I don't know how Secretary Gao and Qiu Dezhi talked, anyway, Qiu Dezhi didn't come back that day after he left.

Maybe Yan Ru thinks that this is the end of the matter, Qiu Dezhi doesn't even want to be shameless, he has made such a big determination, and he wants to reinstate his job as the editor-in-chief. If he is willing to give up, he should give up when he was pushed by Secretary Gao several times before thought. But he probably won't adopt today's strategy. This kind of strategy is to preemptively strike and can only be used once. When people react, it will be difficult to use defense. Yan Ruxu thought that the most likely method he would adopt was an upper-level strategy, to find a leader of the daily office who was a level higher than Secretary Gao, and ask him to put pressure on the magazine office.

However, since the magazine's sales have increased, the magazine no longer relies on the daily appropriation, and Secretary Gao's back has become tougher. The magazine has a lot of autonomy in finance, operations, and personnel. Secretary Gao stubbornly refused to agree, and the Daily News had no choice.

Secretary Gao's interests are so consistent with Yan's, and he doesn't want anyone to disturb the original order of the magazine. So, with Secretary Gao standing in front of him, Yan Ruxu wasn't worried.

At the same time, Kang Congxin was sitting in the conference room on the third floor of the new administrative office building of the Machinery Group, presiding over the factory director's office meeting. Suddenly they heard the sound of gongs and drums outside. At first, everyone didn't pay attention to it, but the sound was getting closer and louder, and everyone's voices were gradually drowned out by the sound of gongs and drums.

When the sound of gongs and drums was getting closer, Kang Congxin had already told his secretary Qi Shuyuan to investigate the situation. Now, he reported the situation to Kang Congxin: "It is said that an employee of our group saved someone bravely. The pennant was sent with beating of gongs and drums, and it was said that they also brought a reporter from the Legal Daily to cover the whole process."

Kang Congxin nodded, this is a good thing to increase the reputation of the machinery group. For such brave employees, the Group will also reward them accordingly.

It was so noisy that the meeting couldn't continue, so we paused for a few minutes and waited for the noise to end before starting.

The sound of gongs and drums stopped when they got close. After a while, Director Zhao of the logistics department came in with a red face. Mr. Kang, I really didn't expect that the person they were looking for was you, you did such a great deed in silence, why didn't you tell us anything, you are willing to be an unsung hero!"

Everyone was confused by Director Zhao's words, but Kang Congxin understood, and asked Director Zhao, "What's the name of the person here?"

Director Zhao: "Haha, Mr. Kang, how many times have you been an unsung hero! This is Huang Binhan, a professor at Huayang University, a famous Chinese painter and collector! We are going to hold a formal flag presentation in the auditorium later. Ceremony, comrades from our logistics and publicity department rushed over to set up the venue!"

Kang Congxin nodded and said, "There is no need to hold the flag-presenting ceremony, and there is no need to make this matter public. You bring Professor Huang to my office alone, and we can chat."

Director Zhao was a little anxious, "What a good news topic and publicity opportunity this is! You should go and participate!" Director Zhao was a little puzzled, this is such a great thing that you can't ask for it, like a hero Wearing red and hanging colors, accepting the respect and worship of the employees of the whole group.

Kang Congxin waved his hand, which meant that he had already decided not to let Director Zhao continue talking.

Director Zhao had no choice but to back off and said, "How about we hold a simple ceremony downstairs, you just need to go over and ask Professor Huang to present the pennant to you, express your sincere thanks, and then shoot Just take a group photo, and you will come back? The leaders of our group have done such a great thing, so we must let our employees see the world, right?"

Kang Congxin still refused, and said: "The reporter from the Rule of Law Daily is also here? I won't accept the interview. If they want to write a report, don't disclose my information. The finished manuscript will be reviewed by me before publication."

Well, Vice President Kang not only did not attend the flag presenting ceremony, he even did not see the reporters and did not disclose the information. Are he really willing to be an unsung hero who does good deeds without leaving a name?

