MTL - Simulation: Starting From Strange Creatures-Chapter 152 Beast Control and Beast Control

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  Chapter 152 Beast Control and Beast Control

   The analysis of the witch's power is not progressing fast. After three months of continuous experimental research, Zhao Meng finally has some clues here.

  At this time, Zhao Meng was standing by the Xixi Lake, communicating with the brain and nervous system of Yin Ji in the lake.

   "It seems that such a method can indeed be separated without any pain, but I don't know if there are any long-term sequelae. At this point, we need to conduct in-depth observation."

  Recalling the difficult experiments experienced in the past three months, and seeing the results obtained so far, Zhao Meng let out a sigh of relief.

   "Thanks to Xixi Lake and Princess Xiwei's help, otherwise it would not be an easy task to peel off the fragments."

  During the past three months, Xixi Lake has provided him with great help. As a person who does not have a deep understanding of the witch's power, if he is asked to find out the method of analyzing the witch's power out of thin air,

  Based on his current knowledge accumulation, it is difficult to achieve in just three months,

  But the witch is related to Yin Ji's brain consciousness, and the witch has Yin Ji's nerve consciousness fragments on her body,

  For Xixihu, this is his own thing, and it is also something he has always wanted to take back.

   Therefore, with the assistance of Xixi Lake, Zhao Meng was able to complete the witch analysis in just three months.

   "It's a pity that Xixi Lake's consciousness is relatively chaotic. If Xixi Lake's consciousness is clear, the progress may be faster."

   Zhao Meng muttered, and communicated with Xixi Lake about the current troubles he encountered. After getting some answers, he made another request:

   "Call another black beast!"


   Following Xixi Lake’s response, a monster jumped out of the lake,

  Compared to the vicious black beasts that attacked the Witch Academy before, the black beasts summoned by Xixi Lake seem to be more docile.

   "How to transform the black beast?" Looking at this monster, Zhao Meng pondered.

  With the help of Xixihu, he completed the analysis of the witch's power, and figured out the situation of the witch's own magic power and consciousness fragments.

   Also found a way to extract the fragments from Princess Xiwei, but once the fragments were extracted, the witch would be disconnected from the magic net.

   It is like a stagnant lake with its water source cut off. Although the magic power in the body will not disappear out of thin air, without external supplements, it will eventually dry up one day.

  The replacement method that Zhao Meng thought of was the black beast, which is also the substance born of the magic net, and it can also be linked to the magic net through the black beast.

   "There are already eyebrows on the issue of control and survival."

   "[Cloud Inheritance] plus "Power Overpower" plus [Love] can solve this problem."

   "The only trouble is the witch!"

  Zhao Meng could already imagine what would happen if he applied the extraction method to other witches.

   Extracting fragments is not something that can be done with just a few words and a treat,

  The witch was living a normal life, but suddenly a man came, grabbed her, and said with a kind smile:

   "Don't move, I'll take something out of your body, it's for your own good, and the black beasts won't chase you down in the future."

   "You asked where the black beast went?"

   "Look, this is not it. From now on, it will be your partner, and it will increase your perception of the magic net."

   Zhao Meng could imagine that it would be difficult to extract the fragments, or let the witch use the black beast as the linker of the magic net.

   "If there is enough time, this kind of thing can be pushed forward slowly, so that the witch can realize that the danger of the black beast can be eliminated by this method."


  The feedback Zhao Meng got from Xixi Lake shows that the magic net outside is tightening the unknown Yin Ji thing, and the arrival time may be faster than previously expected.

   To be honest, Zhao Meng is not worried about the appearance of the remnants of Yin Ji. What he is really worried about is the meaning of the remnants of Yin Ji.

  If it is Yin Ji who comes to this world, it is very likely, which means that the coordinates of this world are at risk of being exposed.

  In the last world, the suffering masters, the Three Outer Demons, and the existences who are interested in him will form a vast sightseeing group to come to this world, and this is the real troublesome thing for him.

   "I don't want to run away again."

   "This world has a magic net formed by Yin Ji's shattering. This is an opportunity, a chance to quickly improve her cultivation, and even monitor this world."

   Zhao Meng looked up at the lavender blue sky, made up his mind, and then walked into Xixi Lake with the black beast.


  Not far away, Princess Xiwei looked at Zhao Meng who entered the lake, her expression changed slightly.

  She didn't know what Zhao Meng was going to do, but when she thought of the inexplicable fear that Xixi Lake had brought her, a worried look appeared on her face.

   "I will support you no matter what you do."

  After three months of getting along, she knew why Zhao Meng did so many experiments on her,

  I also know that the witch seems to have mastered the power beyond ordinary professionals, but she is full of tragedy.

