MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 28 not acquainted

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Next to Kang Congxin, Ma Shaoyuan, who is also the vice president of the machinery group, wanted to clink glasses with him, but he yelled several times but got no response, and then pushed him again. The director of the factory is on the same level as Kang Congxin, so he knows that he is not simple.

The resumes of the future top leaders of the Machinery Group are public internally. Only Kang Congxin is very mysterious. His resume is blank. No one knows his background. It can only be judged from his behavior and temperament that he used to be a soldier. , but to be able to change jobs to become the vice president of such a large group company, how high was the military rank in the army before?

Ma Shaoyuan did not dare to underestimate Kang Congxin who was on an equal footing with him at such a young age.

Kang Congxin turned his head slowly and glanced at Ma Shaoyuan, his eyes were bloodshot at some point. He picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Ma Shaoyuan, and drank it in one gulp, looking at Kangkang unconsciously.

"This kid eats really delicious, and it's easy to take with you when you see it. Children are the most fun when they are three or four years old. When they are older and sensible, they will be mischievous and annoying." After Ma Shaoyuan took a sip of wine, he picked up the wine glass, Said: "I'm going to make a circle too, and you will come too in a while."

Kang Congxin nodded to him, pursed his lips tightly, looked at Kang Kang with fiery eyes, held the glass with his right hand vigorously, and after holding it for a long time, he opened his right hand suddenly, the glass fell on the table, and Kang Congxin stood up abruptly , striding towards Kangkang.

Yan Liangshen accepted round after round of toasts, and cast his eyes on Kangkang from time to time.

There has been a new person beside Kangkang. She is the only woman in the group. Miss Li Xiangmei from the organization department is in her forties this year. She is wearing a dark blue lapel suit. It looks very neat when the clip is pinned up. Her little granddaughter is about the same age as Kangkang, and she fell in love with Kangkang when she saw her. She was helping Kangkang pick up vegetables and peel shrimps, and she smiled and asked him indifferently: "Is it delicious? Do you like Grandma Li? "

"Delicious, I like it."

Kangkang was so hungry that he couldn't lift his head, his little head and two little fat legs were dangling at the same frequency, and he had to keep perfunctory Li Xiangmei, giving Li Xiangmei his love, wishing he could hug him and cherish him fiercely.

Suddenly, she felt a little cold behind her, and turned her head suddenly, and saw Kang Congxin standing behind her at some unknown time, his gaze turned from Kangkang to her a little slowly, nodding and smiling at her.

Li Xiangmei unconsciously stared at his face for a while, then looked at Kangkang, feeling that the big and small looks are very imaginative, especially the eyes, which are all big double eyelids, and the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, which is very distinctive. Eyebrows are not common. It's just that these two people are one big and one small, one is black and the other is white, one is stern, the other is smiling, and their temperaments are very different. When they take a quick look, they can't see any similarities. I really can't find it.

Li Xiangmei unconsciously looked at Yan Liangshen again, Kang Kang was still more similar to Kang Congxin than this direct grandfather.

Li Xiangmei was secretly surprised, but she would not say it rudely, guessing in her heart that it was probably fate. She was very knowledgeable and interesting, so she stood up, gave up her seat to Kang Congxin, and said, "Vice President Kang has also reached the age of caring for children, let's experience the fun of coaxing children in advance."

Kang Congxin nodded to her to express his gratitude, then sat down on the side of the seat next to Kangkang, resting his arms on the dining table, and looked at Kangkang intently, with a smile unconsciously appearing on his stern face.

This child, like himself, is also like her.

Kang Kang turned his head, there was soup on his white and tender face, he smiled at Kang Congxin, as if he was very familiar with him, and said, "I know you, you are an uncle hero!"

With this milky voice and cute smile, Kang Congxin is like a snowman under the warm winter sun, about to be melted in the sun. His heart is warm and aching, which makes his nose sore and his eye sockets hot. Afraid of scaring the child, he quickly closed his eyes, raised his chin slightly, rolled his eyes, and suppressed the moisture in his eyes.

During this period, Kangkang kept staring at him curiously with his big eyes blinking.

Kang Congxin subconsciously found a cloth napkin, gently wiped Kang Kang's cheeks, and said softly, "Why do you call me Uncle Hero?"