Seeing Kang Congxin's firm attitude, Director Zhao stopped persuading him and arranged according to Kang Congxin's wishes.

Kang Congxin simply asked everyone to rest for half an hour before driving again.

The sound of gongs and drums downstairs stopped.

Soon, Huang Binhan was led by Director Zhao, surrounded by several people, to Kang Congxin's office.

One was rescued by Kang Congxin, the son of Huang Binhan, and a woman in her early twenties wearing a police uniform and a camera hanging on her chest. This was probably a reporter from Legal Daily, and two others An unidentifiable person held a silk banner in his hand, and the silk banner hung down naturally, with a few large characters embroidered on it: brave to sacrifice oneself to save others.

Huang Binhan's son smiled and nodded at Kang Congxin, and then whispered something to his father. Huang Binhan immediately stepped forward and took Kang Congxin's hand: "I can see your true face now, thank you for your help." kindness!"

"You're welcome!" Kang Cong shook his hand again.

He saved Huang Binhan, but it is not easy to come to the door again. It will make people misunderstand that he is here to ask for thanks. Kangkang failed to apply for the painting class, so he enrolled his child in a roller skating class. Kangkang likes it very much. It is said that it can train balance ability and promote the development of cerebellum.

As for Huang Binhan, after waking up in the hospital, he heard his son tell about his strange and lucky experience when he was in a coma, and later learned other information from his old friend and neighbor. It's because I feel that I run this enlightenment class and indirectly saved the lives of my father and son.

From then on, he thought about how to thank his savior. He wants to make him famous, let his leaders and colleagues know about it, and also gain wide acclaim from the society!

So, he carefully planned this bustling pennant presentation event, and also used his social popularity to contact the Legal Daily. They filmed the reporter and followed the whole process, and promised to publish it in the newspaper.

Unexpectedly, the protagonist turned out to be the vice president of the group.

Kang Congxin only said his name and work unit, and no one expected his position to be so high. According to common ideals, the top leaders of a large group, first, must be at least forty-five years old; So a big leader can't put himself in a dangerous situation.

This is a stereotype rooted in everyone's thinking.

So when he heard that there was only one person named Kang Congxin in the machinery group, and he was the vice president of the group from Director Zhao, Huang Binhan's first reaction was, did he find the wrong person, did he remember the wrong unit or the wrong name? It wasn't until his son confirmed to him that it was the person in front of him that Huang Binhan had some sense of reality.

He felt a little regretful and felt that he was reckless. He should have inquired about the identity of the savior in advance. The honor that applies to ordinary employees and cadres does not necessarily apply to high-level leaders.

He apologized and said to Kang Congxin: "I'm ashamed, ashamed, I hope my reckless behavior today didn't cause you any trouble."

Kang Congxin smiled and beckoned everyone to sit down on the leather sofa in the office, "Where?"

The two exchanged greetings and introduced politely, and then introduced the people who came with him. His son is Xiao Huang, the deputy chief physician of the internal medicine department of Xiehe Hospital, Xiao Hu, the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau in his jurisdiction, Xiao Hu, a reporter from the Legal Daily, the chief of the school's security department, and a school leader of Huayang University.

Such a lineup is really strong, and it can be seen that Huang Binhan sincerely wants to thank Kang Congxin for having so many people to help carry the sedan chair.

Secretary Qi Shuyuan made tea and brought in a cup for everyone. Seeing that the young and beautiful female reporter Xiao Hu from the Rule of Law Daily was picking up the camera and preparing to take pictures of Kang Congxin, he politely stopped her, "Sorry, it's not convenient for our leaders to take pictures."

She is the youngest and the least qualified among the few present, and she came here for interviews. She has a different purpose from the others, and she consciously sits at the most marginal position. Although she had already been notified that Kang Congxin would not accept interviews, she felt that it would be a waste not to interview such a good social event, so she came with Huang Binhan and his party, ready to find an opportunity to persuade her.

She was originally invited by Huang Binhan through his relationship, but the person involved refused to interview. Huang Binhan felt very sorry for Xiao Hu, so naturally he would not drive Xiao Hu away. Director Zhao felt that the little girl was so young and beautiful, maybe if she persuaded her and acted coquettishly, Vice President Kang agreed, who could bear to refuse her?

