MTL - Single Mom in the Eighties-Chapter 2 threaten

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The person who came was Wang Juan, about 30 years old, a handyman in the logistics of Dazhong Daily, and she was Yan Ruxu's colleague. Just looking at her face, she is undoubtedly a beauty, but unfortunately she is too short, her shoulders are only slightly higher than the seat of the bike when she is standing, and riding on a 28th bicycle is very difficult, and she can only pedal half and half circles. It's like a junior high school student who just learned to ride a bicycle, a little funny.

Seeing Yan Ruxu stop, Wang Juan slammed on the brakes. Before the car stopped, she jumped to the ground anxiously, but was carried forward by the bicycle that hadn't stopped, and nearly fell down. But he didn't care, and when he stood still, he hurriedly pushed the bicycle back to Yan Ruxu's side, and said out of breath, "I've finally caught up with you."

The tone is very familiar, like how close friends He Yanru is.

In fact, Yan Ruxu is not familiar with Wang Juan.

Originally, Yan Ruxu didn't have much contact with her when she was working in the main building. She was only called "Editor Yan" when they met. After the office, the two seldom even met each other.

Wang Juan's unilateral and undue enthusiasm for Yan Ruxu began after Yan Ruxu and Sui Yuanzhi divorced.

Wang Juan's parents-in-law and husband are ordinary employees of the city's No. 1 Machinery Factory, while Sui Yuanzhi's father, Sui Mingli, is the deputy director of the No. 1 Machinery Factory, and his mother, Ma Jinguo, is the vice-chairman of the No. The big leader that Wang Juan's family can't reach.

After the less than one-year marriage between Yan Ruxu and Sui Yuanzhi ended, Wang Juan gradually acted as the mouthpiece of Ma Jingying. Even now that Yan Ruxu and Sui Yuanzhi have been divorced for several years, Ma Jinwoo still passes Wang Juan, and visits Yan Ruxu from time to time to feel her presence.

Undoubtedly, Ma Jinguo found the right person. Wang Juan has a thick skin, and she can greet her with a smile no matter if she is sarcasm or cold-eyed.

This kind of person, Yan Ruxu has only been in contact with this one in two lifetimes, she doesn't like it very much, but if you say she hates it, it's not so much.

In the final analysis, Wang Juan was just pushed out as a gunman, and the culprit was Ma Jinguo, who wanted to use Wang Juan to scare her.

Wang Juan herself didn't know, but she came here because she had a plan to make trouble. She was self-aware, and never talked about Sui family affairs with Yan Ruxu when other people were present, she was looking for opportunities. Just like just now, she kept staring downstairs in the office, and when she saw Yan Ruxu coming out, she quickly chased after her.

At this time, seeing Yan Ruxu stopped and waited for her, there was some gratitude in his eyes.

Yan Ruxu looked at his watch, frowned slightly and said, "It's been a big fuss in kindergarten, don't you plan to let it go?"

Knowing who she was referring to, Wang Juan laughed dryly, and said as usual: "Editor Yan, don't blame me. Chairman Ma is the leader of the factory. She asked me to take a message, and I dare not not take it."

Wang Juan looked at the expression on her face again, and said quickly, "Chairman Ma asked me to speak for a while, saying that I haven't seen Kangkang for a long time, she misses her very much, and asked you to take Kangkang over there this Sunday."

She rubbed the handlebars with both hands, as if she wanted to rub a layer of skin off the handlebars, then took a deep breath, and answered very quickly: "She said, if you don't let her see her grandson again, she will have to find The leaders of the newspaper had a chat."

Upon hearing this, a sneer appeared on Yan Ruxu's expressionless face: "Then let her come over and have a chat."

Also threatened!

She Yan Ru may not be afraid of this trick, if she really wants to tear her face completely, it is not known who will be ashamed.

Wang Juan said again and again: "Editor Yan, don't blame me. Chairman Ma asked me to pass on a message, and I dare not not pass it on. My husband and my mother-in-law are small workers in the machinery factory. If I offend her, those little shoes will be useless. It's over, my in-laws and men are not living a good life, and my status in the family is already low, let alone a good life!"

Yan Ruxu glanced at her.

Wang Juan became more and more guilty. What she said was the truth without any falsehood. She felt guilty because she understood the meaning of Yan Ruxu's look, as if she was questioning her: Are you afraid of offending Chairman Ma, are you afraid of offending me?

Of course she was afraid.

Wang Juan is just a logistics handyman with the status of a worker. She came from a rural family. She only had a junior high school education. She was lucky enough to take over the shift of a widowed relative. , which belongs to the kind that anyone can use.