Kang Kang raised his head, and said as a matter of course: "You are the hero uncle!"

"Okay, I'm Uncle Hero." Kang Congxin was infinitely gentle in his heart, thinking that even if the child wanted stars and moons, he would take them off. He couldn't hear the noisy sounds around him, and only this little man had eyesight and hearing.

Kang Congxin wanted to ask him where his mother had gone and why she wasn't with him, but he didn't ask, but just looked at him greedily.

Kangkang adapted well to his gaze, and smiled happily, looking very happy. His plate was empty, so he made the request as a matter of course, "Uncle, I want to eat that fish."

"Okay, okay." Kang Congxin hurriedly picked up a piece of steamed sea bass with his chopsticks, and put it on the small plate in front of Kangkang. He used the chopsticks to hold down the fish little by little, as if he was wiping his hands, and checked it patiently, until the fish was flattened, and then picked up the fish. Kangkang couldn't wait any longer, he opened his mouth like a baby bird, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he bit the chopsticks and ate all the fish meat.

Since Kangkang learned to use spoons and chopsticks, Yan Ruxu let him eat by himself, no matter how slow or dirty he ate. When others wanted to feed him, they would be stopped by Yan Ruxu, saying that it was to exercise the child's autonomy and hand dexterity. There will be someone waiting to feed him, Kangkang is delicious, just after eating the fish, he pointed at the plate of boiled shrimp.

Kang Congxin quickly peeled the shrimp for him, and after eating one shrimp, Kang Kang wanted to drink water and wipe his mouth again, which made Kang Congxin turn around.

Suddenly, Kangkang's two calves were twisted tightly together, and a nervous expression appeared on his face. Kang Congxin, who had been keeping a good eye on him, immediately noticed his abnormality, and hurriedly asked, "Kangkang, what's wrong?"

"Uncle, I want to pee," he said, looking at the dishes on the table with some reluctance.

Kang Congxin understood it all at once, couldn't help laughing, touched Kangkang's head gently, and then hugged him: "Let's go pee first, and come back and eat after peeing."

"En", Kangkang nodded obediently.

At this time, Yan Liangshen looked over, Kang Congxin hugged Kangkang, pointed to the bathroom, Yan Liangshen nodded to him.

Kang Kang's two small arms hugged Kang Congxin's neck tightly, and his small face was stuck to Kang Congxin's cheek. His beard pricked him, but he seemed to find something interesting. , and approached with a grin.

Kangkang's small body is soft, and there is a milky smell on his body. Kang Congxin hugged him, felt his little heartbeat, and his breathing was slightly shorter than that of an adult, and listened to his giggling laughter. Tranquil and filling.

He carried Kangkang to the toilet and washed his hands again. Back on the seat, Kangkang refused to sit down, and kept holding Kang Congxin and refused to let go. Kang Congxin couldn't ask for it, so he sat down with Kangkang in his arms, and then served him to eat and drink.

When Yan Liangshen came back, what he saw was this scene. His eldest grandson was lying lazily on the iron-blooded tough guy like an old man, with a bulging mouth, and his two legs hanging down on both sides of his thighs. Two chubby fingers pointing, want to eat this or that.

And Kang Congxin was holding chopsticks in one hand and a napkin in the other, rubbing his chin against Kangkang's little head, bowing his head to talk to him from time to time, feeding him food, and wiping his mouth.

Yan Liangshen was surprised at first, then smiled, but soon, his eyes became deep and sharp.

He came over and said politely, "Vice President Kang, I'm sorry to trouble you." He hugged Kang Kang as he spoke, "Go and toast Minister Song quickly, and have a drink with the big guy."

"...Okay", Kang Congxin smiled at Kang Kang with his arms empty, "Then uncle is leaving first, you have a good meal."

The smile on Kangkang's face disappeared, his big eyes sparkled, and he was a little unhappy, but he still nodded, "Uncle, you should also eat well."

In this situation and situation, Yan Liangshen unexpectedly gave birth to the illusion that he broke up the illusion of the two of them.

After leaving Kang Congxin's embrace, Kangkang felt a little lackluster, rubbing his eyes and yawning after a while, Yan Liangshen took Kangkang and left early.