Therefore, even though Kang Congxin said that he would not accept interviews, Xiao Hu, who is a reporter, still came here.

She was sitting on the farthest edge, her body was blocked by the burly head of the security department of Huayang University in front of her, and she just happened to be able to look at Kang Congxin unscrupulously.

This too-young vice president of the group has a masculine and handsome face, firm eyes, and a loud voice. Sitting in front of several people who have certain social status, he still looks like a leader. He has a straight figure, broad shoulders and a thin waist, and two pairs of slender thighs full of strength. She had never been in contact with such an excellent man before, she was a little fascinated by it, and subconsciously forgot the reminder that he was not allowed to take pictures, and picked up the camera hanging on her chest.

It wasn't until Secretary Xiao Qi reminded her that she woke up like a dream, and put down the camera embarrassingly. He whispered to Qi Shuyuan, "Can I talk to Vice President Kang alone later?"

Qi Shuyuan didn't know why Kang Congxin refused to be interviewed, but thinking about it, his photos were rarely published in the group's internal magazines. Maybe he didn't like taking pictures by nature. good thing.

Seeing that Huang Binhan and others had finished their cordial and friendly exchanges with Kang Congxin and was about to leave, he quickly said to Xiao Hu: "Then don't leave later, when I go to see Huang Lao and the others, you should hurry up and say, But you don't have much time, Vice President Kang still has a meeting."

Xiao Hu immediately cheered up, showing two pretty canine teeth.

Sure enough, Kang Congxin asked Qi Shuyuan to help him see off everyone, and Xiao Hu pretended to leave last, but she didn't leave after the group of people went out. Kang rediscovered her, looked at her sharply and asked, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Looking up at her, Xiao Hu's heart was beating extremely fast, his face was a little hot, and he suddenly felt a secret and tense joy. But when Kang looked over from Xin's eyes, she immediately felt a chill in her body, and her hairs began to separate unconsciously. This was the subconscious warning of her body when she was being targeted by a ferocious beast.

However, after the chill in his body passed, Xiao Hu felt a deeper joy in his heart, and he was full of curiosity about the man in front of him. He was mysterious, powerful, and full of charm, and he was a storyteller!

She was breathing heavily, and her face was full of spring. At that moment, she realized that she fell in love with the charming man in front of her at first sight.

She walked forward unconsciously, but she didn't dare to get too close. She said, "I still want to interview you."

Kang Congxin laughed suddenly, the coldness and alienation on his face dissipated in an instant, and a gentle expression appeared on his face. Just when Xiao Hu was happy and wanted to move forward and get closer to Kang Congxin, he saw that Kang Congxin had recovered the expression just now , said: "I don't accept interviews."

Xiao Hu wanted to argue again, but Kang Congxin said lightly, "Go out."

This was an order that could not be disputed. Xiao Hu was immediately discouraged, and walked towards the door with her head bowed. She was still a little unwilling when she got to the door, and she was very reluctant. She grabbed the door frame and only showed her small head and shouted inside: "My name is Hu Xuan!" After shouting, she hurried out.

Kang Congxin didn't seem to hear, didn't raise his head, and didn't respond. He just felt that this woman was inexplicable, and whether her name was Hu Xuan or Hu Xuanwu had nothing to do with him.

However, this woman awakened his memory, and he recalled the scene when he first met Yan Ruxu. As a war reporter, such a beautiful girl came to the southwest border, appeared beside him, entangled him, showed her love to him, and captured his steely heart.

During the years when he left her, Kang recollected every detail of getting along with Yanxu again. He thought, even if Yan Ruxu didn't confess his love first, he couldn't help pursuing Yan Ruxu, she had already lived in his heart.

There was only one Yan Ruxu. The reporter just now was like a tree by the side of the road or a brick on the wall, which did not leave a ripple in Kang Congxin's heart.

The author has something to say:

There will be another update at 6 o'clock