   Zhao Meng is willing to use his own strength to save the witches and free them from the threat of black beasts. In her opinion, Zhao Meng's greatness surpasses her father.

  Princess Xiwei stood in front of the door looking at the mirror-like Xixi Lake, waiting for Zhao Meng to come out.


   It was not until the sun was setting in the west and the purple clouds were gradually rising that Zhao Meng came out of Xixi Lake.

   Then Zhao Meng walked to the front of the room. Princess Xiwei, who was practicing swordsmanship, was shocked. She dropped the long sword in her hand and hurried forward to support Zhao Meng.

"Are you OK!"

   "I'm fine!" Feeling the softness from his arm, Zhao Meng shook his head lightly.

   "There is no need for experiments today."


  Hearing that Zhao Meng was about to reject today's experiment, Princess Xiwei's face flashed a trace of disappointment.

   But this loss was quickly hidden by her,

  Because she felt that Zhao Meng's condition was not good at this time, Xi Wei was a little worried and asked again:

   "Are you really okay?"

   "It's okay, I'll take a rest."

   Zhao Meng's words didn't make Princess Xiwei let go of her hand, she was confirming something with a serious face, and she was relieved when she confirmed that Zhao Meng was really not injured, but just a little bit out of strength.

   "I'll help you go in and rest."


  Day 2, evening

  Princess Xiwei looked at Zhao Meng who looked a little pale, and became more worried.

   "What the **** are you doing in that lake?"

   "Why is this happening to your body?"

   "It's okay, I'll go back and have a rest."


   On the third day, seeing Zhao Meng with dark circles under his eyes, Xi Wei's heart trembled inexplicably.

   "If you go on like this, you will hurt the foundation..."

  Princess Xiwei didn't know what Zhao Meng was doing in the lake, but she still couldn't help persuading Zhao Meng.

   "Ahem! It's okay!"

   "Just go back and have a rest."


   On the sixth day, seeing Zhao Meng who was walking unsteadily, Xi Wei didn't say anything to persuade him. She helped Zhao Meng into the room.

   After a while, Xi Wei closed the door gently, for fear of disturbing Zhao Meng who was resting inside,

   After leaving Zhao Meng's wooden house, Xi Wei headed towards the mirror-like Xixi Lake.

   But within two steps, she was blocked by an invisible force. This force did not come from a certain force in reality, but a spiritual force called fear from the bottom of her heart.

  In the past, she would still be blocked by this force, but now, there is another force covering her fear.

  She didn't know what Zhao Meng was doing in Xixi Lake during this time, but she had a premonition that what Zhao Meng did in Xixi Lake was something she longed for but could not get.

   At this moment, she actually developed a feeling called jealousy towards a lake.


   the seventh day,

  In the purple wooden house, beside Zhao Meng's bed, there was a cloth bag beating, and there were some voices of arguing inside from time to time

   "Damn it! Pu, are we going to let it go like this? If we let this part of Yin Ji's remnant get the first chance, we will be in danger."

   "Ai! Don't worry."

   "The brain is supposed to govern the body. It may be a good thing for us that she recovered."

   "Pu! Aren't you worried about being swallowed?"

   "Our appearance was a mistake, besides..."

"Shut up!"

   "I'm going in with Zhao Meng this time."

   "Ai, this is dangerous."

   "I don't care, this is one of the few opportunities."

  At this moment, Zhao Meng, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed and recovering his source of yang, felt the fluctuations around him, slowly opened his blackened eyes, and then exhaled a foul breath.

   When Pu and Ai in the bag saw Zhao Meng waking up, they immediately fell silent.

   "Today is the seventh day, and the improvement work of the black beast is almost done."

   "Hmm! Speaking of which, Xi Wei didn't come to call me today."

   Seeing that Xi Wei was not in the room, Zhao Meng got up and wanted to go out to check the situation.

   And at this moment, Ai's voice came from behind him:

   "Can Zhao Meng bring me along this time?"

  Looking at the cloth bag that jumped over, Zhao Meng pressed it down:

   "Don't add to the chaos." Ai, who was pressed on the bed, wanted to do something else, but was stopped by Pu in the bag.

   "Ai, don't force it, it will make him unhappy."

   "Damn it!" Feeling that Zhao Meng had left the house, Ai was very dissatisfied.



   "What is she doing there?"

   Zhao Meng, who had just left the house, saw Xi Wei standing not far from Xixi Lake.

   Xi Wei stepped out of the long skirt with one leg, wanting to take a step, but this step was fixed in the air and could not be taken.