Kang Kang left, and Kang Congxin couldn't stay any longer, so he found a reason to leave early.

Minister Song had no objection, and waved him generously to let him go to work, but everyone else in the room had different thoughts.

Some people think that he does not understand the rules of officialdom. He is the youngest and most junior in the group, so he should stay at the end and send everyone else away.

Some people think that he is young, holds a high position, has an unlimited future, and has the capital to be proud of.

But what Li Xiangmei saw was that Minister Song was extremely tolerant towards Kang Congxin, and there was always a kind of respect and pity in his eyes.

Her instincts are always right.

Women have always been a disadvantaged group in the political ecology. It is precisely because of her keen intuition and insight that she has gained her current status. But now, her future and position have come to an end, and she can't go any further, unless she goes to the provinces and cities, but she has children and grandchildren in Beijing, so she really can't bear it. After she was transferred to this working group, she suddenly had a goal. The general manager and deputy general manager of the group company were all confirmed, but the leaders in charge were still vacant.

Kang Congxin is the vice president in charge of administration. He is in charge of political work, logistics, personnel, security, etc. He has a lot of power in his hands and has great power to make decisions about the appointment of subordinates in charge of leaders. I also saw Kang Congxin with his own eyes. He thought about his position, and he had to start with Kang Congxin when it came to transferring his own job.

Kang Congxin left the hotel, drove his 70% new jeep, first stood in front of Yan Ruxu's house for a while, it was pitch black, then went to the vicinity of the daily newspaper office, the two-story building was also turned off, looking It turned out that no one was working overtime inside, so he turned back to Yan Ruxu's house, found a place to park near the corner gate, and waited quietly until nearly 12 o'clock, when Yan Ruxu got out of the car of the Daily News and opened the door to go home. .

The dim street lamp light shone on her face, she was still beautiful and charming, but she was a little tired, and her eyes were a little hard to open. When she took out the key to open the door, she still held the back of her hand and yawned delicately.

Kang Congxin was fascinated by the sight, and he only wished that she would open the door more slowly, and also hoped that she would move faster so that she could lie down on the bed and rest quickly.

Yan Ruxu went in, locked the door heavily, turned on the light, and turned off the light again, the small house was back in darkness, and Kang Congxin stared at it for a long time before driving away.

I don't know where Yanyan went just now, and she came back so late. Fortunately, there was a car to take her, otherwise, a beautiful girl alone would be too dangerous.

There are no pedestrians on the road, the street lights come and go, and the summer night brings a tidal evening wind blowing in along the open car window, which makes people feel restless, the grass inside is growing crazily, and it is about to burst through the chest.

Yan Ruxu waited in the hospital until after 7:00, when the deputy director of the president's office, Huang, came with a male subordinate and a little girl from the trade union. Yan Ruxu greeted them at the door and took them directly to Secretary Gao's ward.

Secretary Gao had just finished his fluid transfusion, and he was in better spirits, but he was a bit sluggish. Just now, Yan Ruxu went to the cafeteria to get some food for him, and he was eating without any appetite at the moment.

In front of Secretary Gao, Yan Ruxu told the story of Lin Shuangyue in detail. Deputy Director Huang nodded with a serious face and said, "I have contacted Lin Shuangyue's parents. I can rush over here, and when Lin Shuangyue is better, I will help her go through the formalities and let them take the child back. Before her parents come, you should be more tactful when talking to Lin Shuangyue, and don't reveal the reason for letting her go. Meaning." After finishing speaking, he added, "Oh! We dare not use such a child!"

Yan Ruxu also thinks that this is the best way to deal with it, which is good for the unit, for herself, and for Lin Shuangyue.

That day, Yan Ruxu saw with her own eyes that Lin Shuangyue slammed herself into the wall with all her strength, and she really wanted to die. Keeping such a suicidal person in the unit is undoubtedly a ticking time bomb , I don’t know when I blew up myself and hurt others; if Lin Shuangyue achieves her wish by committing suicide this time, it’s hard to guarantee that she won’t use the same method to threaten the leader after she has tasted the sweetness.