And Yan Ruxu was one of the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination. He was an undergraduate student in the Chinese Department of Yanjing University. Before he graduated, he was scrambled by various units. She has a tenth-level salary, won the annual news award, and now the photo is still hanging on the honor wall of the newspaper. If she hadn't taken the initiative to apply to be transferred to the magazine, she still doesn't know how much she has achieved.

The status of the two in the newspaper office is very different. If Yan Ruxu targets her, Wang Juan will have a very difficult life in the newspaper office.

However, Yan Ruxu is an intellectual, magnanimous, educated, and qualified, so he would not deliberately target himself, a small person. But Chairman Ma is different, he is small-minded, and he must retaliate. In the machinery factory, he has the meaning of "those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish". .

Compared with the lesser of the two, Wang Juan naturally chose the more powerful side of Ma Zhiwo.

Yan Ruxu saw people like Wang Juan clearly, and to put it more elegantly, he would rather offend a gentleman than a villain. In layman's terms, it means bullying honest people, bullying people who are more reasonable and moral.

It's just human affection, Yan Ruxu wouldn't punish Wang Juan for this, but after all, she didn't let others push her nose. She was condescending, and looked at Wang Juan lightly, "Has anyone in your family been promoted?"

Wang Juan was startled, she didn't understand how she knew about this, but she couldn't help but tell the truth, so she replied cowardly: "My partner has become the workshop team leader."

Yan Ruxu smiled inexplicably, and said, "Treasure it, I will have to rely on my ability in the future."

With that said, he tightened his hat, kicked his long legs, and rode away on his bicycle.

Wang Juan pondered over Yan Ruxu's words, kept watching her back and went straight, then turned right, and disappeared from sight around the fence, then wiped the sweat from her forehead, stepped on the bicycle pedals and ran quickly to help, waiting for the bicycle After driving steadily, he stepped over the beam with his right leg, stared at the bicycle in a half-circle, and headed in another direction, while thinking messily in his heart:

Oh, just now, Editor-in-Chief Yan's aura was too strong, and those beautiful eyes swept over him, and the little thoughts hidden in his heart seemed to be seen through, it was really scary!

Editor-in-Chief Yan was not an approachable person, so he posted it himself. He was polite and qualified, so he didn't speak ill of this "dog leg". In the future, you have to do less about being a sounding board for Chairman Ma, and even if you do, you have to get more benefits!

In other words, Chairman Ma went too far this time, even threatening Editor-in-Chief Yan! You are the chairman of the labor union of a machinery factory, and it’s okay to be a boss in the machinery factory, but you want the daily newspaper to show your power?

However, no matter what, her mission this time has been completed anyway, as for whether Yan Ruxu will go or not, she is beyond her control.

Naturally, Yan Ruxu would not go, let alone the threat of Ma Jinying.

When they married Sui Yuanzhi back then, they had an agreement; when they divorced, they made it clear to Sui Yuanzhi that in the future, roads will return to roads and bridges will return to bridges, without any involvement and no contact with each other. But Ma Jingwo didn't know the inside story of their marriage, and refused to give up, she would come here from time to time to find some sense of existence.

Yan Ruxu didn't believe that she had any real feelings for Kangkang. When Kangkang was the grandson of Ma Jinying, he didn't see her so strangely. Because the child took her surname, he wouldn't even hug her. This mention of Kangkang is just an excuse.

As for the reason why Ma Jinwo would come over to disgust her from time to time, Yan Ruxu can probably analyze it. There are three reasons: how dare she divorce such an excellent son; She doesn't plan to start a family anymore; she is divorced from her excellent son, and she is still living so well.

How can this make Ma Zhiwo, who has been strong for a lifetime, reconciled?

Ma Jingwo doesn't want to make Yan Ruxu feel better, but she and Yan Ruxu are in the two systems, and she can't be flattened and rounded like Wang Juan, and Yan Ruxu is not an unknown little person. Her ability is not that great, she can't be punished like the workers of Machinery Factory No. 1, so she can only resort to some disgusting tricks.

The last time Ma Jinwo came to the kindergarten to make trouble, after Yan Ruxu went to find Sui Yuanzhi, Ma Jinwo didn't come to harass her again, thinking that she would stop there, who knew that she would learn to threaten this time.

Presumably Sui Yuanzhi failed the blind date again, and Ma Jingwoo took all the anger on herself.

Yan Ruxu sneered, and decided to have a chat with Sui Yuanzhi as soon as possible, to let them know that she is not the only one who threatens people!

Yan Ruxu made up her mind, and rode her bicycle along the wall of Dazhong Daily to the back, and arrived at her destination, the kindergarten affiliated to Dazhong Daily.

Yan Ruxu parked her bicycle at the door. She came here today neither early nor late, and during the time of parking, several colleagues from the newspaper office came over one after another to say hello to each other.

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