   Seeing this situation, Zhao Meng was startled and hurried up.

   At this moment, Xi Wei's feet landed on the ground, and the boots made a crisp sound when they touched the ground.

  As Xi Wei took this step, Xixi Lake, which was originally like a mirror, suddenly experienced huge fluctuations, and the lake surface began to churn.

   Immediately afterwards, a white figure rushed out of the lake and headed straight for Xi Wei. Seeing this scene, Zhao Meng's expression changed slightly, and he said loudly:


  However, the white figure didn't stop, and went straight to Xi Wei.

   "The power oppression technique has failed, and the magic net should have lost the control of the black beast."

  A strange thought flashed through Zhao Meng's mind, and he didn't bother with this kind of problem. Instead, he hurriedly used Yuan Magnetic Technique and rushed towards Princess Xiwei.

   "Wow! What a cute kitty!" As soon as he came behind Xi Wei, he heard an exclamation.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw what Princess Xi Wei was holding in her arms. It was a creature with white hair.

   This creature looks like a cat, but if you look closely, you will find that the tail of this creature is much longer and thicker than that of a cat.

  There is extremely fluffy hair on the thick tail, which makes people want to touch it unconsciously.

   "Zhao Meng, are you fighting monsters in the lake these days?"

  Xi Wei looked back at Zhao Meng, seeing Zhao Meng looking at her with a worried face, the original different mood caused by Zhao Meng's soaking in the lake this week disappeared.

  Perhaps it was because of the consciousness of the Xixi Lake that he had confronted just now, which made Xi Wei's consciousness a little trance,

  She didn't realize that Zhao Meng's worries were not for her, but for the white cat in her arms.

   "This is a black beast!"

   "Black Beast!" Xi Wei, who was still stroking the cat in his arms, changed his expression when he heard this, and threw the cat out in a hurry.

   "Didn't you feel its breath?"

  Hearing Zhao Meng's question, Xi Wei stared at the white cat, shook his head slightly and said:


   "There is an inexplicable force in this lake that affects me. Perhaps the influence of the lake has made my perception drop a lot."

   "It's just right, we will do an experiment in this area today."

"follow me!"

  Zhao Meng led Xi Wei towards the wooden house, and the cat followed behind them.

  Xi Wei looked back at the white cat from time to time, with an incredible expression on his face:

   "This turned out to be a black beast, how could a black beast look like this?"

   Zhao Meng obviously didn't want to answer this question, but instead asked Xi Wei:

   "What are you doing near Xixi Lake?"

  Hearing Zhao Meng's words, Princess Xiwei lowered her head and responded softly:

   "Sorry, I'm out of control, I just want to see what you're doing in the lake during this time, I'm worried about you."

   Seeing Xi Wei like this, Zhao Meng sighed inwardly, but didn't say much.

  After these three months of being together, he can naturally feel what Xi Wei thinks of him.

  To be honest, Xi Wei can be said to be one of the few normal human women that he has come into contact with except for Tina, from the female ghost with the human head, to the Yin Ji's big butt, to Pu and Ai and the miniature clone of the foreign demon.

  As a princess, Xi Wei's appearance is naturally good, but Zhao Meng's feelings in his heart are very complicated when facing Xi Wei. After all, Xi Wei's consciousness is affected by Xixi Lake.

  Feelings for him are not her own subjective self-awareness.

   Once Xi Wei leaves Jiatian Mountain and returns to the normal human world, Xi Wei will wake up one day without being affected by Xixi Lake.

  By then, I'm afraid they will turn against each other. Therefore, Zhao Meng has always kept a certain distance from Xi Wei's feelings.

   "Calculating the time, Hei Xie has almost completed the transformation, and maybe he will be able to leave Jiatian Mountain in a few days."

   "Then will be the day of parting."

   "I didn't expect that the improvement work of Hei Xie would go so smoothly."

  Zhao Meng also looked back at the big white cat, recalling the process of transformation in the past few days, he couldn't help shivering.

   "The function of the entry is really powerful."

   "The third week of the cat with folded ears is also really difficult and scary."

   "However, it can be regarded as extracting the entry [Love to **** cute things]."

  Recalling the simulation process of the folding-eared cat, Zhao Meng can still feel some sequelae at this time.


  Out of the scope of influence of Xixi Lake,

  Zhao Meng let Xi Wei feel whether the black beast would arouse her fear. Seeing that Xi Wei was no longer afraid, Zhao Meng took out something from his pocket and handed it to her.

   "What is this?" Xi Wei looked at a white egg that Zhao Meng handed over with some doubts.

  (end of this chapter)