Return Lin Shuangyue's files to his original place of origin. With Lin Shuangyue's qualifications as a graduate of a prestigious school, he should be assigned a good job. As Deputy Director Huang said, it is better to have her parents by her side than to be alone in other places. No matter how well the unit takes care of her, it is impossible to be as meticulous as her parents, always paying attention to her emotions and her life.

Deputy Director Huang went to visit Lin Shuangyue again, and she also woke up, maybe because she knew she had done something wrong, she was lying on the hospital bed with her face buried, ignoring anyone and refusing to say a word.

Deputy Director Huang shook his head and sighed, "Let Comrade Xiao Lin take a good rest first, let's not disturb her." Fearing that Lin Shuangyue would commit suicide again, he specially asked the little girl from the trade union to watch her in the ward.

Yan Ruxu has settled Kangkang well, and she has no worries about the future. She is worried that the leaders are all there. She, the direct leader, can't leave first. She was ready to sleep with the little girl from the union and watch Lin Shuangyue, but she didn't expect At around 11 o'clock, Lin Shuangyue's parents rushed over.

When the family members came, Yan Ruxu and the others left in peace.

Yan Ruxu doesn't have to worry about the follow-up matters. Later, I heard from Secretary Gao that Deputy Director Huang went to the hospital the next day to find Lin Shuangyue's parents and had an in-depth talk with them. Lin Shuangyue quickly completed the procedures, went to the dormitory to pack her luggage, and left.

Han Mei has been depressed a lot. She has been quiet in the office for the past few days, not daring to speak, not daring to breathe. She always feels that her colleagues are not looking at her as kindly as before.

She didn't violate discipline, nor did she make a mistake, at most she couldn't figure it out. Whether she reported Lin Shuangyue's whereabouts in advance has almost no effect on the result. However, under Yan Ruxu's repeated questioning, she still chose to conceal and lie. Only then can I say, this nature is not easy to say.

Early in the morning, Yan Liangshen brought Kangkang back in person.

"I fell asleep before I walked out of the dining room yesterday. I slept until dawn, but when I woke up in the morning, I was not happy to see my mother. I even wiped my tears and didn't eat much breakfast." Yan Liang deeply touched Kangkang's baby. Head, half helpless and half distressed.

Yan Ruxu didn't sleep well all night, and her eyes were a little swollen. This was the first time Kangkang had grown so big and she wasn't with her at night. She woke up as usual at night and went to the small room to cover Kangkang with a quilt. The little bed just remembered that Kangkang was not at home, and his heart suddenly became empty.

Kangkang pouted, hugged his mother's leg and rubbed it attached, a little aggrieved, "Mom, I miss you so much, you didn't even come to pick me up."

"My mother's work colleague is the Aunt Xiaolin you have seen. She is sick and her family is out of town. My mother went to the hospital to take care of her. I didn't get home until 12 o'clock in the evening. I thought that Kangkang was already asleep, so I didn't go to pick you up. " Yan Ruxu supported Kangkang's face and rubbed it gently twice. After kneading, Kangkang's little mouth pouts like a chicken's mouth, and he "clucks" and laughs.

Yan Liangshen also laughed and breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm happy after coaxing you all morning."

"Dad, I'm going to cook some noodles, you want to eat some too?" Yan Ruxu asked.

Yan Liangshen came here after breakfast, but it was rare to be able to eat the meal cooked by his daughter, even if he had already eaten, he could eat it again.

Three people each get a bowl of boiled noodles, a poached egg, and two pickles made by Aunt Hua herself. Kangkang ate the noodles by himself, and suddenly said, "Mom, I saw Uncle Hero."

Kangkang once asked him what the heroic uncle looked like. Yan Ruxu pointed to the TV, and the heroic soldier said that it was like this. Yan Ruxu thought, he probably saw him in military uniform.

"Oh? Then what does he look like?" Yan Ruxu often guides children like this to exercise their language organization and description skills.

"It's so tall!" Kangkang waved his arms and made exaggerated gestures, with little stars shining in his eyes, "Mom, Uncle Hero hugged me with one hand."

Yan Ruxu split the poached egg for him to eat, feeling sore in his heart. Kangkang probably yearns for a man's embrace so much because he has never been cared for by his father's arms since he was a child. No matter how meticulously I take care of him, I can't replace the role of my father.

Yan Liangshen took a bite of the noodles, which were only filled with salt, sesame oil and green vegetables, so the taste was not as good as Sister Huang's, but Yan Liangshen cherished the noodles, taking small bites. I felt emotional in my heart, I never thought that I could still eat the food cooked by my daughter in my lifetime.

When he heard Kangkang excitedly talking about the heroic uncle, he thought of that tall and serious young man with a cold temperament. Although he and Kang Congxin are both in the reform team, and he still holds the title of deputy team leader, this title is a post specially given by the ministry to help the city better cooperate with the reorganization of the Machinery Group. , not too much, so he rarely intervenes in the work of the group.

He had almost no personal contact with Kang Congxin, and like the other team members, he knew nothing about his background and past experiences. Of course, in his position, there is no need to have any curiosity about such a young man.

Until, I saw him with Kangkang yesterday.

Yan Liangshen put down his chopsticks and looked at Yan Ruxu, "The person Kang Kang is talking about is Kang Congxin." Yan Liangshen stared at Yan Ruxu's expression, seeing that her expression was normal, he continued, "This Comrade Kang Congxin is only thirty. He is the youngest vice president of the newly established Machinery Group, a man of talent, young and promising."

Yan Ruxu listened and nodded politely. Hearing his father talking about the machinery group, he remembered the beaten Lu Tianming, "Dad, does your project team have a Japanese translator named Lu Tianming?"

How could Yan Liangshen care about an interpreter? After thinking for a while, the Japanese interpreter seemed to be surnamed Lu, so he nodded: "Do you know him?"

Yan Ruxu shook his head and said, "I just heard that he was beaten for molesting a woman some time ago."

"Oh?" Yan Liang frowned deeply, "Is there such a thing? We don't care too much about the Japanese people. It seems that we have to remind the other party to restrain the words and deeds of the subordinates."

"Mom, Uncle Hero has fed me." Kangkang used his small chopsticks to pick up the noodles with difficulty, and he missed Uncle Hero very much.

During the meal, Kangkang kept talking non-stop, talking about his heroic uncle all the time, which made Yan Ruxu jealous. Except for her, Kangkang has never talked about someone like this before, and misses him all the time.

"Do you like that uncle that much?" Yan Liangshen asked with a smile.

"I like it!" Kangkang said without hesitation.

"Well, then grandpa will take you to see her next time."

The more Yan Liangshen looked at it, the more he felt that Kang Kang's eyebrows and eyes were too similar to Kang Congxin's, not only in appearance, but also in name. What's even more rare was that when Kang Kang and him met for the first time, they relied on him for a massage and never forgot him. Is this the so-called Fate?

With a thought in his heart, he suddenly had an idea. Looking at Yan Ruxu who was wiping Kangkang's mouth, he thought, if it was Kang Congxin's character and appearance, his daughter would be tempted.

While Kangkang was packing his schoolbag, Yan Liangshen said, "Actually, what Kangkang needs most is Dad."

Yan Ruxu stopped what she was doing and nodded, she was very clear in her heart.

Yan Liangshen said in a timely manner: "If there is a suitable one, you should consider it and find someone who likes children and finds a good relationship with Kangkang. This will be good for both you and Kangkang. The days to come will be long. Marriage and having children can't be with you for the rest of your life, you have to live your own life."

Yan Ruxu: "Dad, I don't want to do that now, I just want to bring up Kangkang properly."

Seeing that his daughter was very resistant, Yan Liangshen didn't dare to persuade her anymore.

Yan Ruxu took Kangkang and left with Yan Liangshen at their door.

When Yan Liangshen came to the unit's office, Secretary Xiao Zhou had already made the tea for him. It was light green tea and the temperature was just right.

After Secretary Zhou reported today's schedule, he was about to go out, but was stopped by Yan Liangshen, "There are two things, please help me. I heard that the translator named Lu Tianming from Tokugawa Co., Ltd. is not very good. You go check him out."

Secretary Zhou nodded. He knew about Lu Tianming. The Japanese side had submitted his resume and materials. He agreed and waited for Yan Liangshen to order the second thing.

Yan Liangshen: "Help me make an appointment with Elder Sister Xu from the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions. Let's see what time is convenient for her today. Come to me. I have some personal matters to ask her for advice."

Secretary Zhou was taken aback. The leader wants to ask Sister Xu for some private matters?

Sister Xu, nicknamed "Mr. Xu", is a legend. She was a front-line female worker in a textile factory back then, and her hobby was being a matchmaker. Her matchmaking was not done blindly. She would grasp the situation of both parties in as much detail as possible, and would only introduce herself to the two sides after talking face-to-face. She seemed to be born to be a matchmaker. The matchmaker's information, a large amount of information about men and women is in her mind, she can match people according to personality conditions, and has her own set of views on the relationship between men and women.

She also has a clever mouth. Although she is not educated, she can say those easy-to-understand principles in a set way, and can often speak to people's hearts. It is said that in the original factory, married and unmarried people Girls, daughter-in-laws and aunts all love to chat with Sister Xu.

Most of the couples she matched were couples and beauties, and she also provided after-sales service. If there was a quarrel between husband and wife, she would also be in charge of mediating it. Everyone believed her.

Because she became famous as a matchmaker, the leader of the textile factory promoted her to join the trade union. Later, she worked better and better, and was promoted to the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, responsible for solving the marriage and love problems of young men and women.

Secretary Zhou felt that the leaders had acted too abnormally recently, and although he was puzzled, he still agreed.

Yan Liangshen said suddenly, "Secretary Zhou hasn't dated yet, has he?"

Secretary Zhou held the notebook, a little embarrassed: "Not yet."

Yan Liangshen: "Are you 28 this year?"

Secretary Zhou nodded, "Xu 28, 27 years old."

"One year older than my eldest daughter, you all have to hurry up, get married early and have a partner, help each other, and rely on each other. Don't patronize work, and participate in the social activities of the trade union more. Just right, Xu When the elder sister comes, tell her about your conditions for choosing a mate, and let her help you make a precise attack."

Secretary Zhou was a little embarrassed, and it was quite embarrassing to discuss his relationship with the leader, "Okay, leader, then I will inform Elder Sister Xu first."

Sister Xu came here with Secretary Zhou. She looks about forty years old, of medium height, slightly fat, with a round face that seems to be smiling all the time. There are a few deep crow's feet around the eyes. She is as kind as her own aunt. In fact, she is almost fifty. If she hadn't been transferred to a cadre, she would have to go through retirement procedures next year.

"Leader, you are looking for me." Sister Xu was not stage-frightened when she saw Yan Liangshen, but she was eager to try.

"Sister Xu is here, sit down and drink tea."

"You'd better call me Xiao Xu, you call me Big Sister Xu, it sounds awkward to me." Big Sister Xu sat down cheerfully, and took a sip of tea.

Yan Liangshen agreed, and said, "It is said that you are an expert in emotions. I invite you here today because I want to ask you some questions. It is my private matter."

"I don't dare to ask you for advice. If you have anything you want to know, I can tell you everything! Moreover, no third person will know what you told me, out of your mouth and into my ears." Sister Xu Quickly patted his chest and said.

Yan Liangshen nodded and said, "It's my eldest daughter." Yan Liangshen told her about Yan Ruxu's experiences in the past few years.

Sister Xu listened carefully, her expression remained the same, she kept nodding her head, interjecting a sentence from time to time so that the other party could continue talking.

After Yan Liangshen finished speaking, he said: "She is still so young, has her own career, and is young and beautiful. I don't want her to live like a widow in her prime. I hope someone will accompany her and take care of her. Children must grow up Yes, no matter how caring you are, it can't replace your lover."

Sister Xu kept nodding: "Oh, raising a child for ninety-nine years, often worrying about a thousand years, you are really a good father."

Yan Liangshen shook his head: "I'm not a good father. I couldn't take care of myself in those years, and I didn't care about her at all. My ex-wife also left early. This child has lived independently since he was very young, and he is used to relying on himself in everything. Later, when I came back, The situation has improved, and her character has also developed. I only found out about her marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth later, and the previous son-in-law hadn't even logged into my house..."

Sister Xu: "Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. You can't blame you for this. It's all caused by the times. She will understand your heart for children sooner or later."

Yan Liang looked into the distance deeply, sighed, and after a moment of melancholy, he said: "I want to ask you to help me find out where her knot is, and if possible, untie her."

He often tossed and turned and couldn't sleep because of his daughter's affairs, thinking about her affairs over and over again. At first, he thought it was because his daughter had an unforgettable love for Sui Yuanzhi, but he quickly dismissed this idea because his daughter didn't look like her. It looks like he has a deep affection for Sui Yuanzhi, and he thinks that his daughter has broken his heart with Sui Yuanzhi, and he has given up on all men because of choking, but sometimes he deliberately mentions Sui Yuanzhi in front of his daughter, there is nothing unusual about Yan Ruxu Emotions and expressions, as indifferent as a stranger.

He knew too little about his daughter's experiences over the years, and when he met a few times, he wanted to ask around, but Yan Ruxu stopped her as soon as the tentacles stretched out.

He was full of concern, but there was nothing he could do.

Sister Xu just nodded and listened to what Yan Liangshen continued.

"My daughter's name is Yan Ruxu, and she is the editor of Baihua Film Magazine."

Sister Xu was taken aback: "Editor Yan is your daughter!"

"You know her?"

Sister Xu was a little excited when she said it:

"Well, we met in April this year when our Federation of Trade Unions was helping the spring sports of the newspaper industry. He is so beautiful, tall, and looks better than a movie actor. Standing among a group of young girls, I saw it at first sight. Her. I chatted with her a few times, and she said that she had a child, and she didn't want to look for it again, so I didn't mention it again. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be your daughter!"

Yan Liangshen had a smile on his face, and said with some pride: "This child, no matter whether it is taking an exam or joining a job, she has come out step by step by herself. She has never used my help. She doesn't want to borrow my father's light." , I respect her, let the child go out on his own, it is her personal problem, and it cannot be reassuring."

When Sister Xu heard this, she already understood what Yan Liangshen meant, "Leader, I understand what you mean. I understand. Recently, Red Star Film Studio and Hundred Flowers Film Magazine are going to hold a small social gathering and report it to the Federation of Trade Unions. I just happened to go to do some guidance work for him, and I happened to have a good chat with Editor-in-Chief Yan last time, this time I will take the opportunity to talk more, if I can get something out of the chat, I can prescribe the right medicine."

"Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work." Yan Liangshen said.

A few days later, Secretary Zhou found out about Lu Tianming.

"...Lv Tianming is a publicity person, and he often brags to others, saying that as long as he stands there and speaks a few words of Japanese, when the Rolex lights up, there will be those pretty girls rushing towards him..."

"A while ago, this person made great efforts to get a bouquet of roses, saying that he would give it to an editor of the daily newspaper. That editor...may be Yan Ruxu."

Yan Liangshen nodded, not too surprised by this result, Yan Ruxu did not mention someone who had nothing to do with her for no reason

"However, Lu Tianming was not reconciled when the flowers were not sent out. He threatened to chase after him. Then, within two days, someone beat Lu Tianming when he was walking at night. He beat him very hard. I reported it to the police, but the police did not find any clues, so the matter was let go."

Secretary Zhou said, and then added: "According to Lu Tianming, the person who beat him was like a Lianjiazi. He played in a crushing way. He had no power to fight back. He never saw that person from the beginning to the end." I didn’t hear the man’s voice. Comrade Public Security told me in private that the way he attacked looked like a soldier.”

After the report, Secretary Zhou went on to say: "During my investigation, I also found out that a leader of our reform team complained to the Japanese side about Lu Tianming for harassing and following women, but I did not find any complaints against him. Who is it?"

Soldiers and leaders of the reform team, when the two pieces of information were superimposed, Yan Liangshen immediately thought of Kang Congxin, and two faces, one big and one small, appeared in his mind unconsciously, and the more he looked at them, the more he looked like them.

But he also thought of Yan Ruxu's indifferent look when he heard the name Kang Congxin.

Is there something Yan Ruxu doesn't know about?

Yan Liang thought deeply, he had to find a chance to test Kang Congxin.

The author has something to say:

This is Sunday's update, and the next chapter is Monday's update.

I have read everyone's comments, and I feel warm and encouraged, thank you all!